90 research outputs found

    Sistem Portable Dashboard Berbasis Android untuk Mobil Listrik

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    In the development of an electric car, many things should be considered for making it an environmentally friendly vehicle and therefore it is suitable for public use, one of them is the dashboard system. A dashboard is an interface device that connects the driver with the electrical and mechanical systems of the vehicle. In this study a dashboard system was developed to display information about electrical aspects of electric cars. The dashboard system is packaged in an Android-based smartphone that is placed on the steering wheel of the car using Bluetooth transmission. The system that is made is portable and universal on all Android smartphones so that with this system the driver can monitor the electrical condition easily and conveniently. The parameters displayed are battery voltage and capacity, current consumption, BLDC motor rotational speed, motor temperature, battery temperature, car speed and energy consumption. This system creates a reading value for each parameter that corresponds to the ratio of the standardized measuring instrument with an average error of 0.38% for the voltage sensor, 1.06% for the current sensor, 1.21% and 2.98% for the temperature sensor, 0.07% for the speed sensor and the use of the coulomb counting method for reading the state of charge (SoC) value produces an average error of 1.57%. By comparing the value of energy consumption reading with a standard wattmeter, we obtained an average difference of 1.69%

    Robot Keseimbangan Beroda Dua dengan Sistem Kontrol Keseimbangan dan Posisi Menggunakan Metode PID Bertingkat

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    The two-wheeled balancing robot is a robot that will maintain its balance to stay upright by using two wheels. This robot cannot be stable when the condition is upright and requires a control mechanism when moving. There are at least two control mechanisms in this robot, first is balance control, and the second is position control. The cascade PID method is proposed as a control mechanism, which consists of balance control as primary control and position control (distance and direction) as a secondary control. This method has been applied to robots. Based on the first, second, and third experiment, the best configuration of cascade PID control is PID for the balance control block, PD for distance control, and PD for direction control. By using cascade PID control, the two-wheeled balancing robot has been able to balance itself with oscillations ranging from ± 15.00 degrees when moving and it can move towards the ordered position with the error position from the target. Fourth experiment position error is (0.17, -0.26) and (0.45, -0.43) for the fifth experiment

    Pengukuran Daya Saing dan Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Belimbing Tasikmadu di Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur

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    Banyaknya tingkat persaingan belimbing dengan buah lainnya membuat penelitian ini mengarah ke daya saing dan persepsi konsumen terhadap belimbing tasikmadu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui daya saing dan persepsi konsumen terhadap belimbing tasikmadu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode PAM (Policy Analysis Matrix) dan Cochran Q Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai PP Rp. 272.867.189; SP Rp. 1.527.907.516; PCR 0,4 dan DRCR 0,1 sehingga berdaya saing sangat tinggi. Nilai cochran Q 1,634 yang nilainya lebih besar dari X2 22,362. Artinya responden mempunyai proporsi jawaban “ya” yang sama terhadap 14 atribut yang ditawarkan. Hal yang perlu dilakukan yaitu ekstensifikasi belimbing tasikmadu di wilayah lain serta menciptakan pasar baru. Memaksimalkan penggunaan kemasan berbahan kardus daripada kemasan plastik

    Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Gene Therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Treated within 6 Months of Disease Onset

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of a single intravitreal injection of rAAV2/2-ND4 in subjects with visual loss from Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Design: RESCUE is a multicenter, randomized, double-masked, sham-controlled, phase 3 clinical trial. Participants: Subjects with the m.11778G>A mitochondrial DNA mutation and vision loss ≤6 months from onset in 1 or both eyes were included. Methods: Each subject's right eye was randomly assigned (1:1) to treatment with rAAV2/2-ND4 (single injection of 9 × 1010 viral genomes in 90 μl) or to sham injection. The left eye received the treatment not allocated to the right eye. Main Outcome Measures: The primary end point was the difference of the change from baseline in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) between rAAV2/2-ND4–treated and sham-treated eyes at week 48. Other outcome measures included contrast sensitivity, Humphrey visual field perimetry, retinal anatomic measures, and quality of life. Follow-up extended to week 96. Results: Efficacy analysis included 38 subjects. Mean age was 36.8 years, and 82% were male. Mean duration of vision loss at time of treatment was 3.6 months and 3.9 months in the rAAV2/2-ND4–treated eyes and sham-treated eyes, respectively. Mean baseline logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) BCVA (standard deviation) was 1.31 (0.52) in rAAV2/2-ND4–treated eyes and 1.26 (0.62) in sham-treated eyes, with a range from −0.20 to 2.51. At week 48, the difference of the change in BCVA from baseline between rAAV2/2-ND4–treated and sham-treated eyes was −0.01 logMAR (P = 0.89); the primary end point of a −0.3 logMAR (15-letter) difference was not met. The mean BCVA for both groups deteriorated over the initial weeks, reaching the worst levels at week 24, followed by a plateau phase until week 48, and then an improvement of +10 and +9 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters equivalent from the plateau level in the rAAV2/2-ND4–treated and sham-treated eyes, respectively. Conclusions: At 96 weeks after unilateral injection of rAAV2/2-ND4, LHON subjects carrying the m.11778G>A mutation treated within 6 months after vision loss achieved comparable visual outcomes in the injected and uninjected eyes

    ZrCl 4

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    Keefektifan Upaya Meningkatkan Literasi Digital pada Pesantren Rakyat di Al-Amin Sumber Pucung Malang

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    Literasi berorientasi pada konsep yang bertujuan memiliki kapasitas untuk terampil dalam hal membaca dan menulis teks serta kapasitas untuk memahaminya. Konsep literasi mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan dan literasi memiliki berbagai jenis, dalam penelitian ini mendalami berkaitan dengan literasi digital. Penelitian ini memfokuskan untuk mengetahui efektifitas upaya pemanfaatan Literasi Digital di Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin Malang Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam serta observasi kepada kiyai, santri, dan guru/ustadz. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Pimpinan pesantren rakyat mempunyai kebijakan serta komitmen yang kuat dalam mengoptimalisasikan Literasi Digital di Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Termasuk infrastruktur digital juga bertumpu pada langganan internet yang didistribusikan melalui wifi secara gratis untuk santri dan lingkungan setempat; (2) Melalui optimalisasi literasi digital, pembelajaran dalam bidang kajian agama menjadi menarik dan dinamis terkhusus bagi santri-santri milineal yang sudah akrab dengan berbagai produk handphone