3 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Analysis of Mobile Security Tools

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    The growing market of the mobile application is overtaking the web application. Mobile application development environment is open source, which attracts new inexperienced developers to gain hands on experience with applicationn development. However, the security of data and vulnerable coding practice is an issue. Among all mobile Operating systems such as, iOS (by Apple), Android (by Google) and Blackberry (RIM), Android dominates the market. The majority of malicious mobile attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in mobile applications, such as sensitive data leakage via the inadvertent or side channel, unsecured sensitive data storage, data transition and many others. Most of these vulnerabilities can be detected during mobile application analysis phase. In this paper, we explore vulnerability detection for static and dynamic analysis tools. We also suggest limitations of the tools and future directions such as the development of new plugins

    Automatic Security Bug Detection with FindSecurityBugs Plugin

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    The security threats to mobile application are growing explosively. Mobile app flaws and security defects could open doors for hackers to easily attack mobile apps. Secure software development must be addressed earlier in the development lifecycle rather than fixing the security holes after attacking. Early eliminating against possible security vulnerability will help us increase the security of software and mitigate the consequence of damages of data loss caused by potential malicious attacking. In this paper, we present a static security analysis approach with open source FindSecurityBugs plugin for Android StThe security threats to mobile application are growing explosively. Mobile app flaws and security defects could open doors for hackers to easily attack mobile apps. Secure software development must be addressed earlier in the development lifecycle rather than fixing the security holes after attacking. Early eliminating against possible security vulnThe security threats to mobile application are growing explosively. Mobile app flaws and security defects could open doors for hackers to easily attack mobile apps. Secure software development must be addressed earlier in the development lifecycle rather than fixing the security holes after attacking. Early eliminating against possible security vulnerability will help us increase the security of software and mitigate the consequence of damages of data loss caused by povvtential malicious attacking. In this paper, we present a static security analysis approach with open source FindSecurityBugs plugin for Android Studio IDE. We demonstrate that integration of the plugin enables developers secure mobile application and mitigating security risks during implementation time. erability will help us increase the security of software and mitigate the consequence of damages of data loss caused by potential malicious attacking. In this paper, we present a static security analysis approach with open source FindSecurityBugs plugin for Android Studio IDE. We demonstrate that integration of the plugin enables developers secure mobile application and mitigating security risks during implementation time. udio IDE. We demonstrate that integration of the plugin enables developers secure mobile application and mitigating security risks during implementation time. ity defects could open doors for hackers to easily attack mobile apps. Secure software development must be addressed earlier in the development lifecycle rather than fixing the security holes after attacking. Early eliminating against possible security vulnerability will help us increase the security of software and mitigate the consequence of damages of data loss caused by potential malicious attacking. In this paper, we present a static security analysis approach with open source FindSecurityBugs plugin for Android Studio IDE. We demonstrate that integration of the plugin enables developers secure mobile application and mitigating security risks during implementation time

    Mobile Application Security Using Static and Dynamic Analysis

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    The mobile applications have overtaken web applications in the rapid growing of the mobile app market. As mobile application development environment is open source, it attracts new inexperienced developers to gain hands-on experience with application development. However, the data security and vulnerable coding practice are two major issues. Among all mobile operating systems including iOS (by Apple), Android (by Google) and Blackberry (RIM), Android remains the dominant OS on a global scale. The majority of malicious mobile attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in mobile applications, such as sensitive data leakage via the inadvertent or side channel, unsecured sensitive data storage, data transition and many others. Most of these vulnerabilities can be detected during mobile application analysis phase. In this chapter, we explored some existing vulnerability detection tools available for static and dynamic analysis and hands-on exploration of using them to detect vulnerabilities. We suggest that there is a need of new tools within the development environment for security analysis in the process of application development