66 research outputs found

    Network Infrastructure Configuration

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    The nine papers in this special issue focus on network infrastructure configuration and some of the problems encountered in the areas of specification, diagnosis, repair, synthesis, and anonymization

    Towards transnational feminist queer methodologies

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    This article introduces the possibilities of transnational feminist queer research as seeking to conceptualise the transnational as a methodology composed of a series of flows that can augment feminist and queer research. Transnational feminist queer methodologies can contest long-standing configurations of power between researcher and researched, subject and object, academics and activists across places, typically those which are embedded in the hierarchies of the Global North/Global South. Beginning with charting our roots in, and routes through, the diverse arenas of transnational, feminist, participatory and queer methodologies, the article uses a transcribed and edited conversation between members of the Liveable Lives research team in Kolkata and Brighton, to start an exploration of transnational feminist queer methodologies. Understanding the difficult, yet constructive moments of collaborative work and dialogue, we argue for engagements with the multiplicities of ‘many-many' lives that recognise local specificities, and the complexities of lives within transnational research, avoiding creating a currency of comparison between places. We seek to work toward methodologies that take seriously the politics of place, namely by creating research that answers the same question in different places, using methods that are created in context and may not be ‘comparable'. Using a dialogue across the boundaries of activism/academia, as well as across geographical locations, the article contends that there are potentials, as well as challenges, in thinking ourselves through transnational research praxis. This seeks complexities and spatial nuances within as well as between places

    Otras inapropiables : Feminismos desde las fronteras

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    184 p. ; 20 cmLibro ElectrónicoOTRAS INAPROPIADAS/INAPROPIABLES, desubicadas de las cartografías occidentales y modernas de la política, de la identidad, del lenguaje, del deseo; desbordando las categorías claras y distintas, las promesas de pureza y separación; proponiendo nuevas geometrías posibles para considerar relaciones atravesadas y constituidas por diferentes diferencias. Otras inapropiadas/inapropiables que nos urgen a hacer feminismos desde y atravesados por las fronteras. Feminismos que tal como nos proponen los textos de esta colección no renuncian a la complejidad, sino que asumiéndola se reconocen parciales y múltiples, contradictorios y críticos. Feminismos situados, mestizos e intrusos, con lealtades divididas y desapegados de pertenencias exclusivas. Que partiendo de la tensión y el conflicto de las peligrosas y blasfemas encrucijadas que movilizan su identidad, están comprometidos con conocimientos y prácticas políticas más reflexivas y críticas.Prólogo. Diferentes diferencias y ciudadanías excluyentes: una revisión feminista. Eskalera Karakola 9 1. Mujeres negras. Dar forma a la teoría feminista. bell hooks 33 2. Transformar el feminismo socialista. El reto del racismo. Kum-Kum Bhavnani y Margaret Coulson 51 3. Intelectual orgánica certificada. Aurora Levins Morales 63 4. Los movimientos de rebeldía y las culturas que traicionan. Gloria Anzaldúa 71 5. Nuevas ciencias. Feminismo cyborg y metodología de los oprimidos. Chela Sandoval 81 6. Diferencia, diversidad y diferenciación. Avtar Brah 107 7. Genealogías, legados, movimientos. M. Jacqui Alexander y Chandra Talpade Mohanty 13