34 research outputs found

    Legislazione e programmi di controllo nella tubercolosi bovina

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    Nel contributo \ue8 individuata ed esaminata la legislazione nazionale e dell'UE sulla tubercolosi bovina. In aprticolare sono trattati gli aspetti legati a:le metodiche di diagnosi ufficiale di tbc, la definizione di animale infetto e sospetto d'infezione, i provvedimenti per gli animali sospetti ed infetti conseguenti alla denuncia di focolaio, le modalit\ue0 e tempi per il ripopolamento dell'allevamento, la definizione di allevamento ufficialmente indenne da tbc, la sospensione e la revoca della qualifica di allevamento ufficialmente indenne da tbc, le disposizioni particolari, i laboratori ufficiali di riferimento, la sistuazione epidemiologica ed i territiori italiani indenni, l'indenniot\ue0 di abbattimento, le norme sulla movimentazione di animali tra paesi UE e per l'importazione da paesi terzi, gli aspetti di sicurezza alimentare

    Normativa in materia di turismo con animali al seguito in Italia: analisi degli sviluppi e scenari futuri". Atti Societ\ue0 italiana delle Scienze veterinarie. LXVI, 216-220

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    Art. 30 of Legislative Decree 79 of 23 May 2011 (cd Tourism Code) turns out to be a good basis for analyzing the legal framework for tourism with the animals. At the time the matter is mainly entrusted to a source of local and regional rules: from the Regional Law 59/2009 of the Tuscany Region, to the municipal regulations of the individual Local Authorities of the Region Emilia Romagna. We conclude that for most of these rules a clear and not contradictory meaning is not always evindent

    Approfondimenti diagnostici in 33 cani boxer adulti apparentemente privi di alterazioni cardiache

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    A thorough cardiac investigation was carried out in 33 adult boxer dogs without overt cardiovascular disorders. After physical examination, routine 10-lead and 24 h-ambulatory electrocardiographic examination, survey thoracic radiography with calculation of the vertebral heart score (VHS), and echocardiographic (2-dimensional real time, M-mode and Doppler) examination were performed. Only 14/33 boxers (42,4%) were considered free of any cardiovascular disease. Different cardiovascular disorders, including atrial septal defect, quadricuspid aorta, mild subaortic or pulmonic stenosis, persistent left cranial vena cava, mild mitral and/or tricuspid regurgitation and heart base tumour were diagnosed in the remaining 19 dogs. The VHS (mean ± SD) in the 14 boxers free of cardiovascular disorders was 11,0 ± 0,4

    Phototoxicity induced in living HeLa cells by focused femtosecond laser pulses: a data-driven approach

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    Nonlinear optical microscopy is a powerful label-free imaging technology, providing biochemical and structural information in living cells and tissues. A possible drawback is photodamage induced by high-power ultrashort laser pulses. Here we present an experimental study on thousands of HeLa cells, to characterize the damage induced by focused femtosecond near-infrared laser pulses as a function of laser power, scanning speed and exposure time, in both wide-field and point-scanning illumination configurations. Our data-driven approach offers an interpretation of the underlying damage mechanisms and provides a predictive model that estimates its probability and extension and a safety limit for the working conditions in nonlinear optical microscopy. In particular, we demonstrate that cells can withstand high temperatures for a short amount of time, while they die if exposed for longer times to mild temperatures. It is thus better to illuminate the samples with high irradiances: thanks to the nonlinear imaging mechanism, much stronger signals will be generated, enabling fast imaging and thus avoiding sample photodamage