19 research outputs found

    Molecular genetics of Meckel syndrome : Ciliary genes are defective in MKS

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    Meckel syndrome (MKS, MIM 249000) is a severe developmental disorder that leads to death already in utero or shortly after birth. MKS diagnosis can be established by a careful ultrasound examination already at 11-14 weeks of gestation. The main features of MKS are occipital meningoencephalocele, cystic kidney dysplasia and fibrotic changes of the liver. In addition, polydactyly is frequently reported in the cases. The aim of the study was to characterize the molecular and functional defects in MKS. In this study we were able to identify two major MKS mutations in Finnish population, which cover over 90% of the cases. The first mutation is a 29 bp intronic deletion in the MKS1 gene (c.1483-7_35del) that is found in 70% of the families and the second is a C>T substitution in the coding region of CC2D2A (c.1762C>T), that is found in 20% of the MKS families. Both of these mutations result in abnormal splicing. The discovery of the disease genes has revealed that MKS is caused by primary cilia dysfunction. MKS1 gene has a conserved B9 domain, and it is found in the predicted ciliary proteome. CC2D2A protein is also found in the predicted ciliary proteome and it has a Ca2+ binding domain. The number of genes behind MKS has increased rapidly in the past years and to date, mutations have been identified in five genes (MKS1, TMEM67/MKS3, CEP290/MKS4, RPGRIP1L/MKS5 and CC2D2A/MKS6). Identification of the disease genes mutations has also revealed that MKS is an allelic disorder with other syndromes with overlapping phenotypes. Disorders that are caused by primary cilia dysfunction are collectively known as ciliopathies. Sequence analysis of all the known MKS genes in Finnish and non-Finnish families available to us, where the mutation was still unknown, revealed mutations in 14 out of the 30 families included in the study. When we collected all the reported mutations in MKS genes in different syndromes we could see that there was clearly a genotype-syndrome correlation between the mutations and the syndromes, since the same pair of mutations has never been reported in different syndromes. The basic molecular events behind MKS will not only give us information of this syndrome, but also significant novel information on early fetal development in general.Meckelin oireyhtymÀ (MKS) on peittyvÀsti periytyvÀ monioireinen sairaus, joka johtaa kuolemaan jo sikiökaudella tai pian syntymÀn jÀlkeen. Taudin keskeisimmÀt löydökset ovat suuret rakkulaiset munuaiset, fibroottiset muutokset maksassa ja keskushermoston sulkeutumishÀiriö. NÀitÀ löydöksiÀ pidetÀÀnkin diagnoosin vÀhimmÀisvaatimuksina. LisÀksi ylimÀÀrÀiset sormet ja varpaat ovat tyypillinen löydös MKS-tapauksissa. MKS voidaan todeta luotettavasti ultraÀÀnikuvauksessa jo 11. - 14. raskausviikolla. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa löydettiin kaksi Meckelin oireyhtymÀÀ aiheuttavaa geenivirhettÀ suomalaisvÀestössÀ. EnsimmÀinen suomalainen valtamutaatio on MKS1-geenissÀ ja se selittÀÀ taudin 70 %:ssa suomalaisperheistÀ. Toinen valtamutaatio suomalaisvÀestössÀ löydettiin CC2D2A-geenistÀ (MKS6). TÀmÀ mutaatio selittÀÀ taudin esiintymisen 20 %:lla MKS-perheistÀ. NÀmÀ kaksi tunnistettua valtamutaatiota aiheuttavat Meckelin oireyhtymÀn yli 90 %:ssa suomalaisista MKS-tapauksista, mikÀ mahdollistaa taudille luotettavan DNA-pohjaisen diagnostiikan, jota voidaan kÀyttÀÀ yhdessÀ ultraÀÀnikuvauksen kanssa. Meckelin oireyhtymÀÀ aiheuttavien geenivirheiden löytyminen on tuonut tietoa myös aineenvaihduntareiteistÀ, jotka ovat hÀiriintyneet taudissa, sillÀ MKS1-geenin koodaamassa proteiinissa on B9-domeeni, joka yhdistÀÀ sen toiminnan solun vÀrekarvojen eli cilioiden toimintaan. CC2D2A-geenin koodaamassa proteiinissa on kalsiumia (Ca2+) sitova domeeni ja myös tÀmÀn proteiinintoiminta liittyy cilioihin. TÀllÀ hetkellÀ MKS:ÀÀ aiheuttavia geenivirheitÀ on maailmanlaajuisesti löydetty viidestÀ eri geenistÀ. Tunnettujen MKS-geenien tutkiminen sellaisissa suomalaisissa ja ulkomaalaisissa MKS-tapauksissa, joissa ei ollut MKS1- tai MKS6-geenien valtamutaatioita paljasti useita uusia mutaatioita neljÀstÀ tunnetusta MKS-geenistÀ. Tautigeenien tunnistaminen on paljastunut, ettÀ MKS-geenien virheet aiheuttavat myös muita oireyhtymiÀ, joissa on samankaltaisia löydöksiÀ kuin Meckelin oireyhtymÀssÀ. Tauteja, jotka aiheutuvat primaaricilioiden toimintahÀiriöstÀ kutsutaan yleisesti ciliopatioiksi. Geenivirheiden ja molekyylitaustan selvittÀminen ei ole tuonut pelkÀstÀÀn tietoa tutkittavasta oireyhtymÀstÀ, vaan se on tuonut mukanaan myös uutta ja arvokasta tietoa sikiön kehityksestÀ sekÀ cilioiden toiminnasta ja merkityksestÀ yleensÀ

    Accurate genetic diagnosis of Finnish pulmonary arterial hypertension patients using oligonucleotide-selective sequencing

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    The genetic basis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) among Finnish PAH patients is poorly understood. We adopted a novel-targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach called Oligonucleotide-Selective Sequencing (OS-Seq) and developed a custom data analysis and interpretation pipeline to identify pathogenic base substitutions, insertions, and deletions in seven genes associated with PAH (BMPR2, BMPR1B, ACVRL1, ENG, SMAD9, CAV1, and KCNK3) from Finnish PAH patients. This study represents the first clinical study with OS-Seq technology on patients suffering from a rare genetic disorder. We analyzed DNA samples from 21 Finnish PAH patients, whose BMPR2 and ACVRL1 mutation status had been previously studied using Sanger sequencing. Our sequencing panel covered 100% of the targeted base pairs with >15× sequencing depth. Pathogenic base substitutions were identified in the BMPR2 gene in 29% of the Finnish PAH cases. Two of the pathogenic variant-positive patients had been previously tested negative using Sanger sequencing. No clinically significant variants were identified in the six other PAH genes. Our study validates the use of targeted OS-Seq for genetic diagnostics of PAH and revealed pathogenic variants that had been previously missed using Sanger sequencing.Peer reviewe

    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings in patients with PRKAG2 gene mutations

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    Abstract Background Autosomal dominantly inherited PRKAG2 cardiac syndrome is due to a unique defect of the cardiac cell metabolism and has a distinctive histopathology with excess intracellular glycogen, and prognosis different from sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We aimed to define the distinct characteristics of PRKAG2 using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Methods CMR (1.5 T) and genetic testing were performed in two families harboring PRKAG2 mutations. On CMR, segmental analysis of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (LVH), function, native T1 mapping, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) were performed. Results Six individuals (median age 23 years, range 16–48; two females) had a PRKAG2 mutation: five with an R302Q mutation (family 1), and one with a novel H344P mutation (family 2). Three of six mutation carriers had LV mass above age and gender limits (203 g/m2, 157 g/m2 and 68 g/m2) and others (with R302Q mutation) normal LV masses. All mutation carriers had LVH in at least one segment, with the median maximal wall thickness of 13 mm (range 11–37 mm). Two R302Q mutation carriers with markedly increased LV mass (203 g/m2 and 157 g/m2) showed a diffuse pattern of hypertrophy but predominantly in the interventricular septum, while other mutation carriers exhibited a non-symmetric mid-infero-lateral pattern of hypertrophy. In family 1, the mutation negative male had a mean T1 value of 963 ms, three males with the R302Q mutation, LVH and no LGE a mean value of 918 ± 11 ms, and the oldest male with the R302Q mutation, extensive hypertrophy and LGE a mean value of 973 ms. Of six mutations carriers, two with advanced disease had LGE with 11 and 22 % enhancement of total LV volume. Conclusions PRKAG2 cardiac syndrome may present with eccentric distribution of LVH, involving focal mid-infero-lateral pattern in the early disease stage, and more diffuse pattern but focusing on interventricular septum in advanced cases. In patients at earlier stages of disease, without LGE, T1 values may be reduced, while in the advanced disease stage T1 mapping may result in higher values caused by fibrosis. CMR is a valuable tool in detecting diffuse and focal myocardial abnormalities in PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy

    Diagnostic yield of genetic testing in a heterogeneous cohort of 1376 HCM patients

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    Background Genetic testing in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a published guideline-based recommendation. The diagnostic yield of genetic testing and corresponding HCM-associated genes have been largely documented by single center studies and carefully selected patient cohorts. Our goal was to evaluate the diagnostic yield of genetic testing in a heterogeneous cohort of patients with a clinical suspicion of HCM, referred for genetic testing from multiple centers around the world. Methods A retrospective review of patients with a suspected clinical diagnosis of HCM referred for genetic testing at Blueprint Genetics was undertaken. The analysis included syndromic, myopathic and metabolic etiologies. Genetic test results and variant classifications were extracted from the database. Variants classified as pathogenic (P) or likely pathogenic (LP) were considered diagnostic. Results A total of 1376 samples were analyzed. Three hundred and sixty-nine tests were diagnostic (26.8%); 373 P or LP variants were identified. Only one copy number variant was identified. The majority of diagnostic variants involved genes encoding the sarcomere (85.0%) followed by 4.3% of diagnostic variants identified in the RASopathy genes. Two percent of diagnostic variants were in genes associated with a cardiomyopathy other than HCM or an inherited arrhythmia. Clinical variables that increased the likelihood of identifying a diagnostic variant included: an earlier age at diagnosis (p <0.0001), a higher maximum wall thickness (MWT) (p <0.0001), a positive family history (p <0.0001), the absence of hypertension (p = 0.0002), and the presence of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) (p = 0.0004). Conclusion The diagnostic yield of genetic testing in this heterogeneous cohort of patients with a clinical suspicion of HCM is lower than what has been reported in well-characterized patient cohorts. We report the highest yield of diagnostic variants in the RASopathy genes identified in a laboratory cohort of HCM patients to date. The spectrum of genes implicated in this unselected cohort highlights the importance of pre-and post-test counseling when offering genetic testing to the broad HCM population.Peer reviewe

    Maps of Open Chromatin Guide the Functional Follow-Up of Genome-Wide Association Signals: Application to Hematological Traits

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    Turning genetic discoveries identified in genome-wide association (GWA) studies into biological mechanisms is an important challenge in human genetics. Many GWA signals map outside exons, suggesting that the associated variants may lie within regulatory regions. We applied the formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements (FAIRE) method in a megakaryocytic and an erythroblastoid cell line to map active regulatory elements at known loci associated with hematological quantitative traits, coronary artery disease, and myocardial infarction. We showed that the two cell types exhibit distinct patterns of open chromatin and that cell-specific open chromatin can guide the finding of functional variants. We identified an open chromatin region at chromosome 7q22.3 in megakaryocytes but not erythroblasts, which harbors the common non-coding sequence variant rs342293 known to be associated with platelet volume and function. Resequencing of this open chromatin region in 643 individuals provided strong evidence that rs342293 is the only putative causative variant in this region. We demonstrated that the C- and G-alleles differentially bind the transcription factor EVI1 affecting PIK3CG gene expression in platelets and macrophages. A protein–protein interaction network including up- and down-regulated genes in Pik3cg knockout mice indicated that PIK3CG is associated with gene pathways with an established role in platelet membrane biogenesis and thrombus formation. Thus, rs342293 is the functional common variant at this locus; to the best of our knowledge this is the first such variant to be elucidated among the known platelet quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Our data suggested a molecular mechanism by which a non-coding GWA index SNP modulates platelet phenotype

    Deletion of TOP3ÎČ, a component of FMRP-containing mRNPs, contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Implicating particular genes in the generation of complex brain and behavior phenotypes requires multiple lines of evidence. The rarity of most high impact genetic variants typically precludes the possibility of accruing statistical evidence that they are associated with a given trait. We show here that the enrichment of a rare Chromosome 22q11.22 deletion in a recently expanded Northern Finnish sub-isolate enables the detection of association between TOP3ÎČ and both schizophrenia and cognitive impairment. Biochemical analysis of TOP3ÎČ revealed that this topoisomerase is a component of cytosolic messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs) and is catalytically active on RNA. The recruitment of TOP3ÎČ to mRNPs was independent of RNA cis-elements and was coupled to the co-recruitment of FMRP, the disease gene product in fragile X mental retardation syndrome (FXS). Thus, we uncover a novel role for TOP3ÎČ in mRNA metabolism and provide several lines of evidence implicating it in neurodevelopmental disorders

    Genetics and genotype-phenotype correlations in Finnish patients with dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Aims Genetic analysis among patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is becoming an important part of clinical assessment, as it is in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The genetics of DCM is complex and therefore next-generation sequencing strategies are essential when providing genetic diagnostics. To achieve maximum yield, the diagnostic approach should include comprehensive clinical phenotyping combined with high-quality, high-coverage deep sequencing of DCM-associated genes and clinical variant classification as a basis for defining true yield in genetic testing. Our study has combined a novel sequencing strategy and clinical interpretation to analyse the yield and genotype-phenotype correlations among well-phenotyped Finnish DCM patients.Despite our increased understanding of the genetic basis of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), the clinical utility and yield of clinically meaningful findings of comprehensive next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based genetic diagnostics in DCM has been poorly described. We utilized a high-quality oligonucleotide-selective sequencing (OS-Seq)-based targeted sequencing panel to investigate the genetic landscape of DCM in Finnish population and to evaluate the utility of OS-Seq technology as a novel comprehensive diagnostic tool. Methods and results Using OS-Seq, we targeted and sequenced the coding regions and splice junctions of 101 genes associated with cardiomyopathies in 145 unrelated Finnish patients with DCM. We developed effective bioinformatic variant filtering strategy and implemented strict variant classification scheme to reveal diagnostic yield and genotype-phenotype correlations. Implemented OS-Seq technology provided high coverage of the target region (median coverage 410x and 99.42% of the nucleotides were sequenced at least 15x read depth). Diagnostic yield was 35.2% (familial 47.6% and sporadic 25.6%, P = 0.004) when both pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants are considered as disease causing. Of these, 20 (53%) were titin (TTN) truncations (non-sense and frameshift) affecting all TTN transcripts. TTN truncations accounted for 20.6% and 14.6% of the familial and sporadic DCM cases, respectively. Conclusion Panel-based, high-quality NGS enables high diagnostic yield especially in the familial form of DCM, and bioinformatic variant filtering is a reliable step in the process of interpretation of genomic data in a clinical setting.Peer reviewe