7 research outputs found

    Pedagogic Discourse

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    . This paper deals with the theoreticalconstruct of pedagogic discourse. The discourse which focuses greatly onlinguistic aspect of pedagogy is Bernstein's long journey of finding thefailure in education. His attention on linguistic aspect was responded by anumber of Systemic Functional Linguists to collaborate Systemic FunctionalLinguistic (SFL) with his theories on code, and later on pedagogic discourse.His idea on regarding linguistic aspect in transmiting knowlde is of a greatcontribution in the study of language and pedagogy

    The Mobilization of Using Cultures and Local Government's Political-Economy Goals in Post-Reformation Banyuwangi

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    This article deals with an ethnic identity-based-power through the mobilization of Using cultures in Banyuwangi under local government policies in post-Reformation. By juxtaposing Foucauldian discourse, Gramscian hegemony, and political economy perspective, we discuss some cultural projects conducted by two Banyuwangi regents in post-Reformation periods, Samsul Hadi (2000-2005) and Abdullah Azwar Anas (2010-2015 and re-elected for 2016-2021 period). With different emphasized aspects, both of them created programs, which incorporated and mobilized Using cultures for accomplishing their political economy goals. Samsul legalized Using cultural expression, such as a local dance and language, as the way to strengthen the dominant-ethnic identity and reach consensus for his political authority. In more sparkling activities, Anas has transformed Using identity into various carnival programs, which, in one side, have supported tourism industry and, in other side, have helped him in gaining consensus for his hegemonic position. However, in the context of real cultural empowerment, those programs have not given positive effect for the cultural worker in the grass root

    A Study of Conceptual Metaphor in Suzanne Collins\u27 the Hunger Games Sebuah Kajian Konseptual Metafora Pada the Hunger Games Oleh Suzanne Collins

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    In literary work, language is used to examine what happen around us by using one of language style such as metaphor. Metaphor is a communicative strategy in implicature that belongs to Pragmatics study. Metaphor also works on our daily routine expressions such as the concept of emotion in novel of The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins (2009). Further, to collect data, identifying and sampling are applied based on theory of Conceptual Metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and nine domains of emotion by KŠ¾Ģˆvecses (2000). Theory of Comparison that proposed by Miller (cited in Levinson, 1983) is used to categorize the types of metaphors and to interpret metaphors. This research applies Mixed-method strategy through exploratory-qualitative-statistical research data will be executed in statistic, categorization, and exploration. The results of this research show that there are only nominal and predicative metaphors that are dominantly used. SADNESS, FEAR, and ANGER are the dominant target domains. There are NATURAL FORCE, FIRE, TORMENTOR, DOWN, and CAPTIVE ANIMAL appearing as the dominant source domains. The whole dominant categories appear and indicate particular tendency that is related with the story, character and what Katniss Everdeen as the main character does and feels in the story

    Construing Ideational Meaning in Electronics Devicesadvertisements in Jawa Pos: a Systemic Functional Linguisticmultimodal Discourse Analysis

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    This research deals with multimodal discourse analysis. The data were collected from printed advertisements ofJawa Pos newspaper. Generic Structure Potential of printed advertisement (GSP) proposed by Cheong (2004)and Halliday\u27s (1994) transitivity were applied. Cheong\u27s framework is applied to reveal the elements of visualand linguistic elements, meanwhile Halliday\u27s transitivity is used to know the processes. Thereby, this researchdiscovers the relationship between image and text in one context. The result shows that visual elements in theprinted advertisements are Lead, Emblem, and Display. Lead consists of Locus of Attention (LoA) andComplements to the Locus of Attention (Comp. LoA). Meanwhile, the linguistic elements are Announcement,Emblem, Enhancer, Tag, and Call-and-Visit Information. Finally, it is found that there is interconnectednessbetween the visual and linguistic elements in the printed advertisement. It causes high ContextualizationPropensity (CP), narrow Interpretative Space (IS), and also small Semantic Effervescence (SE)

    A Critical Discourse Analysis on Implicit Opinion of Russian Dissatisfaction Upon Putin Regime as Expressed in Article ā€œthe Civil Archipelago : How Far Can the Resistance to Vladimir Putin Go?ā€

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    This research discusses the implicit opinion about Russian people dissatisfaction upon Putin regime as expressed in article The Civil Archipelago: How Far Can the Resistance to Vladimir Putin Go? This article was published by an American popular mass media, The New Yorker. The main goal of this research is to uncover the hidden opinion that it is unable to emerge an ambiguous interpretation. The implicitness is analysed by using Potts's (2005) theory of Conventional Implicature. The domains used are Nominal Appositive and Supplementary Relative. In order to see the relationship between the implication and the ideological effect of mass media, a critical discourse analysis is applied as well. Namely by taking the socio-political relationship of Russia and US into account

    Bias And Power: Appraisal In Media Discourse (Keberpihakan dan Kuasa: Penaksiran dalam Wacana Media)

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    The objects of research are media discourses, three articles from a website of English language newspaper in Indonesia, The Jakarta Globe, talking about presidential election 2014. They are Personalities Set to Trump Party Loyalties in Indonesian Presidential Election, Golkar Riven by Presidential Candidacy, and SBY Silence May Speak a Thousand. They compare Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla to Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa. In this case, appraisal exists. There is a relation between bias and power which are situational contexts. Thus, the frameworks of power and bias are used in sorting the data. Then, related to Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), verbal processes seem dominant because of the sources selection to indicate appraisal event. In this research, SFL and its development, appraisal, work in coding the data into tabulation. Then, a critical stance is needed to reveal the power, dominance, and bias found in the three chosen news articles. Hence, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) serves as the approach used