65 research outputs found

    Deliverable 5.1 - Questionnaire on industrial and clinical key players and needs (v1.0).

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    This document is a summary of responses received from the public known European industrial manufacturing and research institution and clinical facility representatives. The responses were given to the PRISMAP Consortium questionnaire disseminated in January-August 2022, approaching radionuclides and radiopharmaceutical manufacturers, research institutions and clinical end users in nuclear medicine, with the aim to identify potential stakeholders in the industrial and clinical communities interested by a coordinated approach in Europe such as PRISMAP. The summary from PRISMAP questionnaire stratifies the feedback from 114 respondents: radionuclide and radiopharmaceutical producers, research facilities and preclinical/clinical end users. In addition, it gives an insight into the location and capabilities of the main isotope-producing cyclotron facilities, many of which are known from the IAEA cyclotron database [2]). The questionnaire was offered with an opportunity to make new research and international collaboration partners, where all parties could benefit from harmonised supply and legislation procedures, expanding network and distribution routes, and subsequently gain visibility within the PRISMAP User Forum map at www.prismap.eu. The questionnaire was focused on the radionuclide use in medicine with emphasis on future needs for specific radionuclides and possible research developments with awareness of legislation, logistics and involved personnel education challenges and future perspectives.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Study of thulium-167 cyclotron production: a potential medically-relevant radionuclide.

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    Introduction: Targeted Radionuclide Therapy is used for the treatment of tumors in nuclear medicine, while sparing healthy tissues. Its application to cancer treatment is expanding. In particular, Auger-electron emitters potentially exhibit high efficacy in treating either small metastases or single tumor cells due to their short range in tissue. The aim of this paper is to study the feasibility of a large-scale production of thulium-167, an Auger-electron emitter radionuclide, in view of eventual systematic preclinical studies. Methods: Proton-irradiated enriched erbium-167 and erbium-168 oxides were used to measure the production cross sections of thulium-165, thulium-166, thulium-167, and thulium-168 utilizing an 18-MeV medical cyclotron equipped with a Beam Transport Line (BTL) at the Bern medical cyclotron laboratory. The comparison between the experimental and the TENDL 2021 theoretical cross-section results were in good agreement. Additional experiments were performed to assess the production yields of thulium radioisotopes in the BTL. Thulium-167 production yield was also measured irradiating five different target materials (167 Er 2 O 3, 168 Er 2 O 3, nat Tm 2 O 3, nat Yb 2 O 3, 171 Yb 2 O 3) with proton beams up to 63 MeV at the Injector II cyclotron of Paul Scherrer Institute. Results and Discussion: Our experiments showed that an 8-h irradiation of enriched ytterbium-171 oxide produced about 420 MBq of thulium-167 with a radionuclidic purity of 99.95% after 5 days of cooling time with a proton beam of about 53 MeV. Larger activities of thulium-167 can be achieved using enriched erbium-168 oxide with a 23-MeV proton beam, obtaining about 1 GBq after 8-h irradiation with a radionuclidic purity of 99.5% 5 days post end of bombardment

    Half-life measurement of 44Sc and 44mSc.

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    The half-lives of 44Sc and 44mSc were measured by following their decay rate using several measurement systems: two ionization chambers and three γ-spectrometry detectors with digital and/or analogue electronics. For 44Sc, the result was the combination of seven half-life values giving a result of 4.042(7) h, which agrees with the last reported value of 4.042(3) h and confirms the near to 2% deviation from the recommended half-life of 3.97(4) h. Scandium-44 is present as an impurity in the production of 44Sc by cyclotron proton irradiation. Its half-life was determined by measurements performed a few days after End of Bomardment (EoB), so that the 44Sc decayed down to a negligible level. Seven measurements were combined to obtain an average of 58.7(3) h, which is in agreement with the recommended value of 58.6(1) h

    Stokiyometrik olmayan uranyum dioksitteki alfa hasarı ve helyumun davranışı

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    Kullanılmış nükleer yakıtta oluşan alfa radyasyon hasarı ve oksidasyonun, uzun süre içerisindeki etkilerinin anlaşılması, nükleer atığın depolanması ve bertaraf edilmesi sürecindeki güvenliği yönünden çok önemli bir konudur. Kullanılmış yakıt içerisinde bulunan, genellikle uzun yarı ömürlü olan alfa yayınlayıcı aktinitler, kullanılmış yakıt matrisi içerisinde büyük oranda helyum oluşturacak ve muhtemel olarak kimyasal ve fiziksel modifikasyonlara neden olacaktır. Stokiyometrik UO2'de helyumun davranışları 1960'lı yıllardan itibaren çalışılmış olmasına rağmen, helyumun çözünürlüğü konusu tam olarak aydınlatılamamış olup, stokiyometrik olmayan UO2'de helyumun davranışları konusunda deneysel çalışmalar bulunmamaktadır. Bunun yanında hata mobilitesi ve self difüzyon gibi atomik boyuttaki birçok özelliğin UO2'in stokiyometrisine bağlı olduğu bilinmektedir. Helyumun çözünürlüğü ve difüzyonu üzerine stokiyometri etkisinin anlaşılabilmesi için stokiyometrik ve hiperstokiyometrik UO2 mono ve polikristal örnekleri ile U3O8 polikristal örneklerinde infüzyon denemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hipostokiyometrik UO2 yapısı sadece yüksek sıcaklıklarda kararlıdır, UO2'in üç değerlikli lantan ile katkılanması yapı içerisinde hipostokiyometrik UO2 konfigürasyonuna benzeyen oksijen boşlukları oluşturabilir. Stokiyometri etkisinin her yönüyle incelenebilmesi için, farklı oranlarda lantan katkılı UO2 örnekleri hipostokiyometrik UO2 yapısını temsilen kullanılmıştır. İnfüzyon sonrası örnekler lazer ile ısıtılmış Knudsen hücre içerisinde, örnekteki tüm helyum salınana kadar tavlanmış ve helyum salınım profili ve toplam helyum miktarı sırasıyla kütle spektroskopisi ve kantitatif gaz ölçüm sistemiyle ölçülmüştür. Düşük sıcaklık helyum difüzyonu üzerine stokiyometrinin etkisinin anlaşılabilmesi için, stokiyometrik ve hiperstokiyometrik UO2 monokristal örneklerinde izotermal helyum salınım denemeleri, ısıtma sistemi içeren yüksek çözünürlük manyetik sektör kütle spektroskopisi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklerin karakterizasyonları, infüzyon öncesi, infüzyon sonrası ve termal desorpsiyon ölçümleri sonrası; termogravimetri, X-ışınları difraksiyonu, lazer flaş ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu teknikleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. La katkılı UO2 örneklerindeki kafes boşluklarının varlığı raman spektroskopisi ile incelenmiştir. Helyum difüzyonu ayrıca %0.1 oranında plutonyum oksit katkılı UO2 örneklerinde farklı parametrelerin etkilerinin tek tek incelendiği çalışmalar ile kullanılmış yakıtta oluşan radyojenik helyumun davranışı ve alfa radyasyon hasarının anlaşılması için incelenmiştir. Örnek karakterizasyonları, X-ışınları difraksiyonu, taramalı ve geçirimli elektron mikroskobu ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklerdeki helyum salınım profili ve toplam helyum miktarı sırasıyla Knudsen efüzyon kütle spektrometresi ve kantitatif gaz ölçüm sistemiyle ölçülmüştür. Helyum difüzyonunun simülasyonunda tekli gaz atomu ve kabarcıkların migrasyonu ile tuzaklanma, tane ve kabarcık büyümesi etkilerini göz önünde bulunduran yeni bir model geliştirilmiştir. Deneysel verilerin tanımlanabilmesi için, geliştirilen model ticari bir multifizik yazılımına uygulanmış ve gaz atomu ve kabarcık difüzyon katsayıları arasındaki ilişki öngörülmüştür. Son olarak, literatürdeki mevcut veriler ve bu tez çalışmasındaki sonuçlar ışığında, helyum difüzyonu üzerinde radyasyon hasarının etkisi incelenmiştir. Genel olarak bu tez çalışması, helyumun stokiyometrik UO2 ile stokiyometrik olmayan UO2 ve Pu katkılı UO2 gibi kusurlu yapılardaki davranışları konusunda yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmaktadır

    Investigation of Texts and Images in Life Science Textbooks in Terms of Values

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    In this research, it was aimed to examine of primary school 3rd grade Life Science textbooks’ texts and visuals of a private publishing firm, which was used in 2016-2017 education year, in terms of value education. Qualitative research methods in the research were carried out in the analytical research design and the data were collected through the documents consisting of the textbooks. In the analysis of the data, content analysis method was taken as basis. A “Value Inspection Form” was prepared by the researcher in accordance with the definitions of Turkish National Education. The situation of the 20 values in textbooks which are aimed to be given to the students in the 3rd grade life science curriculum was investigated by using the prepared “Value Assesent Form”. First, the value expressions in the texts are determined. Then, those carrying the aim of value education from visual expressions have been identified. These data was obtained from text and pictures then coded and classified. The analysis process was done by using NVivo 10 software program. According to the results of the study, it was seen that the most value in the textbook was “Love” and the least value was “Hospitality”. In the texts and images of the Life Science lesson books, it is necessary to make arrangements with more emphasis on the values that students find little such as “patience”, “scientificness”, “love of nature”, “aesthetics” and “hospitality”

    Separation and recovery of exotic radiolanthanides from irradiated tantalum targets for half-life measurements.

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    The current knowledge of the half-lives (T1/2) of several radiolanthanides is either affected by a high uncertainty or is still awaiting confirmation. The scientific information deriving from this imprecise T1/2 data has a significant impact on a variety of research fields, e.g., astrophysics, fundamental nuclear sciences, and nuclear energy and safety. The main reason for these shortcomings in the nuclear databases is the limited availability of suitable sample material together with the difficulties in performing accurate activity measurements with low uncertainties. In reaction to the urgent need to improve the current nuclear databases, the long-term project "ERAWAST" (Exotic Radionuclides from Accelerator Waste for Science and Technology) was launched at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). In this context, we present a wet radiochemical separation procedure for the extraction and purification of dysprosium (Dy), terbium (Tb), gadolinium (Gd), and samarium (Sm) fractions from highly radioactive tantalum specimens, in order to obtain 154Dy, 157-158Tb, 148,150Gd, and 146Sm samples, needed for T1/2 determination studies. Ion-exchange chromatography was successfully applied for the separation of individual lanthanides. All separations were conducted in aqueous phase. The separation process was monitored via γ-spectrometry using suitable radioactive tracers. Both the purity and the quantification of the desired radiolanthanides were assessed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Test experiments revealed that, prior to the Dy, Tb, Gd, and Sm separation, the removal of hafnium, lutetium, and barium from the irradiated tantalum material was necessary to minimize the overall dose rate exposure (in the mSv/h range), as well to obtain pure lanthanide fractions. With the herein proposed separation method, exotic 154Dy, 157-158Tb, 148,150Gd, and 146Sm radionuclides were obtained in sufficient amounts and purity for the preparation of samples for envisaged half-life measurements. During the separation process, fractions containing holmium, europium, and promethium radionuclides were collected and stored for further use

    Diabetik sıçanlarda malign serebral iskemi ve iskemik ön koşullanmanın epigenetik rolünün araştırılması.

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    Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of the Ischemic preconditioning (IPreC) on the expression profile of cerebral miRNAs against stroke by induced transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) in diabetic rats

    A Step-by-Step Guide for the Novel Radiometal Production for Medical Applications: Case Studies with 68Ga, 44Sc, 177Lu and 161Tb

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    The production of novel radionuclides is the first step towards the development of new effective radiopharmaceuticals, and the quality thereof directly affects the preclinical and clinical phases. In this review, novel radiometal production for medical applications is briefly elucidated. The production status of the imaging nuclide 44Sc and the therapeutic β--emitter nuclide 161Tb are compared to their more established counterparts, 68Ga and 177Lu according to their targetry, irradiation process, radiochemistry, and quality control aspects. The detailed discussion of these significant issues will help towards the future introduction of these promising radionuclides into drug manufacture for clinical application under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).ISSN:1420-304

    Biosorption of lanthanum and cerium from aqueous solutions by Platanus orientalis leaf powder

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    WOS: 000253036700003The biosorption of lanthanum and cerium by leaves powder of Platanus orientalis was separately determined at varying experimental conditions using a batch technique. The effects of initial pH, contact time, initial metal ion concentration and temperature were investigated. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were applied to represent the adsorption process. Langmuir isotherm fits the experimental data quite well. The Langmuir monolayer capacity of the sorbent is 28.65mg g(-1) and 32.05mg g(-1) for La,and Cc(III), respectively. Thermodynamic parameters such as standard enthalpy (Delta H degrees), entropy (AS') and free energy (Delta G degrees) were calculated from the slope and intercept of the plots of InKd versus 1/T. The results indicated that sorption was endothermic and spontaneous in nature. The work reveals that powdered leaf of Platanus orientalis is a good choice as a biosorbent for the recovery of lanthanum and cerium from aqueous solution. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved