286 research outputs found


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    Prevalence of obstructive coronary artery disease and prognosis in patients with stable symptoms and a zero-coronary calcium score

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    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.Aims: CT calcium scoring (CTCS) and CT cardiac angiography (CTCA) are widely used in patients with stable chest pain to exclude significant coronary artery disease (CAD). We aimed to resolve uncertainty about the prevalence of obstructive coronary artery disease and long-term outcomes in patients with a zero-calcium score (ZCS). Methods and results: Consecutive patients with stable cardiac symptoms referred for CTCS or CTCS and CTCA from chest pain clinics to a tertiary cardiothoracic centre were prospectively enrolled. In those with a ZCS, the prevalence of obstructive CAD on CTCA was determined. A follow-up for all-cause mortality was obtained from the NHS tracer service. A total of 3914 patients underwent CTCS of whom 2730 (69.7%) also had a CTCA. Half of the patients were men (50.3%) with a mean age of 56.9 years. Among patients who had both procedures, a ZCS was present in 52.2%, with a negative predictive value of 99.5% for excluding ≥70% stenosis on CTCA. During a mean follow-up of 5.2 years, the annual event rate was 0.3% for those with ZCS compared with 1.2% for CS ≥1. The presence of non-calcified atheroma on CTCA in patients with ZCS did not affect the prognostic value (P = 0.98). Conclusion: In patients with stable symptoms and a ZCS, obstructive CAD is rare, and prognosis over the long-term is excellent, regardless of whether non-calcified atheroma is identified. A ZCS could reliably be used as a 'gatekeeper' in this patient cohort, obviating the need for further more expensive tests.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Prognostic value of heart valve calcifications for cardiovascular events in a lung cancer screening population

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    To assess the prognostic value of aortic valve and mitral valve/annulus calcifications for cardiovascular events in heavily smoking men without a history of cardiovascular disease. Heavily smoking men without a cardiovascular disease history who underwent non-contrast-enhanced low-radiation-dose chest CT for lung cancer screening were included. Non-imaging predictors (age, smoking status and pack-years) were collected and imaging-predictors (calcium volume of the coronary arteries, aorta, aortic valve and mitral valve/annulus) were obtained. The outcome was the occurrence of cardiovascular events. Multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression was used to calculate hazard-ratios (HRs) with 95 % confidence interval (CI). Subsequently, concordance-statistics were calculated. In total 3111 individuals were included, of whom 186 (6.0 %) developed a cardiovascular event during a follow-up of 2.9 (Q1-Q3, 2.7-3.3) years. If aortic (n = 657) or mitral (n = 85) annulus/valve calcifications were present, cardiovascular event incidence increased to 9.0 % (n = 59) or 12.9 % (n = 11), respectively. HRs of aortic and mitral valve/annulus calcium volume for cardiovascular events were 1.46 (95 % CI, 1.09-1.84) and 2.74 (95 % CI, 0.92-4.56) per 500 mm(3). The c-statistic of a basic model including age, pack-years, current smoking status, coronary and aorta calcium volume was 0.68 (95 % CI, 0.63-0.72), which did not change after adding heart valve calcium volume. Aortic valve calcifications are predictors of future cardiovascular events. However, there was no added prognostic value beyond age, number of pack-years, current smoking status, coronary and aorta calcium volume for short term cardiovascular events

    Imaging Atherosclerosis.

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    Advances in atherosclerosis imaging technology and research have provided a range of diagnostic tools to characterize high-risk plaque in vivo; however, these important vascular imaging methods additionally promise great scientific and translational applications beyond this quest. When combined with conventional anatomic- and hemodynamic-based assessments of disease severity, cross-sectional multimodal imaging incorporating molecular probes and other novel noninvasive techniques can add detailed interrogation of plaque composition, activity, and overall disease burden. In the catheterization laboratory, intravascular imaging provides unparalleled access to the world beneath the plaque surface, allowing tissue characterization and measurement of cap thickness with micrometer spatial resolution. Atherosclerosis imaging captures key data that reveal snapshots into underlying biology, which can test our understanding of fundamental research questions and shape our approach toward patient management. Imaging can also be used to quantify response to therapeutic interventions and ultimately help predict cardiovascular risk. Although there are undeniable barriers to clinical translation, many of these hold-ups might soon be surpassed by rapidly evolving innovations to improve image acquisition, coregistration, motion correction, and reduce radiation exposure. This article provides a comprehensive review of current and experimental atherosclerosis imaging methods and their uses in research and potential for translation to the clinic.J.M.T. is supported by a Wellcome Trust research training fellowship (104492/Z/14/Z). M.D is supported by the British Heart Foundation (FS/14/78/31020). N.R.E. is supported by a research training fellowship from the Dunhill Medical Trust (RTF44/0114). A.J.B. is supported by the British Heart Foundation. J.H.F.R. is part-supported by the HEFCE, the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, the British Heart Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the American Heart Association via http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.115.30624

    Deep Learning from Dual-Energy Information for Whole-Heart Segmentation in Dual-Energy and Single-Energy Non-Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac CT

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    Deep learning-based whole-heart segmentation in coronary CT angiography (CCTA) allows the extraction of quantitative imaging measures for cardiovascular risk prediction. Automatic extraction of these measures in patients undergoing only non-contrast-enhanced CT (NCCT) scanning would be valuable. In this work, we leverage information provided by a dual-layer detector CT scanner to obtain a reference standard in virtual non-contrast (VNC) CT images mimicking NCCT images, and train a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) for the segmentation of VNC as well as NCCT images. Contrast-enhanced acquisitions on a dual-layer detector CT scanner were reconstructed into a CCTA and a perfectly aligned VNC image. In each CCTA image, manual reference segmentations of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium, LV cavity, right ventricle, left atrium, right atrium, ascending aorta, and pulmonary artery trunk were obtained and propagated to the corresponding VNC image. These VNC images and reference segmentations were used to train 3D CNNs for automatic segmentation in either VNC images or NCCT images. Automatic segmentations in VNC images showed good agreement with reference segmentations, with an average Dice similarity coefficient of 0.897 \pm 0.034 and an average symmetric surface distance of 1.42 \pm 0.45 mm. Volume differences [95% confidence interval] between automatic NCCT and reference CCTA segmentations were -19 [-67; 30] mL for LV myocardium, -25 [-78; 29] mL for LV cavity, -29 [-73; 14] mL for right ventricle, -20 [-62; 21] mL for left atrium, and -19 [-73; 34] mL for right atrium, respectively. In 214 (74%) NCCT images from an independent multi-vendor multi-center set, two observers agreed that the automatic segmentation was mostly accurate or better. This method might enable quantification of additional cardiac measures from NCCT images for improved cardiovascular risk prediction


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    Binocular rivalry refers to the perceptual alternation that occurs while viewing incompatible images, in which one monocular image is dominant and the other is suppressed. Rivalry has been closely studied but the neural site at which it is initiated is still controversial. The central claim of this thesis is that primary visual cortex is responsible for its initiation. This claim is supported by evidence from four experimental studies. The first study (described in Chapter 4) introduces the methodology for measuring visual sensitivity during dominance and suppression and compares several methods to see which yields the greatest difference between these two sensitivities. Suppression depth was measured by comparing the discrimination thresholds to a brief test stimulus delivered during dominance and suppression phases. The deepest suppression was achieved after a learning period, with the test stimulus presented for 100 ms and with post-test masking. The second study (Chapter 5) compares two hypotheses for the mechanism of binocular rivalry. Under eye suppression, visibility decreases when the tested eye is being suppressed, regardless of the test stimulus’s features. Feature suppression, however, predicts that reduction of visibility is caused by suppression of a stimulus feature, no matter which eye is suppressed. Eye suppression claims that monocular channels in the visual system alternate between dominance and suppression, while Feature suppression assumes that the features of stimuli inhibit each other perceptually in the high-level cortex. The experiment used a test stimulus similar in features to one, but not the other, rivalry-inducing stimulus. Test sensitivity was found to be lowered when the test stimulus was presented to the eye whose rivalry-inducing stimulus was suppressed. Sensitivity was not lowered when the test stimulus was presented to the other eye, even when the test shared features with the suppressed stimulus. The conclusion is that feature suppression is weak or does not exist without eye suppression, and that rivalry therefore originates in the primary visual cortex. If binocular rivalry is initiated in the primary visual cortex, stimuli producing no coherent activity in that area should produce no rivalry. In the third study (Chapter 6) this idea was tested with rotating arrays of short-lifetime dots. The dots with the shortest lifetime produced an image with no rotation signal, and an infinite lifetime produced rigid rotation. Subjects could discriminate the rotation direction with high accuracy at all but the shortest lifetime. When the two eyes were presented with opposite directions of rotation, there was binocular rivalry only at the longest lifetimes. Stimuli with short lifetimes produce a coherent motion signal, since their direction can be discriminated, but do not produce rivalry. A simple interpretation of this observation is that binocular rivalry is initiated at a level in the visual hierarchy below that which supports the motion signal. The model supported by the results of previous chapters requires that binocular rivalry suppression be small in the primary visual cortex, and builds up as signals progress along the visual pathway. This model predicts that for judgements dependent on activity in high visual cortex: 1. Binocular rivalry suppression should be deep; 2. Responses should be contrast invariant. The fourth and last study (chapter 7) confirmed these predictions by measuring suppression depth in two ways. First, two similar forms were briefly presented to one eye: the difference in shapes required for their discrimination was substantially greater during suppression than during dominance. Second, the two forms were made sufficiently different in shape to allow easy discrimination at high contrast, and the contrast of these forms was lowered to find the discrimination threshold. The results in the second experiment showed that contrast sensitivity did not differ between the suppression and dominance states. This invariance in contrast sensitivity is interpreted in terms of steep contrast-response functions in cortex beyond the primary visual area. The work in this thesis supports the idea that binocular rivalry is a process distributed along the visual pathway. More importantly, the results provide several lines of evidence that binocular rivalry is initiated in primary visual cortex

    Automated coronary artery calcification scoring in non-gated chest CT: Agreement and reliability

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    Objective: To determine the agreement and reliability of fully automated coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring in a lung cancer screening population. Materials and Methods: 1793 low-dose chest CT scans were analyzed (non-contrast-enhanced, non-gated). To establish the reference standard for CAC, first automated calcium scoring was performed using a preliminary version of a method employing coronary calcium atlas and machine learning approach. Thereafter, each scan was inspected by one of four trained raters. When needed, the raters corrected initially automaticity-identified results. In addition, an independent observer subsequently inspected manually corrected results and discarded scans with gross segmentation errors. Subsequently, fully automatic coronary calcium scoring was performed. Agatston score, CAC volume and number of calcifications were computed. Agreement was determined by calculating proportion of agreement and examining Bland-Altman plots. Reliability was determined by calculating linearly weighted kappa (κ) for Agatston strata and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for continuous values. Results: 44 (2.5%) scans were excluded due to metal artifacts or gross segmentation errors. In the remaining 1749 scans, median Agatston score was 39.6 (P25-P75:0-345.9), median volume score was 60.4 mm3 (P25-P75:0-361.4) and median number of calcifications was 2 (P25-P75:0-4) for the automated scores. The k demonstrated very good reliability (0.85) for Agatston risk categories between the automated and reference scores. The Bland-Altman plots showed underestimation of calcium score values by automated quantification. Median difference was 2.5 (p25-p75:0.0-53.2) for Agatston score, 7.6 (p25-p75:0.0-94.4) for CAC volume and 1 (p25-p75:0-5) for number of calcifications. The ICC was very good for Agatston score (0.90), very good for calcium volume (0.88) and good for number of calcifications (0.64). Discussion: Fully automated coron

    Влияние циркуляции вод на загрязнение прибрежных акваторий Керченской бухты соединениями тяжелых металлов и нефтепродуктов

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    Исследование связи атмосферных переносов над Керченским проливом с загрязнением акватории Керченского морского торгового порта и других прибрежных участков акватории Керченской бухты соединениями тяжелых металлов и нефтепродуктов в 1993 – 2006 гг. позволили установить ключевую роль черноморского типа течений в проливе и локальной циркуляции вод в Керченской бухте в загрязнении исследуемых акваторий.Дослідження зв'язку атмосферних перенесень над Керченською протокою із забрудненням акваторії Керченського морського торгового порту і інших прибережних ділянок акваторії Керченської бухти сполуками важких металів і нафтопродуктів в 1993 – 2006 рр. дозволили встановити ключову роль чорноморського типу течій в протоці і локальної циркуляції вод в Керченській бухті в забрудненні досліджуваних акваторій.Research of connection of atmospheric transport over the Kerch Strait and water area pollution of Kerch Trading Sea Port and other coastal areas of the of the Kerch bay by heavy metals and petroleum products in 1993 – 2006, have established the key role the Black Sea type currents in the strait and the local water circulation in the Bay of Kerch in the pollution study waters