146 research outputs found

    Corruption, Globalization, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence

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    We investigate, both theoretically and empirically, how the negative effects of government corruption on economic growth are magnified or reduced by capital account liberalization. Our model shows that highly corrupt countries impose higher tax rates than do less corrupt countries, thereby, magnifying the negative impacts of government corruption on economic growth in the highly corrupt countries and reducing the impacts in the less corrupt countries if capital account liberalization is enacted. Empirical evidence obtained from an analysis of the panel data collected from 111 countries supports our theoretical predictions. Our theoretical and empirical results contribute to the recent policy debates on the merits or demerits of capital account liberalization.Economic growth; Government Corruption; Capital account liberalization; Two-country model

    Finance and Inequality: How Does Globalization Change Their Relationship?

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    This research demonstrates that international financial integration changes the way in which financial development affects inequality within a country. Specifically, both the cross-country analysis and the dynamic panel data analysis using data collected from more than 100 countries provide evidence indicating that if the financial market of a country is highly open to the world market, financial development widens inequality within that country, whereas if the financial market of a country is highly closed to the world market, financial development narrows inequality within that country. Our theoretical framework provides a possible explanation for our empirical findings.Financial integration; Inequality; Financial development; Credit constraints; Capital flows

    Corruption, Globalization, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence

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    We investigate, both theoretically and empirically, how the negative effects of government corruption on economic growth are magnified or reduced by capital account liberalization. Our model shows that highly corrupt countries impose higher tax rates than do less corrupt countries, thereby, magnifying the negative impacts of government corruption on economic growth in the highly corrupt countries and reducing the impacts in the less corrupt countries if capital account liberalization is enacted. Empirical evidence obtained from an analysis of the panel data collected from 111 countries supports our theoretical predictions. Our theoretical and empirical results contribute to the recent policy debates on the merits or demerits of capital account liberalization

    Finance and Inequality: How Does Globalization Change Their Relationship?

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    This research demonstrates that international financial integration changes the way in which financial development affects inequality within a country. Specifically, both the cross-country analysis and the dynamic panel data analysis using data collected from more than 100 countries provide evidence indicating that if the financial market of a country is highly open to the world market, financial development widens inequality within that country, whereas if the financial market of a country is highly closed to the world market, financial development narrows inequality within that country. Our theoretical framework provides a possible explanation for our empirical findings

    Finance and Inequality: How Does Globalization Change Their Relationship?

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    This research demonstrates that international financial integration changes the way in which financial development affects inequality within a country. Specifically, both the cross-country analysis and the dynamic panel data analysis using data collected from more than 100 countries provide evidence indicating that if the financial market of a country is highly open to the world market, financial development widens inequality within that country, whereas if the financial market of a country is highly closed to the world market, financial development narrows inequality within that country. Our theoretical framework provides a possible explanation for our empirical findings

    HumanMimic: Learning Natural Locomotion and Transitions for Humanoid Robot via Wasserstein Adversarial Imitation

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    Transferring human motion skills to humanoid robots remains a significant challenge. In this study, we introduce a Wasserstein adversarial imitation learning system, allowing humanoid robots to replicate natural whole-body locomotion patterns and execute seamless transitions by mimicking human motions. First, we present a unified primitive-skeleton motion retargeting to mitigate morphological differences between arbitrary human demonstrators and humanoid robots. An adversarial critic component is integrated with Reinforcement Learning (RL) to guide the control policy to produce behaviors aligned with the data distribution of mixed reference motions. Additionally, we employ a specific Integral Probabilistic Metric (IPM), namely the Wasserstein-1 distance with a novel soft boundary constraint to stabilize the training process and prevent model collapse. Our system is evaluated on a full-sized humanoid JAXON in the simulator. The resulting control policy demonstrates a wide range of locomotion patterns, including standing, push-recovery, squat walking, human-like straight-leg walking, and dynamic running. Notably, even in the absence of transition motions in the demonstration dataset, robots showcase an emerging ability to transit naturally between distinct locomotion patterns as desired speed changes

    A pre-metazoan origin of the CRK gene family and co-opted signaling network.

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    CRK and CRKL adapter proteins play essential roles in development and cancer through their SRC homology 2 and 3 (SH2 and SH3) domains. To gain insight into the origin of their shared functions, we have investigated their evolutionary history. We propose a term, crk/crkl ancestral (crka), for orthologs in invertebrates before the divergence of CRK and CRKL in the vertebrate ancestor. We have isolated two orthologs expressed in the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis, a unicellular relative to the metazoans. Consistent with its highly-conserved three-dimensional structure, the SH2 domain of M. brevicollis crka1 can bind to the mammalian CRK/CRKL SH2 binding consensus phospho-YxxP, and to the SRC substrate/focal adhesion protein BCAR1 (p130(CAS)) in the presence of activated SRC. These results demonstrate an ancient origin of the CRK/CRKL SH2-target recognition specificity. Although BCAR1 orthologs exist only in metazoans as identified by an N-terminal SH3 domain, YxxP motifs, and a C-terminal FAT-like domain, some pre-metazoan transmembrane proteins include several YxxP repeats in their cytosolic region, suggesting that they are remotely related to the BCAR1 substrate domain. Since the tyrosine kinase SRC also has a pre-metazoan origin, co-option of BCAR1-related sequences may have rewired the crka-dependent network to mediate adhesion signals in the metazoan ancestor

    Preparation of chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite mono-fiber using coagulation method and their mechanical properties

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    Autograft has been carried out for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. However, it has negative aspect because patients lose their healthy ligaments from other part. We focus on a chitosan-hydroxyapatite (HAp) composite fiber as a scaffold of ligament regeneration. Chitosan- HAp composite fiber was made by using coagulation method. Chitosan-NaH2PO4 solution was coagulated with coagulation bath including calcium ion to get the mono-fiber and then treated with sodium hydroxide solution to form HAp in fiber matrix. The mechanical property of the fiber was improved by the stretching of the wet one because of the orientation of chitosan molecule and the interaction between chitosan and HAp. Maximum stress was improved with increasing of sodium dihydrogen phosphate until 0.03 M. The swelling ratio of the fiber was inhibited by composited with HAp. Additionally, bone-bonding ability was confirmed by SBF soaking tests

    Tabletop Roleplaying Games as Procedural Content Generators

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    Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) and procedural content generators can both be understood as systems of rules for producing content. In this paper, we argue that TTRPG design can usefully be viewed as procedural content generator design. We present several case studies linking key concepts from PCG research -- including possibility spaces, expressive range analysis, and generative pipelines -- to key concepts in TTRPG design. We then discuss the implications of these relationships and suggest directions for future work uniting research in TTRPGs and PCG.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, FDG Workshop on Procedural Content Generation 202

    Differential gene expression profiles in neurons generated from lymphoblastoid B-cell line-derived iPS cells from monozygotic twin cases with treatment-resistant schizophrenia and discordant responses to clozapine

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    Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder with complex genetic and environmental origins. While many antipsychotics have been demonstrated as effective in the treatment of schizophrenia, a substantial number of schizophrenia patients are partially or fully unresponsive to the treatment. Clozapine is the most effective antipsychotic drug for treatment-resistant schizophrenia; however, clozapine has rare but serious side-effects. Furthermore, there is inter-individual variability in the drug response to clozapine treatment. Therefore, the identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of clozapine and drug response predictors is imperative. In the present study, we focused on a pair of monozygotic twin cases with treatment-resistant schizophrenia, in which one twin responded well to clozapine treatment and the other twin did not. Using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-based technology, we generated neurons from iPS cells derived from these patients and subsequently performed RNA-sequencing to compare the transcriptome profiles of the mock or clozapine-treated neurons. Although, these iPS cells similarly differentiated into neurons, several genes encoding homophilic cell adhesion molecules, such as protocadherin genes, showed differential expression patterns between these two patients. These results, which contribute to the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms of clozapine action, establish a new strategy for the use of monozygotic twin studies in schizophrenia research