790 research outputs found

    Surface pollution of main-sequence stars through encounters with AGB ejecta in omega Centauri

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    The origin of a double main-sequence (MS) in omega Centauri is explored. We have shown from theoretical calculations on the stellar evolution that the colors of MS stars are shifted to those of the observed blue MS if the surface layers are polluted by He-rich materials with the mass of ~ 0.1 solar mass. Stars are supposed to be polluted through numerous encounters with the ejecta descended from massive asymptotic giant-branch (AGB) stars. Two populations of stars with different kinematics exceptionally observed in omega Cen indicate that kinematically cooler stars are more polluted through encounters with AGB ejecta than kinematically hotter ones because the accretion rate is inversely proportional to the cube of the relative velocity. We propose that both of these factors split the MS in omega Cen. This theoretical scheme explains why only omega Cen exhibit a double MS and matches the amount of He necessary to produce the blue MS with that supplied from massive AGB stars. Furthermore, we predict that even if globular clusters (GCs) possess only one generation of stars, the velocity dispersion of stars broaden the MS in the color-magnitude diagram as long as the GCs are massive enough to keep the AGB ejecta after the burst of star formation. This view explains the broad MS recently found in the GC NGC 2808 which exhibits no scatter in [Fe/H] and thus is likely to consist of a single generation of stars unlike the case of omega Cen.Comment: 5 pages including 2 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Flexible Integration of Gigahertz Nanomechanical Resonators with a Superconducting Microwave Resonator using a Bonded Flip-Chip Method

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    We demonstrate strong coupling of gigahertz-frequency nanomechanical resonators to a frequency-tunable superconducting microwave resonator via a galvanically bonded flip-chip method. By tuning the microwave resonator with an external magnetic field, we observe a series of hybridized microwave-mechanical modes and report coupling strengths of 15 MHz\sim {15}~\text{MHz} at cryogenic temperatures. The demonstrated multi-chip approach provides flexible rapid characterization and simplified fabrication, and could potentially enable coupling between a variety of quantum systems. Our work represents a step towards a plug-and-play architecture for building more complex hybrid quantum systems.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. First three authors contributed equally to this wor

    Analysis of arbitrary superconducting quantum circuits accompanied by a Python package: SQcircuit

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    Superconducting quantum circuits are a promising hardware platform for realizing a fault-tolerant quantum computer. Accelerating progress in this field of research demands general approaches and computational tools to analyze and design more complex superconducting circuits. We develop a framework to systematically construct a superconducting quantum circuit's quantized Hamiltonian from its physical description. As is often the case with quantum descriptions of multicoordinate systems, the complexity rises rapidly with the number of variables. Therefore, we introduce a set of coordinate transformations with which we can find bases to diagonalize the Hamiltonian efficiently. Furthermore, we broaden our framework's scope to calculate the circuit's key properties required for optimizing and discovering novel qubits. We implement the methods described in this work in an open-source Python package SQcircuit. In this manuscript, we introduce the reader to the SQcircuit environment and functionality. We show through a series of examples how to analyze a number of interesting quantum circuits and obtain features such as the spectrum, coherence times, transition matrix elements, coupling operators, and the phase coordinate representation of eigenfunctions.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Accompanying SQcircuit package on https://sqcircuit.org

    Synthetic RNA-protein complex shaped like an equilateral triangle.

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    Synthetic nanostructures consisting of biomacromolecules such as nucleic acids have been constructed using bottom-up approaches. In particular, Watson-Crick base pairing has been used to construct a variety of two- and three-dimensional DNA nanostructures. Here, we show that RNA and the ribosomal protein L7Ae can form a nanostructure shaped like an equilateral triangle that consists of three proteins bound to an RNA scaffold. The construction of the complex relies on the proteins binding to kink-turn (K-turn) motifs in the RNA, which allows the RNA to bend by ∼ 60° at three positions to form a triangle. Functional RNA-protein complexes constructed with this approach could have applications in nanomedicine and synthetic biology

    Very compact millimeter sizes for composite star-forming/AGN submillimeter galaxies

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    We report the study of far-IR sizes of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) in relation to their dust-obscured star formation rate (SFR) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) presence, determined using mid-IR photometry. We determined the millimeter-wave (λobs=1100μ\lambda_{\rm obs}=1100 \mum) sizes of 69 ALMA-identified SMGs, selected with 10\geq10σ\sigma confidence on ALMA images (F1100μm=1.7F_{\rm 1100 \mu m}=1.7--7.4 mJy). We found that all the SMGs are located above an avoidance region in the millimeter size-flux plane, as expected by the Eddington limit for star formation. In order to understand what drives the different millimeter-wave sizes in SMGs, we investigated the relation between millimeter-wave size and AGN fraction for 25 of our SMGs at z=1z=1--3. We found that the SMGs for which the mid-IR emission is dominated by star formation or AGN have extended millimeter-sizes, with respective median Rc,e=1.60.21+0.34R_{\rm c,e} = 1.6^{+0.34}_{-0.21} and 1.50.24+0.93^{+0.93}_{-0.24} kpc. Instead, the SMGs for which the mid-IR emission corresponds to star-forming/AGN composites have more compact millimeter-wave sizes, with median Rc,e=1.00.20+0.20R_{\rm c,e}=1.0^{+0.20}_{-0.20} kpc. The relation between millimeter-wave size and AGN fraction suggests that this size may be related to the evolutionary stage of the SMG. The very compact sizes for composite star-forming/AGN systems could be explained by supermassive black holes growing rapidly during the SMG coalescing, star-formation phase.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ Lette

    SXDF-ALMA 1.5 arcmin^2 deep survey. A compact dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.5

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    We present first results from the SXDF-ALMA 1.5 arcmin^2 deep survey at 1.1 mm using Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The map reaches a 1sigma depth of 55 uJy/beam and covers 12 Halpha-selected star-forming galaxies at z = 2.19 or z=2.53. We have detected continuum emission from three of our Halpha-selected sample, including one compact star-forming galaxy with high stellar surface density, NB2315-07. They are all red in the rest-frame optical and have stellar masses of log (M*/Msun)>10.9 whereas the other blue, main-sequence galaxies with log(M*/Msun)=10.0-10.8 are exceedingly faint, <290 uJy (2sigma upper limit). We also find the 1.1 mm-brightest galaxy, NB2315-02, to be associated with a compact (R_e=0.7+-0.1 kpc), dusty star-forming component. Given high gas fraction (44^{+20}_{-8}% or 37^{+25}_{-3}%) and high star formation rate surface density (126^{+27}_{-30} Msun yr^{-1}kpc^{-2}), the concentrated starburst can within less than 50^{+12}_{-11} Myr build up a stellar surface density matching that of massive compact galaxies at z~2, provided at least 19+-3% of the total gas is converted into stars in the galaxy centre. On the other hand, NB2315-07, which already has such a high stellar surface density core, shows a gas fraction (23+-8%) and is located in the lower envelope of the star formation main-sequence. This compact less star-forming galaxy is likely to be in an intermediate phase between compact dusty star-forming and quiescent galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

    A Novel Unsupervised Method to Identify Genes Important in the Anti-viral Response: Application to Interferon/Ribavirin in Hepatitis C Patients

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    Background: Treating hepatitis C with interferon/ribavirin results in a varied response in terms of decrease in viral titer and ultimate outcome. Marked responders have a sharp decline in viral titer within a few days of treatment initiation, whereas in other patients there is no effect on the virus (poor responders). Previous studies have shown that combination therapy modifies expression of hundreds of genes in vitro and in vivo. However, identifying which, if any, of these genes have a role in viral clearance remains challenging. Aims: The goal of this paper is to link viral levels with gene expression and thereby identify genes that may be responsible for early decrease in viral titer. Methods: Microarrays were performed on RNA isolated from PBMC of patients undergoing interferon/ribavirin therapy. Samples were collected at pre-treatment (day 0), and 1, 2, 7, 14 and 28 days after initiating treatment. A novel method was applied to identify genes that are linked to a decrease in viral titer during interferon/ribavirin treatment. The method uses the relationship between inter-patient gene expression based proximities and inter-patient viral titer based proximities to define the association between microarray gene expression measurements of each gene and viral-titer measurements. Results: We detected 36 unique genes whose expressions provide a clustering of patients that resembles viral titer based clustering of patients. These genes include IRF7, MX1, OASL and OAS2, viperin and many ISG's of unknown function. Conclusion: The genes identified by this method appear to play a major role in the reduction of hepatitis C virus during the early phase of treatment. The method has broad utility and can be used to analyze response to any group of factors influencing biological outcome such as antiviral drugs or anti-cancer agents where microarray data are available. © 2007 Brodsky et al