61 research outputs found

    Dimensional Reduction of the S3S^3/WZW Duality

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    Recently proposed duality relates the critical level limit k^2\hat{k} \to -2 of SU(2)k^SU(2)_{\hat{k}} WZW models to a classical three-dimensional Einstein gravity on a sphere. In this paper, we propose a dimensional reduced version of this duality. The gravity side is reduced to a Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity on S2S^2 with a non-standard boundary term, or a BF theory with SU(2)SU(2) gauge symmetry. At least in low temperature limit, these two-dimensional gravity theories completely capture the original three-dimensional gravity effect. The CFT side is reduced to a certain complex Liouville quantum mechanics (LQM) with SU(2)SU(2) gauge symmetry. Our proposal gives an interesting example of a holography without boundary. We also discuss a higher-spin generalization with SU(N)SU(N) gauge symmetry.Comment: 36 page

    Topological pseudo entropy

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    We introduce a pseudo entropy extension of topological entanglement entropy called topological pseudo entropy. Various examples of the topological pseudo entropies are examined in three-dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory with Wilson loop insertions. Partition functions with knotted Wilson loops are directly related to topological pseudo (R\'enyi) entropies. We also show that the pseudo entropy in a certain setup is equivalent to the interface entropy in two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs), and leverage the equivalence to calculate the pseudo entropies in particular examples. Furthermore, we define a pseudo entropy extension of the left-right entanglement entropy in two-dimensional boundary CFTs and derive a universal formula for a pair of arbitrary boundary states. As a byproduct, we find that the topological interface entropy for rational CFTs has a contribution identical to the topological entanglement entropy on a torus.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figure

    SVD Entanglement Entropy

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    In this paper, we introduce a new quantity called SVD entanglement entropy. This is a generalization of entanglement entropy in that it depends on two different states, as in pre- and post-selection processes. This SVD entanglement entropy takes non-negative real values and is bounded by the logarithm of the Hilbert space dimensions. The SVD entanglement entropy can be interpreted as the average number of Bell pairs distillable from intermediates states. We observe that the SVD entanglement entropy gets enhanced when the two states are in the different quantum phases in an explicit example of the transverse-field Ising model. Moreover, we calculate the R{\'e}nyi SVD entropy in various field theories and examine holographic calculations using the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 42 pages, 23 figure

    Complex saddles of Chern-Simons gravity and dS3_3/CFT2_2 correspondence

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    We examine the black hole solutions of dS3_3 gravity by applying the explicit dS3_3/CFT2_2 correspondence. The gravity theory is described by Chern-Simons theory with complex gauge group SL(2,C)(2,\mathbb{C}), and the complexified theory is known to have too many saddle points. We determine the set of ``allowable geometry'' from dual CFT correlators. Concretely, we classify the possible complex solutions corresponding to dS3_3 black holes from Liouville two-point functions. We extend the analysis to Liouville multi-point functions and among others we study geometry corresponding to two linked Wilson loops on S3S^3 by the monodromy matrix of Liouville four-point function. Some parts of the results were presented in a previous letter but here they are explained in more details and extended in various ways. In particular, we generalize the results to the case with higher-spin gravity by focusing the effects of higher-spin charges.Comment: 61 pages, 5 figure

    Pseudoentropy in dS/CFT and Timelike Entanglement Entropy

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    擬エントロピーからの時間軸の創発 --ホログラフィック・エンタングルメントエントロピーの一般化. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-01-20.We study holographic entanglement entropy in dS/CFT and introduce timelike entanglement entropy in CFTs. Both of them take complex values in general and are related with each other via an analytical continuation. We argue that they are correctly understood as pseudoentropy. We find that the imaginary part of pseudoentropy implies an emergence of time in dS/CFT

    Holographic Pseudo Entropy

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    We introduce a quantity, called pseudo entropy, as a generalization of entanglement entropy via post-selection. In the AdS/CFT correspondence, this quantity is dual to areas of minimal area surfaces in time-dependent Euclidean spaces which are asymptotically AdS. We study its basic properties and classifications in qubit systems. In specific examples, we provide a quantum information theoretic meaning of this new quantity as an averaged number of Bell pairs when the post-selection is performed. We also present properties of the pseudo entropy for random states. We then calculate the pseudo entropy in the presence of local operator excitations for both the two dimensional free massless scalar CFT and two dimensional holographic CFTs. We find a general property in CFTs that the pseudo entropy is highly reduced when the local operators get closer to the boundary of the subsystem. We also compute the holographic pseudo entropy for a Janus solution, dual to an exactly marginal perturbation of a two dimensional CFT and find its agreement with a perturbative calculation in the dual CFT. We show the linearity property holds for holographic states, where the holographic pseudo entropy coincides with a weak value of the area operator. Finally, we propose a mixed state generalization of pseudo entropy and give its gravity dual.Comment: 92 pages, 25 figures; v3: discussion improved, comments adde

    Involvement of resistin-like molecule β in the development of methionine-choline deficient diet-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice

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    Resistin-like molecule β (RELMβ) reportedly has multiple functions including local immune responses in the gut. In this study, we investigated the possible contribution of RELMβ to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) development. First, RELMβ knock-out (KO) mice were shown to be resistant to methionine-choline deficient (MCD) diet-induced NASH development. Since it was newly revealed that Kupffer cells in the liver express RELMβ and that RELMβ expression levels in the colon and the numbers of RELMβ-positive Kupffer cells were both increased in this model, we carried out further experiments using radiation chimeras between wild-type and RELMβ-KO mice to distinguish between the contributions of RELMβ in these two organs. These experiments revealed the requirement of RELMβ in both organs for full manifestation of NASH, while deletion of each one alone attenuated the development of NASH with reduced serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels. The higher proportion of lactic acid bacteria in the gut microbiota of RELMβ-KO than in that of wild-type mice may be one of the mechanisms underlying the lower serum LPS level the former. These data suggest the contribution of increases in RELMβ in the gut and Kupffer cells to NASH development, raising the possibility of RELMβ being a novel therapeutic target for NASH

    Infective endocarditis caused by Salmonella enteritidis in a dialysis patient: a case report and literature review

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    BackgroundInfective endocarditis is significantly more common in haemodialysis patients as compared with the general population, the causative pathogen is generally Staphylococcus aureus; there have been no previously reported cases of infective endocarditis caused by a Salmonella species in haemodialysis patients.Case presentationWe report the case of a 68 year-old woman on haemodialysis who developed infective endocarditis as a result of Salmonella enteritidis. Although we treated the patient with ceftriaxone combined with ciprofloxacin, infective endocarditis was not detected early enough and unfortunately developed into cerebral septic emboli, which ultimately resulted in death.ConclusionAlthough there are several reports that Salmonella endocarditis without cardiac failure can be successfully treated with antibiotics alone, early surgical intervention is essential for some cases to prevent life-threatening complications. Transesophageal echocardiography should be performed in any patient with high clinical suspicion of infective endocarditis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case-report of Salmonella endocarditis in a haemodialysis patient