5 research outputs found

    Territorio del Sertón del Río San Francisco (IRPAA) – Fomento de las actividades rurales

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    El segundo Estudio de Caso del WWP —de la serie que muestra iniciativas de éxito en el ámbito de la inclusión productiva en Brasil— presenta los enfoques que resultaron eficaces para proveer seguridad alimentaria, generación de renta e inclusión social a agricultores familiares en situación de pobreza en el Territorio del Sertón del San Francisco, en el estado de Bahía. El trabajo de asistencia técnica y extensión agrícola (ATER) para proyectos productivos familiares fue desarrollado entre 2013 y 2016 por el Instituto Regional de la Pequeña Agropecuaria Apropiada (IRPAA). El éxito de esta experiencia se explica en parte por la flexibilidad prevista en el pliego de condiciones y por la metodología paritaria y colectiva del IRPAA en las fases de diagnóstico y elaboración del proyecto productivo para cada familia.Número de páginas: 29 p.Políticas Públicas e SociaisEste estudio de caso forma parte de una serie de estudios de la Iniciativa Brasileña de Aprendizaje por un Mundo sin Pobreza (WWP, por sus siglas en Inglés)

    Summary and grouping of the phenotypes observed in each Tg chimeras (11- to 16 weeks old).

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    <p>A. Venn diagram representing the common phenotypes of the three Tg chimeras. The ellipses represent the phenotypes obtained from each Tg chimeras. The common phenotypes are shown in the overlapping sections. B. Summary of the phenotypes. The notes correspond to the data shown in Figure 3A. For example, VII means that the features were common to all three (ActRIIA-Fc, ActRIIB-Fc and BMPRII-Fc) Tg chimeras.</p

    Serum protein levels produced from the transgenes in each Tg chimeras.

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    <p>A. Serum hEPO concentrations of the four types of eight-week-old Tg chimeras identified using a combination of two different promoters (A: used in our previous report, B: newly developed for this study) and the existence of puro and neo selection markers. ***, P<0.001 (Student’s <i>t</i>-test). Significant differences were observed in both females and males. B. The serum concentration of each soluble protein (ActRIIA-Fc, ActRIIB-Fc and BMPRII-Fc) in 11- to 16-week-old Tg chimeras was measured using ELISA (see the Materials and Methods). In the control chimeras, the Fc protein was not detectable. As described in Materials and Methods, the “control” chimeras are produced using ES cells in which the expression unit is not introduced.</p

    Increased extramedullary hematopoiesis was observed in the chimeric mouse spleens.

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    <p>Results of the flow cytometric analysis of the bone marrow (A) and spleen (B). The black bar indicates the control chimeras and the gray bar indicates the Tg chimeras. Samples were obtained from 8-week-old Tg chimeras (N=6). Each experiment was performed independently, and a control was prepared for each procedure. The ratio of [% of gated cells] in each Tg chimera to that observed in the control chimeras was described as [relative value]. *, P<0.05 ; **, P<0.01; †, tendency (0.05t-test).</p

    Total RNA samples prepared from 10 different tissues of 4-week-old hEPO/ΔRS and control ΔRS chimaeras were subjected to RT–PCR analysis using hEPO (35 cycles) and Cκ (35 cycles) specific primer pairs

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "A novel transgenic chimaeric mouse system for the rapid functional evaluation of genes encoding secreted proteins"</p><p>Nucleic Acids Research 2005;33(9):e85-e85.</p><p>Published online 24 May 2005</p><p>PMCID:PMC1140086.</p><p>© The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved</p> The sizes of resulting PCR products in all experiments were consistent with the expected sizes predicted from reported cDNA sequences. Murine GAPDH (25 cycles) was used as a control