49 research outputs found

    Molecular structure and function of bacterial nitric oxide reductase

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    AbstractThe crystal structure of the membrane-integrated nitric oxide reductase cNOR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was determined. The smaller NorC subunit of cNOR is comprised of 1 trans-membrane helix and a hydrophilic domain, where the heme c is located, while the larger NorB subunit consists of 12 trans-membrane helices, which contain heme b and the catalytically active binuclear center (heme b3 and non-heme FeB). The roles of the 5 well-conserved glutamates in NOR are discussed, based on the recently solved structure. Glu211 and Glu280 appear to play an important role in the catalytic reduction of NO at the binuclear center by functioning as a terminal proton donor, while Glu215 probably contributes to the electro-negative environment of the catalytic center. Glu135, a ligand for Ca2+ sandwiched between two heme propionates from heme b and b3, and the nearby Glu138 appears to function as a structural factor in maintaining a protein conformation that is suitable for electron-coupled proton transfer from the periplasmic region to the active site. On the basis of these observations, the possible molecular mechanism for the reduction of NO by cNOR is discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory Oxidases

    Proton transfer in the quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus during reduction of oxygen

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    Bacterial nitric oxide reductases (NOR) are integral membrane proteins that catalyse the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide, often as a step in the process of denitrification. Most functional data has been obtained with NORs that receive their electrons from a soluble cytochrome c in the periplasm and are hence termed cNOR. Very recently, the structure of a different type of NOR, the quinol-dependent (q)-NOR from the thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus was solved to atomic resolution [Y. Matsumoto, T. Tosha, A.V. Pisliakov, T. Hino, H. Sugimoto, S. Nagano, Y. Sugita and Y. Shiro, Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 19 (2012) 238–246]. In this study, we have investigated the reaction between this qNOR and oxygen. Our results show that, like some cNORs, the G. stearothermophilus qNOR is capable of O2 reduction with a turnover of ~ 3 electrons s− 1 at 40 °C. Furthermore, using the so-called flow-flash technique, we show that the fully reduced (with three available electrons) qNOR reacts with oxygen in a reaction with a time constant of 1.8 ms that oxidises the low-spin heme b. This reaction is coupled to proton uptake from solution and presumably forms a ferryl intermediate at the active site. The pH dependence of the reaction is markedly different from a corresponding reaction in cNOR from Paracoccus denitrificans, indicating that possibly the proton uptake mechanism and/or pathway differs between qNOR and cNOR. This study furthermore forms the basis for investigation of the proton transfer pathway in qNOR using both variants with putative proton transfer elements modified and measurements of the vectorial nature of the proton transfer. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012)

    Time-resolved studies of metalloproteins using X-ray free electron laser radiation at SACLA

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    Background: The invention of the X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) has provided unprecedented new opportunities for structural biology. The advantage of XFEL is an intense pulse of X-rays and a very short pulse duration ( Scope of review: Recent time-resolved crystallographic analyses in XFEL facility SACLA are reviewed. Specifically, metalloproteins involved in the essential reactions of bioenergy conversion including photosystem II, cytochrome c oxidase and nitric oxide reductase are described. Major conclusions: XFEL with pump-probe techniques successfully visualized the process of the reaction and the dynamics of a protein. Since the active center of metalloproteins is very sensitive to the X-ray radiation, damage-free structures obtained by XFEL are essential to draw mechanistic conclusions. Methods and tools for sample delivery and reaction initiation are key for successful measurement of the time-resolved data. General significance: XFEL is at the center of approaches to gain insight into complex mechanism of structural dynamics and the reactions catalyzed by biological macromolecules. Further development has been carried out to expand the application of time-resolved X-ray crystallography. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Novel measurement techniques for visualizing 'live' protein molecules

    Proton transfer in the quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus during reduction of oxygen

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    Bacterial nitric oxide reductases (NOR) are integral membrane proteins that catalyse the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide, often as a step in the process of denitrification. Most functional data has been obtained with NORs that receive their electrons from a soluble cytochrome c in the periplasm and are hence termed cNOR. Very recently, the structure of a different type of NOR, the quinol-dependent (q)-NOR from the thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus was solved to atomic resolution [Y. Matsumoto, T. Tosha, A.V. Pisliakov, T. Hino, H. Sugimoto, S. Nagano, Y. Sugita and Y. Shiro, Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 19 (2012) 238–246]. In this study, we have investigated the reaction between this qNOR and oxygen. Our results show that, like some cNORs, the G. stearothermophilus qNOR is capable of O2 reduction with a turnover of ~ 3 electrons s− 1 at 40 °C. Furthermore, using the so-called flow-flash technique, we show that the fully reduced (with three available electrons) qNOR reacts with oxygen in a reaction with a time constant of 1.8 ms that oxidises the low-spin heme b. This reaction is coupled to proton uptake from solution and presumably forms a ferryl intermediate at the active site. The pH dependence of the reaction is markedly different from a corresponding reaction in cNOR from Paracoccus denitrificans, indicating that possibly the proton uptake mechanism and/or pathway differs between qNOR and cNOR. This study furthermore forms the basis for investigation of the proton transfer pathway in qNOR using both variants with putative proton transfer elements modified and measurements of the vectorial nature of the proton transfer. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012)

    Efficient depolymerization of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene furanoate by engineered PET hydrolase Cut190

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    The enzymatic recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can be a promising approach to tackle the problem of plastic waste. The thermostability and activity of PET-hydrolyzing enzymes are still insufficient for practical application. Pretreatment of PET waste is needed for bio-recycling. Here, we analyzed the degradation of PET films, packages, and bottles using the newly engineered cutinase Cut190. Using gel permeation chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, the degradation of PET films by the Cut190 variant was shown to proceed via a repeating two-step hydrolysis process; initial endo-type scission of a surface polymer chain, followed by exo-type hydrolysis to produce mono/bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate and terephthalate from the ends of fragmented polymer molecules. Amorphous PET powders were degraded more than twofold higher than amorphous PET film with the same weight. Moreover, homogenization of post-consumer PET products, such as packages and bottles, increased their degradability, indicating the importance of surface area for the enzymatic hydrolysis of PET. In addition, it was required to maintain an alkaline pH to enable continuous enzymatic hydrolysis, by increasing the buffer concentration (HEPES, pH 9.0) depending on the level of the acidic products formed. The cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride promoted PET degradation via adsorption on the PET surface and binding to the anionic surface of the Cut190 variant. The Cut190 variant also hydrolyzed polyethylene furanoate. Using the best performing Cut190 variant (L136F/Q138A/S226P/R228S/D250C-E296C/Q123H/N202H/K305del/L306del/N307del) and amorphous PET powders, more than 90 mM degradation products were obtained in 3 days and approximately 80 mM in 1 day

    Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Reveals the Role of Water in the One- or Two-Electron Redox Chemistry of Compound i in the Catalytic Cycle of the B-Type Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase DtpB

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    Controlling the reactivity of high-valent Fe(IV)-O catalytic intermediates, Compounds I and II, generated in heme enzymes upon reaction with dioxygen or hydrogen peroxide, is important for function. It has been hypothesized that the presence (wet) or absence (dry) of distal heme pocket water molecules can influence whether Compound I undergoes sequential one-electron additions or a concerted two-electron reduction. To test this hypothesis, we investigate the role of water in the heme distal pocket of a dye-decolorizing peroxidase utilizing a combination of serial femtosecond crystallography and rapid kinetic studies. In a dry distal heme site, Compound I reduction proceeds through a mechanism in which Compound II concentration is low. This reaction shows a strong deuterium isotope effect, indicating that reduction is coupled to proton uptake. The resulting protonated Compound II (Fe(IV)-OH) rapidly reduces to the ferric state, giving the appearance of a two-electron transfer process. In a wet site, reduction of Compound I is faster, has no deuterium effect, and yields highly populated Compound II, which is subsequently reduced to the ferric form. This work provides a definitive experimental test of the hypothesis advanced in the literature that relates sequential or concerted electron transfer to Compound I in wet or dry distal heme sites

    Characterization of the quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase from the pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, an electrogenic enzyme

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    Abstract Bacterial nitric oxide reductases (NORs) catalyse the reduction of NO to N2O and H2O. NORs are found either in denitrification chains, or in pathogens where their primary role is detoxification of NO produced by the immune defense of the host. Although NORs belong to the heme-copper oxidase superfamily, comprising proton-pumping O2-reducing enzymes, the best studied NORs, cNORs (cytochrome c-dependent), are non-electrogenic. Here, we focus on another type of NOR, qNOR (quinol-dependent). Recombinant qNOR from Neisseria meningitidis, a human pathogen, purified from Escherichia coli, showed high catalytic activity and spectroscopic properties largely similar to cNORs. However, in contrast to cNOR, liposome-reconstituted qNOR showed respiratory control ratios above two, indicating that NO reduction by qNOR was electrogenic. Further, we determined a 4.5 Å crystal structure of the N. meningitidis qNOR, allowing exploration of a potential proton transfer pathway from the cytoplasm by mutagenesis. Most mutations had little effect on the activity, however the E-498 variants were largely inactive, while the corresponding substitution in cNOR was previously shown not to induce significant effects. We thus suggest that, contrary to cNOR, the N. meningitidis qNOR uses cytoplasmic protons for NO reduction. Our results allow possible routes for protons to be discussed

    Serial femtosecond zero dose crystallography captures a water‐free distal heme site in a dye‐decolourising peroxidase to reveal a catalytic role for an arginine in FeIV=O formation

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    Obtaining structures of intact redox states of metal centres derived from zero dose X‐ray crystallography can advance our mechanistic understanding of metalloenzymes. In dye‐decolourising heme peroxidases (DyPs), controversy exists regarding the mechanistic role of the distal heme residues, aspartate and arginine, in the heterolysis of peroxide to form the catalytic intermediate compound I (Fe IV =O and a porphyrin cation radical). Using serial femtosecond X‐ray (SFX) crystallography, we have determined the pristine structures of the Fe III and Fe IV =O redox states of a B‐type DyP. These structures reveal a water‐free distal heme site, which together with the presence of an asparagine, infer the use of the distal arginine as a catalytic base. A combination of mutagenesis and kinetic studies corroborate such a role. Our SFX approach thus provides unique insight into how the distal heme site of DyPs can be tuned to select aspartate or arginine for the rate enhancement of peroxide heterolysis

    Single crystal spectroscopy and multiple structures from one crystal (MSOX) define catalysis in copper nitrite reductases

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    Many enzymes utilize redox-coupled centers for performing catalysis where these centers are used to control and regulate the transfer of electrons required for catalysis, whose untimely delivery can lead to a state incapable of binding the substrate, i.e., a dead-end enzyme. Copper nitrite reductases (CuNiRs), which catalyze the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide (NO), have proven to be a good model system for studying these complex processes including proton-coupled electron transfer (ET) and their orchestration for substrate binding/utilization. Recently, a two-domain CuNiR from a Rhizobia species (Br2DNiR) has been discovered with a substantially lower enzymatic activity where the catalytic type-2 Cu (T2Cu) site is occupied by two water molecules requiring their displacement for the substrate nitrite to bind. Single crystal spectroscopy combined with MSOX (multiple structures from one crystal) for both the as-isolated and nitrite-soaked crystals clearly demonstrate that inter-Cu ET within the coupled T1Cu-T2Cu redox system is heavily gated. Laser-flash photolysis and optical spectroscopy showed rapid ET from photoexcited NADH to the T1Cu center but little or no inter-Cu ET in the absence of nitrite. Furthermore, incomplete reoxidation of the T1Cu site (∼20% electrons transferred) was observed in the presence of nitrite, consistent with a slow formation of NO species in the serial structures of the MSOX movie obtained from the nitrite-soaked crystal, which is likely to be responsible for the lower activity of this CuNiR. Our approach is of direct relevance for studying redox reactions in a wide range of biological systems including metalloproteins that make up at least 30% of all proteins

    Oxygen-evolving photosystem II structures during S1–S2–S3 transitions

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    Photosystem II (PSII) catalyses the oxidation of water through a four-step cycle of Si states (i = 0–4) at the Mn4CaO5 cluster1,2,3, during which an extra oxygen (O6) is incorporated at the S3 state to form a possible dioxygen4,5,6,7. Structural changes of the metal cluster and its environment during the S-state transitions have been studied on the microsecond timescale. Here we use pump-probe serial femtosecond crystallography to reveal the structural dynamics of PSII from nanoseconds to milliseconds after illumination with one flash (1F) or two flashes (2F). YZ, a tyrosine residue that connects the reaction centre P680 and the Mn4CaO5 cluster, showed structural changes on a nanosecond timescale, as did its surrounding amino acid residues and water molecules, reflecting the fast transfer of electrons and protons after flash illumination. Notably, one water molecule emerged in the vicinity of Glu189 of the D1 subunit of PSII (D1-E189), and was bound to the Ca2+ ion on a sub-microsecond timescale after 2F illumination. This water molecule disappeared later with the concomitant increase of O6, suggesting that it is the origin of O6. We also observed concerted movements of water molecules in the O1, O4 and Cl-1 channels and their surrounding amino acid residues to complete the sequence of electron transfer, proton release and substrate water delivery. These results provide crucial insights into the structural dynamics of PSII during S-state transitions as well as O–O bond formation