42 research outputs found

    Deterministic quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by a hybrid technique

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    Quantum teleportation allows for the transfer of arbitrary, in principle, unknown quantum states from a sender to a spatially distant receiver, who share an entangled state and can communicate classically. It is the essence of many sophisticated protocols for quantum communication and computation. In order to realize flying qubits in these schemes, photons are an optimal choice, however, teleporting a photonic qubit has been limited due to experimental inefficiencies and restrictions. Major disadvantages have been the fundamentally probabilistic nature of linear-optics Bell measurements as well as the need for either destroying the teleported qubit or attenuating the input qubit when the detectors do not resolve photon numbers. Here we experimentally realize fully deterministic, unconditional quantum teleportation of photonic qubits. The key element is to make use of a "hybrid" technique: continuous-variable (CV) teleportation of a discrete-variable, photonic qubit. By optimally tuning the receiver's feedforward gain, the CV teleporter acts as a pure loss channel, while the input dual-rail encoded qubit, based on a single photon, represents a quantum error detection code against amplitude damping and hence remains completely intact for most teleportation events. This allows for a faithful qubit transfer even with imperfect CV entangled states: the overall transfer fidelities range from 0.79 to 0.82 for four distinct qubits, all of them exceeding the classical limit of teleportation. Furthermore, even for a relatively low level of the entanglement, qubits are teleported much more efficiently than in previous experiments, albeit post-selectively (taking into account only the qubit subspaces), with a fidelity comparable to the previously reported values

    Complete temporal mode characterization of non-Gaussian states by dual homodyne measurement

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    Optical quantum states defined in temporal modes, especially non-Gaussian states like photon-number states, play an important role in quantum computing schemes. In general, the temporal-mode structures of these states are characterized by one or more complex functions called temporal-mode functions (TMFs). Although we can calculate TMF theoretically in some cases, experimental estimation of TMF is more advantageous to utilize the states with high purity. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate complex TMFs. This method can be applied not only to arbitrary single-temporal-mode non-Gaussian states but also to two-temporal-mode states containing two photons. This method is implemented by continuous-wave (CW) dual homodyne measurement and doesn't need prior information of the target states nor state reconstruction procedure. We demonstrate this method by analyzing several experimentally created non-Gaussian states

    Time-domain Ramsey interferometry with interacting Rydberg atoms

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    We theoretically investigate the dynamics of a gas of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms subject to a time-domain Ramsey interferometry protocol. The many-body dynamics is governed by an Ising-type Hamiltonian with long range interactions of tunable strength. We analyze and model the contrast degradation and phase accumulation of the Ramsey signal and identify scaling laws for varying interrogation times, ensemble densities, and ensemble dimensionalities.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Time-Domain Universal Linear-Optical Operations for Universal Quantum Information Processing

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    We demonstrate universal and programmable three-mode linear optical operations in the time domain by realizing a scalable dual-loop optical circuit suitable for universal quantum information processing (QIP). The programmability, validity, and deterministic operation of our circuit are demonstrated by performing nine different three-mode operations on squeezed-state pulses, fully characterizing the outputs with variable measurements, and confirming their entanglement. Our circuit can be scaled up just by making the outer loop longer and also extended to universal quantum computers by incorporating feedforward systems. Thus, our work paves the way to large-scale universal optical QIP