1,934 research outputs found

    DNA's from human hepatoma and gastric cancer mitochondria

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    1. Mitochondria isolated from human liver, hepatoma and gastric cancer contain DNA. The DNA content per mitochondrial protein is about ten times as much in cancer as in normal liver. 2. Human liver, hepatoma and gastric cancer contain circular DNA molecules in their mitochondria. Circular DNAs from normal liver and cancer mitochondria are mostly about 5 &#956; long, and the frequency of circular DNAs of multiple or shorter length is higher in cancer mitochondrial DNA. The outline of the present paper was presented at the 26th Congress of Japanese Cancer Association (1967) (52, 53).</p


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    京都大学新制・課程博士博士(理学)甲第25152号理博第5059号京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻(主査)准教授 半谷 吾郎, 教授 今井 啓雄, 教授 明里 宏文学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of ScienceKyoto UniversityDGA

    Spatial Economics and Totalitarian Temptations: The Complex Biography of August Lösch (1906-1945)

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    Among the German spatial economists August Lösch is arguably the one who has had the biggest lasting influence on international academic literature. After his death in May 1945, a legend was created according to which he was a fierce opponent to national socialism. This was part of the attempts of his former colleagues and of the German economics community at large to disguise the extent of their own involvement and their agency in advising economic and social policies of the Nazi regime. The political context of spatial planning during the Second World War was particularly damning as it in many cases presupposed genocides on nations such as Poles and Russians and on religious groups such as Jews. It was precisely with regards to Eastern Europe that Lösch’s theoretical contributions were deemed to be particularly valuable. However, the legend of his supposed opposition contained a grain of truth as he was indeed appalled by central aspects of Nazi ideology. Yet, the ability of a totalitarian regime such as the “Third Reich” to integrate the contributions of a brilliant mind and somebody who saw himself as an independent and unpolitical scholar into its decentralized and collaborative spatial research apparatus is what makes Lösch’s biography particularly interesting and relevant today

    Pengaruh Faktor Usability terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna pada Website UNIPA

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    Website adalah administrasi data untuk semua klien yang dapat diperoleh tanpa batas. Pemanfaatan website juga umumnya dimanfaatkan dalam ranah pendidikan. Penggunaan webste di bidang pendidikan salah satunya diterapkan di Universitas Nusa Nipa sebagai wadah palayanan informasi kepada mahasiwa dan dosen. Untuk menghasilkan hasil kualitas website yang baik, perlu dikembangkan lebih banyak informasi dan layanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kualitas kegunaan, informasi, dan interaksi layanan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna website

    Analysis of Opportunity on Geoheritage Activities in Muroto Global Geopark : Through the Comparison Between 2 Geological Conservation Program

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    This research aims to clarify the differences of 2 UNESCO geological conservation programs, World heritage program and Global Geoparks program, in terms of their evaluation and monitoring system by organizing UNESCO official documents. In addition that, through the case study of Muroto grobal geopark, the author attempts to grab the perspectives toward geopark of local people related to geotourism. The data was collected through qualitative method using interviews with residents related to 3 geotourism in Muroto. In conclusion, in both programs, evaluations are performed by the professionals who have specific knowledge of geology and both are put importance on its outstanding value as geological sites. World heritage programs retain the continuous monitoring system which is operated cooperation with external NGOs, academia and scientific professionals throughout both online and onsite monitoring after inscription, on the other hand, global geoparks only perform its monitoring every 4 years through the onsite evaluation. Moreover, the interview appears the truth that some residents involve themselves into geotourism without knowing of geopark concepts and objectives. Involving not only geological aspects but wide range of perspectives like world heritage program might help to establish sustainable geoheritage activitis.Art and Design Research for Sustainable Development ; September 22, 2018Conference: Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018Date: September 20-22, 2018Venue: Tsukuba International Congress Center Sponsored: University of Tsukub

    The Sustainability and Relationship Among the Community Organizations in the Case Study of Hanno Ecotourism

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    Different from mass-tour, ecotour claims for the balance of economic development and environment conservation, which attracted plenty of countries and areas to promote it. Since ecotour emphasize the protection of local nature and the participation of local residents, the local community is playing an important role in the whole ecotourism system. So in order to find out what factors make the ecotourism system sustains and how the system relates to community, local community organizations\u27 participative procedures and framework should be made clear. As a connection of ecotour and community, it is also required to assess the effects of community organizations so to meaaure the influence to community form ecotourism system. In this study, community organizations in the ecotourism system are taken as the main research object, reviewing their characteristic features in the system by analyzing their succession through literature research, and doing a interview to public servants so the relationship among community organizations and the role they playing in the whole ecotourism system can be clarified.Art and Design Research for Sustainable Development ; September 22, 2018Conference: Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018Date: September 20-22, 2018Venue: Tsukuba International Congress Center Sponsored: University of Tsukub