63 research outputs found

    The ML1Nx2 phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate probe shows poor selectivity in cells

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    Phosphatidylinositol (3,5)-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P2) is a quantitatively minor phospholipid in eukaryotic cells that plays a fundamental role in regulating endocytic membrane traffic. Despite its clear importance for cellular function and organism physiology, mechanistic details of its biology have so far not been fully elucidated. In part, this is due to a lack of experimental tools that specifically probe for PtdIns(3,5)P2 in cells to unambiguously identify its dynamics and site(s) of action. In this study, we have evaluated a recently reported PtdIns(3,5)P2 biosensor, GFP-ML1Nx2, for its veracity as such a probe. We report that, in live cells, the localization of this biosensor to sub-cellular compartments is largely independent of PtdIns(3,5)P2, as assessed after pharmacological, chemical genetic or genomic interventions that block the lipid's synthesis. We therefore conclude that it is unwise to interpret the localization of ML1Nx2 as a true and unbiased biosensor for PtdIns(3,5)P2

    Levels and Concentration Ratios of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Serum and Breast Milk in Japanese Mothers

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    Blood and/or breast milk have been used to assess human exposure to various environmental contaminants. Few studies have been available to compare the concentrations in one matrix with those in another. The goals of this study were to determine the current levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Japanese women, with analysis of the effects of lifestyle and dietary habits on these levels, and to develop a quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) with which to predict the ratio of serum concentration to breast milk concentration. We measured PBDEs and PCBs in 89 paired samples of serum and breast milk collected in four regions of Japan in 2005. The geometric means of the total concentrations of PBDE (13 congeners) in milk and serum were 1.56 and 2.89 ng/g lipid, respectively, whereas those of total PCBs (15 congeners) were 63.9 and 37.5 ng/g lipid, respectively. The major determinant of total PBDE concentration in serum and milk was the geographic area within Japan, whereas nursing duration was the major determinant of PCB concentration. BDE-209 was the most predominant PBDE congener in serum but not in milk. The excretion of BDE 209 in milk was lower than that of BDE 47 and BDE 153. QSAR analysis revealed that two parameters, calculated octanol/water partition and number of hydrogen-bond acceptors, were significant descriptors. During the first weeks of lactation, the predicted partitioning of PBDE and PCB congeners from serum to milk agreed with the observed values. However, the prediction became weaker after 10 weeks of nursing

    Phosphoinositide 3-Kinaseγ Controls the Intracellular Localization of CpG to Limit DNA-PKcs-Dependent IL-10 Production in Macrophages

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    Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (CpG) stimulate innate immune responses. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) has been implicated in CpG-induced immune activation; however, its precise role has not yet been clarified. CpG-induced production of IL-10 was dramatically increased in macrophages deficient in PI3Kγ (p110γ−/−). By contrast, LPS-induced production of IL-10 was unchanged in the cells. CpG-induced, but not LPS-induced, IL-10 production was almost completely abolished in SCID mice having mutations in DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). Furthermore, wortmannin, an inhibitor of DNA-PKcs, completely inhibited CpG-induced IL-10 production, both in wild type and p110γ−/− cells. Microscopic analyses revealed that CpG preferentially localized with DNA-PKcs in p110γ−/− cells than in wild type cells. In addition, CpG was preferentially co-localized with the acidic lysosomal marker, LysoTracker, in p110γ−/− cells, and with an early endosome marker, EEA1, in wild type cells. Over-expression of p110γ in Cos7 cells resulted in decreased acidification of CpG containing endosome. A similar effect was reproduced using kinase-dead mutants, but not with a ras-binding site mutant, of p110γ. Thus, it is likely that p110γ, in a manner independent of its kinase activity, inhibits the acidification of CpG-containing endosomes. It is considered that increased acidification of CpG-containing endosomes in p110γ−/− cells enforces endosomal escape of CpG, which results in increased association of CpG with DNA-PKcs to up-regulate IL-10 production in macrophages

    Widespread modulation of gene expression by copy number variation in skeletal muscle

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    Copy number variation (CNV) is a frequently observed deviation from the diploid state due to duplication or deletion of genomic regions. Although intensively analyzed for association with diseases and production traits, the specific mechanisms and extent by which such variations affect the phenotype are incompletely understood. We present an integrative study on CNV and genome-wide gene expression in Brazilian Bos indicus cattle. We analyzed CNVs inferred from SNP-chip data for effects on gene expression measured with RNA-seq in skeletal muscle samples of 183 steers. Local effects, where expression changes coincided with CNVs in the respective genes, were restricted to immune genes. Distal effects were attributable to several high-impact CNVs that modulated remote expression in an orchestrated and intertwined fashion. These CNVs were located in the vicinity of major skeletal muscle pathway regulators and associated genes were enriched for proteolysis, autophagy, and muscle structure development. From association analysis between CNVs and several meat quality and production traits, we found CNV-associated expression effects to also manifest at the phenotype level. Based on genome sequences of the population founders, we further demonstrate that CNVs with impact on expression and phenotype are passed on from one generation to another

    PCBs and PCDD/DFs in waste oil illegally dumped and neglected for more than 20 years.

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    Quantification of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in waste oil by high resolution gas chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC-HRMS), and profiling of their congeners and homologues were described. Waste oil packed in drums which were estimated to have been exposed to the weather for more than 20 years were found by the illegal dumping patrol in 2006. PCBs were detected in all of 12 waste oil samples examined, with concentrations in the range of 0.0032-22 microg/g. The main pollution sources of the waste oil samples were presumed to be KC300, KC400 and/or KC500 by principal component analysis (PCA) and a chemical mass balance (CMB) method. The concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs (PCDD/DFs) in the illegally dumped waste oil ranged from 1.1 to 360 pg/g and 1.3 to 110 pg/g, respectively. The ratios of toxicity equivalency quantity (TEQ) of PCDDs and PCDFs to Co-PCBs were lower than those of Yusho rice oil. Consequently, it was determined that even after 20 years of exposure to the weather, no PCB denaturation occurred. However, it was confirmed that low-chlorinated biphenyls in corroded drums would have evaporated into the atmosphere.This is an electronic version of an article published in Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 44(7), pp.654-660; 2009. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A is available online at: http://www.informaworld.com with the open URL of your article (http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=1093-4529&volume=44&issue=7&spage=654)