163 research outputs found

    Aplicación de secciones transversales pulidas y observación FE-SEM de relevantes generados a partir de flotación de minerales

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    Fine particles in tailings generated from the flotation of ores were observed. By using Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), the fine particles were observed at submicron level with high resolution. For the cross section observation, the tailing samples were prepared by cross section polishing. With the combination of these techniques, we determined the distributions of the heavy metals and metalloids in the fine particles. As a result, when the particle surfaces were observed, the detection of Pb, Sb, Fe and/or As indicated that these elements coexist or separately exist in the 1−3 μm fine particles. In the cross section observation, the concentrations of Zn and Fe were found to be different in the particles.Se obsevaron partículas finas en relaves generados a partir de la flotación de minerales. Mediante el uso de barrido de emisión de campo (FE-SEM), se observaron las partículas finas a nivel submicrónico con alta resolución. Para la observación de la sección transversal, las muestras de relaves fueron preparados por la sección pulida. Con la combinación de estas técnicas, se determinó la distribución de los metales pesados y metaloides en las partículas finas. Como resultado, cuando se observaron las superficies de las partículas, la detección de Pb, Sb, Fe como se indica que estos elementos coexisten o existen por separado en las partículas finas 1-3um. En la observación de la sección transversal, se encontró que las concentraciones de Zn y Fe diferente en las partículas

    Does Pramipexole Treatment Improve Headache in Patients with Concomitant Migraine and Restless Legs Syndrome?

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    Background: Recent studies have suggested a strong link between migraines and restless legs syndrome (RLS). It is possible that these disorders share a dopaminergic dysfunction in the hypothalamic A11 nucleus that contributes to this association. However, there have been no clinical studies to evaluate the effect of dopaminergic treatment on migraine symptoms in patients with concomitant migraines and RLS. Methods: We present an illustrative patient with concomitant RLS and migraine who showed improvement in her headache frequency and RLS symptoms following immediate‐release pramipexole (P‐IR) treatment and provide review results from the medical records of patients who experienced both migraines and RLS in our previous cross‐sectional study. Results: Ten patients (nine patients from the previously completed single‐center study) received P‐IR treatment were included in the study. RLS symptoms improved markedly in all of the subjects. Five out of the 10 patients (50%) reported improvement in migraine headaches. Of these five patients, four (80%) had reported morning headaches before P‐IR treatment. Discussion: Our results indicate that the identification of RLS in migraine patients is clinically significant and that dopaminergic treatment may improve both migraines, particularly morning headache (80% improvement in this study), and RLS symptoms. However, further clinical studies are warranted to verify our results

    Adipose-derived regenerative cells exert beneficial effects on systemic responses following myocardial ischemia/reperfusion

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    Background: Acute coronary syndrome leads to systemic responses, including activation of the sympathetic nervous system, inflammation of atherosclerotic lesions, changes in metabolism and gene expressions of remote organs such as the spleen, bone marrow, and liver. Clinical trials and experimental studies have demonstrated that therapy with adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of ADRCs in regulating systemic reactions following I/R.Methods: Isolated ADRCs were obtained from green fluorescent protein transgenic male mice. Flow cytometry revealed that freshly isolated ADRCs expressed stem cell markers CD90 and Sca-1, and mesenchymal lineage marker. These cells exhibited multilineage differentiation into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic lineages. Wild-type mice were subjected to 30 min of left ascending coronary ischemia and 24 h reperfusion. Freshly isolated ADRCs (105 cells) or vehicle (VEH), were administered intravenously through the tail at the time of reperfusion.Results: Compared to VEH, administration of ADRCs significantly reduced circulating troponin levels 24 h after I/R. Using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis, the present study confirms that I/R-induced increase of factor X mRNA expression in the liver and was significantly inhibited by ADRCs compared to VEH. Administration of ADRCs significantly reduced the I/R-induced increase in serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-18 seen in mice receiving VEH.Conclusions: These results suggest that administration of ADRCs could have an important role in reducing myocardial injury and regulating the hepatic gene expression profile following I/R

    Cable externalization at the proximal portion of the superior vena cava coil in Riata implantable cardioverter defibrillator leads

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    Many Riata (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN, USA) implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) leads have reportedly developed cable externalization. The most likely cause of cable externalization is insulation abrasion, which often occurs at the can or between the right ventricular coil and superior vena cava (SVC) coil. We report a rare case of an adult male whose ICD lead cable was externalized at the proximal portion of the SVC coil. This lead became fixed to the wall at the subclavian vein and SVC and became bent between these adhesions. Furthermore, the motion of this lead was affected by pulsation of the aortic arch. The ICD lead might develop inside-out abrasion due to mechanical stress evoked by pulsation of the aortic arch at this site.. © 2016 Japanese College of Cardiology.Embargo Period 12 month

    G12/13 and Gq mediate S1P2-induced inhibition of Rac and migration in vascular smooth muscle in a manner dependent on Rho but not Rho kinase

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Aims: The lysophospholipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) activates G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to induce potent inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-induced Rac activation and, thereby, chemotaxis in rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). We explored the heterotrimeric G protein and the downstream mechanism that mediated S1P inhibition of Rac and cell migration in VSMCs. Methods and results: S1P inhibition of PDGF-induced cell migration and Rac activation in VSMCs was abolished by the selective S1P2 receptor antagonist JTE-013. The C-terminal peptides of Gα subunits (Gα-CTs) act as specific inhibitors of respective G protein-GPCR coupling. Adenovirus-mediated expression of Gα12-CT, Gα13-CT, and Gα q-CT, but not that of Gαs-CT or LacZ or pertussis toxin treatment, abrogated S1P inhibition of PDGF-induced Rac activation and migration, indicating that both G12/13 and Gq classes are necessary for the S1P inhibition. The expression of Gαq-CT as well as Gα12-CT and Gα13-CT also abolished S1P-induced Rho stimulation. C3 toxin, but not a Rho kinase inhibitor or a dominant negative form of Rho kinase, abolished S1P inhibition of PDGF-induced Rac activation and cell migration. The angiotensin II receptor AT1, which robustly couples to Gq, did not mediate either Rho activation or inhibition of PDGF-induced Rac activation or migration, suggesting that activation of Gq alone was not sufficient for Rho activation and resultant Rac inhibition. However, the AT1 receptor fused to Gα12 was able to induce not only Rho stimulation but also inhibition of PDGF-induced Rac activation and migration. Phospholipase C inhibition did not affect S1P-induced Rho activation, and protein kinase C activation by a phorbol ester did not mimic S1P action, suggesting that S1P inhibition of migration or Rac was not dependent on the phospholipase C pathway. Conclusion: These observations together suggest that S1P2 mediates inhibition of Rac and migration through the coordinated action of G 12/13 and Gq for Rho activation in VSMCs. © The Author 2008.

    The Lipid-Binding Defective Dynamin 2 Mutant in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Impairs Proper Actin Bundling and Actin Organization in Glomerular Podocytes

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    Dynamin is an endocytic protein that functions in vesicle formation by scission of invaginated membranes. Dynamin maintains the structure of foot processes in glomerular podocytes by directly and indirectly interacting with actin filaments. However, molecular mechanisms underlying dynamin-mediated actin regulation are largely unknown. Here, biochemical and cell biological experiments were conducted to uncover how dynamin modulates interactions between membranes and actin in human podocytes. Actin-bundling, membrane tubulating, and GTPase activities of dynamin were examined in vitro using recombinant dynamin 2-wild-type (WT) or dynamin 2-K562E, which is a mutant found in Charcot-Marie-Tooth patients. Dynamin 2-WT and dynamin 2-K562E led to the formation of prominent actin bundles with constant diameters. Whereas liposomes incubated with dynamin 2-WT resulted in tubule formation, dynamin 2-K562E reduced tubulation. Actin filaments and liposomes stimulated dynamin 2-WT GTPase activity by 6- and 20-fold, respectively. Actin-filaments, but not liposomes, stimulated dynamin 2-K562E GTPase activity by 4-fold. Self-assembly-dependent GTPase activity of dynamin 2-K562E was reduced to one-third compared to that of dynamin 2-WT. Incubation of liposomes and actin with dynamin 2-WT led to the formation of thick actin bundles, which often bound to liposomes. The interaction between lipid membranes and actin bundles by dynamin 2-K562E was lower than that by dynamin 2-WT. Dynamin 2-WT partially colocalized with stress fibers and actin bundles based on double immunofluorescence of human podocytes. Dynamin 2-K562E expression resulted in decreased stress fiber density and the formation of aberrant actin clusters. Dynamin 2-K562E colocalized with alpha-actinin-4 in aberrant actin clusters. Reformation of stress fibers after cytochalasin D-induced actin depolymerization and washout was less effective in dynamin 2-K562E-expressing cells than that in dynamin 2-WT. Bis-T-23, a dynamin self-assembly enhancer, was unable to rescue the decreased focal adhesion numbers and reduced stress fiber density induced by dynamin 2-K562E expression. These results suggest that the low affinity of the K562E mutant for lipid membranes, and atypical self-assembling properties, lead to actin disorganization in HPCs. Moreover, lipid-binding and self-assembly of dynamin 2 along actin filaments are required for podocyte morphology and functions. Finally, dynamin 2-mediated interactions between actin and membranes are critical for actin bundle formation in HPCs

    Mice with defects in HB-EGF ectodomain shedding show severe developmental abnormalities

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    Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is first synthesized as a membrane-anchored form (proHB-EGF), and its soluble form (sHB-EGF) is released by ectodomain shedding from proHB-EGF. To examine the significance of proHB-EGF processing in vivo, we generated mutant mice by targeted gene replacement, expressing either an uncleavable form (HBuc) or a transmembrane domain–truncated form (HBΔtm) of the molecule. HBuc/uc mice developed severe heart failure and enlarged heart valves, phenotypes similar to those in proHB-EGF null mice. On the other hand, mice carrying HBΔtm exhibited severe hyperplasia in both skin and heart. These results indicate that ectodomain shedding of proHB-EGF is essential for HB-EGF function in vivo, and that this process requires strict control

    Impact of functional studies on exome sequence variant interpretation in early-onset cardiac conduction system diseases

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    Aims The genetic cause of cardiac conduction system disease (CCSD) has not been fully elucidated. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) can detect various genetic variants; however, the identification of pathogenic variants remains a challenge. We aimed to identify pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in CCSD patients by using WES and 2015 American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) standards and guidelines as well as evaluating the usefulness of functional studies for determining them. Methods and Results We performed WES of 23 probands diagnosed with early-onset (<65 years) CCSD and analyzed 117 genes linked to arrhythmogenic diseases or cardiomyopathies. We focused on rare variants (minor allele frequency < 0.1%) that were absent from population databases. Five probands had protein truncating variants in EMD and LMNA which were classified as “pathogenic” by 2015 ACMG standards and guidelines. To evaluate the functional changes brought about by these variants, we generated a knock-out zebrafish with CRISPR-mediated insertions or deletions of the EMD or LMNA homologs in zebrafish. The mean heart rate and conduction velocities in the CRISPR/Cas9-injected embryos and F2 generation embryos with homozygous deletions were significantly decreased. Twenty-one variants of uncertain significance were identified in 11 probands. Cellular electrophysiological study and in vivo zebrafish cardiac assay showed that 2 variants in KCNH2 and SCN5A, 4 variants in SCN10A, and 1 variant in MYH6 damaged each gene, which resulted in the change of the clinical significance of them from “Uncertain significance” to “Likely pathogenic” in 6 probands. Conclusions Of 23 CCSD probands, we successfully identified pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in 11 probands (48%). Functional analyses of a cellular electrophysiological study and in vivo zebrafish cardiac assay might be useful for determining the pathogenicity of rare variants in patients with CCSD. SCN10A may be one of the major genes responsible for CCSD. Translational Perspective Whole-exome sequencing (WES) may be helpful in determining the causes of cardiac conduction system disease (CCSD), however, the identification of pathogenic variants remains a challenge. We performed WES of 23 probands diagnosed with early-onset CCSD, and identified 12 pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in 11 of these probands (48%) according to the 2015 ACMG standards and guidelines. In this context, functional analyses of a cellular electrophysiological study and in vivo zebrafish cardiac assay might be useful for determining the pathogenicity of rare variants, and SCN10A may be one of the major development factors in CCSD