124 research outputs found

    Effective Ex-Situ Fabrication of F-Doped SmFeAsO Wire for High Transport Critical Current Density

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    We demonstrate the fabrication of superconducting SmFeAsO1-xFx (Sm-1111) wires by using the ex-situ powder-in-tube technique. Sm-1111 powder and a binder composed of SmF3, samarium arsenide, and iron arsenide were used to synthesize the superconducting core. Although the F content of Sm-1111 is reduced in the process of ex-situ fabrication, the binder compensates by sufficiently supplementing the F content, thereby preventing a decrease in the superconducting transition temperature and a shrinkage of the superconducting volume fraction. Thus, in the superconducting Sm-1111 wire with the binder, the transport critical current density reaches the highest value of ~4 kA/cm2 at 4.2 K.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Submillimeter ALMA Observations of the Dense Gas in the Low-Luminosity Type-1 Active Nucleus of NGC 1097

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    We present the first 100 pc scale view of the dense molecular gas in the central ~ 1.3 kpc region of the type-1 Seyfert NGC 1097 traced by HCN (J=4-3) and HCO+ (J=4-3) lines afforded with ALMA band 7. This galaxy shows significant HCN enhancement with respect to HCO+ and CO in the low-J transitions, which seems to be a common characteristic in AGN environments. Using the ALMA data, we study the characteristics of the dense gas around this AGN and search for the mechanism of HCN enhancement. We find a high HCN (J=4-3) to HCO+ (J=4-3) line ratio in the nucleus. The upper limit of the brightness temperature ratio of HCN (v2=1^{1f}, J=4-3) to HCN (J=4-3) is 0.08, which indicates that IR pumping does not significantly affect the pure rotational population in this nucleus. We also find a higher HCN (J=4-3) to CS (J=7-6) line ratio in NGC 1097 than in starburst galaxies, which is more than 12.7 on the brightness temperature scale. Combined from similar observations from other galaxies, we tentatively suggest that this ratio appears to be higher in AGN-host galaxies than in pure starburst ones similar to the widely used HCN to HCO+ ratio. LTE and non-LTE modeling of the observed HCN and HCO+ lines using J=4-3 and 1-0 data from ALMA, and J=3-2 data from SMA, reveals a high HCN to HCO+ abundance ratio (5 < [HCN]/[HCO+] < 20: non-LTE analysis) in the nucleus, and that the high-J lines (J=4-3 and 3-2) are emitted from dense (10^{4.5} < n_H2 [/cc] < 10^6), hot (70 < Tkin [K] < 550) regions. Finally we propose that the high temperature chemistry is more plausible to explain the observed enhanced HCN emission in NGC 1097 than the pure gas phase PDR/XDR chemistry.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, 10 tables. Accepted to PAS

    The Kiloparsec-scale Neutral Atomic Carbon Outflow in the Nearby Type-2 Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068: Evidence for Negative AGN Feedback

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    Active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback is postulated as a key mechanism for regulating star formation within galaxies. Studying the physical properties of the outflowing gas from AGN is thus crucial for understanding the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes. Here we report 55 pc resolution ALMA neutral atomic carbon [CI] 3P1-3P0^3P_1\text{-}^3P_0 observations toward the central 1 kpc of the nearby type-2 Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068, supplemented by 55 pc resolution CO(J=1-0J=1\text{-}0) observations. We find that [CI] emission within the central kpc is strongly enhanced by a factor of >>5 compared to the typical [CI]/CO intensity ratio of \sim0.2 for nearby starburst galaxies (in units of brightness temperature). The most [CI]-enhanced gas (ratio >> 1) exhibits a kpc-scale elongated structure centered at the AGN that matches the known biconical ionized gas outflow entraining molecular gas in the disk. A truncated, decelerating bicone model explains well the kinematics of the elongated structure, indicating that the [CI] enhancement is predominantly driven by the interaction between the ISM in the disk and the highly inclined ionized gas outflow (which is likely driven by the radio jet). Our results strongly favor the "CO dissociation scenario" rather than the "in-situ C formation" one which prefers a perfect bicone geometry. We suggest that the high [CI]/CO intensity ratio gas in NGC 1068 directly traces ISM in the disk that is currently dissociated and entrained by the jet and the outflow, i.e., the "negative" effect of the AGN feedback.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    ALMA Observations of the Submillimeter Dense Molecular Gas Tracers in the Luminous Type-1 Active Nucleus of NGC 7469

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    We present ALMA Cycle 1 observations of the central kpc region of the luminous type-1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469 with unprecedented high resolution (0.5"" ×\times 0.4"" = 165 pc ×\times 132 pc) at submillimeter wavelengths. Utilizing the wide-bandwidth of ALMA, we simultaneously obtained HCN(4-3), HCO+^+(4-3), CS(7-6), and partially CO(3-2) line maps, as well as the 860 μ\mum continuum. The region consists of the central \sim 1"" component and the surrounding starburst ring with a radius of \sim 1.5""-2.5"". Several structures connect these components. Except for CO(3-2), these dense gas tracers are significantly concentrated towards the central \sim 1"", suggesting their suitability to probe the nuclear regions of galaxies. Their spatial distribution resembles well those of centimeter and mid-infrared continuum emissions, but it is anti-correlated with the optical one, indicating the existence of dust obscured star formation. The integrated intensity ratios of HCN(4-3)/HCO+^+(4-3) and HCN(4-3)/CS(7-6) are higher at the AGN position than at the starburst ring, which is consistent to our previous findings (submm-HCN enhancement). However, the HCN(4-3)/HCO+^+(4-3) ratio at the AGN position of NGC 7469 (1.11±\pm0.06) is almost half of the corresponding value of the low-luminosity type-1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 1097 (2.0±\pm0.2), despite the more than two orders of magnitude higher X-ray luminosity of NGC 7469. But the ratio is comparable to that of the close vicinity of the AGN of NGC 1068 (\sim 1.5). Based on these results, we speculate that some other heating mechanisms than X-ray (e.g., mechanical heating due to AGN jet) can contribute significantly for shaping the chemical composition in NGC 1097.Comment: Fixed typos in the title. 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables: accepted for publication in ApJ. Comments welcom