1,171 research outputs found

    Continuous measurement of heart rate variability following carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum during nitrous oxide/sevoflurane anaesthesia

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    Background: Previous studies of autonomic nervous system activity through analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) have demonstrated increased sympathetic activity during positive-pressure pneumoperitoneum. We employed an online, continuous method for rapid HRV analysis (MemCalc™, Tarawa, Suwa Trust, Tokyo, Japan) to demonstrate rapid changes in autonomic nervous system during pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopy. Method: The powers of low-frequency (LF) (0.04-0.15 Hz) and high-frequency (HF) (0.15-0.4 Hz) components of HRV in 20 healthy adult patients were monitored under sevoflurane anaesthesia for 10 minutes after the initiation of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum at 10 mmHg. Results: Heart rate increased promptly, but transiently, just after peritoneal insufflation. At that time, the ratio between the LF and HF components increased on HRV. Similar, but small, changes occurred following head-up positioning. Conclusion: By monitoring HRV continuously, we have demonstrated that the change in autonomic nervous system balance induced by peritoneal insufflation was prompt and transient. The change in autonomic nervous system activity could have been due to increased sympathetic activity, reduced vagal activity, or both.Keywords: heart rate variability; positive pressure pneumoperitoneum; continuous monitorin

    Rapid spectral and flux time variations in a solar burst observed at various dm-mm wavelengths and at hard X-rays

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    A solar burst was observed with high sensitivity and time resolution at cm-mm wavelengths by two different radio observatories (Itapetinga and Algonquin), with high spectral time resolution at dm-mm wavelengths by patrol instruments (Sagamore Hill), and at hard X-rays (HXM Hinotori). At the onset of the major burst time structure there was a rapid rise in the spectral turnover frequency (from 5 to 15 GHz), in about 10s, coincident to a reduction of the spectral index in the optically thin part of the spectrum. The burst maxima were not time coincident at the optically thin radio frequencies and at the different hard X-ray energy ranges. The profiles at higher radio frequencies exhibited better time coincidence to the high energy X-rays. The hardest X-ray spectrum (-3) coincided with peak radio emission at the higher frequency (44 GHz). The event appeared to be built up by a first major injection of softer particles followed by other injections of harder particles. Ultrafast time structures were identified as superimposed on the burst emission at the cm-mm high sensitivity data at X-rays, with predominant repetition rates ranging from 2.0 to 3.5 Hz

    Avoided economic impacts of energy demand changes by 1.5 and 2 °C climate stabilization

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    Energy demand associated with space heating and cooling is expected to be affected by climate change. There are several global projections of space heating and cooling use that take into consideration climate change, but a comprehensive uncertainty of socioeconomic and climate conditions, including a 1.5 °C global mean temperature change, has never been assessed. This paper shows the economic impact of changes in energy demand for space heating and cooling under multiple socioeconomic and climatic conditions. We use three shared socioeconomic pathways as socioeconomic conditions. For climate conditions, we use two representative concentration pathways that correspond to 4.0 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios, and a 1.5 °C scenario driven from the 2.0 °C scenario with assumption in conjunction with five general circulation models. We find that the economic impacts of climate change are largely affected by socioeconomic assumptions, and global GDP change rates range from +0.21% to −2.01% in 2100 under the 4.0 °C scenario, depending on the socioeconomic condition. Sensitivity analysis that differentiates the thresholds of heating and cooling degree days clarifies that the threshold is a strong factor that generates these differences. Meanwhile, the impact of the 1.5 °C is small regardless of socioeconomic assumptions (−0.02% to −0.06%). The economic loss caused by differences in socioeconomic assumption under the 1.5 °C scenario is much smaller than that under the 2 °C scenario, which implies that stringent climate mitigation can work as a risk hedge to socioeconomic development diversity

    Cost of preventing workplace heat-related illness through worker breaks and the benefit of climate-change mitigation

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    The exposure of workers to hot environments is expected to increase as a result of climate change. In order to prevent heat-related illness, it is recommended that workers take breaks during working hours. However, this would lead to reductions in worktime and labor productivity. In this study, we estimate the economic cost of heat-related illness prevention through worker breaks associated with climate change under a wide range of climatic and socioeconomic conditions. We calculate the worktime reduction based on the recommendation of work/rest ratio and the estimated future wet bulb glove temperature, which is an index of heat stresses. Corresponding GDP losses (cost of heat-related illness prevention through worker breaks) are estimated using a computable general equilibrium model throughout this century. Under the highest emission scenario, GDP losses in 2100 will range from 2.6 to 4.0% compared to the current climate conditions. On the other hand, GDP losses will be less than 0.5% if the 2.0 °C goal is achieved. The benefit of climate-change mitigation for avoiding worktime loss is comparable to the cost of mitigation (cost of the greenhouse gas emission reduction) under the 2.0 °C goal. The relationship between the cost of heat-related illness prevention through worker breaks and global average temperature rise is approximately linear, and the difference in economic loss between the 1.5 °C goal and the 2.0 °C goal is expected to be approximately 0.3% of global GDP in 2100. Although climate mitigation and socioeconomic development can limit the vulnerable regions and sectors, particularly in developing countries, outdoor work is still expected to be affected. The effectiveness of some adaptation measures such as additional installation of air conditioning devices or shifting the time of day for working are also suggested. In order to reduce the economic impacts, adaptation measures should also be implemented as well as pursing ambitious climate change mitigation targets

    Effects of upregulated indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase 1 by interferon γ gene transfer on interferon γ-mediated antitumor activity.

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    Interferon γ (IFN-γ), an anticancer agent, is a strong inducer of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), which is a tryptophan-metabolizing enzyme involved in the induction of tumor immune tolerance. In this study, we investigated the IDO1 expression in organs after IFN-γ gene transfer to mice. IFN-γ gene transfer greatly increased the mRNA expression of IDO1 in many tissues with the highest in the liver. This upregulation was associated with reduced L-tryptophan levels and increased L-kynurenine levels in serum, indicating that IFN-γ gene transfer increased the IDO activity. Then, Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) tumor-bearing wild-type and IDO1-knockout (IDO1 KO) mice were used to investigate the effects of IDO1 on the antitumor activity of IFN-γ. IFN-γ gene transfer significantly retarded the tumor growth in both strains without any significant difference in tumor size between the two groups. By contrast, the IDO1 activity was increased only in the wild-type mice by IFN-γ gene transfer, suggesting that cells other than LLC cells, such as tumor stromal cells, are the major contributors of IDO1 expression in LLC tumor. Taken together, these results imply that IFN-γ gene transfer mediated IDO1 upregulation in cells other than LLC cells has hardly any effect on the antitumor activity of IFN-γ

    Identifying trade-offs and co-benefits of climate policies in China to align policies with SDGs and achieve the 2 °C goal

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    The Paris Agreement set long-term global climate goals to pursue stabilization of the global mean temperature increase at below 2 °C (the so-called 2 °C goal). Individual countries submitted their own short-term targets, mostly for the year 2030. Meanwhile, the UN's sustainable development goals (SDGs) were designed to help set multiple societal goals with respect to socioeconomic development, the environment, and other issues. Climate policies can lead to intended or unintended consequences in various sectors, but these types of side effects rarely have been studied in China, where climate policies will play an important role in global greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable development is a major goal. This study identified the extent to which climate policies in line with the 2 °C goal could have multi-sectoral consequences in China. Carbon constraints in China in the 2Deg scenario are set to align with the global 2 °C target based on the emissions per capita convergence principle. Carbon policies for NDC pledges as well as policies in China regarding renewables, air pollution control, and land management were also simulated. The results show that energy security and air quality have co-benefits related to climate policies, whereas food security and land resources experienced negative side effects (trade-offs). Near-term climate actions were shown to help reduce these trade-offs in the mid-term. A policy package that included food and land subsidies also helped achieve climate targets while avoiding the adverse side effects caused by the mitigation policies. The findings should help policymakers in China develop win–win policies that do not negatively affect some sectors, which could potentially enhance their ability to take climate actions to realize the global 2 °C goal within the context of sustainable development

    Duality through the symplectic embedding formalism

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    In this work we show that we can obtain dual equivalent actions following the symplectic formalism with the introduction of extra variables which enlarge the phase space. We show that the results are equal as the one obtained with the recently developed gauging iterative Noether dualization method (NDM). We believe that, with the arbitrariness property of the zero mode, the symplectic embedding method (SEM) is more profound since it can reveal a whole family of dual equivalent actions. We illustrate the method demonstrating that the gauge-invariance of the electromagnetic Maxwell Lagrangian broken by the introduction of an explicit mass term and a topological term can be restored to obtain the dual equivalent and gauge-invariant version of the theory.Comment: RevTeX4, 10 pages. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.