18 research outputs found

    ホゾンテキ ニ チリョウ シエタ モンミャク ケッセン オ ガッペイ スル ジョウチョウカン マク ジョウミャク ケッセンショウ ノ 1レイ

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    症例は47歳の男性. 40℃の発熱と頭痛が出現し近医を受診.一時症状は軽快したが,再び発熱が出現し前医入院となった.入院後の腹部CT検査及び腹部超音波検査により上腸間膜静脈血栓症と診断され,精査加療を目的に当院に転院となった.厳重な経過観察の下に抗菌薬投与と抗血栓および抗凝固療法による保存的治療を行い,これにより第4病日には症状の改善が得られた.本症例は後にプロテインC欠乏症と診断され,感染と脱水が影響して門脈血栓に及ぶ上腸間膜静脈血栓症が引き起こされたものと考えられた.今回我々は保存的に治療しえた門脈血栓を合併する上腸間膜静脈血栓症の一例を経験したので報告した.The patient was a 47-year-old male who had presented with a fever of 40℃ and headaches. He was treated by antibiotics at a local hospital under the diagnosis of the common cold. But progress of symptoms was temporary, so he was admitted to the hospital. Based on the findings of an abdominal CT and US after the admission, he was diagnosed as superior mesenteric vein thrombosis (SMVT) and transferred to our hospital on the 25th day of his illness. Antibiotics, together with antithrombotics and anticoagulant agents, were carefully administered as the treatment. As a result, symptoms were improved on the fourth day of admission to our hospital. This case was detected later to be associated with protein C deficiency. We speculated that portal vein thrombosis complicated with SMVT had occurred following infection and dehydration. We reported a case of SMVT with portal vein thrombosis, which was effectually treated with conservative therapy

    Validation of cross-genotype neutralization by hepatitis B virus-specific monoclonal antibodies by in vitro and in vivo infection.

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    Vaccines based on hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype A have been used worldwide for immunoprophylaxis and are thought to prevent infections by non-A HBV strains effectively, whereas, vaccines generated from genotype C have been used in several Asian countries, including Japan and Korea, where HBV genotype C is prevalent. However, acute hepatitis B caused by HBV genotype A infection has been increasing in Japan and little is known about the efficacy of immunization with genotype C-based vaccines against non-C infection. We have isolated human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from individuals who were immunized with the genotype C-based vaccine. In this study, the efficacies of these two mAbs, HB0116 and HB0478, were analyzed using in vivo and in vitro models of HBV infection. Intravenous inoculation of HBV genotype C into chimeric mice with human hepatocytes resulted in the establishment of HBV infection after five weeks, whereas preincubation of the inocula with HB0116 or HB0478 protected chimeric mice from genotype C infection completely. Interestingly, both HB0116 and HB0478 were found to block completely genotype A infection. Moreover, infection by a genotype C strain with an immune escape substitution of amino acid 145 in the hepatitis B surface protein was also completely inhibited by incubation with HB0478. Finally, in vitro analysis of dose dependency revealed that the amounts of HB0478 required for complete protection against genotype C and genotype A infection were 5.5 mIU and 55 mIU, respectively. These results suggested that genotype C-based vaccines have ability to induce cross-genotype immunity against HBV infection

    Titration of neutralization of gt-C and gt-A infection by mAb HB0478.

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    <p>HBV gt-C and gt-A were preincubated for 2 hours with 670 ng of control human IgG (cIgG), 100 mIU of HBIG, or 670, 67, 6.7 or 0.67 ng HB0478 (corresponding to 550, 55, 5.5, and 0.55 mIU) and PHHs were inoculated with the products at 10 genomes per cell. The Y-axis depicts the levels of extracellular HBV DNA in the supernatant harvested on 12 days post infection. Asterisks indicate values under the detection limit.</p