83 research outputs found

    2D Lattice Liquid Models

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    A family of novel models of liquid on a 2D lattice (2D lattice liquid models) have been proposed as primitive models of soft-material membrane. As a first step, we have formulated them as single-component, single-layered, classical particle systems on a two-dimensional surface with no explicit viscosity. Among the family of the models, we have shown and constructed two stochastic models, a vicious walk model and a flow model, on an isotropic regular lattice and on the rectangular honeycomb lattice of various sizes. In both cases, the dynamics is governed by the nature of the frustration of the particle movements. By simulations, we have found the approximate functional form of the frustration probability, and peculiar anomalous diffusions in their time-averaged mean square displacements in the flow model. The relations to other existing statistical models and possible extensions of the models are also discussed.Comment: REVTeX4, 14 pages in double colomn, 12 figures; added references with some comments, typos fixe


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    13301甲第4686号博士(創薬科学)金沢大学博士論文要旨Abstract 以下に掲載:Neurochemical Research 43(1) pp.116-128 2018. Springer US. 共著者:Takahiro Ishimoto, Noritaka Nakamichi, Hikari Nishijima, Yusuke Masuo, Yukio Kat

    Neutron scattering study of magnetic ordering and excitations in the ternary rare-earth diborocarbide Ce^{11}B_2C_2

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    Neutron scattering experiments have been performed on the ternary rare-earth diborocarbide Ce11^{11}B2_2C2_2. The powder diffraction experiment confirms formation of a long-range magnetic order at TN=7.3T_{\rm N} = 7.3 K, where a sinusoidally modulated structure is realized with the modulation vector q=[0.167(3),0.167(3),0.114(3)]{\bm q} = [0.167(3), 0.167(3), 0.114(3)]. Inelastic excitation spectra in the paramagnetic phase comprise significantly broad quasielastic and inelastic peaks centered at ω0,8\hbar \omega \approx 0, 8 and 65 meV. Crystalline-electric-field (CEF) analysis satisfactorily reproduces the observed spectra, confirming their CEF origin. The broadness of the quasielastic peak indicates strong spin fluctuations due to coupling between localized 4f4f spins and conduction electrons in the paramagnetic phase. A prominent feature is suppression of the quasielastic fluctuations, and concomitant growth of a sharp inelastic peak in a low energy region below TNT_{\rm N}. This suggests dissociation of the conduction and localized 4f4f electrons on ordering, and contrasts the presently observed incommensurate phase with spin-density-wave order frequently seen in heavy fermion compounds, such as Ce(Ru1x_{1-x}Lax_x)2_2Si2_2.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Beam and SKS spectrometers at the K1.8 beam line

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    High-resolution spectrometers for both incident beams and scattered particles have been constructed at the K1.8 beam line of the Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC. A point-to-point optics is realized between the entrance and exit of QQDQQ magnets for the beam spectrometer. Fine-pitch wire chamber trackers and hodoscope counters are installed in the beam spectrometer to accept a high rate beam up to 107 Hz. The superconducting kaon spectrometer for scattered particles was transferred from KEK with modifications to the cryogenic system and detectors. A missing-mass resolution of 1.9 ± 0.1 MeV/c2 (FWHM) was achieved for the ∑ peaks of (π±, K+) reactions on a proton target in the first physics run of E19 in 2010

    Evaluation of a Triage Checklist for Mild COVID-19 Outpatients in Predicting Subsequent Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalization during the Isolation Period: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Managing mild illness in COVID-19 and predicting progression to severe disease are concerning issues. Here, we investigated the outcomes of Japanese patients with mild COVID-19, and identified triage risk factors for further hospitalization and emergency department (ED) visits at a single tertiary hospital. A triage checklist with 30 factors was used. Patients recommended for isolation were followed up for 10 days for subsequent ED visits or hospital admission. Overall, 338 patients (median age, 44.0; 45% women) visited the clinic 5.0 days (median) after symptom onset. Thirty-six patients were immediately hospitalized following triage; others were isolated. In total, 72 non-hospitalized patients visited the ED during their isolation, and 30 were hospitalized after evaluation for oxygen desaturation. The median ED visit and hospitalization durations after symptom onset were 5.0 and 8.0 days, respectively. The checklist factors associated with hospitalization during isolation were age > 50 years, body mass index > 25 kg/m2, hypertension, tachycardia with pulse rate > 100/min or blood pressure > 135 mmHg at triage, and >3-day delay in hospital visit after symptom onset. No patients died. Altogether, 80% of patients with mild COVID-19 could be safely isolated at home. Age, BMI, underlying hypertension, date after symptom onset, tachycardia, and systolic blood pressure at triage might be related to later hospitalization


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系ヒトの認知機能を改善させるergothioneine (ERGO)を経口投与したマウス及び対照群の記憶を司る海馬歯状回(DG)においてプロテオミクス解析を行い、発現が増加したある候補蛋白質に着目し、その発現を抑制するアデノ随伴ウイルス(AAV)を構築し、マウスDG特異的にこのAAVを感染させると神経突起の伸長が抑制された。健常人と軽度認知障害患者をERGO投与群と偽薬投与群に分け、血清中エクソソーム画分を比較すると、ある候補蛋白質の発現量がERGO投与群で有意に高く、その発現量と血清中ERGO濃度および一部の認知機能検査の評価項目と正の相関を示した。Ergothioneine (ERGO) is known to enhance cognitive function in human. Proteome analysis in mice showed oral administration of ERGO remarkably increased several proteins in hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG). Knockdown of a candidate protein in murine hippocampal DG by adeno-associated virus significantly enhanced neurite outgrowth, which may be one of the mechanisms underlying cognitive enhancement by ERGO.Protein expression profile on exosomes derived from the brain in plasma may reflect the ERGO-induced enhancement of cognitive function. Expression of a candidate protein on exosomes in serum was associated with ERGO exposure and cognitive function, which might be a possible biomarker for assessment of ERGO-induced beneficial activity in the human brain.研究課題/領域番号:19K23797, 研究期間(年度):2019-08-30 – 2021-03-31出典:「記憶学習のメカニズム解析及び血漿中脳由来エクソソームを利用した記憶学習能力の評価」研究成果報告書 課題番号19K23797(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-19K23797/19K23797seika/)を加工して作

    Convulsive seizures induced by α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid microinjection into the mesencephalic reticular formation in rats

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    ELSEVIER, Ishimoto, T; Chiba, S; Omori, N, BRAIN RESEARCH, 1021(1), 69-75, 2004. authorEffects of microinjections of a single 2 or 10 nmol dose of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) into the unilateral mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) on behavior and on the electroencephalogram were examined in rats (n= 30) over a 15 min period (Exp. 1); subsequent effects of sound stimulation with key jingling applied at 15, 30, and 45 min after the injection were observed (Exp. 2). The microinjections of a 2 nmol dose of AMPA (n=15) induced hyperactivity (15 of 15 rats) and running/circling (10 of 15 rats) in Exp. 1, and hyperactivity (5 of 15 rats) in Exp. 2. Moreover, the microinjections of a 10 nmol dose of AMPA (n=15) induced hyperactivity (15 of 15 rats), running/circling (13 of 15 rats), generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) (4 of 15 rats), and amygdala kindling-like seizures (AMKS) (8 of 15 rats) in Exp. 1; electroencephalographic seizure discharges were predominantly observed in the MRF during hyperactivity, running/circling and GTCS, while those predominantly observed in the amygdala were during AMKS. In Exp. 2, hyperactivity (15 of 15 rats), running/circling (14 of 15 rats) and GTCS (6 of 15 rats) were elicited by sound stimulation, although AMKS were not. The control group rats (n=15) which received a single dose of saline microinjection into the unilateral MRF showed no behavioral or electroencephalographic changes in both Exp. 1 and 2. These findings suggest that potentiation of excitatory amino acid neurotransmission induced by AMPA injection into the MRF plays an important role not only in the development of hyperactivity, running/circling, GTCS and AMKS, but also in the development of audiogenic seizures

    Convulsive seizures induced by N-methyl-D-aspartate microinjection into the mesencephalic reticular formation in rats

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    ELSEVIER, Ishimoto, T; Omori, N; Mutoh, F; Chiba, S, BRAIN RESEARCH, 881(2), 152-158, 2000. authorEffects of microinjections of a single 2 or 10 nmol dose of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) into the unilateral mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) on behavior and electroencephalogram were examined in rats (n=18) during a 15 min period (Exp. 1), and subsequent effects of sound stimulation with key jingling applied at 15, 30, and 45 min after the injections were observed (Exp. 2). The microinjections of 2 nmol dose of NMDA (n=10) induced hyperactivity (9 of 10 rats) and running/circling (8 of 10 rats) in Exp. 1, and hyperactivity (3 of 10 rats) in Exp. 2. Moreover, the microinjections of 10 nmol dose of NMDA (n=8) induced not only hyperactivity (8 of 8 rats) and running/circling (7 of 8 rats) but also generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) (5 of 8 rats) in Exp. 1; these seizure patterns were also elicited by sound stimulation in Exp. 2. The seizure patterns were accompanied by electroencephalographic seizure discharges in the MRF and the motor cortex. In contrast, the control group rats (n=10) which received a single dose of saline microinjection into the unilateral MRF showed no behavioral or electroencephalographic changes in both Exp. 1 and 2. These findings suggest that the MRF has an important role in the development of GTCS, which follows hyperactivity and running/circling, and that potentiation of excitatory neurotransmission in the MRF participates in the development of audiogenic seizures as well as GTCS