1,242 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Scrub Wajah (Facial Scrub) Berbahan Dasar Habbatussaudah Kombinasi Bangley Untuk Mencerahkan & Menghaluskan Kulit Wajah

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     Nigella sativa or black cumin is known to have the ability as an antibacterial Staphylococcus aureus which is commonly found on facial skin which usually causes inflammation. Bangle or bonglai is known by the public as a spice plant belonging to the meeting tribe members. The rhizome can be used as a spice and medicinal ingredients. In some rural communities, it is used to give a calm or relaxing effect to babies and children who are often restless or fussy at night by applying it to the forehead and body of the child. Facial scrubs (Facial scrubs) are beauty products that have coarse granules whose function is to remove dead skin cells, thus smoothing facial skin and lifting dirt from facial skin. Scrubbing is one of the treatments to help remove dead skin cells. The combination of Black Seed and Bangley can produce a facial scrub product that is inexpensive and does not contain chemicals so that the facial skin looks healthy and radiant. Antioxidant compounds are able to ward off free radicals and Fe metal. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are very unstable, highly reactive and damage tissues. Quality control of cosmetic preparations circulating in the community is very important to prevent the occurrence of diseases that endanger health. The use of vitamin C sources derived from fruits and vegetables that are healthier and safer as a substitute for artificial vitamin C made from chemicals is to avoid the side effects caused.Keywords: facial scrub, bangley, habbatussauda Nigella sativa atau jintan hitam diketahui memiliki kemampuan sebagai antibakteri  Staphylococcus aureus yang biasa terdapat pada kulit wajah yang biasanya menimbulkan peradangan. Bangle atau bonglai dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai  tanaman rempah – rempah anggota suku temu – temuan . Rimpangnya dapat digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur dan bahan obat - obatan. Pada sebahagian masyarakat desa digunakan  untuk memberikan  efek tenang atau relaksasi pada bayi dan anak yang sering gelisah atau rewel pada malam hari dengan cara dibalurkan dikuning dan badan anak. Scrub wajah (Facial scrub) adalah produk kecantikan yang memiliki butiran – butiran kasar yang fungsinya untuk mengangkat sel kulit yang sudah mati,sehingga menghaluskan kulit wajah serta dapat mengangkat kotoran dari kulit wajah. Scrubing adalah salah satu perawatan untuk membantu mengangkat sel kulit mati. Kombinasi antara Habbatussaudah dan bangle dapat menghasilkan suatu produk scrub wajah yang murah dan tidak mengandung bahan kimia sehingga menjadikan kulit wajah sehat berseri.    Senyawa antioksidan mampu menangkal radikal bebas dan logam Fe. Radikal bebas merupakan atom atau molekul yang sifatnya sangat tidak stabil, sangat reaktif dan merusak jaringan. Kontrol kualitas sediaan kosmetika yang beredar di masyarakat sangat penting dilakukan guna mencegah terjadinya penyakit yang membahayakan kesehatan. Penggunaan sumber vitamin C yang berasal dari buah  dan sayur – sayuran  yang lebih sehat dan aman sebagai pengganti vitamin C buatan yang berbahan kimia adalah untuk menghindari efek samping yang ditimbulkan.Kata kunci   : facial scrub, bangley, Habbatussaud

    List of 361 Species of Mammals in Malaysia

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    Antioxidant Compound Profile and Total Flavonoid Levels of Ethanolic Extract 70% and 96% Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Burmannii)

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    Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) is a spice plant that commonly used by the community as an additive in food processing and as one of pharmaceutical ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry. Cinnamon is known to contain secondary metabolites as bioactive compounds that can be used as a source of exogenous antioxidants that could treat various degenerative diseases. However, the obstacle that often occurs in research on natural materials is when the chemical components was extracted as bioactive compounds that contained in these natural materials. Therefore, the exploration of cinnamon as a natural antioxidant is very necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of antioxidant compounds in the ethanol extract of cinnamon bark and to determine the total flavonoid content. Extraction was carried out by maceration method using 70% and 96% ethanol as solvent. Detection of the content of antioxidant compounds in the extract was carried out using the TLC method, the resulting spot was sprayed with DPPH reagent. Total flavonoid content was determined by using quercetin as the comparison standard based on colorimetric principles and measured by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 400 – 500 nm. The results of the analysis showed that each of the 5 spots on the TLC chromatogram was observed using at 254nm UV lamp. Detection of antioxidant compounds showed that there were 2 compounds that had antioxidants quality, they were the 3rd and 4th spots. The total flavonoid content of 70% ethanol extract was 49.65% or equivalent to 496.5 mgQE/g extract, while in 96% ethanol it was 29.08% or equivalent to 290.8 mgQE/g extract. Therefore, it can be concluded that the highest total of flavonoid content was obtained in 70% ethanol extract. Keywords: Antioxidant, extract, flavonoid, cinnamom burmanni
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