3,384 research outputs found

    Mosque architecture in Malaysia : classification of styles and possible influence

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    The main purpose of the research is to set up an initial framework of architectural description of Muslim architecture in Malaysia within the context of the architectural concern of ‘style’. The main concern is to elucidate clearly the different architectural styles of Muslim architecture and suggest hypotheses for future studies in relation to the forces which might have been instrumental in the conception of these styles. The research is important in order to project the message that much of what we understand as ‘Islamic Architecture’ in the present literature comes from various artistic and political agendas that have questionable merits compared to an analytical approach of Islamic architecture from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The research is also important for practicing architects to understand that the present syntax of ‘Islamic Architecture’ with its references in Middle Eastern, Mid Asian and African models are not necessarily the best precedence to project the architectural message of Islam. As opposed to the three classification of Traditional, Colonial and Modern styles of mosque architecture, the research has identified seven main styles with a suggestion of the rationale and influences of those styles


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Kreativitas guru PKn SMP Negeri 3 Mempawah Hilir dalam pembelajaran; dan (2) Aktualisasi pembinaan kesadaran berkonstitusi yang dilakukan guru PKn SMP Negeri 3 Mempawah Hilir. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis interaktif yang memiliki tiga komponen analisis, yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Dalam mengelola pembelajaran guru tidak hanya dituntut untuk membuat perangkat pembelajaran tetapi juga harus mengembangkan kreativitasnya dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di kelas yang tertuang dalam rencana pembelajaran. Guru PKn tentu harus bisa kreatif dalam mengelola pembelajaran terutama terkait dengan metode dan media pembelajaran; dan (2) Mata pelajaran PKn adalah mata pelajaran yang didalam kurikulumnya ada beberapa Standar Kompetensinya berisi tentang konstitusi, seperti pada materi di kelas VII dan  kelas VIII (pada kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). Semakin tinggi kesadaran siswa memahami konstitusi, semakin sadar akan hak dan kewajibannya sebagai warga negara serta semakin tinggi prestasi belajar PKn. Kata kunci: guru, PKn, konstitusi

    Pemanfaatan Getah Pinus dan Perannya Terhadap Penghidupan Masyarakat di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Pine forest in South Sulawesi is one of the evidence of successful reforestation and has been utilized by the community in the form of tapping pine resin. This article explains the permits types of the utilization/collection of pine resin by the community, the role of pine resin in community livelihoods, and various problems in the utilization of pine resin by the community in South Sulawesi. Qualitative/quantitative descriptive analysis is used to analyze primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data analysis obtained from relevant agencies. We found that the utilization/collection of pine resin in South Sulawesi by the community used four schemes or permits types, namely: Business License for Non-Timber Forest Product Utilization, Licence for Collection of Non-Timber Forest Products, Social Forestry Schemes Permits, and Cooperation of Forest Utilization. Furthermore, for the community livelihoods, utilization/collection of pine resin has provided extra incomes and employment for local communities and workers from outside. However, labor limitations, fluctuations in the price of pine resin, relying on the community on business partners, and tapping techniques that contradict the principle of forest sustainability is still becoming the problems in the utilization/collection of pine resin in South Sulawesi


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    GROWING POTENTIAL THROUGH CALLIGRAPHY EXTRACURRICULAR FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS This study aims to explore calligraphy extracurricular activities that can increase the interests, talents and potential of students. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. To obtain research data, researchers used interview, observation, documentation, and literature studies, which were sourced from relevant books, previous research, school principals, PAI teachers, calligraphy trainers, and students at SDN Cimahi II, Klari District, Karawang. The results of the study prove that there is an increase in the ability of students in all aspects, both in terms of affective, cognitive and psychomotor through calligraphy extracurricular activities. In the process, the teacher plays an important role as a facilitator for the development of students' talents and interests, therefore this activity needs to be supported by conducive and pleasant conditions and atmosphere so that the process of this activity can realize achievements not only in the non-academic field (calligraphy art), but can develop towards academic achievement as well
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