44 research outputs found

    Rizik dohotka i osiguranje dohotka u hortikulturi Hrvatske

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    Due to the lack of reliable longitudinal data, farm income and income trends haven’t been much analysed in Croatia, specifically among horticultural producers. Based on Croatian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), the goal of this paper is to research the income of all farms in comparison to horticultural farms. In addition, paper tests farm’s eligibility for Income Stabilization Tool (IST) compensation. Objectives of the paper are: (1) analysis of farm income in the period 2014-2017 for all farms and specifically for horticultural farms, and (2) analyse how many horticultural farms have potential for IST compensation. For the second objective, we prepared scenarios of annual income drop of 10%, 20%, and 30% of the three-year average income. Scenarios are shown for groups - wine, orchard, and olive farms (calculated group index) and for individual farms (calculated farm index). Results show that horticultural farms’ income is on the similar level to the data for all the farms in FADN. The group index calculation compared to farm index income calculation shows a higher number of farms eligible for IST. The paper might serve as a basis for the introduction of IST in Croatian agriculture.Zbog nedostatka pouzdanih longitudinalnih podataka, dohodak i trendovi dohotka poljoprivrednih gospodarstava nisu mnogo istraživani u Hrvatskoj, posebice među hortikulturnim proizvođačima. Na temelju Sustava knjigovodstvenih podataka poljoprivrednih gospodarstava u Hrvatskoj, cilj ovog rada je istražiti dohodak svih gospodarstava u usporedbi s hortikulturnim gospodarstvima. Osim toga, u radu se ispituje sposobnost poljoprivrednih gospodarstava za primjenom alata za stabilizaciju dohotka (IST). Ciljevi rada su: (1) analiza dohotka poljoprivrednih gospodarstava u razdoblju 2014.- 2017. za sva gospodarstva, i posebno za hortikulturna gospodarstva, te (2) analiza koliko hortikulturnih gospodarstava ima potencijal za IST potporu. Za potrebe drugog cilja pripremili smo scenarije pada godišnjeg dohotka od 10%, 20% i 30% trogodišnjeg prosječnog dohotka. Prikazani su scenariji za skupine - vinogradarska, voćarska i maslinarska gospodarstva (izračunati grupni indeks) i za pojedinačna gospodarstva (izračunati indeks gospodarstva). Rezultati pokazuju da je dohodak hortikulturnih gospodarstava na sličnoj razini kao i podaci za sva gospodarstva u FADN-u. Grupni indeks u usporedbi s indeksom dohotka poljoprivrednog gospodarstva pokazuje veći broj gospodarstava koja ispunjavaju uvjete za IST. Rad bi mogao poslužiti kao osnova za uvođenje IST-a u hrvatsku poljoprivredu


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    In the EU 7 million farmers benefit from direct payments. Direct payments represent a significant share of farmers’ income and help stabilize the farm income. Besides direct payments, the farmer can contract agricultural insurance to guarantee compensation for occurred damage on their farm. The insurance premium is a cost for farmers but provides safety in the situation of a risk occurrence. Premium can be subsidized in the frame of Common Agricultural Policy to help farmers insure their business and pre- vent climate risks and damages. The paper aims to determine the importance of direct payments and insurance in stabilizing farmers’ income using gross margin in viticulture. Both scenarios, 1st with direct payments and 2nd without direct payments with sub scenarios – 1st without risk occurrence, 2nd most probable, 3rd probable, and 4th catastrophic were calculated and discussed. Results show that in all shown scenarios/sub scenarios, farm income in viticulture is positive while only catastrophic scenario shows a negative gross margin. The decision tree shows that farmers need to insure their business in both scenarios. Limitations of the research arise from the limited access to data. To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies investigating the importance of direct payments and agricultural insurance in stabilizing the farmers’ income in Croatian agriculture.U EU sedam milijuna poljoprivrednika koristi izravna plaćanja. Izravna plaćanja predstavljaju značajan udio u dohotku poljoprivrednika i pomažu u stabilizaciji poljoprivrednog dohotka. Osim izravnih plaćanja, poljoprivrednik može ugovoriti poljoprivredno osiguranje kako bi ostvario naknadu štete na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu. Premija osiguranja je trošak za poljoprivrednike, ali stvara sigurnost u situaciji nastanka rizika. Premija osiguranja se može subvencionirati u okviru Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike s ciljem pomoći poljoprivrednicima u osiguraju poslovanja, ali i smanjenju šteta uzrokovanih klimatskim promjenama. Cilj rada je utvrditi važnost izravnih plaćanja i mjere osiguranja u stabilizaciji dohotka vinogradara korištenjem metode pokrića varijabilnog troška. Prikazani su izračuni i rasprava za oba scenarija, 1. s izravnim plaćanjima i 2. bez izravnih plaćanja s podscenarijima – 1. bez pojave rizika, 2. najvjerojatni, 3. vjerojatan i 4. katastrofalan. Rezultati pokazuju da je u svim prikazanim scenarijima/podscenarijima dohodak u vinogradarstvu pozitivan, dok samo katastrofalni scenarij pokazuje negativno pokriće varijabilnog troška. Stablo odlučivanja u oba scenarija pokazuje kako bi poljoprivrednici trebali izabrati osiguranje. Ograničenje istraživanja ogleda se u ograničenom pristupu podacima. Prema saznanjima autora, nisu dostupna istraživanja koja ocjenjuju važnost izravnih plaćanja i poljoprivrednog osiguranja u stabilizaciji dohotka vinogradara u hrvatskoj poljoprivredi

    Production and Business Results of Wine Producers in Continental and Adriatic Croatia

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    Some of the main characteristics of Croatian wine growing are small vineyard areas, small share in European wine production, and negative export-import balance. Production of wine takes place in two different regions (Adriatic and Continental), and at wine growing farms and bigger wineries. Through FADN and Croatian Financial Agency (FINA) data financial indicators were calculated. Main findings are that Croatian wine farms lag behind to wine leading countries (France and Spain) in terms of income and profit (Gross Farm income, Farm Net Value Added and Farm Net Income). Comparing wine growing farms with all farms in Croatia it can be concluded that wine farms perform better in total output, gross margin and farm net value added. Debt-assets ratio (D/A) of wine farms is higher comparing to all other farms. Our calculations showed that wineries in the Continental region perform better than those in Adriatic region. In regards with the size, large wineries (above 2 million Euro value of assets) show better financial indicators comparing with small wineries

    Agrokor Case: The Recent Past and The Uncertain Future of The Big Agribusiness Conglomerate In Croatia

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    The leading agribusiness group Agrokor is one of the biggest in Croatia today with respect to number of integrated companies, employees, and revenues. Its constant growth was based on acquisitions and mainly financed through borrowing. Although questions about Agrokor indebtedness were raised occasionally, the first time the problem was taken seriously was in 2017. Hence, the special national law was adopted according to which Extraordinary Administration and government commissioners were appointed with the role to maintain day-to-day activities, and conduct settlement procedure and restructuring. The objective of this paper is to determine the nature of unfocused growth of Agrokor and its consequences on the business results. For that purpose, financial analysis of main Agrokor member companies was performed. The results reveal decrement in revenues, and increment in costs for the period 2012-2016, which caused lowering of profitability and rise of indebtedness. Altman Z-score showed that all companies are one step to bankruptcy. Furthermore, the main idea is to determine supply chain models through which the company is embedded in the national agribusiness

    Percepcija okolišnog i poslovnog rizika i preferencije prema strategijama za upravljanje rizikom - prikaz rezultata na uzorku proizvođača avokada u Turskoj primjenom tehnike snježne grude

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    The booming popularity of avocado production has given a poor environmental reputation in various parts of the world. The increase in avocado production has also been observed in Turkiye, where the area under cultivation and the production volume of avocados have increased recently. The main objective of the paper is to identify the perceptions of production, environmental and business risks, to study the risk management strategies that farmers consider the most important, and display the gross margin calculation of avocado production in Turkiye. Interviews were conducted with a selected sample of fifteen farms (cases) from the Mediterranean region of Turkiye to determine risk perceptions, risk management strategies and collect data for the rapid calculation of business results of avocado producers. Interview data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and avocado calculation using gross margin. The major production risks were strong winds, fungal attack, and sunburn, while robbery, changes in agricultural policies, and lack of information and uncertain supply for export were the major business risks. The major environmental risks are depletion of water sources. Farmers\u27 most preferable risk management strategies for sustainable avocado production in Turkiye were windbreaks, shade nets and latex coatings, farm insurance, safety and security systems, and trengthening farmer cooperatives. The main environmental risk management strategies were water management, sub-tree irrigation, and the use of technical applications for irrigation. Avocado production in Turkiye is a promising market, but only under the condition of holistic value chain management and an enabling environment that includes national producer associations, sustainable certification systems, and government control of water use and deforestation.Rastuća popularnost proizvodnje avokada stvorila je lošu reputaciju u raznim dijelovima svijeta u pogledu okoliša. Povećanje proizvodnje avokada također je primijećeno u Turskoj, gdje su nedavno povećane površine i količina proizvodnje. Glavni cilj rada je utvrditi percepciju proizvodnih, okolišnih i poslovnih rizika i istražiti strategije za upravljanje rizicima koje poljoprivrednici smatraju važnim, te prikazati pokriće varijabilnog troška proizvodnje avokada u Turskoj. Intervjui su provedeni među 15 poljoprivrednika (slučajeva) iz Turske mediteranske regije kako bi se utvrdila percepcija rizika, strategije upravljanja rizicima i prikupili podaci za brzi izračun poslovnih rezultata proizvođača avokada. Podaci intervjua analizirani su pomoću deskriptivne statistike, a kalkulacije pomoću pokrića varijabilnog troška. Glavni rizici u proizvodnji su jaki vjetrovi, gljivični napadi i ožegotine od sunca, dok su pljačka, promjene poljoprivredne politike i nedostatak informacija te nesigurnost opskrbe glede izvoza glavni poslovni rizici. Značajni okolišni rizici su iscrpljivanje izvora vode i krčenje šuma. Glavne strategije upravljanja rizicima poljoprivrednika za održivu proizvodnju avokada u Turskoj su vjetrozaštitni pojasi, mreže za zasjenjivanje i prevlake od lateksa, poljoprivredno osiguranje, sustavi za zaštitu i sigurnost, jačanje poljoprivrednih zadruga. Najvažnije strategije upravljanja okolišnim rizicima su upravljanje vodama, navodnjavanje podstabala, korištenje tehnoloških aplikacija za navodnjavanje. Proizvodnja avokada u Turskoj obećavajuće je tržište, ali pod uvjetima holističkog upravljanja vrijednosnim lancem i poticajnog okruženja uključujući nacionalno udruženje proizvođača, održive sheme certificiranja i vladinu kontrolu korištenja vode i krčenja šuma

    Overview of economic damages as a result of natural disasters in agriculture

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    U 2022. godini štete od prirodnih nepogoda iznosile su oko 251 milijardu eura, a osiguranih šteta je 44 %. Cilj rada je dati pregled ekonomskih šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u Hrvatskoj, s naglaskom na štete u poljoprivredi. Metode primijenjene u radu su metode analize i sinteze te korelacijske analize. Rezultati pokazuju kako su ekonomske štete u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2010. do 2021. veće od 3 milijarde eura, a najveći udio čine rizici suša i poplava. Samo u poljoprivredi štete u razdoblju od 2013. do 2019. iznosile su 1,2 milijarde eura. Najveći udio ekonomskih šteta odnosi se na tuču i sušu, dok su u 2019. godini zastupljene tuča i oluja.In 2022, losses from natural disasters amounted to 251 billion euros, and only 44% of the losses were insured. The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the economic losses caused by natural disasters in Croatia, focusing on the losses in agriculture. The methods used in the paper are methods of analysis and synthesis, and correlation analysis. The results show that the losses in Croatia in the period from 2010 to 2021 amount to more than 3 billion euros, with the largest share being the risks of droughts and floods. In agriculture alone, damages amount to more than 1 billion euros in the period from 2013 to 2019. The largest share of economic losses is related to hail and drought, while in 2019, it is hail and storms

    Comparison of agricultural development of Croatia, Hungary and Poland

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    Zajedničke karakteristike u povijesnom razdoblju razvoja poljoprivrede i tranzicijskih procesa Hrvatske, Mađarske i Poljske koje su uslijedile nakon ulaska u Europsku uniju dovele su do različitih postignuća u razvoju poljoprivrede. Tranzicijske promjene koje su uslijedile zahvatile su sve dijelove gospodarstva pa tako i poljoprivredu. Cilj rada je na temelju dostupnih podataka usporediti razvijenost poljoprivrede Hrvatske, Mađarske i Poljske primjenom analitičkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP). Makroekonomski, strukturalno-proizvodni i socio-ekonomski kriteriji definirani su s ciljem izrade AHP modela kojim su utvrđeni i vrednovani razvojni čimbenici poljoprivrede usporednih zemalja. Rezultati rada ukazuju kako su lošiji razvojni pokazatelji u poljoprivredi Hrvatske (0,177), dobri u poljoprivredi Mađarske (0,409), dok su najbolji razvojni pokazatelji poljoprivrede u Poljskoj (ocjena 0,415).The common characteristics in the historical period of agricultural development and the transition processes of Croatia, Hungary and Poland that followed the accession to the European Union have led to different achievements in agricultural development. The transitional changes which followed affected all parts of the economy, including agriculture. The aim of the paper is comparison of the agricultural development of Croatia, Hungary and Poland by the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) using available data. Macroeconomic, structural-production and socio-economic criteria have been defined to develop AHP model that identifies and evaluates the agricultural development factors of three countries. The results indicate that the development indicators are worse in Croatian agriculture (0.177), good in Hungary agriculture (0.409), while the best agricultural development indicators are in Poland (score 0.415)

    Overview of economic damages as a result of natural disasters in agriculture

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    U 2022. godini štete od prirodnih nepogoda iznosile su oko 251 milijardu eura, a osiguranih šteta je 44 %. Cilj rada je dati pregled ekonomskih šteta od prirodnih nepogoda u Hrvatskoj, s naglaskom na štete u poljoprivredi. Metode primijenjene u radu su metode analize i sinteze te korelacijske analize. Rezultati pokazuju kako su ekonomske štete u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2010. do 2021. veće od 3 milijarde eura, a najveći udio čine rizici suša i poplava. Samo u poljoprivredi štete u razdoblju od 2013. do 2019. iznosile su 1,2 milijarde eura. Najveći udio ekonomskih šteta odnosi se na tuču i sušu, dok su u 2019. godini zastupljene tuča i oluja.In 2022, losses from natural disasters amounted to 251 billion euros, and only 44% of the losses were insured. The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the economic losses caused by natural disasters in Croatia, focusing on the losses in agriculture. The methods used in the paper are methods of analysis and synthesis, and correlation analysis. The results show that the losses in Croatia in the period from 2010 to 2021 amount to more than 3 billion euros, with the largest share being the risks of droughts and floods. In agriculture alone, damages amount to more than 1 billion euros in the period from 2013 to 2019. The largest share of economic losses is related to hail and drought, while in 2019, it is hail and storms

    Equilibria in the Electrical Interfacial Layer Revisited

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    Equilibrium at the solid-liquid interface is the subject of numerous experimental and theoretical investigations. Several different models describing the structure of the electrical interfacial layer (EIL) and the mechanism of surface reactions are suggested in the literature. At present it seems impossible to decide which of them describe the real situation best. One of the routes towards the solution of this problem is the development of new experimental methods and simultaneous interpretation of different sets of data (e.g., adsorption data, Y0 data, s0 data, z-potential data, etc.). Interpretation based on such an approach may eventually enable differentiation between models and a better choice of appropriate ones. Another route is to refine or develop a new, more realistic and less approximate, theoretical concept. This article presents a review of such efforts (EIL structure, electroneutrality condition, surface potential measurements, capacitors within EIL, enthalpy of surface reactions, colloid stability, etc.), with special emphasis on the role of Nikola Kallay in this field, to whom this article is dedicated on the occasion of his 65th birthday

    Economics of ancient grains production

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    Alternativnim kulturama nazivaju se jednogodišnje i višegodišnje vrste različitih botaničkih porodica, koje su se koristile u prošlosti, ali su ih zamijenile druge proizvodnje ili moderne visokoproizvodne sorte. Najbrojnija grupa su alternativne žitarice. Predstavnici alternativnih žitarica pripadaju rodu pšenica (Triticum) – pir, jednozrnac, dvozrnac i kamut. Za ove žitarice rabi se i izraz stare sorte ili ancient grains u engleskom jeziku. Alternativne kulture zanimljive su ponovo zbog povoljnog utjecaja na zdravlje ljudi, pozitivnih nutritivnih svojstava, kao i težnji pojedinaca za povećanjem raznolikosti ishrane. S druge strane, nedostatci su niži prinosi i nedovoljno tržište. Alternativne kulture se u svijetu i Hrvatskoj uzgajaju u ekološkom sustavu proizvodnje. Cilj rada je ocijeniti utjecaj uzgoja alternativnih kultura na dohodak od poljoprivrede i diversifikaciju poslova na gospodarstvu. Na temelju kalkulacije proizvodnje izračunati su pokazatelji uspješnosti proizvodnje i točka pokrića u ekološkoj proizvodnji pira, jednozrnca i dvozrnca. Rezultati pokazuju kako je proizvodnja alternativnih žitarica dohodovnija u odnosu na konvencionalnu, pa i ekološku proizvodnju pšenice. Ekonomičnost proizvodnje u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji pšenice iznosi 1,18, a u proizvodnji ekološkog pira 3,30. Pokazatelji za dvozrnac i jednozrnac su nešto niži. Sličan je odnos i kod proizvodnosti i rentabilnosti, kod kojih pšenica zaostaje u odnosu na ekološku proizvodnju alternativnih žitarica. Velike površine nekorištenog zemljišta, relativno mala ulaganja, niski zahtjevi prema tlu, značajna potražnja i dohodovnost, argumenti su za povećanje proizvodnje alternativnih žitarica u Hrvatskoj, posebice u sustavu ekološke proizvodnje.Alternative crops are one year and several years types of botanical families, and the largest ones are ancient grains, which have been used in the past but have been replaced by other production or modern high-production varieties. The most numerous group are alternative cereals. The alternative cereals belong to the Wheat (Triticum) – spelt, einkorn, emmer and kamut. For these cereals are also used terms old grains or ancient grains in English. Alternative cultures are interesting again because of their beneficial effects on human health, positive nutritional characteristics, and individuals aspirations to increase dietary diversity. On the other hand, disadvantages are lower yields and an underdevolped market. Alternative cultures are grown in the world and Croatia in organic production systems. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact of alternative crops cultivation on agricultural income and farms’ jobs diversification. On the basis of production calculation, the performance indicators and the breakeven were calculated in organic production of spelt, einkorn, and emmer. The results show that the production of alternative cereals is more profitable than conventional and even organic wheat production. Economy of production in conventional wheat production is 1.18, and in organic production of 3.30. Indicators for einkorn and emmer are slightly lower. There is a similar relationship in productivity and profitability, in which wheat is left behind organic production of alternative cereals. Large areas of unused lands, relatively low investment, low soil requirements, significant demand and profitability are the arguments for increasing the production of alternative cereals in Croatia, especially in organic production systems