4 research outputs found
Evaluation of a De-Identification Process for Ocular Imaging
Medical privacy of NASA astronauts requires an organized and comprehensive approach when data are being made available outside NASA systems. A combination of factors, including the uniquely small patient population, the extensive medical testing done on these individuals, and the relative cultural popularity of the astronauts puts them at a far greater risk to potential exposure of personal information than the general public. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the astronauts identities are concealed. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) medical data is a recent source of interest to researchers concerned with the development of Visual Impairment due to Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) in the astronaut population. Each vision MRI scan of an astronaut includes 176 separate sagittal images that are saved as an image series for clinical use. In addition to the medical information these image sets provide, they also inherently contain a substantial amount of non-medical personally identifiable information (PII) such as-name, date of birth, and date of exam. We have shown that an image set of this type can be rendered, using free software, to give an accurate representation of the patients face. This currently restricts NASA from dispensing MRI data to researchers in a de-identified format. Automated software programs, such as the Brain Extraction Tool, are available to researchers who wish to de-identify MRI sagittal brain images by erasing identifying characteristics such as the nose and jaw on the image sets [1]. However, this software is not useful to NASA for vision research because it removes the portion of the images around the eye orbits, which is the main area of interest to researchers studying the VIIP syndrome. The Lifetime Surveillance of Astronaut Health program has resolved this issue by developing a protocol to de-identify MRI sagittal brain images using Showcase Premier, a DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) software package. The software allows manual Reporting provided by Web Services at Public Affairs | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Page 10 editing of one image from a patients image set to be automatically applied to the entire image series. This new approach would allow a new level of access to untapped medical imaging data relating to VIIP that can be utilized by researchers while protecting the privacy of the astronauts. In the next step toward finalizing this technique, NASA clinical radiology consultants will test the images to verify removal of all metadata and PII. REFERENCES [1] Schimke, N., Kuehler, M., & Hale, J. (2011). Preserving privacy in structural neuroimages. In Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXV (pp. 301-308). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Ope
Validation of the NASA Integrated Medical Model: a Space Flight Medical Risk Prediction Tool
The Human Research Program funded the development of the Integrated Medical Model (IMM) to quantify the medical component of overall mission risk. The IMM uses Monte Carlo simulation methodology, incorporating space flight and ground medical data, to estimate the probability of mission medical outcomes and resource utilization. To determine the credibility of IMM output, the IMM project team completed two validation studies that compared IMM predicted output to observed medical events from a selection of Shuttle Transportation System (STS) and International Space Station (ISS) missions. The validation study results showed that the IMM underpredicted the occurrence of ~10% of the modeled medical conditions for the STS missions and overpredicted ~20% of the modeled medical conditions for the ISS missions. These findings imply that the strength of IMM predictions to inform decisions depends on simulated mission specifications including length. This discrepancy could result from medical recording differences between ISS and STS that possibly influence observed incidence rates, IMM combining all "mission type" data as constant occurrence rate or fixed proportion across both mission types, misspecification of symptoms to conditions, and gaps in the literature informing the model. Some of these issues will be alleviated by updating the IMM source data through incorporation of the observed validation data
Stressful life events and their contributions to symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescents
There are several innovative aspects to this thesis that extend our current knowledge of the relations between stress and psychiatric symptoms in adolescents. First, distal and proximal stressors are differentiated. This approach allows one to specifically examine the role of early childhood stressors as well as stressors experienced more recently as they impact the expression of depression and anxiety during adolescence. Second, a state-of-the-art assessment instrument was used to examine proximal stressors, helping to distinguish several aspects of stress, including objective stress and subjective stress. Third, the parent study from which these data were derived was designed to examine the role of familial risk for depression and related risk factors for the initial development of depression and alcohol use disorders. This allowed for a very thorough collection of demographic characteristics of the study population. Accordingly, this thesis examines the initial prodromal expression of anxiety and depressive symptoms as they are originally expressed prior to the development, if any, of a full-blown psychiatric disorder
Astronaut Preflight Cardiovascular Health is Highly Correlated with Postflight Eye Outcome Measures in the
Seventy percent of tested ISS astronauts demonstrate changes in ocular structure and function; 32% with disc edema, and five with elevated CSF pressure. Increased vascular compliance may predispose astronauts to VIIP. The purpose of this study was to determine if astronauts with higher preflight cardiovascular risk profiles demonstrated worse post flight eye outcomes