8 research outputs found


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    The massive influx of mobile devices over recent years has radically altered ideas about employees’ activity and the dimensions of business. The rapid development of business, mainly through increased staff mobility, has promoted various concepts like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), CYOD (Choose Your Own Device) COPE (Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled), etc. This has brought to the fore issues related to ensuring constant staff involvement in the work flow and designing channels for accessing information with no constraints in terms of time, location, or the type of mobile devices used. At the same time, businesses need to design strategies which ensure a balance between the convenience of using mobile devices and the security and reliability of corporate networks operation. This paper reviews the essence of the BYOD concept and the benefits it brings to business; it makes a comparison with the CYOD concept and analyses the COPE alternative, its nature and feasible approaches for its implementation


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    Digital economy and the rapidly growing use of the Internet have rendered it impossible for a corporate IT infrastructure to perform successfully unless adopting the necessary techniques, technology and procedures for controlling access to resources. Mobile devices have become tremendously popular and they are an indispensable part of people’s everyday life, as well as a preferred option for accessing corporate IT infrastructure resources. Therefore, organisations need to design and implement efficient management solutions, based on in-depth analyses and in line with the specific properties of mobile devices. This research paper describes in detail corporate IT infrastructure and mobile devices as components of that infrastructure, reviews their use in business environment and presents appropriate tools for exercising control


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    Мобилните технологии носят ценни ползи за бизнеса, които могат да се реализират само, ако компаниите съумеят да ги използват ефективно. В настоящата статия подробно са разгледани мобилните технологии и тяхната еволюция като предпоставка за развитие на мобилната търговия. Обект на изследването е мобилната търговия в развитите страни и в България. Предмет на изследването са проблемите при осъществяването на мобилната търговия. Цел на изследването е да се представят насоки за решаване на проблемите на мобилната търговия по отношение на сигурността.Mobile technologies bring sufficient benefits to business, which can be realized only if companies succeed to use them effectively. The present paper describes mobile technologies and their evolution as a premise for mobile commerce development in detail. Object of study of this paper is mobile commerce in developed countries and in Bulgaria. The paper is focused on mobile commerce problems. The purpose of the paper is to recommend directions in solving mobile commerce issues on security

    Integrating Crisis Management Mechanisms In European Cohesion Policy

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    The series of challenges facing modern society posed by the consequences of the global economic crisis, the debt crisis in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, etc. inevitably determine the relevance of research in the field of crises and the mechanisms for dealing with them. The aim of this publication is to examine the effectiveness of the introduced crisis management toolkits within the EU. The research methods used are limited to the study of scientific knowledge on the relevant issue, critical analysis and expert evaluation of the adopted approach to recovery by the Community. As a result of the conducted research, the tools that the EU applies to deal with the negative consequences of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine have been clarified. Priority areas for impact are identified depending on the applied mechanisms and new horizons for development are defined. In this context, the role of integrated territorial investments (ITI) in this process is also considered

    Solutions to Manage Smart Cities’ Risks in Times of Pandemic Crisis

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate technologies, methods, and approaches that can be used to effectively manage smart city risks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper was based on a review of specialized literature sources and expert statements on smart cities in times of crisis, specifically during COVID-19. A systematic literature review served as the research’s methodological foundation; this was supplemented by conceptual data analysis techniques and a modeling method. Our initial search yielded 234 research articles, 38 of which met our inclusion criteria and were included in the review. A further 32 studies fell outside of the criteria for supporting smart cities’ crisis management. The main findings showed that technologies can respond quickly to pandemic crisis risks while also ensuring the availability of urban functionality and that there are numerous risks in implementing technologies to achieve effective management. The main risks were privacy concerns, social inclusion, political bias, misinformation and fake news, and technical difficulties with education and distance employment. The practical significance of the paper lay in proposing a model based on specific technologies and policies aimed at effective risk management in the days of COVID-19

    Solutions to Manage Smart Cities’ Risks in Times of Pandemic Crisis

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate technologies, methods, and approaches that can be used to effectively manage smart city risks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper was based on a review of specialized literature sources and expert statements on smart cities in times of crisis, specifically during COVID-19. A systematic literature review served as the research’s methodological foundation; this was supplemented by conceptual data analysis techniques and a modeling method. Our initial search yielded 234 research articles, 38 of which met our inclusion criteria and were included in the review. A further 32 studies fell outside of the criteria for supporting smart cities’ crisis management. The main findings showed that technologies can respond quickly to pandemic crisis risks while also ensuring the availability of urban functionality and that there are numerous risks in implementing technologies to achieve effective management. The main risks were privacy concerns, social inclusion, political bias, misinformation and fake news, and technical difficulties with education and distance employment. The practical significance of the paper lay in proposing a model based on specific technologies and policies aimed at effective risk management in the days of COVID-19

    Digital transformation as a prerequisite for region`s convergence

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    The aim of this publication is to present key results of an empirical study conducted, affecting the processes of digital transformation of the municipal administration as part of the public sector in Bulgaria. The research section is by planning areas, using methods of analysis such as expert assessment, GAP analysis, induction and deduction. The main results of the study outline challenges to the transformation of the public sector such as the need to change the organizational culture of those employed in the administrations, as well as to increase bilateral interaction with citizens in order to reach a level of personalization of public services


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    Осигуряването на информационната безопасност е едно от големите предизвикателства към съвременните информационни и комуникационни технологии. За решаването на проблемите в това направление е необходимо организиранена цялостен и з адълбочен анализ на всички реални и потенциални заплахи и на тази основа избор и разработване на цялостно решение. Обект на изследване в настоящата студия са системите за електронна търговия в българските бизнес организации, а предмет – политиките, стратегиите, подходите, методите, техниките и технологиите за постигане на високо ниво на сигурност на тези системи. Основната цел на настоящата студия е да бъде доказана тезата, че ефи- касната защита в електронната търговия е многопластова и трябва да отчита новите технологии, политиките и процедурите, законите и индустриалните стандарти. Задачите, които решаваме за постигане на поставената цел, са: представяне на резултатите от изследване на текущото състояние на сигурността в системите за електронна търговия в българските бизнес организации; дефиниране на проблемите на информационната сигурност в системите за електронна търговия; представяне на стратегия и технологии за противодействие на тези заплахи. The provision of information security is one of the greatest challenges that modern information and communication technologies face. To solve the problems in this area it is necessary to perform a complete and profound analysis of all real and potential threats and, on this basis, to choose and develop a complete solution. The object of study are the e-commerce systems in the Bulgarian business organizations and the subject of study are the policies, strategies, approaches, methods, techniques and technologies to achieve a high level of security of these systems. The main goal of this study is to prove the thesis statement that effective protection in e-commerce is multi-layered and the new technologies, policies and procedures, laws and industry standards have to be taken into account. The tasks to achieve the goal include: presenting the results of a survey of the current state of ecommerce systems security in the Bulgarian business organizations; defining the problems of information security in e-commerce systems; and presenting a strategy and technology to counter these threats