33 research outputs found

    Factors Regulating Chondrogenic Differentiation

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    Chondrogenesis is a co-ordinated differentiation process in which mesenchymal cells condensate, differentiate into chondrocytes and begin to secrete molecules that form the extracellular matrix. It is regulated in a spatio-temporal manner by cellular interactions and growth and differentiation factors that modulate cellular signalling pathways and transcription of specific genes. Moreover, post-transcriptional regulation by microRNAs (miRNAs) has appeared to play a central role in diverse biological processes, but their role in skeletal development is not fully understood. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells present in a variety of adult tissues, including bone marrow and adipose tissue. They can be isolated, expanded and, under defined conditions, induced to differentiate into multiple cell lineages including chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes in vitro and in vivo. Owing to their intrinsic capability to self-renew and differentiate into functional cell types, MSCs provide a promising source for cell-based therapeutic strategies for various degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA). Due to the potential therapeutic applications, it is of importance to better understand the MSC biology and the regulatory mechanisms of their differentiation. In this study, an in vitro assay for chondrogenic differentiation of mouse MSCs (mMSCs) was developed for the screening of various factors for their chondrogenic potential. Conditions were optimized for pellet cultures by inducing mMSC with different bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) that were selected based on their known chondrogenic relevance. Characterization of the surface epitope profile, differentiation capacity and molecular signature of mMSCs illustrated the importance of cell population composition and the interaction between different populations in the cell fate determination and differentiation of MSCs. Regulation of Wnt signalling activity by Wnt antagonist sFRP-1 was elucidated as a potential modulator of lineage commitment. Delta-like 1 (dlk1), a factor regulating adipogenesis and osteogenesis, was shown to exhibit stage-specific expression during embryonic chondrogenesis and identified as a novel regulator of chondrogenesis, possibly through mediating the effect of TGF-beta1. Moreover, miRNA profiling demonstrated that MSCs differentiating into a certain lineage exhibit a specific miRNA expression profile. The complex regulatory network between miRNAs and transcription factors is suggested to play a crucial role in fine-tuning the differentiation of MSCs. These results demonstrate that commitment of mesenchymal stromal cells and further differentiation into specific lineages is regulated by interactions between MSCs, various growth and transcription factors, and miRNA-mediated translational repression of lineage-specific genes.Siirretty Doriast

    eTerveyspalvelut Ylä-Savon SOTE kuntayhtymän neuvolatoiminnassa : Asiakkaiden käyttäjäkokemukset

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    Ylä-Savon SOTE kuntayhtymässä on otettu käyttöön sähköisiä palveluita. Neuvolatoiminnassa on mahdollista va-rata aika, lähettää viestejä sekä täyttää lomakkeita sähköisesti. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, kuinka sähköiset eTerveyspalvelut on otettu käyttöön neuvolatoiminnassa. Tavoitteena oli saada ne vastaamaan mahdollisimman hyvin käyttäjien tarpeita. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvantitatiivista eli määrällistä tutkimusmenetelmää ja se toteutettiin kyselynä kaikissa kuntayhtymän kuntien neuvoloissa. Kysely toteutettiin sähköisenä Webropol-kyselynä, jonka linkki löytyi Ylä-Sa-von SOTE kuntayhtymän internet-sivuilta sekä paperisena kyselynä neuvoloiden auloissa. Kyselyyn vastasi kaiken kaikkiaan 53 neuvolan asiakasta. Tulosten mukaan vähän reilu puolet kyselyyn vastanneista ei ollut käyttänyt eTerveyspalveluita. Suurin käyttä-mättömyyden syy oli se, ettei palvelujen olemassa olosta tiedetty. eTerveyspalveluita hyödyntäneet käyttivät enimmäkseen ajanvarauspalvelua, joka koettiin hyväksi palveluksi, vaikka aikoja on varattavissa melko suppeasti. Suurin osa vastanneista koki eTerveyspalvelut helppokäyttöisiksi ja toimiviksi, hyödyllisiksi sekä luotettavaksi. Tie-toturva koettiin riittäväksi. Tulevaisuuden eTerveyspalveluiksi toivottiin eniten reaaliaikaista chattia, mobiilisovel-lusta ja kysymys-vastauspalstaa. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voisi olla eTerveyspalvelujen käyttö Ylä-Savon SOTE kuntayhtymän terveyskeskuksissa tai opiskelijaterveydenhuollon puolella. Tämä tutkimus toimi mainoksena eTerveyspalveluille, joten uudella tutkimuk-sella voidaan lisätä eTerveyspalvelujen käyttöä. Myös eTerveyspalvelujen mainonnasta voisi tehdä opinnäytetyön.Electronic services have been brought to use at the Ylä-Savo SOTE Joint municipal Authority. In the maternity clinic, child health clinic and family planning clinic operation it is possible to reserve a time, send messages and fill in forms electronically. The purpose of the thesis was to find out how eHealth services have been introduced in the clinics. The goal was to get them to match as closely as possible the needs of the users. The study used a quantitative research method and it was implemented as an inquiry in all the municipalities of the Federation. The inquiry was carried out in electronic Webropol form as a questionnaire, which was found in the web-site of the Ylä-Savo Joint Municipal Authority, as well as as a paper form inquiry in the lobbies of maternity clinics. The questionnaire was answered by a total of 53 clients. The results showed that slightly more than half of the respondents had not used eHealth services. The main rea-son for the inactivity was that the existence of the services was unknown. Those who used eHealth services, used the mostly on-call service and it was felt to be a good service, although the times can be booked quite narrowly. Most of the respondents experienced eHealth services easy to use and functional, useful and reliable. Security was considered sufficient. The future of the eHealth services was hoped to include real-time chat, mobile app, and question-and-answer columns. A further research topic could be the use of eHealth services in the Ylä-Savo Joint Municipal Authority in health centers or in student health care. This research works as an advertisement for eHealth services, so new research can be used to increase the use of eHealth services. Advertising on eHealth services could also be a thesis

    Sclerostin inhibition alleviates breast cancer-induced bone metastases and muscle weakness

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    Breast cancer bone metastases often cause a debilitating non-curable condition with osteolytic lesions, muscle weakness and a high mortality. Current treatment comprises chemotherapy, irradiation, surgery and anti-resorptive drugs that restrict but do not revert bone destruction. In metastatic breast cancer cells, we determined the expression of sclerostin, a soluble Wnt inhibitor that represses osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. In mice with breast cancer bone metastases, pharmacological inhibition of sclerostin using an anti-sclerostin antibody (Scl-Ab) reduced metastases without tumor cell dissemination to other distant sites. Sclerostin inhibition prevented the cancer-induced bone destruction by augmenting osteoblast-mediated bone formation and reducing osteoclast-dependent bone resorption. During advanced disease, NF-κB and p38 signaling was increased in muscles in a TGF-β1-dependent manner, causing muscle fiber atrophy, muscle weakness and tissue regeneration with an increase in Pax7-positive satellite cells. Scl-Ab treatment restored NF-κB and p38 signaling, the abundance of Pax7-positive cells and ultimately muscle function. These effects improved the overall health condition and expanded the life span of cancer-bearing mice. Together, these results demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of sclerostin reduces bone metastatic burden and muscle weakness with a prolongation of the survival time. This might provide novel options for treating musculoskeletal complications in breast cancer patients. 

    Antagonizing miR-218-5p attenuates Wnt signaling and reduces metastatic bone disease of triple negative breast cancer cells

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    Wnt signaling is implicated in bone formation and activated in breast cancer cells promoting primary and metastatic tumor growth. A compelling question is whether osteogenic miRNAs that increase Wnt activity for bone formation are aberrantly expressed in breast tumor cells to support metastatic bone disease. Here we report that miR-218-5p is highly expressed in bone metastases from breast cancer patients, but is not detected in normal mammary epithelial cells. Furthermore, inhibition of miR-218-5p impaired the growth of bone metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells in the bone microenvironment in vivo. These findings indicate a positive role for miR-218-5p in bone metastasis. Bioinformatic and biochemical analyses revealed a positive correlation between aberrant miR-218-5p expression and activation of Wnt signaling in breast cancer cells. Mechanistically, miR-218-5p targets the Wnt inhibitors Sclerostin (SOST) and sFRP-2, which highly enhances Wnt signaling. In contrast, delivery of antimiR-218-5p decreased Wnt activity and the expression of metastasis-related genes, including bone sialoprotein (BSP/IBSP), osteopontin (OPN/SPP1) and CXCR-4, implicating a Wnt/miR-218-5p regulatory network in bone metastatic breast cancer. Furthermore, miR-218-5p also mediates the Wnt-dependent up-regulation of PTHrP, a key cytokine promoting cancer-induced osteolysis. Antagonizing miR-218-5p reduced the expression of PTHrP and Rankl, inhibited osteoclast differentiation in vitro and in vivo, and prevented the development of osteolytic lesions in a preclinical metastasis model. We conclude that pathological elevation of miR-218-5p in breast cancer cells activates Wnt signaling to enhance metastatic properties of breast cancer cells and cancer-induced osteolytic disease, suggesting that miR-218-5p could be an attractive therapeutic target for preventing disease progression

    Breast cancer bone metastases are attenuated in a Tgif1-deficient bone microenvironment.

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoclast activation is a hallmark of breast cancer-induced bone disease while little is known about the role of osteoblasts in this process. Recently, we identified the homeodomain protein TG-interacting factor-1 (Tgif1) as a crucial regulator of osteoblast function. In this study, we demonstrate that lack of Tgif1 also restricts the progression of breast cancer bone metastases. METHODS: Transwell migration assays were used to investigate the osteoblast-breast cancer cell interaction in vitro. Molecular analyses included RNA sequencing, immunoblotting, and qRT-PCR. To determine the role of Tgif1 in metastatic bone disease, 4T1 breast cancer cells were injected intracardially into mice with a germ line deletion of Tgif1 (Tgif1-/-) or control littermates (Tgif1+/+). Progression of bone metastases and alterations in the bone microenvironment were assessed using bioluminescence imaging, immunofluorescence staining, confocal microscopy, and histomorphometry. RESULTS: Medium conditioned by osteoblasts stimulated breast cancer cell migration, indicating a potential role of osteoblasts during bone metastasis progression. Tgif1 expression was strongly increased in osteoblasts upon stimulation by breast cancer cells, demonstrating the implication of Tgif1 in the osteoblast-breast cancer cell interaction. Indeed, conditioned medium from osteoblasts of Tgif1-/- mice failed to induce breast cancer cell migration compared to control, suggesting that Tgif1 in osteoblasts augments cancer cell motility. Semaphorin 3E (Sema3E), which is abundantly secreted by Tgif1-/- osteoblasts, dose-dependently reduced breast cancer cell migration while silencing of Sema3E expression in Tgif1-/- osteoblasts partially restored the impaired migration. In vivo, we observed a decreased number of breast cancer bone metastases in Tgif1-/- mice compared to control littermates. Consistently, the presence of single breast cancer cells or micro-metastases in the tibiae was reduced in Tgif1-/- mice. Breast cancer cells localized in close proximity to Endomucin-positive vascular cells as well as to osteoblasts. Although Tgif1 deficiency did not affect the bone marrow vasculature, the number and activity of osteoblasts were reduced compared to control. This suggests that the protective effect on bone metastases might be mediated by osteoblasts rather than by the bone marrow vasculature. CONCLUSION: We propose that the lack of Tgif1 in osteoblasts increases Sema3E expression and attenuates breast cancer cell migration as well as metastases formation

    Intramedullary Mg2Ag nails augment callus formation during fracture healing in mice

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    Intramedullary stabilization is frequently used to treat long bone fractures. Implants usually remain unless complications arise. Since implant removal can become technically very challenging with the potential to cause further tissue damage, biodegradable materials are emerging as alternative options. Magnesium (Mg)-based biodegradable implants have a controllable degradation rate and good tissue compatibility, which makes them attractive for musculoskeletal research. Here we report for the first time the implantation of intramedullary nails made of an Mg alloy containing 2% silver (Mg2Ag) into intact and fractured femora of mice. Prior in vitro analyses revealed an inhibitory effect of Mg2Ag degradation products on osteoclast differentiation and function with no impair of osteoblast function. In vivo, Mg2Ag implants degraded under non-fracture and fracture conditions within 210 days and 133 days, respectively. During fracture repair, osteoblast function and subsequent bone formation were enhanced, while osteoclast activity and bone resorption were decreased, leading to an augmented callus formation. We observed a widening of the femoral shaft under steady state and regenerating conditions, which was at least in part due to an uncoupled bone remodeling. However, Mg2Ag implants did not cause any systemic adverse effects. These data suggest that Mg2Ag implants might be promising for intramedullary fixation of long bone fractures, a novel concept that has to be further investigated in future studies

    BET-inhibition by JQ1 promotes proliferation and self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic stem cells

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    Although inhibitors of bromodomain and extra terminal domain (BET) proteins show promising clinical activity in different hematologic malignancies, a systematic analysis of the consequences of pharmacological BET inhibition on healthy hematopoietic (stem) cells is urgently needed. We found that JQ1 treatment decreases the numbers of pre-, immature and mature B cells while numbers of early pro-B cells remain constant. In addition, JQ1 treatment increases apoptosis in T cells, all together leading to reduced cellularity in thymus, bone marrow and spleen. Furthermore, JQ1 induces proliferation of long-term hematopoietic stem cells, thereby increasing stem cell numbers. Due to increased numbers, JQ1-treated hematopoietic stem cells engrafted better after stem cell transplantation and repopulated the hematopoietic system significantly faster after sublethal myeloablation. As quantity and functionality of hematopoietic stem cells determine the duration of life-threatening myelosuppression, BET inhibition might benefit patients in myelosuppressive conditions