403 research outputs found

    Factors that influence survival in colorectal cancer with synchronous distant metastasis

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    AbstractBackgroundTreatments for the purposes of curing or more effectively managing metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) are evolving. Our study focused on patients with primary CRC with synchronous distant metastasis, and we analyzed the factors influencing patient survival.MethodsData review was conducted retrospectively. Clinicopathological parameters included age, sex, site of primary cancer, tumor cell differentiation, number of liver metastasis, presence of extrahepatic metastasis, treatment of liver metastasis, pre-treatment carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level, status of treatment response, salvage treatment and survival.ResultsA total of 420 patients were identified and considered for our study. Of those, 275 patients (65.4%) had liver-only metastasis, 100 patients (23.8%) had concomitant lung metastasis, and 40 patients (9.5%) had other metastases. Additionally, 145 patients (34.5%) had liver-directed treatment including surgical resection (28.5%), radiofrequency ablation (RFA) (10.6%) and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TAE) (1.2%). There were 80 patients (19%) with CEA levels < 10, 135 patients (32.1%) with CEA 10–100, and 165 patients (39.2%) with CEA > 100. There were 200 patients (47.6%) who had received chemotherapy, 130 patients (30.9%) with target therapy, and 40 patients (9.5%) who had not undergone any salvage treatment. Three significant factors were identified, including treatment of liver metastasis (p=0.027), pre-treatment CEA (p=0.04), and salvage treatment (p=0.005).ConclusionWe demonstrated three factors influencing patient survival including treatment of liver metastasis, pre-treatment CEA level, and salvage treatment. Aggressive treatment of liver metastasis including surgical resection or RFA combined with chemotherapeutic agents appear to provide an increased rate of survival to patients

    Comparison of laparoscopic versus open surgery in a three-stage operation for obstructive left-sided colorectal cancer

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    AbstractBackgroundTreatment for obstructive left-sided colorectal cancer (OLCC) typically consists of a three-staged procedure. During the first stage, the obstruction is managed with diversion colostomy. Traditionally in the second stage, we perform open resection for the primary tumor. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of laparoscopic resection of OLCC with diversion colostomy in terms of operative results and short-term outcomes.MethodsA total of 20 patients underwent laparoscopic resection for OLCC (study group), 48 patients underwent open resection for OLCC (control group 1), and 53 patients underwent laparoscopic resection for non-OLCC (control group 2). Afterwards, results from the procedures were obtained and clinical data were analyzed.ResultsThe operative time was significantly longer in the study group than in the control group 1 (153 minutes vs. 126 minutes, p = 0.041), and the length of hospitalization was shorter in the study group than in the control group 1 (5.3 days vs. 7.6 days, p = 0.032). Regarding the operative results and short-term outcomes, there were no significant differences between the study group and control group 2. Colostomy retraction was a specific morbidity which occurred in two patients of the study group.ConclusionLaparoscopic resection of OLCC with diversion colostomy is feasible. Abdominal cavity adhesion is only limited. We strongly recommend that laparoscopic resection should be performed at least 2 weeks after diversion colostomy, and the plastic rod should be left in place during the pneumoperitoneum to reduce the risk of colostomy retraction

    Nanoparticles prepared from the water extract of Gusuibu (Drynaria fortunei J. Sm.) protects osteoblasts against insults and promotes cell maturation

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    Our previous study showed that Gusuibu (Drynaria fortunei J. Sm.) can stimulate osteoblast maturation. This study was further designed to evaluate the effects of nanoparticles prepared from the water extract of Gusuibu (WEG) on osteoblast survival and maturation. Primary osteoblasts were exposed to 1, 10, 100, and 1000 μg/mL nanoparticles of WEG (nWEG) for 24, 48, and 72 hours did not affect morphologies, viability, or apoptosis of osteoblasts. In comparison, treatment of osteoblasts with 1000 μg/mL WEG for 72 hours decreased cell viability and induced DNA fragmentation and cell apoptosis. nWEG had better antioxidant bioactivity in protecting osteoblasts from oxidative and nitrosative stress-induced apoptosis than WEG. In addition, nWEG stimulated greater osteoblast maturation than did WEG. Therefore, this study shows that WEG nanoparticles are safer to primary osteoblasts than are normal-sized products, and may promote better bone healing by protecting osteoblasts from apoptotic insults, and by promoting osteogenic maturation

    Epidemiological determinants of spread of causal agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong.

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    BACKGROUND: Health authorities worldwide, especially in the Asia Pacific region, are seeking effective public-health interventions in the continuing epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). We assessed the epidemiology of SARS in Hong Kong. METHODS: We included 1425 cases reported up to April 28, 2003. An integrated database was constructed from several sources containing information on epidemiological, demographic, and clinical variables. We estimated the key epidemiological distributions: infection to onset, onset to admission, admission to death, and admission to discharge. We measured associations between the estimated case fatality rate and patients' age and the time from onset to admission. FINDINGS: After the initial phase of exponential growth, the rate of confirmed cases fell to less than 20 per day by April 28. Public-health interventions included encouragement to report to hospital rapidly after the onset of clinical symptoms, contact tracing for confirmed and suspected cases, and quarantining, monitoring, and restricting the travel of contacts. The mean incubation period of the disease is estimated to be 6.4 days (95% CI 5.2-7.7). The mean time from onset of clinical symptoms to admission to hospital varied between 3 and 5 days, with longer times earlier in the epidemic. The estimated case fatality rate was 13.2% (9.8-16.8) for patients younger than 60 years and 43.3% (35.2-52.4) for patients aged 60 years or older assuming a parametric gamma distribution. A non-parametric method yielded estimates of 6.8% (4.0-9.6) and 55.0% (45.3-64.7), respectively. Case clusters have played an important part in the course of the epidemic. INTERPRETATION: Patients' age was strongly associated with outcome. The time between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital did not alter outcome, but shorter intervals will be important to the wider population by restricting the infectious period before patients are placed in quarantine

    Transmission dynamics of the etiological agent of SARS in Hong Kong: impact of public health interventions.

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    We present an analysis of the first 10 weeks of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Hong Kong. The epidemic to date has been characterized by two large clusters-initiated by two separate "super-spread" events (SSEs)-and by ongoing community transmission. By fitting a stochastic model to data on 1512 cases, including these clusters, we show that the etiological agent of SARS is moderately transmissible. Excluding SSEs, we estimate that 2.7 secondary infections were generated per case on average at the start of the epidemic, with a substantial contribution from hospital transmission. Transmission rates fell during the epidemic, primarily as a result of reductions in population contact rates and improved hospital infection control, but also because of more rapid hospital attendance by symptomatic individuals. As a result, the epidemic is now in decline, although continued vigilance is necessary for this to be maintained. Restrictions on longer range population movement are shown to be a potentially useful additional control measure in some contexts. We estimate that most currently infected persons are now hospitalized, which highlights the importance of control of nosocomial transmission

    Modification by Influenza on Health Effects of Air Pollution in Hong Kong

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    Background: Both influenza viruses and air pollutants have been well documented as major hazards to human health, but few epidemiologic studies have assessed effect modification of influenza on health effects of ambient air pollutants. Objectives: We aimed to assess modifying effects of influenza on health effects of ambient air pollutants. Methods: We applied Poisson regression to daily numbers of hospitalizations and mortality to develop core models after adjustment for potential time-varying confounding variables. We assessed modification of influenza by adding variables for concentrations of single ambient air pollutants and proportions of influenza-positive specimens (influenza intensity) and their cross-product terms. Results: We found significant effect modification of influenza (p < 0.05) for effects of ozone. When influenza intensity is assumed to increase from 0% to 10%, the excess risks per 10-μg/m 3 increase in concentration of O 3 increased 0.24% and 0.40% for hospitalization of respiratory disease in the all-ages group and ≥ 65 year age group, respectively; 0.46% for hospitalization of acute respiratory disease in the all-ages group; and 0.40% for hospitalization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the ≥ 65 group. The estimated increases in the excess risks for mortality of respiratory disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the all-ages group were 0.59% and 1.05%, respectively. We found no significant modification of influenza on effects of other pollutants in most disease outcomes under study. Conclusions: Influenza activity could be an effect modifier for the health effects of air pollutants particularly for O 3 and should be considered in the studies for short-term effects of air pollutants on health.published_or_final_versio

    Healthcare costs associated with progressive diabetic retinopathy among National Health Insurance enrollees in Taiwan, 2000-2004

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common microvascular complications of diabetes and one of the major causes of adult visual impairment in national surveys in Taiwan. This study aimed to identify the healthcare costs of Taiwan's National Health Insurance program on behalf of diabetic patients with stable or progressive retinopathy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective cohort study was conducted with 4,988 medication-using diabetic retinopathy subjects ≥ 40 years of age under National Health Insurance Program coverage between 2000 and 2004. Study cohort subjects were recorded as having diabetic retinopathy according to ICD-9-CM codes. States of diabetic retinopathy were strategically divided into stable and progressive categories according to subjects' conditions at follow-up in 2004. Expenditures were calculated and compared for the years 2000 and 2004.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the 4-year follow-up (2000 through 2004), 4,116 subjects (82.5%) of 4,988 diabetic subjects were in the stable category, and 872 (17.5%) were in the progressive category. Average costs of those in the normal category increased by US 48fromUS48 from US 1921 in 2000 to US 1969in2004(p=0.594),whereascostsforthoseprogressingfromnormaltononproliferativediabeticretinopathy(NPDR)orproliferativediabeticretinopathy(PDR)increasedbyUS1969 in 2004 (p = 0.594), whereas costs for those progressing from normal to non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) or proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) increased by US 1760, from US 1566in2000toUS1566 in 2000 to US 3326 in 2004 (p < 0.001). The PDR category had the highest average costs at US 3632in2000.TheNPDRtoPDRcategoryexperiencedthegreatestincreaseincostsatUS3632 in 2000. The NPDR-to-PDR category experienced the greatest increase in costs at US 3482, from US 2723in2000toUS2723 in 2000 to US 6204 in 2004 (p = 0.042), and the greatest percentage of increase at 2.3% (2.2% when adjusted by comparing to normal category).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This large-scale longitudinal study provides evidence that increased healthcare costs are associated with progressive diabetic retinopathy among diabetic NHI enrollees in Taiwan.</p

    Influenza-Associated Hospitalization in a Subtropical City

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of influenza on morbidity and hospitalization in the tropics and subtropics is poorly quantified. Uniquely, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has computerized hospital discharge diagnoses on 95% of total bed days, allowing disease burden for a well-defined population to be accurately assessed. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Influenza-associated morbidity and hospitalization was assessed by Poisson regression models for weekly counts of hospitalizations in Hong Kong during 1996 to 2000, using proportions of positive influenza types A (H1N1 and H3N2) and B isolations in specimens sent for laboratory diagnosis as measures of influenza virus circulation. We adjusted for annual trend, seasonality, temperature, and relative humidity, as well as respiratory syncytial virus circulation. We found that influenza was significantly associated with hospitalization for acute respiratory disease (International Classification of Diseases version 9 codes [ICD9] 460–466 and 480–487) and its subcategory pneumonia and influenza (ICD9 480–487) for all age groups. The annual rates of excess hospitalization per 100,000 population for acute respiratory diseases for the age groups 0–14, 15–39, 40–64, 65–74, and 75+ were 163.3 (95% confidence interval [CI], 135–190), 6.0 (95% CI, 2.7–8.9), 14.9 (95% CI, 10.7–18.8), 83.8 (95% CI, 61.2–104.2), and 266 (95% CI, 198.7–330.2), respectively. Influenza was also associated with hospitalization for cerebrovascular disease (ICD9 430–438) for those aged over 75 y (55.4; 95% CI, 23.1–87.8); ischemic heart disease (ICD9 410–414) for the age group 40–64 y (5.3; 95% CI, 0.5–9.5) and over 75 y (56.4; 95% CI, 21.1–93.4); and diabetes mellitus (ICD9 250) for all age groups older than 40 y. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza has a major impact on hospitalization due to cardio-respiratory diseases as well as on cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes mellitus in the tropics and subtropics. Better utilization of influenza vaccine during annual epidemics in the tropics will enhance global vaccine production capacity and allow for better preparedness to meet the surge in demand that is inevitable in confronting a pandemic

    The Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in Socially Deprived Urban Areas in Hong Kong, China

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    Background: Poverty is a major determinant of population health, but little is known about its role in modifying air pollution effects. Objectives: We set out to examine whether people residing in socially deprived communities are at higher mortality risk from ambient air pollution. Methods: This study included 209 tertiary planning units (TPUs), the smallest units for town planning in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, China. The socioeconomic status of each TPU was measured by a social deprivation index (SDI) derived from the proportions of the population with a) unemployment, b) monthly household income < US$250, c) no schooling at all, d) one-person household, e) never-married status, and f) subtenancy, from the 2001 Population Census. TPUs were classified into three levels of SDI: low, middle, and high. We performed time-series analysis with Poisson regression to examine the association between changes in daily concentrations of ambient air pollution and daily number of deaths in each SDI group for the period from January 1996 to December 2002. We evaluated the differences in pollution effects between different SDI groups using a case-only approach with logistic regression. Results: We found significant associations of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < 10 μm, and ozone with all nonaccidental and cardiovascular mortality in areas of middle or high SDI (p < 0.05). Health outcomes, measured as all nonaccidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality, in people residing in high SDI areas were more strongly associated with SO 2 and NO 2 compared with those in middle or low SDI areas. Conclusions: Neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation increases mortality risks associated with air pollution.published_or_final_versio