6,188 research outputs found

    A MEMS electrostatic particle transportation system

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    We demonstrate here an electrostatic MEMS system capable of transporting particles 5-10ÎŒm in diameter in air. This system consists of 3-phase electrode arrays covered by insulators (Figs. 1, 2). Extensive testing of this system has been done using a variety of insulation materials (silicon nitride, photoresist, and Teflon), thickness (0- 12ÎŒm), particle sizes (1-10ÎŒm), particle materials (metal, glass, polystyrene, spores, etc), waveforms, frequencies, and voltages. Although previous literature [1-2] claimed it impractical to electrostatically transport particles with sizes 5-10ÎŒm due to complex surface forces, this effort actually shows it feasible (as high as 90% efficiency) with the optimal combination of insulation thickness, electrode geometry, and insulation material. Moreover, we suggest a qualitative theory for our particle transportation system which is consistent with our data and finite-element electrostatic simulations

    A micro cell lysis device

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    A new micromachined cell lysis device is developed. It is designed for miniature bio-analysis systems where cell lysing is needed to obtain intracellular materials for further analysis such as DNA identification. It consists of muti-electrode pairs to apply electric fields to cells. We adopt the means of using electric field lysing because it can greatly simplify purification steps for preparation of biological samples, when compared to conventional chemical methods. Yeast, Chinese cabbage, radish cells and E. coli are tested with the device. The lysis of yeast, Chinese cabbage, radish cells is observed by a microscope. The experimental observation suggests E. coli are also lysed by the pulsed electric field. The range of electric field for the lysis is on the order of 1 kV/cm to 10 kV/cm. In addition, for practical reasons, we reduce the voltage required for lysing to less than 10 V by making the electrode gap on the order of microns

    Aperture excited dielectric antennas

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    The results of a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of the effect of placing dielectric objects over the aperture of waveguide antennas are presented. Experimental measurements of the radiation patterns, gain, impedance, near-field amplitude, and pattern and impedance coupling between pairs of antennas are given for various Plexiglas shapes, including the sphere and the cube, excited by rectangular, circular, and square waveguide feed apertures. The waveguide excitation of a dielectric sphere is modeled using the Huygens' source, and expressions for the resulting electric fields, directivity, and efficiency are derived. Calculations using this model show good overall agreement with experimental patterns and directivity measurements. The waveguide under an infinite dielectric slab is used as an impedance model. Calculations using this model agree qualitatively with the measured impedance data. It is concluded that dielectric loaded antennas such as the waveguide excited sphere, cube, or sphere-cylinder can produce directivities in excess of that obtained by a uniformly illuminated aperture of the same cross section, particularly for dielectric objects with dimensions of 2 wavelengths or less. It is also shown that for certain configurations coupling between two antennas of this type is less than that for the same antennas without dielectric loading

    Is the Convergence of Accounting Standards Good for Stock Markets?

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    This paper examines the impact of the convergence of Hong Kong Accounting Standard 40 (HKAS 40) with the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) on the stock prices of firms in the property industry. Using a sample of 22111 firm-day observations, we show that the new standard has a negative impact on the stock performance of these firms.Hong Kong Accounting Standard 40, Event Window, Stock Return.

    An incremental explanation of inference in Bayesian networks for increasing model trustworthiness and supporting clinical decision making

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    Various AI models are increasingly being considered as part of clinical decision-support tools. However, the trustworthiness of such models is rarely considered. Clinicians are more likely to use a model if they can understand and trust its predictions. Key to this is if its underlying reasoning can be explained. A Bayesian network (BN) model has the advantage that it is not a black-box and its reasoning can be explained. In this paper, we propose an incremental explanation of inference that can be applied to ‘hybrid’ BNs, i.e. those that contain both discrete and continuous nodes. The key questions that we answer are: (1) which important evidence supports or contradicts the prediction, and (2) through which intermediate variables does the information flow. The explanation is illustrated using a real clinical case study. A small evaluation study is also conducted

    Bioresorbable Film for the Prevention of Adhesion to the Anterior Spine After Anterolateral Discectomy

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    Background context The development of scar tissue and adhesions postoperatively is a natural consequence of healing but can be associated with medical complications and render reoperation difficult. Many biocompatible products have been evaluated as barriers or deterrents to adhesions. Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of a bioresorbable polylactide film as a barrier to adhesion formation after anterolateral discectomy. Study design Experimental study. Methods Seven, skeletally mature female sheep underwent a retroperitoneal approach to the anterolateral lumbar spine. A discectomy was performed at two levels with an intervening unoperated disc site. One site was treated with a polylactide film barrier (Hydrosorb Shield; MacroPore Biosurgery, San Diego, CA) affixed with tacks manufactured from the same material. The second site was left untreated. Treatment and control sites were randomly assigned. Postmortem analysis included scar tenacity scoring on five spines and histological evaluation on two spines. Results The application of the Hydrosorb film barrier allowed a definite dissection plane during scar tenacity scoring and there was a significant difference in the development of adhesions to the disc between the control and treated sites. Histological evaluation revealed evidence of barrier formation to scar tissue and no significant adverse inflammatory reactions. Conclusions Hydrosorb Shield appears to be an effective postoperative barrier to scar tissue adhesion after anterolateral discectomy. The use of polylactide tacks was beneficial to affix the barrier film in place. Safety issues associated with delayed healing or adverse response to the film or tacks were not observed. Hydrosorb film may be useful as an antiadhesion barrier facilitating dissection during surgical revision in anterior approaches to the spine. Further studies are indicated to evaluate the performance of the bioresorbable material as an antiadhesion barrier in techniques of spinal fusion and disc replacement

    Weak and Strong coupling regimes in plasmonic-QED

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    We present a quantum theory for the interaction of a two level emitter with surface plasmon polaritons confined in single-mode waveguide resonators. Based on the Green's function approach, we develop the conditions for the weak and strong coupling regimes by taking into account the sources of dissipation and decoherence: radiative and non-radiative decays, internal loss processes in the emitter, as well as propagation and leakage losses of the plasmons in the resonator. The theory is supported by numerical calculations for several quantum emitters, GaAs and CdSe quantum dots and NV centers together with different types of resonators constructed of hybrid, cylindrical or wedge waveguides. We further study the role of temperature and resonator length. Assuming realistic leakage rates, we find the existence of an optimal length at which strong coupling is possible. Our calculations show that the strong coupling regime in plasmonic resonators is accessible within current technology when working at very low temperatures (<4K). In the weak coupling regime our theory accounts for recent experimental results. By further optimization we find highly enhanced spontaneous emission with Purcell factors over 1000 at room temperature for NV-centers. We finally discuss more applications for quantum nonlinear optics and plasmon-plasmon interactions.Comment: published as Phys. Rev. B 87, 115419 (2013

    Leukocyte count and two-part differential in whole blood based on a portable microflow cytometer

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    This work demonstrated leukocyte count and two-part leukocyte differential from the whole blood based on a portable microflow cytometer system. Leukocytes are selectively stained with a fluorescent dye, Acridine Orange (AO). The blood sample is then pumped through a disposable microfluidic device for fluorescence sensing. Under blue LED excitation (460nm), the green fluorescence from DNA and the red fluorescence from RNA are detected simultaneously with two photomultiplier tubes (PMT). Leukocytes are counted and differentiated into two parts, lymphocyte versus non-lymphocyte, based on their fluorescence signatures. The results, including leukocyte absolute count and lymphocyte ratio, matched well with the commercial hemacytometer counts (maximal error 9.0%, correlation coefficient ~0.8). We also tested the system for the first time under a zero-gravity (zero-G) environment that facilitated its application in space missions
