31 research outputs found

    Lck Availability during Thymic Selection Determines the Recognition Specificity of the T Cell Repertoire

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    SummaryThymic selection requires signaling by the protein tyrosine kinase Lck to generate T cells expressing αÎČ T cell antigen receptors (TCR). For reasons not understood, the thymus selects only αÎČTCR that are restricted by major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded determinants. Here, we report that Lck proteins that were coreceptor associated promoted thymic selection of conventionally MHC-restricted TCR, but Lck proteins that were coreceptor free promoted thymic selection of MHC-independent TCR. Transgenic TCR with MHC-independent specificity for CD155 utilized coreceptor-free Lck to signal thymic selection in the absence of MHC, unlike any transgenic TCR previously described. Thus, the thymus can select either MHC-restricted or MHC-independent αÎČTCR depending on whether Lck is coreceptor associated or coreceptor free. We conclude that the intracellular state of Lck determines the specificity of thymic selection and that Lck association with coreceptor proteins during thymic selection is the mechanism by which MHC restriction is imposed on a randomly generated αÎČTCR repertoire

    Coreceptor gene imprinting governs thymocyte lineage fate

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    Double-positive (CD4+CD8+) thymocytes differentiate into CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. A knock-in approach replacing CD8-coding sequences with CD4 cDNA shows that it is the expression kinetics of CD8, and not the identity of the coreceptor, that governs thymocyte-lineage fate

    MCL-1 keeps a charming home for thymocytes

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    Immature CD8 Single-Positive Thymocytes Are a Molecularly Distinct Subpopulation, Selectively Dependent on BRD4 for Their Differentiation

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    Summary: T cell differentiation in the thymus proceeds in an ordered sequence of developmental events characterized by variable expression of CD4 and CD8 coreceptors. Here, we report that immature single-positive (ISP) thymocytes are molecularly distinct from all other T cell populations in the thymus in their expression of a gene profile that is dependent on the transcription factor BRD4. Conditional deletion of BRD4 at various stages of thymic differentiation reveals that BRD4 selectively regulates the further differentiation of ISPs by targeting cell cycle and metabolic pathways, but it does not affect the extensive proliferation that results in the generation of ISPs. These studies lead to the conclusion that the ISP subpopulation is not a hybrid transitional state but a molecularly distinct subpopulation that is selectively dependent on BRD4. : Thymocytes differentiate from immature DN to ISP, DP, and single-positive thymocytes. Gegonne et al. report the finding that BRD4 is required at the transition from immature ISP to DP thymocytes but not for the differentiation of DN thymocytes or the maturation of conventional single-positive thymocytes from the DP stage. Keywords: differentiation, immature single-positive thymocytes, ISP, BRD4, gene expression, cell cycle, metabolic pathways, c-My

    Novel MHC-Independent αÎČTCRs Specific for CD48, CD102, and CD155 Self-Proteins and Their Selection in the Thymus.

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    MHC-independent αÎČTCRs (TCRs) recognize conformational epitopes on native self-proteins and arise in mice lacking both MHC and CD4/CD8 coreceptor proteins. Although naturally generated in the thymus, these TCRs resemble re-engineered therapeutic chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells in their specificity for MHC-independent ligands. Here we identify naturally arising MHC-independent TCRs reactive to three native self-proteins (CD48, CD102, and CD155) involved in cell adhesion. We report that naturally arising MHC-independent TCRs require high affinity TCR-ligand engagements in the thymus to signal positive selection and that high affinity positive selection generates a peripheral TCR repertoire with limited diversity and increased self-reactivity. We conclude that the affinity of TCR-ligand engagements required to signal positive selection in the thymus inversely determines the diversity and self-tolerance of the mature TCR repertoire that is selected