54 research outputs found

    Umjetna inteligencija i matematičko modeliranje kinetike sušenja prethodno obrađenih cjelovitih plodova marelice

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    This study involved monitoring and modelling the drying kinetics of whole apricots pre-treated with solutions of sucrose, NaCl, and sodium bisulphite. The drying was performed in a microwave oven at different power levels (200, 400, and 800 W). Two artificial intelligence models were used for the prediction of drying time (DT) and moisture ratio (MR): artificial neural network (ANN) and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). On the other hand, the MR prediction was also done with 21 semi-empirical models, one of which we created. The results showed that the drying time decreased with the increase in microwave oven power for the three treatments. The treatment with NaCl was the most suitable for our work. The correlation coefficients of drying time (0.9992) and moisture ratio (0.9997) of ANN were high compared to the ANFIS model, which were 0.9941 and 0.9995, respectively. Among twenty semi-empirical models that were simulated, three models were fitted to our study (Henderson & Papis modified, Henderson & Pabis, and Two Terms). By comparing the three models adapted to our work and the model that we proposed, as well as ANN for MR prediction, it was observed that the model that we created was the most appropriate for describing the drying kinetics of NaCl-treated apricot. This solution opens the prospect of using this potential model to simulate fruit and vegetable drying kinetics in the future.Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je praćenje i modeliranje kinetike sušenja cjelovitih plodova marelice prethodno obrađenih otopinama saharoze, natrijeva klorida i natrijeva bisulfita. Sušenje je provedeno u mikrovalnoj pećnici pri različitim snagama (200, 400 i 800 W). Za predviđanje vremena sušenja (DT) i omjera vlage (MR) primijenjena su dva modela umjetne inteligencije: umjetna neuronska mreža (ANN) i prilagodljivi sustav neizrazitog zaključivanja zasnovanog na neuronskoj mreži (ANFIS). S druge strane, za predviđanje MR-a upotrijebljeno je 20 postojećih poluempirijskih modela te jedan koji su autori izradili sami. Rezultati su, kod sve tri primijenjene obrade, pokazali redukciju vremena sušenja s povećanjem snage mikrovalne pećnice. Tretman otopinom natrijeva klorida pokazao se najpogodnijim. Koeficijenti korelacije ANN modela za vrijeme sušenja (0,9992) i omjer vlage (0,9997) bili su viši nego kod ANFIS modela (0,9941 i 0,9995). Za dvadeset primijenjenih polu-empirijskih modela, tri modela pokazala su se podudarnim s rezultatima ovog istraživanja (modificirani model Hendersona i Pabisa, model Hendersona i Pabisa te model dvaju pojmova). Uspoređujući tri spomenuta modela i model predložen u ovom radu, kao i predviđanje MR-a ANN-om, uočeno je da je model predložen u radu najprikladniji za opisivanje kinetike sušenja marelice tretirane otopinom natrijeva klorida. Takvi rezultati ukazuju da bi se predloženi model potencijalno mogao ubuduće primjenjivati za simulaciji kinetike sušenja voća i povrća

    Predviđanje količine bikarbonata u pitkoj vodi regije Médéa modeliranjem umjetnom neuronskom mrežom

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    The region of Médéa (Algeria) located in an agricultural site requires a large amount of drinking water. For this purpose, the water analyses in question are imperative. To examine the evolution of the drinking water quality in this region, firstly, an experimental protocol was done in order to obtain a dataset by taking into account several physicochemical parameters. Secondly, the obtained data set was divided into two parts to form the artificial neural network, where 70 % of the data set was used for training, and the remaining 30 % was also divided into two equal parts: one for testing and the other for validation of the model. The intelligent model obtained was evaluated as a function of the correlation coefficient nearest to 1 and lowest mean square error (RMSE). A set of 84 data points were used in this study. Eighteen parameters in the input layer, five neurons in the hidden layer, and one parameter in the output layer were used for the ANN modelling. Levenberg Marquardt learning (LM) algorithm, logarithmic sigmoid, and linear transfer function were used, respectively, for the hidden and the output layers. The results obtained during the present study showed a correlation coefficient of R = 0.99276 with root mean square error RMSE = 11.52613 mg dm–3. These results show that obtained ANN model gave far better and more significant results. It is obviously more accurate since its relative error is small with a correlation coefficient close to unity. Finally, it can be concluded that obtained model can effectively predict the rate of soluble bicarbonate in drinking water in the Médéa region. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Regija Médéa (Alžir) smještena na poljoprivrednom zemljištu zahtijeva veliku količinu pitke vode te je stoga analiza vode od iznimne važnosti. Da bi se ispitao razvoj kvalitete pitke vode u toj regiji, najprije je napravljen eksperimentalni protokol za dobivanje skupa podataka uzimajući u obzir nekoliko fizikalno-kemijskih parametara. Zatim je dobiveni skup podataka podijeljen na dva dijela za stvaranje umjetne neuronske mreže, gdje je 70 % skupova podataka upotrijebljeno za trening, a preostalih 30 % dodatno je podijeljeno na dva jednaka dijela: jedan za testiranje, a drugi za validaciju modela. Dobiveni inteligentni model procijenjen je kao funkcija koeficijenta korelacije najbližeg 1 i najnižeg korijena srednje kvadratne pogreške (RMSE). U ovom istraživanju upotrijebljen je skup od 84 podatkovnih točaka. Za modeliranje ANN-a upotrijebljeno je osamnaest parametara u ulaznom sloju, pet neurona u skrivenom sloju i jedan parametar u izlaznom sloju. Za skriveni i izlazni sloj upotrijebljeni su algoritam učenja Levenberg Marquardt (LM), logaritamski sigmoid i funkcija linearnog prijenosa. Rezultati dobiveni tijekom ovog istraživanja pokazali su koeficijent korelacije R = 0,99276 s korijenom srednje kvadratne pogreške RMSE = 11,52613 mg dm–3. Ti rezultati pokazuju da je dobiveni model neuronske mreže dao daleko bolje rezultate, jer je točniji a njegova relativna pogreška je mala s koeficijentom korelacije blizu 1. Konačno, zaključeno je da taj model može učinkovito predvidjeti brzinu topljivosti bikarbonata u vodi za piće u regiji Médéa. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    Polyphenols and Flavonoids Contents of Fresh and Dried Apricots Extracted by Cold Soaking and Ultrasound-assisted Extraction

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    This study was carried out to verify the influence of drying parameters on phenolic and flavonoid compounds of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) treated with sucrose, NaCl, and sodium bisulphite solutions dried by microwave at different powers (200, 400, and 800 W). We used two extraction methods, namely, cold soaking and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Total phenolics and flavonoids in fresh and dried apricots and apricot dough were estimated using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the aluminium trichloride method, respectively. Fresh apricot contained considerable amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids by the cold soaking and UAE (285.43 and 165.49 mg GAE/100 g DM and 48.57 and 12.11 mg QE/100 g DM, respectively). Analysis of the data showed that the decrease in polyphenol and flavonoid contents of the dried treated apricots compared to the fresh material was significant. The greatest losses of these nutrients were recorded when applying the ultrasonic extraction method

    Predicting the concentration of sulfate using machine learning methods

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    International audienceContinuous water monitoring is expensive and time consuming. Because it requires sampling information throughout 12 months and restricts the conduct of water aid management studies as well as the calibration and validation of excellent water models. To overcome this obstacle to better water quality management, improving water quality models is a necessary step. Various modelling strategies have been developed in recent years to improve the accuracy of predictions of major water parameters. In this work, for the prediction of raw water sulfate, we used five machine learning models were considered in this work: artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), Gaussian process regression (GPR), and decision tree (DT) and ensemble tree (ET). Moreover, the DT model was used to know the influence of the other physicochemical parameters (inputs) on the, and the ET model to improve the DT result and ensure the influence of the other physicochemical parameters on the sulfate. The experimental results indicate that all models were found to be effective in predicting sulfate levels, due to their very high correlation coefficients (close to 1) and very low statistical errors (close to 0); however, the most suitable water quality models were GPR and ANN, as their coefficients and statistical indicators do not show much difference between them. Indeed, the coefficients and the statistical indicators of the GPR model were R = 0.9991, R-2 = 0.9982, R-2 adj = 0.9978, RMSE = 0.0182, MSE = 0, 0003. MAE = 0.0073 and EPM = 1.5386; while those of the ANN model were: R = 0.9989, R-2 = 0.9978, R-a(dj)2 = 0.9972, RMSE = 0.0124, MSE = 0.0001, MAE = 0.0083 and EPM = 2.0639. The only difference that favored the GPR model if compared to the ANN was the number of parameters, namely 70 parameters and a very weak loss, 3.3404e-04. In contrast, the ANN model was run with 190 parameters. The model tests (interpolation) confirmed this result, owing to the values of the the correlation coefficient (R = 0.99834) and the coefficient of determination (R-2 = 0.9966), as well as that of statistical indicators (RMSE = 0.0309, MSE = 9.5219e-04, EPM = 3.0267 and MAE = 0.0122). In light of these results it can be concluded that the GPR model is the more efficient to predict sulfate in raw water. Additionally, its ability to deal with missing values, outliers, and the updating ability shows its relevance, which should be kept in the future. This efficiency seems to be due to the fact that the sulfate concentration in the raw water is linked to the physico-chemical characteristics of the environment by non-linear relationships. It is confirmed by a tree and ensemble model decision which provided information on how sulfate reacts with other physicochemical characteristics

    Sadržaj polifenola i flavonoida u svježim i sušenim marelicama ekstrahiranim hladnim namakanjem i ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom

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    This study was carried out to verify the influence of drying parameters on phenolic and flavonoid compounds of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) treated with sucrose, NaCl, and sodium bisulphite solutions dried by microwave at different powers (200, 400, and 800 W). We used two extraction methods, namely, cold soaking and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Total phenolics and flavonoids in fresh and dried apricots and apricot dough were estimated using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the aluminium trichloride method, respectively. Fresh apricot contained considerable amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids by the cold soaking and UAE (285.43 and 165.49 mg GAE/100 g DM and 48.57 and 12.11 mg QE/100 g DM, respectively). Analysis of the data showed that the decrease in polyphenol and flavonoid contents of the dried treated apricots compared to the fresh material was significant. The greatest losses of these nutrients were recorded when applying the ultrasonic extraction method.U ovom radu ispitan je utjecaj parametara sušenja na fenolne i flavonoidne spojeve marelica (Prunus armeniaca L.) tretiranih otopinama saharoze, natrijeva klorida i natrijeva bisulfita te sušene u mikrovalovoj pećnici pri različitim snagama (200, 400 i 800 W). Primijenjene su dvije metode ekstrakcije, hladno namakanje i ekstrakcija potpomognuta ultrazvukom (UAE). Ukupni fenoli u svježim i suhim marelicama te tijestu marelica određeni su primjenom Folin-Ciocalteu reagensa, dok su flavanoidi određeni metodom s aluminijevim(III) kloridom. Obje metode ekstrakcije pokazale su da je svježa marelica sadržavala znatne količine polifenola i flavonoida. U suženim marelicama zabilježene su znatno manje količine polifenola i flavanoida. Najveći gubici tih nutrijenata zabilježeni su prilikom primjene ekstrakcije potpomognute ultrazvukom

    Optimisation and Prediction of the Coagulant Dose for the Elimination of Organic Micropollutants Based on Turbidity

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    In this study, four different mathematical models were considered to predict the coagulant dose in view of turbidity removal: response surface methodology (RSM), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The results showed that all models accurately fitted the experimental data, even if the ANN model was slightly above the other models. The SVM model led to almost similar results as the ANN model; the only difference was in the validation phase, since the correlation coefficient was very high and the statistical indicators were very low for the ANN model compared to the SVM model. However, from an economic point of view, the SVM model was more appropriate than the ANN model, since its number of parameters was 22, i.e. almost half the number of parameters of the ANN model (43 parameters), while the results were almost similar in all the data phase. To further reduce the economic costs, the RSM model can also be used which remained very useful due to its high coefficients related to the number of parameters – only 13. In addition, the statistical indicators of the RSM model remained acceptable

    Assessment of Surface Water Quality Using Water Quality Index and Discriminant Analysis Method

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    Given the complexity of water quality data sets, water resources pose a significant problem for global public order in terms of water quality protection and management. In this study, surface water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes was evaluated by calculating the Water Quality Index (WQI) and Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) based on nine hydrochemical parameters. The discriminant analysis (DA) method was used to identify the variables that are most responsible for spatial differentiation. The results indicate that the surface water quality for drinking is of poor and very poor quality according to the WQI values, however, the IWQI values indicate that the water is acceptable for irrigation with restrictions for salinity sensitive plants. The discriminate analysis method identified pH, potassium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate as the significant parameters that discriminate between the different stations and contribute to spatial variation of the surface water quality. The findings of this study provide valuable information for decision-makers to address the important problem of water quality management and protection

    Assessment of Surface Water Quality Using Water Quality Index and Discriminant Analysis Method

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    Given the complexity of water quality data sets, water resources pose a significant problem for global public order in terms of water quality protection and management. In this study, surface water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes was evaluated by calculating the Water Quality Index (WQI) and Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) based on nine hydrochemical parameters. The discriminant analysis (DA) method was used to identify the variables that are most responsible for spatial differentiation. The results indicate that the surface water quality for drinking is of poor and very poor quality according to the WQI values, however, the IWQI values indicate that the water is acceptable for irrigation with restrictions for salinity sensitive plants. The discriminate analysis method identified pH, potassium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate as the significant parameters that discriminate between the different stations and contribute to spatial variation of the surface water quality. The findings of this study provide valuable information for decision-makers to address the important problem of water quality management and protection

    Thermodynamic study and the development of a support vector machine model for predicting adsorption behavior of orange peel-derived beads in wastewater treatment

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    International audienceThis study investigates the use of orange peels as a precursor for synthesizing sodium alginate -encapsulated beads for methylene blue (MB) removal. The prepared beads (BOP1 and BOP2) underwent characterization through FTIR, XRF, SEM and TGA. Subsequently, the impacts of various factors, including temperature, the initial pH, initial concentration, salt and humic acid, are studied. The adsorption isotherms show high adsorbed quantities of 764.92 and 659.78 mg/g for BOP1 and BOP2 respectively, while the obtained data are best described by the monolayer with two energies (MMTE) model, which is then used to perform a thermodynamic study of the MB adsorption mechanism. Additionally, the adsorption kinetics data are modeled using three models, with the PFO model identified as the most appropriate. The regenerated beads demonstrate the ability to be reused up to 7 cycles, The effects of NaCl and humic acid on MB adsorption reveal that NaCl inhibits adsorption due to competition with Na +, while humic acid has no effect. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) model optimized by the Levy Flight Distribution Optimization (LFD) algorithm is developed and found to be capable of accurately predicting the adsorption behavior of the prepared beads. This model is then used in optimizing the process conditions for maximal MB removal. Overall, this study demonstrates that the prepared beads could be potential low-cost and environmentally friendly adsorbents for wastewater treatment applications

    Experimental and Theoretical Study of Methylene Blue Adsorption on a New Raw Material, Cynara scolymus-A Statistical Physics Assessment

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    International audienceMethylene blue (MB) adsorption was performed on a natural material powder of Cynara scolymus as a new inexpensive adsorbent identified by Cs. To analyze the Cs material, FTIR, SEM, isoelectric point (pH(pzc)) analysis, TGA, and DRX were used. The maximum experimental adsorption capacity of the Cs material was 203.333, 192.187, and 179.380 mg and BULL;g(-1) at 298, 303, and 313 K, respectively. The correlation coefficients (R-2) and average percentage errors APE (%) values for the kinetic and isotherms models indicated that the adsorption kinetics followed a pseudo-nth order model and that the traditional isotherm model Redlich-Peterson (R-P) correctly described the experimental data obtained at 298, 303, and 313 K, respectively. The steric, energetic, and thermodynamic characteristics of the most relevant advanced model (double-energy single-layer model (AM 2)) were analyzed in detail. The number of active sites for the first receptors (n(1)) was determined to be 0.129, 0.610, and 6.833, whereas the number of second active sites (n(2)) was determined to be 1.444, 1.675, and 2.036 at 298, 303, and 313 K, respectively. This indicated the presence of both multi-docking and multimolecular modes for the first style of MB ions (n(1)), while only a multimolecular mode for the second style of MB ions (n(2)). Thermodynamic characteristics demonstrated that MB adsorption onto the Cs adsorbent is spontaneous and feasible