301 research outputs found

    Einstien-Multidimensional Extrapolation methods

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    In this paper, we present a new framework for the recent multidimensional extrapolation methods: Tensor Global Minimal Polynomial (TG-MPE) and Tensor Global Reduced Rank Extrapolation (TG-RRE) methods. We develop a new approach to the one presented in \cite{17}. The proposed framework highlights, in addition their polynomial feature, the connection of TG-MPE and TG-RRE with nonlinear Krylov subspace methods. A unified algorithm is proposed for their implemention. Theoretical results are given and some numerical experiments on linear and nonlinear problems are considered to confirm the performance of the proposed algorithms

    Nombre chromosomique et caryotype de Cistus Ladanifer subsp. Africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae)

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    L’approche caryologique de Cistus ladanifer subsp. africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae) rapportée pour la première fois sur des populations du Maroc, a mis en évidence le nombre et la formule chromosomiques avec 2n = 2x = 18 = 10 m + 4 sm + 4 st ; l’existence d’un phénomène d’endomitose fréquent et la présence à la fois de cellules à chromosomes en croix et de cellules à chromosomes normaux et ceci dans un même méristème. Aussi, les deux variétés, différentes par leurs sécrétions aromatiques volatiles, ont des caryotypes similaires.The kariological approach of Cistus ladanifer subsp. africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae), reported for the fi rst time on populations of Morocco, highlighted the chromosomal number and formula (2n = 2x =18 = 10 m + 4 sm + 4 st); the existence of frequent endomitosis phenomenon’s. We have also noticed that in the same root we can fi nd two different shapes of chromosome: normal and in cross ones. Moreover, the two varieties which differ from their volatile aromatic secretions have the same karyotype

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques Angiospermes marocaines

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de cinco taxones pertenecientes a cinco familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 et Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 et 32. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotografía en mitosis o meiósis así como de un breve comentario."Chromosome numbers of some Moroccan angiosperm". Chromosome numbers of five taxa from five families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 and Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 and 32. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension in pregnancy: about a rare case

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    In this work, study report the case of a 23-year-old primigravidae, in whom an idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), formerly called pseudotumor cerebri, was diagnosed in the first trimester with visual field impairment, the management of which was similar to cases of benign intracranial hypertension in the general population. The parturient put under medical treatment with ophthalmological and obstetrical follow-up until 39 weeks of amenorrhea where she was cesarized for rescue of the visual prognosis. The objective of this work is to elucidate this pathology, caused by a defect of reabsorption of the CSF by the arachnoid plexus. The diagnosis is retained after elimination by radio-biological exploration of an infectious, tumor or traumatic etiology. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension has no impact on the evolution of pregnancy. In addition, the choice of delivery route is dependent on the patient's visual prognosis being brought into play

    Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate and photoperiod on Cell Growth and morphology of Isochrysis galbana

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    Microalgae play a vital role in many aquaculture feed application processes. Maintaining a microalgae production facility has been estimated to account for an average of 30 % and up to 60 % of the total budget of aquaculture hatcheries, despite several research programs and global efforts to reduce production costs of algal biomass. The use of bicarbonate as carbon inorganic to produce microalgae biomass for bivalve hatcheries was proposed as an alternative to reduce this cost. The focus of this investigation is characterization of the interaction of bicarbonate-based microalgae cultivation and photoperiod on the growth rate and production of brown microalgae Isochrysis galbana. The salt was provided to the cultures at the final concentration from 0.5 to 2.5 g L-1. Concerning photoperiod, two cycles of light:dark (6:18 and 12:12) were studied under light intensity at 160 µmol m-2 s-1. The growth rate of Isochrysis galbana showed values significantly higher in the culture supplemented with 0.5 and 1 g L-1 of NaHCO3 respectively under cycles 6L:18D and 12L:12D. Bicarbonate administration leads to a significant increase in cellular size at the stationary phase, probably related to starch or lipid accumulation. This study proved that the addition of bicarbonate is a viable strategy to enhance the production of microalgae and reduce production costs

    Variabilité chromosomique de neuf plantes medicinales au Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de 9 taxones usados como medicinales en Marruecos: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 y 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 y 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 y Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. La mayoría de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotrografía en mitosis así como de un breve comentario.Chromosomal variability of some medicinal plants in Morocco. Chromosome numbers of nine plants used in Moroccan pharmacopoeia are reported: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 and 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 and 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 and Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. Most of those numbers are reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Dacryocystorhinostomie par voie endoscopique endonasale

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    Introduction : La dacryocystorhinostomie (DCR) endoscopique endonasale est une chirurgie mini invasive du sac lacrymal. Le but de notre travail est d’analyser et d'évaluer prospectivement nos patients opérés pour DCR endoscopique endonasale utilisant une sonde de trans-illumination, durant 2010.Patients et méthode : étude prospective de 20 DCR endoscopique (18 patients) utilisant la sonde de transillumination. Ce travail consiste en une analyse des données épidémiologiques, des indications opératoires, des données cliniques et radiologiques, des constatations per opératoires et des résultats fonctionnels et anatomiques postopératoires.Résultats : Cette étude a concerné 16 femmes (88,9%) et 2 hommes. L'âge médian est de 34 ans. Les indications chirurgicales sont réparties entre échec de DCR par voie externe (6 cas), pathologie rhino-sinusienne associée (13 cas), dacryocèle (1 cas). Notre taux de succès est de 85,7% (12 cas/14) dans les DCR de première intention. Il est de 83,3%(5cas/6) dans les reprises des voies externes. A 6 mois du post opératoire l’orifice de la stomie est identifiable dans 14 cas soit 70%. Aucune complication majeure n’est colligée.Discussion et conclusion : La DCR endoscopique endonasale est une technique physiologique et esthétique. Elle reste tout aussi efficace et fiable que la voie externe avec un taux de succès pratiquement  comparable (85% à 90%). Le succès d'une DCR par voie endoscopique endonasale est conditionné par une collaboration multidisciplinaire étroite(ORL/Ophtalmologistes/Radiologues), par une maitrise des impératifs techniques et enfin, par des soins postopératoires de qualité.Mots clés : dacryocystorhinostomie endoscopique, traitement

    Nombre chromosomique d’angiospermes marocaines

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    Le nombre chromosomique de douze taxa appartenant à onze familles d’angiospermes marocaines sont rapportés: Achyranthes sicula n = 40; Bidens pilosa 2n = 60 et n = 30; Carrichtera annua 2n = 16; Clematis cirrhosa 2n = 16; Eryngium atlanticum n = 8; Parietaria judaica n = 13; Parietaria lusitanica subsp. lusitanica n = 10;  Scrofularia canina 2n = 24; Sixalix atropurpurea 2n = 16; Solanum sodomaeum n = 12;  Spergularia diandra 2n = 18 et Urginea maritima n = 30. La plus part des ces nombres sont rapportés pour la première fois sur des populations marocaines. Des microphotographies mitotiques ou méiotiques ainsi qu’un bref commentaire sont signalés pour chaque taxon.Chromosome numbers of twelve taxa from eleven families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Achyranthes sicula n = 40; Bidens pilosa 2n = 60 et n = 30;  Carrichtera annua 2n = 16; Clematis cirrhosa 2n = 16; Eryngium atlanticum n = 8; Parietaria judaica n = 13; Parietaria lusitanica subsp. lusitanica n = 10;  Scrofularia canina 2n = 24; Sixalix atropurpurea 2n = 16; Solanum sodomaeum n = 12;  Spergularia diandra 2n = 18 and Urginea maritima n = 30. Most of those numbers were reported for the fi rst time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques plantes a fleurs du Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de once taxones pertenecientes a nueve familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Armeria simplex n = 9; Atriplex semibaccata 2n = 18; Cistanche phelypaea n = 20; Echium velutinum subsp. velutinum 2n = 16; Linaria bipartita n = 6; Lupinus cosentinii n = 16; Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 2n = 38; Plantago amplexicaulis 2n = 10; Sonchus bourgeaui 2n = 16; Vicia lutea et Vicia pseudocracca n = 7. Nueve de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon estudiado se acompaña de un breve comentario y de la mayoría de ellos se aportan observaciones en mitosis o meiosis.Chromosome numbers of some flowering plants from Morocco. Chromosome numbers of eleven taxa from nine families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Armeria simplex n = 9; Atriplex semibaccata 2n = 18; Cistanche phelypaea n = 20; Echium velutinum subsp. velutinum 2n = 16; Linaria bipartita n = 6; Lupinus cosentinii n = 16; Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 2n = 38; Plantago amplexicaulis 2n = 10; Sonchus bourgeaui 2n = 16; Vicia lutea and Vicia pseudocracca n = 7. Nine of those numbers were reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied.Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur SVT 04 / 0
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