35 research outputs found

    Jigsaw Cooperative Learning to Improve Critical Reading Skills

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    This research aims to analyze (1) the design of learning planning for critical reading comprehension of English through jigsaw-type cooperative learning in Critical reading courses; (2) the implementation of learning the understanding of critical reading of English through jigsaw type cooperative learning in critical reading courses; (3) the evaluation system of learning critical reading comprehension of English through jigsaw type cooperative learning; and (4) improved students' critical English reading comprehension skills through jigsaw-type cooperative learning on Critical reading courses. The research method used is Classroom Action Research which is carried out in three cycles. The subject of this study is students who take Critical Reading courses in the even semester of 2020. The data collection techniques used in this study are assessment sheets, observations, and tests. The data analysis used is the analysis of description. The conclusions of this study are (1) the learning design used in preparing the lesson plan is ASSURE. The preparation of SAP in critical reading learning is based on competency standards, basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives, subject matter, methods, and sources, as well as a cooperative learning approach consisting of four activities, namely critical reading, expert group discussions, home group discussions, and quizzes; (2) the implementation of learning is an activity carried out by students and lecturers in learning critical reading comprehension using jigsaw type cooperative learning. The observed student activities include activeness, attention, cooperation, and responsibility. Lecturer activities observed include lecturer activities from preliminary activities, presentation and closing of learning; (3) the evaluation system is the result of analysis of critical reading comprehension questions in the form of multiple choices with four choices using an interest which includes validity, reliability, discriminatory power, and level of difficulty of the questions, and; (4) Jigsaw cooperative learning can improve critical reading comprehension skills, namely the ability of students to understand and answer questions about the basics of critical reading comprehension and the ability to conclude reading or text content

    Increasing The Students’ Ability In Writing Skill By Using IBC Strategy

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    Writing is an ability to express the idea or thought to the other in written form. In writing, the students has to be able to express his/her thought in writing in order that the reader can understand and get message easily. In the syllabus of curiculum 2013 at the eleventh  grade of SMA Negeri 1 Hiliduho expected the students were able to express the meaning in short functional text and simple short essay in the form of recount. In fact, the students are unable to realize what the syllabus hope, so they could not achieve the target of MCC in writing. In solving the problem, the researcher tries to increase the students’ ability in writing paragraph especially in recount text by using IBC strategy by designing Classroom Action Research in  teaching learning process. The subject of this research is the students of the eleventh  grade of SMA Negeri 1 Hiliduho which is the total number of the students is 30 students. The research was applied in two cycles, each cycles consist of two meetings. Each meeting followed the steps of CAR: planning, action, observation and reflection. In collecting the data of the students’ ability in writing recount text by using IBC strategy, the researher use observation papers, field notes, writing test, and camera. Cycle I in first meeting, the students’ observation paper showed that there were 10 students (33,34%) had done all of the activities and 20 students (66,66%) had not done the activities; the second meeting, there were 14 students (46,67%) had done all the activities and 16 students (53,33%) had not done the whole activities; and the result of the students’ evaluation paper showed that there are 3 students (10%) in very good level, 2 students (6,67%) in good level, 8 students (26,66%) in enough level, 15 students (50%) in less level and 2 students (6,67%) in fail level. Then, the average of the students’ value is 58,5. This mean noted that the students still less in achieving MCC 60. In cycle II, the researcher re-planed and improved the weaknesses of the activities of the cycle I in order that the students’ ability could achieve the MCC 60. The result of the students’ evaluation paper in first meeting showed that there are 25 students (83,33%) had done all the activities and 5 students (16,67%) had not done all the activities; in the second meeting there were 29 students (96,67%) had done the activities and 1 student (3,33%) had not done the whole activities; and the result of the students’ evaluation paper stated that there were 15 students (50%) in very good level, 12 students (40%) in Good level and 3 students (10%) in enough level. It showed that all the students achieved MCC is 60. The average of the students’ value is 82,3. This value said that the students’ ability in writing recount text by using IBC strategy was increased effeciently and effectivelly. The researcher had some suggestions, such as: IBC strategy is effective used by English teacher in teaching writing recount text because it interests, encourage, and motivates the students in writing, the students should often practice to write English trainning them to have writing English habit,  the English teacher needs to motivate the students to convey their opinions and ideas in writing form, and be active using dictionary


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    This research was aimed to improve the students’ ability in writing announcement through Gallery Walk Technique at tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Idanoi in 2022/2023. The researcher employed a classroom action research design conducted over two cycles. The research focused on the students of X-MIPA. The instruments utilized for this study were a writing test, and an observation sheet. The results of each cycle revealed that in Cycle I, the technique was not successful. Therefore, the research continued to the next cycle after revising the plan based on the weaknesses identified in Cycle I. The findings of Cycle II indicated that 7 students (33%) reached the 'good' level, while 14 students (67%) achieved the 'very good' level. These results demonstrate that the implementation of the 'Gallery Walk Technique' in this study successfully enhanced students’ writing announcement text

    An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension by Applying QAR Strategy At the Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Hiliserangkai in 2022/2023

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    Membaca pemahaman merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan makna dari hasil membaca sehingga dapat memahami informasi detail yang terkandung dalam bacaan. Ini adalah salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama dalam memahami makna teks. Mereka memiliki pemahaman bacaan yang buruk sehingga sulit bagi mereka untuk memahami dan menemukan informasi penting yang terkandung dalam sebuah teks. Akibatnya, guru harus menggunakan strategi yang tepat dan efektif untuk membantu siswa memahami teks. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) sebagai strategi pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dalam teks deskriptif dan menemukan tanggapan siswa setelah mengimplementasikan QAR dalam kegiatan kelas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa QAR merupakan strategi yang sangat berguna dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa di kelas. Siswa menjadi lebih baik dalam menanggapi pertanyaan pemahaman dalam teks deskriptif. Strategi ini juga mendorong siswa untuk lebih aktif di kelas dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan dan membedakan pertanyaan tentang teks yang dibacanya

    An Analysis of Students’ Assessment in Lesson Plan at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Somolomolo in 2022/2023

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    Keberhasilan pembelajaran ditentukan oleh beberapa komponen, salah satunya adalah penilaian. Penilaian merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Kesalahan guru dalama memberikan asesmen kepada siswa akan berdampak pada hasil pembelajaran yang diberikan. Sehingga guru sebelum melakukan pembelajaran membuat lesson plan sebagai patokan untuk mengajar di dalam kelas dan di dalam komponen assessment tersebut dimuatkan assessment yang akan digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, peneliti menemukan bahwa asesmen yang dilaksanakan di sekolah tidak sesuai rubrik yang tertuangkan di dalam buku guru kurikulum 2013 dari kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan, pemberian asesmen kepada siswa dilakukan berdasarkan pengamatan dan penafsiran saja tanpa melalui prosedur yang sebenarnya. Fokus penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana penilaian siswa dalam lesson plan, dan 2) Apa saja kesulitan siswa dalam penilaian keterampilan speaking di dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan guru bahasa Inggris dan wawancara dengan 32 siswa kelas VIII-A SMP Negeri 1 Somlomolo. Data wawancara dianalisis untuk menentukan jawaban dari pertanyaan penelitian. Setelah menganalisis jawaban, temuan penelitian menyimpulkan asesmen sangat mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan siswa di dalam proses pembelajaran karena dengan asesmen yang baik dan sesuai prosedur maka dapat diambil langkah yang tepat apa hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan hasil belajar siswa. Tapi pada kenyataannya asesmen yang diberikan guru jauh dari yang diharapkan Selain itu, ada juga beberapa factor yang membuat siswa kesulitan selama penilaian yaitu siswa kurang kosa kata, tidak percaya diri, takut diejek sehingga hal inilah yang membuat mereka tidak bisa mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Akhirnya, peneliti menulis beberapa saran: guru bahasa Inggris disarankan untuk berlatih dan membiasakan diri untuk memberikan penilaian yang sesuai dengan rubrik dan membuat suasana pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif  pada saat melakukan penilaian sehingga siswa tidak merasa takut, dan punya semangat untuk praktik belajar bahasa Inggris

    Prefixation In Nias Language

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    Morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies and analyses a word formation. One of the processes of forming a new word is Afixation. Affixation is the precess or result of attaching or adding an affix to a root to form a new word. Affixation can be a prefixation, infixation, suffixation, and confixation. Prefixation is the process of attaching a prefix. Prefix is added that is added to the front of a root or stem. Affix is a grammatical element combined with words and stems that produce derived and inflected forms.This reseacrh is aimed at finding out and describing all prefixes throughly that are found in the Nias Language in detail. It means that this research studies about discussion the process of attaching an affix to the front of the root. The objective of this research is to describes the process of attachih a prefix to the root

    The Description of Teacher-Students Interaction in English Speaking at the Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 3 Gunung Sitoli in 2022/2023

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the interactions between teachers and students that occur in learning English in class X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 3 Gunungsitoli, using an analytical description. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The research subjects were teachers and students in class X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 3 Gunungsitoli. The object of research is the interaction of teachers and students in learning English. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, documentation and question sheets. The results of the study explain that motivation, school environment and learning schedules do not really affect the process of teacher-student interaction in the learning process. Student responses spoke more in Indonesian, to comment or ask questions. The interaction that occurs is a two-way interaction, this is related to speaking skills and the characteristics of the material being taught. The teacher's role in learning is to explain and give questions and then be answered by students. The interactions that occur are related to the characteristics of the material being taught and the skills that must be achieved by students after learning is complete

    The Effect of Listen and do Activity on Students Listening Ability at The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Idanogawo in 2022/2023

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    Listening is an important skill that should be mastered by the students in the classrooms since the skill involves a process of understanding spoken message. The syllabus of Junior High School expects the students to have a good ability to understand the meaning they listen from the monologue text but reality shows the reverse. The Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Idanogawo are not able to fulfill the expectation in the syllabus. After finding out the problem, the researcher want to find the effect of Listen on the students’ ability in listening skill. This research will be conducted  through a quasi-experimental design. The population of this study was class VIII students of SMP Negeri 5 Idanogawo for the 2022/2023 academic year, totaling 60 students of class VIII A- of SMP Negeri 5 idanogawo as the informant. the research chooses class VIII B - as the sample of the research because based on the information from the english teacher that the class was in middle score lowest. After validating the test, the researcher will give the pre-test to both classes to examine the normality of the data and homogeneity of the sample. Moreover, after giving treatment, the researcher administers the post test in both of  the classes to get the result of the treatment and to examine the result of the normality   of the data and homogeneity. Furthermore, the purpose of the research is to find whether there is a significant Effect of Listen and Do Activity on Students Listening Ability at the eight Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Idanogawo in 2022/2023

    The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Ability in Translating Analytical Exposition Text at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the students’ ability in translating analytical exposition text at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli. This research used descriptive research approach. The data was students’ translation analytical exposition text by eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli. The instrument that used to collect the data were test and questionnaire sheet. The data was analyzed by using translation scoring rubric that consist of three main aspect, namely: Accuracy, Readability, and acceptability. Furthermore, the researcher presented the data with percentage of scoring and described it into a description paragraph. The result of study showed that students’ score in translating analytical exposition text was 44,8. From the questionnaire, this research showed the students difficulties in translating long sentences was the most prominent factors that caused the students have difficulties in translating the text with the highest percentage was 63,8%. Based on the result of this research, the researcher suggest that the teacher should give more exercise or practice in translation activity, so that the students can overcome the difficulties that students face and make a good translation without difficulties

    Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) Strategy at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan in 2022/2023

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    Reading comprehension is the process of the reader's mind in constructing meaning of what has been read. In the reality, the students Strategy at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Dharma Caraka Gunungsitoli Selatan have reading comprehension problems. There are also problems faced by students: Students do not understand the meaning of the words in the text, Students cannot find the main ideas in the text, Students forget the text they have read. Based on these problems, this study aims to overcome the problems faced by students and improve students' abilities in reading comprehension by using the RCRR Strategy (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) in class VIII-B students of SMP Negeri 2 Dharma Caraka in 2022/2023. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. This research was conducted in two cycles consisting of two meetings in each cycle. The results of the research in cycle I showed that there were 18 students who did not complete the MCC out of 32 students and the average student score was 63.12. The lowest score is 40 and the highest is 80. In cycle II all students pass MCC with an average student score of 91.25 with the lowest score 70 and the highest score 100. Based on the research results, the researchers concluded that RCRR (Read, Cover, Remember, Retell) improved students' vocabulary and overcome the students' problem in this research