1,019 research outputs found

    Electron emission characterization of laser-induced gaseous plasma

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    Laser induced hydrogen plasma has been investigated as a source of electrons. The energy, temperature and flux of the electrons have been determined by using two different temporal detectors; Faraday cup and Rogowski coil. The energy, temperature and flux were measured from the electrons extracted from laser induced hydrogen plasma. The Rogowski coil has been used for measurement of flux and current whereas Faraday cup has been used to determine the current density in laser induced plasma. The energy and temperature of the electrons are measured by the time of flight method in the range of 1.23 - 5.04 keV and 2516.26 eV, respectively. The flux of the electrons has been measured ≈ 1015 by Rogowski coil and the maximum current has been measured to be 39.6 kA. The current density has been measured by the Faraday cup ranges from 20 Am-2 to 23 Am-2

    Optical, microstructural and electrical studies on sol gel derived TiO2 thin films

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    TiO2 thin films have many interesting optical, physical, electrical and chemical properties that offer many applications in different fields of science and technology. The sol-gel spin coating technique has immense advantageous; such as low cost, usage of very simple equipment and relatively easy process control method. The optical, structural, microstructural and electrical properties have been analyzed through four point probe, XRD, SEM, high resolution electron microscopy, AFM and UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. This paper is a research article about the sol-gel spin coated TiO2 thin film. The results will focus on the preparation and coating of TiO2 thin films on glass substrate at different annealing temperatures

    Current Standing and Future Challenges of Dairying in Pakistan: A Status Update

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    Pakistan is considered among the leading raw milk producing countries. Unlike the production systems in the developed countries, milk production systems in Pakistan represent smallholding with subsistence- or market-oriented-level farming followed by peri-urban or commercial-level farming. Historically, dairy sector has been owned and managed by the private sector. During the past two decades, new initiatives have been taken because of the active involvement of corporate private sector. These efforts have resulted in improvements like enlargement of herds and import of high-quality milk germ plasm, the productivity per animal, milk collection, processing and marketing, the supply of dairy inputs (machinery, equipment, feeds, semen, and elite dairy animals), and farmers knowledge, and skills on modern management practices. Conclusively, the dairy sector is performing at some sustainable level to meet the food requirements of the growing population and helping save a handful of foreign exchange. Yet, challenges like local replacements of high genetic potential dairy animals, health hazards of β-casein proteins, antibiotics and aflatoxins, and uneconomical operational costs facing the dairy industry in the near future need to be addressed. The main objective of this chapter is to identify the current trends in dairy industry of Pakistan and describe those factors, which can influence the sustainability and profitability of dairying in the near future

    Review of morphological, optical and structural characteristics of TiO2 thin film prepared by sol gel spin-coating technique

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    Optical, structural and morphological properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) deposited by spin coating method have been reviewed in the current work. Sol–gel spin coating is a cost effective and versatile technique due to intellectual properties like simple instruments, easy preparation technique, and less time consuming. In this method, compound in the form of metal oxides is liquefied in a specific liquid in order to bring it back as a solid in a skillful manner. Study of metal oxide thin films have valuable applications in numerous semiconductor devices such as optoelectronics devices and solar energy converters etc. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has been used for studying TiO2 thin films and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis has been applied for morphological investigation and to prove the nanosized structure. Optical and structural properties have been studied as a function of the annealing temperatures. XRD analysis reveals that the films crystallize in orthorhombic brookite phase. Moreover, UV-visible has been used to investigate the optical properties of material. XRD characterization indicates that crystalline structure of TiO2 thin films improves with increasing annealing temperatures which confirms the anatase form of TiO2 thin film. Optical band gap is significantly dependent on the annealing temperatures. The refractive index may increases with increase of crystallite size. The TiO2 film annealed at 400 °C shows high refractive index 2.52 at a wavelength of 335 nm. Moreover, optical band gapes of thin film vary approximately from 3.3 to 3.46 eV which show strong relation with annealing temperature

    Local combats global: simulação de personalidade de marca para marcas de té

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    Brand Personality is the simulacrum of human traits used to describe the personality of brands. In the arena of marketing, firms are struggling hard to impinge their brand image as a person in the minds of its customers. The idea behind is that when a customer perceives its favorite brand as a personality, it will develop certain associations and belongingness for that brand. Customers more affinity to personality of brand leads towards more loyalty and ultimately fruitful for the generic firm who introduced the brand and brand personality for its product. The study empirically assesses the impact of brand personality in the mind of customers for two famous tea brands of Pakistan. Both brands have nearly equal share in the market but one is local and other is global. The data was collected from the territory of Islamabad, Pakistan by taking the sample of 436 in total. By employing the area sampling, data was equally divided into two equal halves of 218 samples respectively. First half of the respondents were the user of local tea brand while the second half of the respondents were the user of global tea brand. Aaker scale of brand personality was employed to measure the personality of tea brands. An independent sample t test was utilized to check the customers differentiation. It was observed that customers perceived the both brands as more rugged and sincere. These characteristics are important and relevant for any tea brand to be successful in the market. That why, both brands are sharing almost equal share in the market. However, global tea brand is perceived more sophisticated, competent and with full of excitement as compared to local brand. At the moment, the disparity of these personality characteristics are not affecting the market share of local brand but it is urged that for long lasting and sustainability competition, the local brand should also focus on the dimensions of brand personality of sophistication, competence and excitement.La personalidad de la marca es el simulacro de los rasgos humanos utilizados para describir la personalidad de las marcas. En el ámbito del marketing, las empresas están luchando mucho para afectar su imagen de marca como persona en la mente de sus clientes. La idea detrás es que cuando un cliente perciba su marca favorita como una personalidad, desarrollará ciertas asociaciones y pertenencias para esa marca. La afinidad de los clientes con la personalidad de la marca conduce a una mayor lealtad y, en última instancia, fructífera para la empresa genérica que introdujo la marca y la personalidad de la marca para su producto. El estudio evalúa empíricamente el impacto de la personalidad de la marca en la mente de los clientes de dos famosas marcas de té de Pakistán. Ambas marcas tienen una participación casi igual en el mercado, pero una es local y la otra es global. Los datos se obtuvieron del territorio de Islamabad, Pakistán, tomando la muestra de 436 en total. Al emplear el muestreo de área, los datos se dividieron por igual en dos mitades iguales de 218 muestras respectivamente. La primera mitad de los encuestados eran usuarios de la marca local de té, mientras que la segunda mitad de los encuestados eran usuarios de la marca global de té. Se utilizó la escala Aaker de la personalidad de la marca para medir la personalidad de las marcas de té. Se utilizó una prueba t de muestra independiente para verificar la diferenciación de los clientes. Se observó que los clientes percibían las dos marcas como más resistentes y sinceras. Estas características son importantes y relevantes para que cualquier marca de té tenga éxito en el mercado. Por eso, ambas marcas comparten una participación casi igual en el mercado. Sin embargo, la marca global de té se percibe más sofisticada, competente y llena de emoción en comparación con la marca local. Por el momento, la disparidad de estas características de personalidad no está afectando la cuota de mercado de la marca local, pero se recomienda que para una competencia duradera y sostenible, la marca local también debe centrarse en las dimensiones de la personalidad de la marca de sofisticación, competencia y entusiasmo.Personalidade da marca é o simulacro das características humanas usadas para descrever a personalidade das marcas. Na arena do marketing, as empresas estão se esforçando bastante para impingir sua imagem de marca como uma pessoa nas mentes de seus clientes. A idéia por trás disso é que, quando um cliente percebe sua marca favorita como uma personalidade, ele desenvolve certas associações e pertencimento a essa marca. Os clientes, mais afinidade com a personalidade da marca, levam a mais lealdade e, finalmente, frutíferos para a empresa genérica que introduziu a marca e a personalidade da marca em seu produto. O estudo avalia empiricamente o impacto da personalidade da marca na mente dos clientes para duas famosas marcas de chá do Paquistão. Ambas as marcas têm participação quase igual no mercado, mas uma é local e a outra é global. Os dados foram coletados no território de Islamabad, Paquistão, levando a amostra de 436 no total. Empregando a amostragem de área, os dados foram igualmente divididos em duas metades iguais de 218 amostras, respectivamente. A primeira metade dos entrevistados era usuário da marca local de chá, enquanto a segunda metade dos respondentes era usuário da marca global de chá. Uma escala de personalidade da marca Aaker foi empregada para medir a personalidade das marcas de chá. Um teste t de amostra independente foi utilizado para verificar a diferenciação dos clientes. Observou-se que os clientes percebiam as duas marcas como mais robustas e sinceras. Essas características são importantes e relevantes para que qualquer marca de chá seja bem-sucedida no mercado. Por isso, ambas as marcas estão compartilhando uma participação quase igual no mercado. No entanto, a marca global de chá é percebida como mais sofisticada, competente e cheia de emoção em comparação com a marca local. No momento, a disparidade dessas características de personalidade não afeta a participação de mercado da marca local, mas é recomendável que, para uma competição duradoura e de sustentabilidade, a marca local também se concentre nas dimensões da personalidade da marca, como sofisticação, competência e entusiasmo

    Um ensaio sobre o tamanho ideal do governo: um estudo de caso do Paquistão

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    Pakistan is a developing country and faces the problem of the fiscal deficit since government expenditures are higher than revenues. In this situation the government has to raise loans to cover this deficit and the burden of loans and debt service is increasing significantly. Additionally, most of the budget has gone to service the debt. Under these circumstances, this study is an attempt to find the optimal size of the government and compare it with the actual size of the government. To calculate the optimal threshold level of government spending, the methodology used by Heerden (2008) for Pakistan is adopted. Finally, this study provides a guide for policymakers, either to reduce or increase the size of governme.Pakistán es un país en desarrollo y enfrenta el problema del déficit fiscal dado que los gastos del gobierno son más altos que los ingresos. Ante dicha situacion el gobierno tiene que levantar préstamos para cubrir este déficit y la carga de los préstamos y el servicio de la deuda está aumentando significativamente. Adicionalmente la mayor parte del presupuesto se ha ido para el servicio de la deuda. Bajo estas circunstancias, este estudio es un intento de encontrar el tamaño óptimo del gobierno y compararlo con el tamaño real del gobierno. Para calcular el nivel umbral óptimo de gasto gubernamental, se adopta la metodología utilizada por Heerden (2008) para Pakistán. Por último, este estudio proporciona una guía para los responsables de la formulación de políticas, ya sea para reducir o aumentar el tamaño del gobierno.O Paquistão é um país em desenvolvimento e enfrenta o problema do déficit fiscal, já que os gastos do governo são mais altos do que as receitas. Nesta situação, o governo tem de contrair empréstimos para cobrir esse déficit, e o ônus dos empréstimos e do serviço da dívida está aumentando significativamente. Além disso, a maior parte do orçamento foi para o serviço da dívida. Sob essas circunstâncias, este estudo é uma tentativa de encontrar o tamanho ideal do governo e compará-lo com o tamanho real do governo. Para calcular o nível ideal de limiar de gastos do governo, a metodologia usada por Heerden (2008) para o Paquistão é adotada. Finalmente, este estudo fornece um guia para os formuladores de políticas, seja para reduzir ou aumentar o tamanho do governo


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    The present study was conducted to determine different classes of secondary metabolites of Ageratum conyzoides root extracts and to evaluate their antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal potentialities using various pathogenic fungal and different gram-positive/gram-negative bacterial strains. The roots powder was subjected to ultrasonic-assisted extraction with n-hexane, acetone, ethanol, and EtOH:H2O(1:1). The screening of phytochemicals indicated the existence of terpenoids, alkaloids, coumarins, sterols, flavonoids, and glycosides in the root extract of A. conyzoides. However, the absence of saponins, tannins, anthocyanidins, anthraquinones, and phlobatannins was observed. The results indicated a reasonable antibacterial (against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria), and antifungal potential. The antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extract was highest against all four strains of bacteria and was also comparable to the standard medicines used. However, antifungal activity was highest in EtOH:H2O (1:1) extract. Moderate antioxidant properties were also demonstrated, favoring the importance of the roots of this plant from a medicinal point of view

    Bioavailability and Metabolic Pathway of Phenolic Compounds

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    As potential agents for preventing different oxidative stress-related diseases, phenolic compounds have attracted increasing attention with the passage of time. Intake of fruits, vegetables and cereals in higher quantities is linked with decreased chances of chronic diseases. In plant-based foods, phenolic compounds are very abundant. However, bio-accessibility and biotransformation of phenolic compound are not reviewed in these studies; therefore, a detailed action mechanism of phenolic compounds is not recognized. In this article, inclusive concept of different factors affecting the bioavailability of phenolic compounds and their metabolic processes is presented through which phenolic compounds go after ingestion

    Manipify: An Automated Framework for Detecting Manipulators in Twitter Trends

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    The rapid adoption of online social media platforms has transformed the way of communication and interaction. On these platforms, discussions in the form of trending topics provide a glimpse of events happening around the world in real-time. Also, these trends are used for political campaigns, public awareness, and brand promotions. Consequently, these trends are sensitive to manipulation by malicious users who aim to mislead the mass audience. In this article, we identify and study the characteristics of users involved in the manipulation of Twitter trends in Pakistan. We propose “Manipify”—a framework for automatic detection and analysis of malicious users in Twitter trends. Our framework consists of three distinct modules: (1) user classifier, (2) hashtag classifier, and (3) trend analyzer. The user classifier module introduces a novel approach to automatically detect manipulators using tweet content and user behaviour features. Also, the module classifies human and bot users. Next, the hashtag classifier categorizes trending hashtags into six categories assisting in examining manipulators behaviour across different categories. Finally, the trend analyzer module examines users, hashtags, and tweets for hashtag reach, linguistic features, and user behaviour. Our user classifier module achieves 0.92 and 0.98 accuracy in classifying manipulators and bots, respectively. We further test Manipify on the dataset comprising 652 trending hashtags with 5.4 million tweets and 1.9 million users. The analysis of trends reveals that the trending panel is mostly dominated by political hashtags. In addition, our results show a higher contribution of human accounts in trend manipulation as compared to bots