60 research outputs found

    Association of Sociodemographic Factors with Trends of Self-Medication Practice and Its Hazard Perception for Oral Health Problems among Patient

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of sociodemographic factors with the trends of self-medication practice and its hazard perception among patients METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on the patients visiting Sharif Medical and Dental College from June 2019 to June 2020. Data was collected using a validated questionnaire from 142 patients. Chi-square and fisher exact tests were used to find the association of trends of self-medication practice and hazard perception with sociodemographic factors. RESULTS: The patients in the age range of 18 to 29 years practiced self-medication the most. The triggering factor for use of medication was toothache among all ages. The most commonly used drug was reported to be analgesics. The main reason for self-medication was lack of time to visit the doctor. The females practiced self-medication more than the males. The triggering factor for both the genders was toothache and analgesics were mostly used. The patients with tertiary level education and those who were unemployed practiced self- medication the most. The triggering factor was toothache across all levels of education and employed as well as unemployed patients. Drug resistance was stated the main hazard. CONCLUSION: The triggering factor for use of medication was toothache, most commonly used drugs were analgesics and the main reason for self-medication was lack of time across all ages, both the gender, married and unmarried patients, levels of education and employment. Un-employed patients and those with tertiary level of education-practiced self- medicated themselves the most. The highest percentage of patients considered drug resistance to be the biggest hazard

    Knowledge and Practices Regarding Informed Consent among Dental Practitioners

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      To assess the knowledge and practices of dental practitioners regarding informed consent. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 dentists at the College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore from June 2019 to June 2020. A pre-validated questionnaire was used. Mann Whitney U test was performed to find the statistical difference in the knowledge and practice scores across the gender and place of practice of dentists and the Kruskal Wallis test for scores across the years of clinical experience and qualification of dentists. RESULTS: The mean practice score was significantly different across levels of qualification (p=0.032) but not across years of practice (0.366). There was no significant difference in the mean knowledge score across years of practice (p=0.744) and levels of qualification (p=0.366). The highest mean score among knowledge questions was seen for the questions which inquired if informed consent should be taken before treatment. The highest mean score among practice questions was seen for the question which inquired if dentists obtained informed consent from parents before treating children.   CONCLUSION: The mean knowledge score for females was higher in comparison to males and was the highest in dentists with an experience of greater than 10 years. Most dentists were aware of the concepts, types and processes of informed consent and the importance of taking the patient`s consent before treatment. Taking informed consent from patients before treatment, keeping it as part of their record and taking parents’ consent before treating children were practiced

    The Association of Gender with the Patterns of Impactions and Associated Radiolucency’s in Mandible and Maxilla

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    OBJECTIVES To find the association between gender and the patterns of impactions and associated radiolucency in Mandibleand Maxilla. METHODOLOGY A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 385 Orthopantomograms (OPG) of patients visiting SharifMedical and Dental College (SMDC), Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) and Institute of Dentistry,CMH, Lahore Medical College, Lahore over a period of three months from December 2020 to February 2021.The angle of the impacted third molar was classified using Winters classification. The Pell and Gregoryclassification was used for depth of third molar impaction and ramus relationship of mandibular third molars.Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 23 and a P value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS The angle of impaction and gender in impacted mandibular third molars were significantly associated with eachother (p=0.011) while the depth of impaction (p=0.729), and ramus relationship(p=0.318) were not significantlyassociated with gender. The associa tion between gender and periapical radiolucency (p=0.605), peri coronalradiolucency (p=0.591), caries (p=0.499) and external resorption (p=0.499) were non-significant. In maxillaryimpacted third molars the association between gender and depth of impaction (p=0.121), angle of impaction(p=0.284), periapical radiolucency (p=0.111), peri coronal radiolucency (p=0.805) and caries (p=1.000) werenon-significant. CONCLUSION In impacted mandibular third molars the periapical, peri coronal radiolucency,caries and external resorption weremore in the males as compared to the females. In maxillary third molar impactions, the periapical radiolucencyradiolucency was greater in males while peri coronal radiolucency was greater in females


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    In the title compound, C24H28N2O4S2, the dihedral angles between the central benzene ring and the pendant rings are 77.44 (11) and 79.23 (10)°, and the dihedral angle between the pendant rings is 23.31 (12)°. Both sulfonamide groups project to the same side of the central benzene ring and the mol­ecule has approximate non-crystallographic mirror symmetry. One of the ethyl side chains is disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.526 (14):0.474 (14) ratio. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of weak C—H⋯O inter­actions occur, generating R 2 2(28) loops

    Mediation of The Superior-Subordinate Communication In Determining Work Engagement Among Bureaucrats

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    This study aims to investigate how the superior-subordinate communication mediates policy formulation and employees' dedication in work engagement among the serving bureaucracy in Punjab (province of Pakistan) government. The study used a cross-sectional design vis-à-vis survey method to collect data from a representative sample (n=250) of serving bureaucrats of the Punjab government. The findings showed that there was a positive association between policy formulation (PF) and dedication towards work engagement (WE). Furthermore, the findings revealed that the relationship between policy formulation (PF) and dedication towards work engagement (WE) was partially mediated by superior-subordinate communication (SSC). The study addressed the research gap regarding the association of the policy formulation (PF) and dedication towards work engagement (WE) by examining the mediation of superior-subordinate communication (SSC) in their association by progressing the LMX theory in a less researched context of Pakistan. The results explained how more sophisticated work engagement could be achieved in the implementation of the policies by improving the communication channels between superiors and subordinates among the different ranks of the bureaucrats.&nbsp

    Rehabilitation of Acute and Chronic Ankle Sprain for Male Cricketers through Mixedbag (Hydrotherapy and Land-Based) Exercises

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    Ninety-five amateur cricketers of age, 15-35 years with confirmed acute or chronic ankle sprain, selected from four different cities of the Punjab, Pakistan were evaluated through Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), Single Leg Balance test (SLB) and subject to a set of progressively increasing exercises on ground and in water as well known as MixedBag rehab exercises which consisted of Hydro, Isometric, Isotonic and proprioception protocols. Another group of same level cricketer (n = 40) served as control. Comparisons of pre and post-exercise values showed significant increase (p \u3c 0.001) in Lateral direction reach and Posteromedial direction while the rest of the six directions showed non-significant results. MixedBag Rehab Group showed an overall improvement of 14.3 % and 9.2 % with an increase (cm) of 9.6 and 6.3 for the non-injured and injured leg respectively. However, the range of improvement in percentage for all eight directions lies between 5.5-6.3 and 7.7-11.8 for the non-injured and injured leg, respectively. Similarly, the difference between pre and post-exercise difference of two positions of non-injured leg and injured leg in seconds were 2.9, 12.1 and 4.1, 27.7. The results indicated that MixedBag exercises improved isometric and isotonic muscular strength, proprioception and stability that ultimately helped to recover, regaining strength and reinstall proprioception. After completing the MixedBag Rehab plan, the subjects were followed for four months to check the recurrence and it was found that the recurrence of Control Injured Group and MixedBag Rehab Group was 17.5 % and 7.5 %, respectively


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    Introduction: group of diseases that is originated from the different parts of ovaries and cause production of abnormal cells that divide uncontrolled themselves in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. OC is mainly classified into majorly three types on the base of three components of ovaries known as epithelium, stroma and germinal cells. Approximately, 7000 women develop OC and 4200 of them die every year in UK. In Pakistan the incidence of OC is increasing at the rate of around 13.6%. Approximately 70% cases are diagnosed at later stages. Methodology: The blood sample was collected by Layyah region. The CA125 identification through Elisa technique for their better identification on the basis of antibodies. Normal values of CA125 were considered less than 35 U/ml. the other tumor marker was also measured such as fibrinogen, prolactin, CA15.3, PT, APTT, INR, D Dimer, and CA19.9. Results: The mean age of patients was 59.0 ± 8.1while the minimum and maximum age at which the tumor marker detection was 22 and 74 years. The no of patient was found in order of 25 >24 > 10 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd age groups, respectively. The clinical histopathological test in the ovarian cancer patients show that the tumor size 5.21 ± 3.42, fibrinogen 5.09 ± 1.29, CA-199 (U/mL) 121.17 ± 59.76, and D-dimer 0.61 ± 0.31. The CA-125 level increase in ovarian cancer patients it indication as a tumor marker

    Contactless privacy-preserving head movement recognition using deep learning for driver fatigue detection

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    Head movement holds significant importance in con-veying body language, expressing specific gestures, and reflecting emotional and character aspects. The detection of head movement in smart or assistive driving applications can play an important role in preventing major accidents and potentially saving lives. Additionally, it aids in identifying driver fatigue, a significant contributor to deadly road accidents worldwide. However, most existing head movement detection systems rely on cameras, which raise privacy concerns, face challenges with lighting conditions, and require complex training with long video sequences. This novel privacy-preserving system utilizes UWB-radar technology and leverages Deep Learning (DL) techniques to address the mentioned issues. The system focuses on classifying the five most common head gestures: Head 45L (HL45), Head 45R (HR45), Head 90L (HL90), Head 90R (HR90), and Head Down (HD). By processing the recorded data as spectrograms and leveraging the advanced DL model VGG16, the proposed system accurately detects these head gestures, achieving a maximum classification accuracy of 84.00% across all classes. This study presents a proof of concept for an effective and privacy-conscious approach to head position classification.</p
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