36 research outputs found

    Pure spinors, intrinsic torsion and curvature in odd dimensions

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    We study the geometric properties of a (2m+1)(2m+1)-dimensional complex manifold M\mathcal{M} admitting a holomorphic reduction of the frame bundle to the structure group PSpin(2m+1,C)P \subset \mathrm{Spin}(2m+1,\mathbb{C}), the stabiliser of the line spanned by a pure spinor at a point. Geometrically, M\mathcal{M} is endowed with a holomorphic metric gg, a holomorphic volume form, a spin structure compatible with gg, and a holomorphic pure spinor field ξ\xi up to scale. The defining property of ξ\xi is that it determines an almost null structure, i.e.\ an mm-plane distribution Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi along which gg is totally degenerate. We develop a spinor calculus, by means of which we encode the geometric properties of Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi and of its rank-(m+1)(m+1) orthogonal complement Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi^\perp corresponding to the algebraic properties of the intrinsic torsion of the PP-structure. This is the failure of the Levi-Civita connection \nabla of gg to be compatible with the PP-structure. In a similar way, we examine the algebraic properties of the curvature of \nabla. Applications to spinorial differential equations are given. Notably, we relate the integrability properties of Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi and Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi^\perp to the existence of solutions of odd-dimensional versions of the zero-rest-mass field equation. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the almost null structure associated to a pure conformal Killing spinor to be integrable. Finally, we conjecture a Goldberg--Sachs-type theorem on the existence of a certain class of almost null structures when (M,g)(\mathcal{M},g) has prescribed curvature. We discuss applications of this work to the study of real pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.Comment: Odd-dimensional version of arXiv:1212.3595 v2: Presentation improved. A number of corrections made: diagrams describing the curvature and intrinsic torsion classification; Geometric interpretation of spinorial equations; some errors in formulae now fixed. Some material regarding parallel spinors removed (to be including in a separate article) v3: as publishe

    Twistor Geometry of Null Foliations in Complex Euclidean Space

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    We give a detailed account of the geometric correspondence between a smooth complex projective quadric hypersurface Qn\mathcal{Q}^n of dimension n3n \geq 3, and its twistor space PT\mathbb{PT}, defined to be the space of all linear subspaces of maximal dimension of Qn\mathcal{Q}^n. Viewing complex Euclidean space CEn\mathbb{CE}^n as a dense open subset of Qn\mathcal{Q}^n, we show how local foliations tangent to certain integrable holomorphic totally null distributions of maximal rank on CEn\mathbb{CE}^n can be constructed in terms of complex submanifolds of PT\mathbb{PT}. The construction is illustrated by means of two examples, one involving conformal Killing spinors, the other, conformal Killing-Yano 22-forms. We focus on the odd-dimensional case, and we treat the even-dimensional case only tangentially for comparison

    Pure spinors, intrinsic torsion and curvature in even dimensions

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    We study the geometric properties of a 2m2m-dimensional complex manifold M\mathcal{M} admitting a holomorphic reduction of the frame bundle to the structure group PSpin(2m,C)P \subset \mathrm{Spin}(2m,\mathbb{C}), the stabiliser of the line spanned by a pure spinor at a point. Geometrically, M\mathcal{M} is endowed with a holomorphic metric gg, a holomorphic volume form, a spin structure compatible with gg, and a holomorphic pure spinor field ξ\xi up to scale. The defining property of ξ\xi is that it determines an almost null structure, ie an mm-plane distribution Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi along which gg is totally degenerate. We develop a spinor calculus, by means of which we encode the geometric properties of Nξ\mathcal{N}_\xi corresponding to the algebraic properties of the intrinsic torsion of the PP-structure. This is the failure of the Levi-Civita connection \nabla of gg to be compatible with the PP-structure. In a similar way, we examine the algebraic properties of the curvature of \nabla. Applications to spinorial differential equations are given. In particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the almost null structure associated to a pure conformal Killing spinor to be integrable. We also conjecture a Goldberg-Sachs-type theorem on the existence of a certain class of almost null structures when (M,g)(\mathcal{M},g) has prescribed curvature. We discuss applications of this work to the study of real pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.Comment: v2. Cleaned up version. Typos and errors fixed. Some reordering. v3. Restructured - some material moved to an additional appendix for clarity - further typos fixed and other minor improvements v4. Presentation improved. Some material removed to be included in a future article. v5. As published: Abstract and intro rewritten. Presentation simplifie

    A Goldberg-Sachs theorem in dimension three

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    We prove a Goldberg-Sachs theorem in dimension three. To be precise, given a three-dimensional Lorentzian manifold satisfying the topological massive gravity equations, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the tracefree Ricci tensor for the existence of a null line distribution whose orthogonal complement is integrable and totally geodetic. This includes, in particular, Kundt spacetimes that are solutions of the topological massive gravity equations.Comment: 31 pages. v2: minor typographic changes in the bibliograph

    Optical structures, algebraically special spacetimes, and the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in five dimensions

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    Optical (or Robinson) structures are one generalisation of four-dimensional shearfree congruences of null geodesics to higher dimensions. They are Lorentzian analogues of complex and CR structures. In this context, we extend the Goldberg-Sachs theorem to five dimensions. To be precise, we find a new algebraic condition on the Weyl tensor, which generalises the Petrov type II condition, in the sense that it ensures the existence of such congruences on a five-dimensional spacetime, vacuum or under weaker assumptions on the Ricci tensor. This results in a significant simplification of the field equations. We discuss possible degenerate cases, including a five-dimensional generalisation of the Petrov type D condition. We also show that the vacuum black ring solution is endowed with optical structures, yet fails to be algebraically special with respect to them. We finally explain the generalisation of these ideas to higher dimensions, which has been checked in six and seven dimensions.Comment: Final corrected version (same as published). Remark 2.9 corrected. Corollary 3.10 clarifie

    A Projective-to-Conformal Fefferman-Type Construction

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    We study a Fefferman-type construction based on the inclusion of Lie groups SL(n+1){\rm SL}(n+1) into Spin(n+1,n+1){\rm Spin}(n+1,n+1). The construction associates a split-signature (n,n)(n,n)-conformal spin structure to a projective structure of dimension nn. We prove the existence of a canonical pure twistor spinor and a light-like conformal Killing field on the constructed conformal space. We obtain a complete characterisation of the constructed conformal spaces in terms of these solutions to overdetermined equations and an integrability condition on the Weyl curvature. The Fefferman-type construction presented here can be understood as an alternative approach to study a conformal version of classical Patterson-Walker metrics as discussed in recent works by Dunajski-Tod and by the authors. The present work therefore gives a complete exposition of conformal Patterson-Walker metrics from the viewpoint of parabolic geometry

    Optical geometries

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    We study the notion of optical geometry, defined to be a Lorentzian manifold equipped with a null line distribution, from the perspective of intrinsic torsion. This is an instance of a non-integrable version of holonomy reduction in Lorentzian geometry. These generate congruences of null curves, which play an important r\^{o}le in general relativity. Conformal properties of these are investigated. We also extend this concept to generalised optical geometries as introduced by Robinson and Trautman.Comment: 46 pages; v2: typos fixed, some clarifications added, references added; v3: references added, minor structural and explanatory change