12 research outputs found

    Interorganisatoriske relationer som grundlag for transportgenerering i en dansk region

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    I dette paper vil vi kort præsentere nogle teorier og referencerammer, som kan anvendes til ana- lyse af interorganisatoriske relationer. Herefter vil vi diskutere nogle nøglebegreber, som er vig- tige for forståelse af, hvorledes interorganisatoriske relationer udvikler sig i tid og rum. Med ud- gangspunkt i disse nøglebegreber vil vi analysere 19 kvalitative interviews af produktions-, transport- og turistvirksomheder i trekantsområdet for at få en forståelse af, hvilket indhold de udvalgte virksomheder lægger i disse begreber, og hvilken betydning begreberne har for udvik- ling af relationer mellem virksomhederne. Formålet med analysen er dels at få afprøvet en metode til analyse af kvalitative data ved hjælp af et tekstbase-program, dels at give en empirisk fortolkning af nogle centrale teoretiske begre- ber. Det skal understreges, at der er tale om en foreløbig analyse, som mere har til formål at demon- strere fremgangsmåden i analysen, end at præsentere færdige resultater fra Proteus’ forprojekt. Til illustration har vi udvalgt tre nøglebegreber, nemlig tillid, outsourcing og exit/voice, til en nærmere analyse. Andre relevante begreber som f.eks. kompetence, uddannelse, internationali- sering og teknologi er udeladt. Disse nøglebegreber vil blive inddraget i forbindelse med afrap- portering af Proteus’ forprojekt

    Styring af varestrømme i distributionssystemer**)

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    En metode til fastlæggelse af en virksomheds kundeservicestrategi

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    Tredjeparts-logistik - et middel til øget konkurrenceevne?

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    Logistik som ledelsesbegreb og organisationsform

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    Developing logistics competences through third party logistics relationships

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    Abstract: This paper considers third party logistics (TPL) from a resource and competence perspective. New competencies are developed in the relationship between the shipper and the TPL provider. A typology of TPL relationships is developed going from market exchanges to joint logistics solutions. Here, the article will concentrate on the highest level – joint logistics solutions. The theoretical grounding of competence development will be outlined. Two case examples will illustrate the learning process in TPL arrangements. Finally, the article will discuss managerial implications and implications for future research in TPL

    Logistik og infrastruktur

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    Logistics in the Öresund region after the Öresund link

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    This report is the result of a joint research project between Lund University and Copenhagen Business School, mainly financed by the Öresund University. The main research question was: Can the Öresund region position itself as a leading logistics centre in Scandinavia, in the light of the new conditions that the bridge brings? The purpose was to create a fundamental understanding of the new logistics conditions in the Öresund region by identifying drivers and barriers and suggesting future research topics. 47 personal interviews have been carried out in total within four different categories of actors. The major conclusions were: Regional thinking: Most companies still use separate logistics structures for customers in Scania and in Zealand. Sony, BASF and a few others in the high-tech industry have already centralised their Nordic logistics operations to one location in the Öresund region, while pharmaceutical and food industries are lagging. Differences in taste and in legislation among the Nordic countries are some barriers. Most transport and logistics companies are still maintaining a decentralised structure with terminals and sales offices at both side of Öresund, with the merger between Copenhagen port and Malmö port as the exception. In contrast, most consultant firms have established special Öresund groups with experts from both sides to help companies to invest or restructure in the region. Location to the Öresund region: Access to people with the right education and competencies, possibilities of increased integration, economies of scale through mergers and centralisation, well developed infrastructure, and access to new markets, e.g. the Baltic Rim were identified as the major drivers. The major barriers were: cultural differences, bridge tariffs, differences in legislation, differences in business practices, and political factors. Importance of infrastructure: All respondents agreed that the bridge at least has a psychological importance as a visible symbol of coherence. The airports and the ports and the collaboration between them were considered important. Long haul transports use the ferries while the companies using the bridge for regional transport said the bridge tool was too high. Logistical competence: Educational institutions were considered as the major possibility/-driv-ing factor for economic development. Lack of a logistical platform cross Denmark-Scania and industry-academia for exchanging ideas and experiences, and lack of companies that can take over all logistics and related activities were considered to slow down the development. Other external factors: Lack of harmonised laws and regulations regarding the labour market, transport of goods and passengers, and taxes, as well as lack of state subsidies and tax exemptions to encourage investment in the region are barriers. Areas for future research: · Mapping current logistics structures and operations in the Öresund region according to four layers: infrastructure, transport operations, logistics operations, and supply chains. · Benchmarking and development to find best practice in logistics for the most important industries and supply chains in the Öresund region. · Contributions to closing the gap between current and best logistics practice in the Öresund region, economic growth, integration, productivity, price levels, and labour market. · Research supporting the development of the Öresund region as a leading logistics centre for Scandinavia and the Baltic Rim

    Platform management

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