28 research outputs found

    Comparative Test on the Level Contamination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. on Broiler Meat at Slaughterhouses and Traditional Markets in Medan

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    Contamination of meat is common Contamination of meat often occurs which endangers the health of consumers. This study aims to determine the presence of bacterial contamination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. on broiler meat at slaughterhouses and traditional markets in Medan City. This study used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique and used 60 samples (30 from slaughterhouses and 30 from traditional markets). There were 3 slaughterhouses (slaughterhouses Johor, slaughterhouses setia budi, and slaughterhouses padang bulan) and three traditional markets (traditional market Johor, Setia Budi and   Padang bulan). Samples were analyzed at the Laboratory Microbiology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan. The results showed that the average total amount of Escherichia coli in  the sample from chicken slaughterhouses was 3.15 log CFU/g, and from the traditional markets was 3.39 log CFU/g. The number of samples contaminated by Salmonella sp. in chicken slaughterhouses was 17 of 30 samples, whereas on the traditional market were 20 of the 30 samples. This study concludes that the average total amount of Escherichia coli microbes in    samples from chicken slaughterhouses and traditional markets in Medan City all of them had exceeded the maximum limit of microbial contamination, based on the microbiological quality requirements of  SNI 3932: 2008, which is 1x101 CFU/g. While the bacterial contamination rate of Salmonella sp. in chicken slaughterhouses was 56%, and in the traditional market was 66%

    Effect Of Fermented Cassava Peel (Manihot utilisima) On Performances Of Male Sheep

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    The experiment aimed to find effect of cassava peel (manihot utilisima) which fermented on performance of local sheep male. The research was conducted at Jl. Bunga Rinte, Simpang Selayang, Medan, in October - December 2017 using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The experiment used 20 of local sheep male weaning with initial body weight of 10.18 ± 1kg. The treatment provided is P0 (Fermented Cassava peel 0%), P1 (Fermented Cassava peel 20%), P2 (Fermented Cassava peel 40%), and P3 (Fermented Cassava peel 60%). The observed of parameters are feed comsumption, average daily gain, feed vonversion (FCR) and income over feed cost (IOFC). The result of this research indicated that utilization of cassava peel (Manihot utiliima)fermented on performance of local sheep with the average consumption of sheep feed (g/head/day) are: 330.01; 364.99; 391.76; and 402.92, average daily gain (g/head/day): 52.86; 71.88; 84.36; and 101.80 and ration conversion: 6.42; 5.17; 4.78; dan 4.04. The conclusion of this research is the higher use of fermented cassava peel the better also the effect on improve of body weight, feed consumption and conversion of local males feed. The highest IOFC value is found in P3 with an average of Rp.276.656,01 during the research


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    The purpose of this research is to know marketing institution, marketing channel, marketing function, market structure, market behavior, market performance, marketing cost, marketing margin, marketing profit and marketing efficiency of beef cattle in animal market Suka Village TigapanahSubdistrictKaro District. The research conducted in the animal market of Suka Village TigapanahSubdistrictKaro District from March until April 2017. This research used primary data obtained from observation and interview of respondents. Determination of respondents with snowball sampling method that has 30 respondents. Secondary data is obtained from related institutions such as the Central Agency of Statistics and the Karo District Agricultural Departement. The parameters studied were marketing institution, marketing channel, marketing function, market structure, market conduct, market performance, marketing margin, farmer's share and profit to cost ratio. The results is marketing institutions involved are farmers and agent. The marketing channels are the first two channels: the farmer - the consumer and the second channel: the farmer – the agent - the consumer. Marketing functions undertaken by marketing institutions are the functions of exchange, physical and facilities. The market structure is oligopoly and oligopsoni. Market conduct is the practice of pricing away from dishonesty and marketing costs are not uniform and the absence of intervention from the government. Market performance is that there is no technological progress and no improvement of product quality and service maximization. Marketing margin of cannel I is Rp.0 and channel II is Rp.815.384. Farmer's share of channel I is 100% and channel II is 95.59%. The profit to cost ratio of channel I is 105,86 and channel II is 2,55. The conclusion of this research is the marketing of beef cattle in the animal market of Suka Village TigapanahSubdistrictKaro District has been efficient

    Effect of duration of time and dosage on fermentation of cacao pod by using Indigenous Microorganism YL (MOIYL)

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    The main problem with cocoa pod is the high crude fiber content and lowcrude protein. A treatment needed to change the nutritional content, one of which isfermentation. In this study, fermentation used Indigenous microorganisms which wereYL (MOIYL). This research lasted for 3 months which was carried out from July toSeptember 2018 at the Laboratory of Animal Production and the Laboratory of AnimalNutrition Sciences at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra. Theresearch design used was Factorial 4 x 4 Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 3replications where factor 1 was the various levels of inoculum of Indigenous YL(MOIYL) and factor 2 was the length of fermentation (incubation) with measuredparameters of crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, and ash content using proximateanalysis.The results showed that cocoa pod fermentation using Indigenous YL (MOIYL)microorganisms could improve the quality of nutrient content including the highestwater content with a dose of 3% with a 7 day fermentation of 11.75% and the lowestwithout Moiyl with 21 days fermentation time of 10.02%. highest crude protein with 5%dose with 7 days fermentation of 11.89% and the lowest without Moiyl with 28 daysfermentation of 7.18%, highest crude fat at 5% with 7 days fermentation at 1.33% andthe lowest without Moiyl with 28 days fermentation time is 1.22%, while the highestcrude fiber is 5% with 7 days fermentation of 21.3% and the lowest is 5% with 28 daysfermentation of 23.93%, the highest dry matter is 3% with 7 days fermentation timeequal to 88.24% and the lowest without Moiyl with 7 days long 89.95%, highest ashcontent with d osis 1% with a 7 day fermentation time of 9.52% and the lowest ashcontent without Moiyl with a 7 day fermentation time of 11.17%. The results of thisstudy concluded that cocoa pod fermentation using 5% Indigenous YL (MOIYL)microorganisms and 7 days fermentation time could increase water content, crudeprotein, and crude fat, while crude fiber, dry matter, and ash content decreased

    Pertumbuhan Optimum Penicillium Spp. Dan Cunninghamella Spp. Yang Diisolasi Dari Pakan Dan Efek Toksiknya Pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    Fungi are a major microorganism present in the feedstuffs that able to reduce nutritive value and produce toxin that harmful for animal. Penicillium spp. and Cunninghamella spp. were dominant present in the feedstuffs in tropical regions. The objectives of this study were to find out the optimum pH and temperature of Penicillium spp. and Cunninghamella spp. on agar media and to find out the effect of feeding diet containing corn contaminated with the fungi at level of 0%, 50% and 100% on the performance and relative organ weight of 45 mice (Mus musculus). Cunninghamella spp. grew at pH range of 3-9, and Penicillium spp. at pH range of 3-7. The temperature for the optimum growth of both fungi was on room temperature (28±2 oC). Feed consumption and daily gain (ADG) of mice were not significantly affected by content of corn contaminated with Cunninghamella spp. Conversely, corn contaminated with Penicillium spp. significantly (P < 0.05) reduced feed consumption and ADG of mice. Treatments had no effect on liver and hearth relative weight, but significantly influenced relative weight of kidney and lymph. Lymph relative weight of mice fed ration containing Penicillium-contaminated corn was lower (P < 0.05) than that of control. Mice treated with contaminated corn from both fungi at the level 100% also significantly (P < 0.05) had higher kidney relative weight than that of control. It was concluded that the toxic effect of Penicillium spp. was higher than that of Cunninghamella spp


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    This study aims to determine the spread of horses and horses based on the observation of the color of feathers, facial marks, foot shape and back shape in Humbang Hasundutan, Samosir, Karo and North Tapanuli districts. This research was conducted in July-September 2016 by performing phenotypic analysis (color and face mark) at 271 horses in Humbang Hasundutan District, Samosir Regency, Karo Regency and North Tapanuli Regency. The research method used is survey method and Simple Random Sampling method (simple random sampling) done to determine the cattle that will be used as sample. The analysis shows that horses in North Sumatera have various color and dominant red brown (27,86%). Horses in North Sumatra have various dominant faces that dominate strike (54.95%)

    Comparative Study Of Livestock Appearance And Beef Cattle Breeder Income In Aek Kuo District Of North Labuhanbatu Regency

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    Beef cattle farming in Aek Kuo District, North Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra Province is traditionally managed in an intensive and semi-intensive system. This study aimed to determine differences in the appearance of cattle and the income of beef cattle breeders using intensive and semi-intensive maintenance systems. The number of respondents used in this study were 30 breederss with livestock ownership of at least two heads of beef cattle and had been running a livestock business for at least two years. The methods used are site surveys and interviews based on questionnaires. The analysis used in this study was followed by a significant partial test (T-test) assisted by the SPSS version 25 program. The results showed an increase in the intensive population rate of 42.37% and semi-intensive 24.60%, intensive calf crop of 73% and semi-intensive 40%, calving interval intensive 17.52 months and semi-intensive 20.03 months, intensive mortality 0.4 % and semi-intensive 4%. In contrast, the income of beef cattle is IDR 11,816,617.00/year/breeder, and semi-intensive IDR 4,891,733.00/year/breeder with a comparison of the R/C Ratio of an intensive system of 1.8 and a semi-intensive system of 1.5. The partial significance test (T-test) results showed that the performance and income of farmers who used intensive rearing systems had higher values ​​and were significantly different compared to farmers who used semi-intensive rearing system

    The Potential of Giving Silage Feed Based on Corn Plant Waste (Zea mays) Using Local Microorganisms (Indigenous Microorganism) Against the Percentage of Non-Carcass on Local Sheep

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    This study aims to examine the effect of complete corn waste based on silagefeed on the percentage of non carcasses on local sheep. The study was conducted at theLaboratory of Animal Biology at the University of North Sumatra in May - August2018. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatmentsand 3 replications using sheep with an average initial weight of 11.2 ± 0.4 kg. Thetreatments consisted of four levels of complete silage feed based on corn waste P1(20%), P2 (40%), P3 (60%), and P4 (80%).The parameters observed were: weight,head, foot, skin, tail, trachea and lungs, liver, heart, blood, and digestive tract.Theresults showed that complete feed based corn waste silage did not have a significanteffect (P&gt; 0.05) on the percentage of non-carcass weight such as skin, tail, trachea andlungs, blood and digestive tract, but gave a non-significant effect on the percentage noncarcass weights such as head, feet, heart and liver. The conclusion of complete feedsilage based on corn waste can have a significant influence on the internal non carcass(liver and heart) and external (head and foot) parts of male local sheep. In addition itgives a non significant influence on the non-internal carcass parts (trachea and lungs,blood and digestion) and the external (skin and tail) of male local sheep

    Isolation and characteristics of cellulolytic bacteria based on corn waste as a fibrous feed bioactivator

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    Corn waste is an agricultural product that has the potential to be used as animal feed. The aims of this study was to isolate corn waste bacteria and look for the degradation ability of bacterial fiber of corn waste as a fibrous feed bioactivator. This study was conducted in livestock production laboratory of livestock study program in faculty of agriculture, university of north Sumatra, period March to June 2018. This study used corn waste (corncob, corn straw, corn clobot, corn stalks, and corn root). Research methods used pour plate isolate methods. Parameters observed are macroscopic morphology (colony form, colony color, the edge of the colony , and colony elevesi), microscopic morphology (cell shape and gram coloring), and test the ability to degrade fiber in bacteria. The isolation result obtained 8 isolates with varied shapes and there are 6 isolates that have ability to degrade fibers in bacteria include B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7. The conclusion of this study were obtained 8 cellulolytic bacteria isolates and B3 has a high potential to degrade the fiber

    Development of Tape Measure Model’s and Body Weight Estimation Formula Based on Chest Size on Horse

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    This study aims to test the reliability or accuracy of various types of tape measure and develop models measuring tape and body weight estimation formula based on the size of the heart girth at horse. This research was conducted in Humbang Hasundutan district, North Tapanuli district, Karo district, and Samosir district in May-July 2017. The tape measure used is the measuring tape Agrotech, Animeter and Rondo, then use a formula Schoorl and Smith as a comparison, and using a simple correlation analysis in testing research data. Estimating body weight in the horse that is closest to using a measuring tape based on the regression formula that has been obtained from this study. The result showed that the estimation of body weight for horse using measuring tape Agrotech, Animeter and Rondo obtained deviation 13,22% for male horse and 9,21% for female horse. It is concluded that estimation weight closest to horse is using a regression formula, that for male horse Y = -665,72+6,14X with deviation 0,43% and for female horse Y = -707,97+6,34X with deviation 0,28%