545 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa from water samples

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    Bakterija Pseudomonas aeruginosa je Gram-negativni aerobni štapić. Humani je patogen koji je široko rasprostranjen u prirodi. Nazivamo ga oportunističkim patogenom jer izaziva bolesti samo kod ljudi s oslabljenim imunitetom. Lako se širi u vlažnom okolišu i stvara biofilm te je upravo zato važno znati više o njegovoj otpornosti i preživljavanju u različitim uvjetima. P. aeruginosa su izdvojeni i biokemijski potvrĎeni iz različitih uzoraka vode. Za 10 odabranih izolata praćeno je preživljavanje u sterilnoj vodi kroz 28 dana. Svi su izolati preživjeli tijekom ispitivanog perioda. Najveće preživljenje je imao izolat P. aeruginosa izdvojen iz vode brodskog tanka, a najmanje izolat izdvojen iz uzorka boćate vode rijeke Cetine. Ostali izolati su pokazali ujednačeno preživljenje. P. aeruginosa posjeduje različite mehanizme koji joj omogućuju preživljenje u nepovoljnim životnim uvjetima, pogotovo onima kod manjka nutrijenata.Bacteria P. aeruginosa is a Gram-negative aerobic bacillus. It`s a human pathogen that is widespread in nature. It`s called an opportunistic pathogen because it causes disease only in people with imparied immunity. P. aeruginosa spreads easily in humid environment and has elaborate mechanisms for adhering to solid surfaces and establishing biofilms so it`s important to find out more about its resistance and survival in different conditions. P. aeruginosa was isolated and biochemically confirmed from different water samples. We selected 10 isolates and monitored their survival in sterile water over a period of 28 days. All isolates survived during the examined period. P. aeruginosa from ship`s tank survived the longest, and the shortest survival had P. aeruginosa from brackish water from river Cetina. Other isolates showed even survival rate. P. aeruginosa has various mechanisms that helps her to survive in different conditions , especially those with a lack of nutrition

    Corporate Citizenship: Case study of Coca-Cola Beverages Hrvatska

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    The aim of this research was to investigate whether the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy implemented by Coca-Cola Beverages Croatia during the past four years has had a positive impact on the reputation of this company and on the overall business. The researcher intended to explore attitudes of Coca-Cola Beverages employees about CSR and the mentioned community relations model in order to evaluate whether the CSR policy of the company has had an impact on internal stakeholders

    Prilog neofitskoj flori područja rijeke Cetine (Dalmacija, Hrvatska)

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    This work presents habitats of 22 neophytes within the Cetina River area. The neophytes – Acer negundo L., Amaranthus albus L., A. blitoides S. Watson, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte, Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq., C. canadensis (L.) Cronq., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner, Euphorbia maculata L., E. prostrata Aiton, Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Paspalum paspalodes (Michx.) Scribn., Tagetes minuta L., Xanthium spinosum L., X. strumarium L. subsp. italicum (Moretti) D. Löve are mentioned for the first time for the researched area. Data are given for new findings of neophytes previously recorded in the area investigated – Amorpha fruticosa L., Aster squamatum (Sprengel) Hieron., Bidens subalternans DC., Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker, Datura inoxia Mill., Erigeron annus (L.) Pers., Phytolacca americana L.U radu se navode nalazišta 22 neofita uz rijeku Cetinu. Neofiti – Acer negundo L., Amaranthus albus L., A. blitoides S. Watson, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte, Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq., C. canadensis (L.) Cronq., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner, Euphorbia maculata L., E. prostrata Aiton, Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Paspalum paspalodes (Michx.) Scribn., Tagetes minuta L., Xanthium spinosum L., X. strumarium L. subsp. italicum (Moretti) D. Löve prvi put se navode za istraživano područje. Za ranije zabilježene neofite – Amorpha fruticosa L., Aster squamatum (Sprengel) Hieron., Bidens subalternans DC., Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker, Datura inoxia Mill., Erigeron annus (L.) Pers., Phytolacca americana L. navode se nova nalazišta na istraživanom području

    Amor Patriae in Literary Journalism: Analysis of Croatian Homeland War Stories

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    The Homeland War in Croatia (1991-1995) resulted with a relatively great production of various hybrid nonfiction genres. War journalism in the mainstream media mainly reported facts by young unexperienced journalists. War reporting was dry and nowhere close to literary journalism. With one exception. In November 1991, Joža Vlahović, the doyen of Croatian journalism went to the frontline as a war reporter. This resulted in a series of short stories that fall into a wider scope called new journalism, literary journalism, immersion journalism, or narrative nonfiction. Hence, the research of these texts which were first published as war reports in 1991 in newspapers, and twenty years later gathered in a book significantly titled “Onaj rat je bio bolji” (That War Was Better), is a multidisciplinary research effort within literature and communication sciences to investigate these brilliant stories of a specific genre in always intriguing common ground of literature and journalism


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    Abstract Public informing and participation in decision-making related to environmental protection as an important element of engaging stakeholders often excludes crisis planning. In environmental impact assessment procedures, there is often an organizational crisis involving three or four participants, normally the investor/applicant, the county office or ministry managing impact the assessment, the police overseeing the protests, and the judiciary as a result of rights given to the general and concerned public by the Aarhus Convention. Indications of a crisis appear some time before the situation threatens the organization or its partners, and consist of minor incidents that the organization has ignored or deemed insignificant for the final objectives. Unexpected crises bring uncertainty and risks – organizations cannot identify causes or consequences, all efforts are ineffective, while the threats to the entire project and the final objectives are increased. This paper analyses the differences in informing/participation of the general and concerned public in debates on decision-making in urban planning, and public debates on decision-making in environmental impact studies in the case of Lećevica Waste Management Center in Split-Dalmatia County. Methods for the collection of empirical data included problem-focused, in-depth interviews and participating observation. Grounded theory was used in analyzing the empirical material with initial, axial and selective coding. The frequency and absolute and relative cumulative value of coded responses were calculated using descriptive statistics. Results repeatedly showed shortcomings in adopting urban planning documents. Direct/indirect pressures from the politicians and the quiet administrative support or obstruction of administrative bodies are noticeable, including the changes in politics depending on the position of the ruling party/opposition at the state/local level


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    Alleviating the effects of and adapting to climate change present some of the main global objectives and challenges facing modern governments responsible for working towards sustainable development in both economy and society. Energy risks in the economy brought about by attempts to adapt to climate change and the drastic reduction in carbon gas emission require new approaches to using fuels with a lower carbon emission factor than the existing fossil fuels. New technologies and new methods of energy consumption, those which would not contribute to climate change, must be found. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, as well as the only greenhouse gas emitted by the cement industry in large quantities. Reduction, according to the guidelines defined by the Kyoto Protocol for the cement industry, is to be achieved by substituting fossil fuels with replacement fuels made from waste, which contain the largest possible amount of biomass. In this paper, the results of an empirical study of public awareness and opinions on the measures for achieving the desired goals in adapting to climate change will be presented. The study was conducted on a purposive, non-random sample using the methods of in-depth interview and participant observation. In the study of empirical data the qualitative method of grounded theory was used. Descriptive analysis and quantification of the coded, qualitatively analysed sample of the conditional matrix were carried out as a prerequisite for further analysing the differences. The coded material underwent quantitative analysis and was processed using the Statistica software package, ver. 11.00. The aim of the study was to determine how informed the concerned public was and what its opinions were on whether the use of waste fuel by the company CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. was acceptable under optimal conditions and with strict control and supervision. An analysis of the results revealed that the representatives of the target and sector groups differ in their relation to the variables used in the study depending on the group to which they belong.Ublažavanje i prilagodba klimatskim promjenama jedan je od glavnih globalnih ciljeva i izazova u provedbi današnjih vlada i njihovoj odgovornosti za održivi razvoj gospodarstva i društva. Energetski rizici gospodarstva zbog prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama i oštrog smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova, zahtijevaju nove pristupe u korištenju goriva sa nižim emisijskim faktorom ugljika u odnosu na postojeća fosilna goriva. Potrebno je pronaći nove tehnologije i načine korištenja energije bez prijetnji klimatskim promjenama. Ugljični dioksid je glavni staklenički plin koji pokreće globalne klimatske promjene te je jedini staklenički plin kojeg industrija cementa emitira u značajnoj količini. Smanjenje se, prema mjerama koje je definirao Kyoto protokol za cementnu industriju, postiže supstitucijom fosilnog goriva sa zamjenskim gorivima proizvedenim iz otpada, koje u sebi sadrži što veći udio biomase. U ovom radu predstavljaju se rezultati empirijskog istraživanja informiranosti i stavova javnosti kroz ciljne i sektor grupe prema mjerama za dostizanje postavljenih ciljeva u prilagodbi klimatskim promjenama. Istraživanje je provedeno na ciljanom uzorku metodom dubinskog intervjua i sudjelujućeg promatranja. U analizi empirijskog materijala korištena je kvalitativna metoda utemeljene teorije. Izvršena je deskriptivna obrada i kvantifikacija kodiranog kvalitativno obrađenog uzorka kondicionalne matrice, radi daljnje provedbe analize razlika. Kodirani materijal je kvantitativno obrađen i izračunat s računalnim paketom Statistica ver 11.00. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi informiranost i stavove zainteresirane javnosti o prihvatljivosti korištenja goriva proizvedenog iz otpada u tvrtki CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. u optimalnim uvjetima sa strogom kontrolom i nadzorom. Analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da se predstavnici ciljnih i sector grupa između sebe razlikuju u korištenim varijablama u zavisnosti o skupini kojoj pripadaju


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    Abstract Public informing and participation in decision-making related to environmental protection as an important element of engaging stakeholders often excludes crisis planning. In environmental impact assessment procedures, there is often an organizational crisis involving three or four participants, normally the investor/applicant, the county office or ministry managing impact the assessment, the police overseeing the protests, and the judiciary as a result of rights given to the general and concerned public by the Aarhus Convention. Indications of a crisis appear some time before the situation threatens the organization or its partners, and consist of minor incidents that the organization has ignored or deemed insignificant for the final objectives. Unexpected crises bring uncertainty and risks – organizations cannot identify causes or consequences, all efforts are ineffective, while the threats to the entire project and the final objectives are increased. This paper analyses the differences in informing/participation of the general and concerned public in debates on decision-making in urban planning, and public debates on decision-making in environmental impact studies in the case of Lećevica Waste Management Center in Split-Dalmatia County. Methods for the collection of empirical data included problem-focused, in-depth interviews and participating observation. Grounded theory was used in analyzing the empirical material with initial, axial and selective coding. The frequency and absolute and relative cumulative value of coded responses were calculated using descriptive statistics. Results repeatedly showed shortcomings in adopting urban planning documents. Direct/indirect pressures from the politicians and the quiet administrative support or obstruction of administrative bodies are noticeable, including the changes in politics depending on the position of the ruling party/opposition at the state/local level


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    Sustainable development starts with changes in our personal values and continues with the transfer of those changes to all areas of our life. Democracy, transparent behaviour and responsible management on national and local levels are the necessary foundation for the realisation of sustainable development. The participation of all social stakeholders in making decisions through advisory processes, dialogue and creation of partnerships is one of the key implementation tasks. A significant place in such a sustainable development concept is taken by special plans and strategic development documents of the local community, for which it is necessary to ensure the participation of all the parties interested in the decision-making processes, from the national and local authorities, civil society organisations to the business sector and promotion of dialogue and gaining of trust in order to develop social capital. In order for the local community to integrate it all in its system, it is necessary to make strategic thinking and planning with the aim of efficient connection of different sector policies, place concrete, realistic and measurable goals in medium and long-term plans and establish partner relations. This paper presents the results of the empirical research of the interested and informed public, including what their positions are with regard to the sustainable development principles and if they are applied and recognised in the process of creation and adoption of local community physical and development plans. A quality research on a target sample has been implemented by the deep interview method and participant observation. In the analysis of empirical material, the method of founded theory was used, and the quantification of qualitatively processed and encoded material was made. The majority of the examinees express a negative view and are of the opinion that the sustainable development principles are not sufficiently applied and recognised in the procedures of creating and adopting local community physical and development plans.Održivi razvoj počinje s promjenama naših osobnih vrijednosti i nastavlja se prijenosom tih promjena u sva područja našeg života. Demokracija, transparentno ponašanje i odgovorno upravljanje na nacionalnoj i lokalnoj razini nužan su temelj za ostvarivanje održivog razvoja. Sudjelovanje svih društvenih dionika u donošenju odluka putem savjetodavnih procesa, dijaloga i stvaranja partnerstava jedan je od ključnih zadataka provedbe. Značajno mjesto u takvom konceptu održivog razvoja zauzimaju posebni planovi i strateški razvojni dokumenti lokalne zajednice, za koje je potrebno osigurati sudjelovanje svih zainteresiranih strana u procesima donošenja odluka, od nacionalnih i lokalnih vlasti. organizacije civilnog društva do poslovnog sektora i promicanje dijaloga i stjecanje povjerenja kako bi se razvio društveni kapital. Da bi lokalna zajednica sve to integrirala u svoj sustav, potrebno je strateško razmišljanje i planiranje s ciljem učinkovitog povezivanja različitih sektorskih politika, postavljanja konkretnih, realnih i mjerljivih ciljeva u srednjoročnim i dugoročnim planovima i uspostavljanja partnerske odnose. U radu su prezentirani rezultati empirijskog istraživanja zainteresirane i informirane javnosti, te njihova stajališta o principima održivog razvoja te njihova primjena i prepoznavanje u procesu kreiranja i usvajanja prostornih i razvojnih planova lokalne zajednice. Kvalitativno istraživanje na ciljnom uzorku provedeno je metodom dubinskog intervjua i promatranjem sudionika. Pri analizi empirijskog materijala uvažavane su teorijske spoznaje te je napravljena kvantifikacija kvalitativno obrađenog i kodiranog materijala. Većina ispitanika izražava negativno stajalište i smatra da se načela održivog razvoja ne primjenjuju i ne prepoznaju u postupcima izrade i usvajanja prostornih i razvojnih planova lokalne zajednice