422 research outputs found

    The Location of Financial Activities: The Impact of New Technologies and the Financial Crisis

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    The location of financial activities is traditionally characterized by a great deal of inertia. However, the boom in new information and communication technologies, the globalization of economies and the 2007-08 financial crisis have considerably modified the geography of finance. Financial globalization has, first of all, had a heavy impact on the level of spatial concentration / dispersion of activities. The dynamics have not acted in a uniform way – schematically speaking three levels can be distinguished. On the urban scale, financial activities have been spread out (suburbanization), while on the regional scale or the national scale, due to financial globalization, financial activities have been more tightly grouped. Lastly, on the international scale, a movement of dispersion has mainly been observed, along with a specialization of financial centers. The 2007-08 financial crisis might well accentuate this last effect and cause an upheaval in world hierarchy. Actually, the financial centers that are most elastic to the economic situation – London, New York and tax havens – are massively losing jobs, while the stock markets in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Bombay are now upstaging them as major players.Financial Geography, International Financial Centers, Globalization, Informational Externalities

    Une adresse à Mayfair ou VendÎme: La rationalité spatiale des Hedge Funds

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    With financial globalization, there has been a thorough reorganization of financial activities. A new geography of finance has emerged with, first of all, activities being transferred from the historical heart of big cities to the peripheral areas. Alternative asset management that has emerged in Europe in the past ten years is undoubtedly the paradox example of this suburbanization movement. We notice a high level of spatial concentration in the historical heart of Paris and London. Hedge Funds, particularly independent organizations choose Upper Class area. To provide an understanding of the future dynamics of the location of financial activities we need to redefine the notion of financial market. To provide an understanding of this location of alternative activities we need to redefine the socio-economic characteristics of hedge funds. The specific nature of this activity – highly skilled employees, high value-added knowledge services, lack of public information – justify concentration in order to take advantage of informational externalities and of the presence of specialized companies. An address in Mayfair or at Place Vendîme counts in the world of hedge funds.Financial Institution, Financial Geography, Informational Externalities

    Traduction, maillon de la chaine de transposition didactique ? Repérage et questionnement

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    La dĂ©finition donnĂ©e de la traduction donnĂ©e dans la problĂ©matique du colloque interroge l’activitĂ© traduisante mĂȘme du traducteur. Cet article essaie de montrer que cette activitĂ© peut ĂȘtre investie dans la mĂ©diation linguistique pour prĂ©parer Ă  la transposition didactique et ĂȘtre utile pour l’enseignement.

    Cyanide-modified Pt(111) : structure, stability and hydrogen adsorption

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    A.C. acknowledges the support of the DGI (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) through Project CTQ2009-07017. W.S. acknowledges financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Schm 344/40-1, Schm 344/34-1.2 and FOR 1376. W.S. and P.Q. thank DFG-CONICET International Cooperation and CONICET for continued support. E.P.M.L. and M.Z.-M. wish to acknowledge CONICET PIP: 112-200801-000983, Secyt UNC, Program BID (PICT 2006N 946), and PME: 2006-01581 for financial support. P.Q. acknowledges PICT 0737-2008. A generous grant of computing time from the Baden-Wuerttemberg grid is gratefully acknowledged. M.E.-E. acknowledges an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and an accommodation grant at the Residencia de Estudiantes from the Madrid City Council.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Apprentissage de l'expérimentation en physique. II -Apprentissage des techniques expérimentales à l'ENS de Cachan

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    AprÚs avoir développé le rÎle et le contenu de la formation expérimentale proposée aux étudiants dans le cadre de la préparation à l'Agrégation de physique, nous présentons une expérience d'initiation aux techniques expérimentales dÚs la premiÚre année, qui peut constituer un apprentissage par l'expérimentation. Enfin nous abordons l'évaluation de ce genre d'activité, problÚme qui s'est posé avec la création d'une option « Techniques expérimentales en physique» dans le cadre du magistÚre de physique de l'université d'Orsay

    Apprentissage de l'expérimentation en physique. I -La place de l'expérimentation dans les concours de recrutement

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    La spécificité de l'enseignement des sciences physiques est appréhendée à partir du texte officiel sur les «capacités ayant trait aux contenus et à la démarche scientifique», paru dans le Bulletin Officiel du 9 Juillet 1987. Nous analysons ensuite, à travers les concours de recrutement (CAPES et Agrégation externes), comment est prise en compte l'aptitude à une démarche scientifique dans le domaine expérimental et combien est nécessaire une préparation sérieuse pour l'acquisition des savoir-faire indispensables
