140 research outputs found

    Quantitative near-infrared spectroscopy of cervical dysplasia in vivo

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    The aims of this study were: (i) to quantify near-infrared optical properties of normal cervical tissues and high-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions (H-SIL); (ii) to assess the feasibility of differentiating normal cervical tissues from H-SIL on the basis of these properties; and (iii) to determine how cervical tissue optical properties change following photodynamic therapy (PDT) of H-SIL in vivo. Using the frequency domain photon migration technique, non-invasive measurements of normal and dysplastic ecto-cervical tissue optical properties, i.e. absorption (μa) and effective scattering coefficients, and physiological parameters, i.e. tissue water and haemoglobin concentration, percentage oxygen saturation (%SO2), were performed on 10 patients scheduled for PDT of histologically-proven H-SIL. Cervix absorption and effective scattering parameters were up to 15% lower in H-SIL sites compared with normal cervical tissue for all wavelengths studied (674, 811, 849, 956 nm). Following PDT, all μa values increased significantly, due to elevated tissue blood and water content associated with PDT-induced hyperaemia and oedema. Tissue total haemoglobin concentration ([TotHb]) and arterio-venous oxygen saturation measured in H-SIL sites were lower than normal sites ([TotHb]: 88.6 ± 35.8 μmol/l versus 124.7 ± 22.6 μmol/l; %SO2: 76.5 ± 14.7% versus 84.9 ± 3.4%

    Intrauterine light delivery for photodynamic therapy of the human endometrium

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    Photodynamic therapy is currently being evaluated as a minimally invasive procedure for endometrial ablation not requiring anaesthesia. Light penetration depths at 630, 660 and 690 nm and the optimal configuration of intrauterine light-diffusing fibres were determined in 14 human uteri to assist in the design of a light intrauterine device. Post-menopausal ex-vivo uteri showed a significantly lower light penetration depth than pre-menopausal uteri. With a single central diffusing fibre inserted, the fluence rate measured in the uterine wall at the most remote point of the cavity decreased to 1.1 ± 0.4% of that measured at closest proximity, whereas it decreased to only 40.0 ± 9.0% with three fibres. Distension of the uterine cavity with 2 ml of an optically clear fluid increased the fluence rate at the fundus between the fibres at a depth of 2 mm by a factor of 4. We conclude that in normal-sized pre-menopausal uterine cavities, three diffusing fibres will deliver an optical dose above the photodynamic threshold level at a depth of 4 mm, even in the most remote areas, in <30 min without causing thermal damage. For distorted and elongated cavities, either slight distension of the cavity or the insertion of a fourth diffusing fibre is require

    Uterus and endometrium: Regeneration processes in rabbit endometrium: a photodynamic therapy model

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    The origin and process of regeneration in rabbit endo metrium was evaluated following photodynamic epithelial destruction using topically applied anilnolevulinic acid (ALA). Selective destruction of endometrial epithelium was performed using photodynamic therapy (PDT). ALA was diluted to 200 mg/ml dextran 70 shortly prior to adininistra tion. A volume of 1.2 ml was injected into the left uterus. Intrauterine illumination (wavelength 630 nm, light dose 40-80 J/cm2was performed 3 h after drug administration. Tissue morphology was evaluated by light and scanning electron microscopy 1, 3, 7 and 28 days post-treatment (three animals at each dine-point). Regeneration of the endometriwn following epithelial ablation by PDT was fully activated after 24 h and was completed after 72 h. Endometrial surface generation occurred by proliferation, originating primarily in deeper regions of the glands. Findings from our morphological follow-up study support the origin of endometrial regeneration being mainly from undifferentiated stem cells and residual glandular epitheliu

    Assisted hatching in mouse embryos using a noncontact Ho:YSGG laser system

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    PurposeA noncontact holmium:yttrium scandium gallium garnet (Ho:YSGG) laser system has been designed and tested for the micromanipulation of mammalian embryos. The purpose of this preliminary investigation was to determine the effectiveness of this laser for assisted hatching and evaluate its impact on embryo viability. The Ho:YSGG system, utilizing 250-microsecond pulses at a wavelength of 2.1 microns and 4 Hz, was used to remove a portion of the zona pellucida (ZP) of two- to four-cell FVB mouse embryos.ResultsIn the first experiment there was no difference in blastocyst production or hatching rates following laser or conventional assisted hatching (LAH or AH, respectively) in contrast to control embryos cultured in a 5% CO2 humidified air incubator at 37 degrees C. In the second experiment a blastocyst antihatching culture model was employed and LAH-treated embryos were cultured in a serum-free HTF medium (HTF-o). Blastocyst formation was not influenced by LAH treatment and hatching was increased (P &lt; 0.01) from 4 to 60% compared to HTF-o control group.ConclusionsThese preliminary data demonstrate the utility and nontoxic properties of the Ho:YSGG laser system for quick and precise ZP drilling

    Minimally-invasive debulking of ovarian cancer in the rat pelvis by means of photodynamic therapy using the pegylated photosensitizer PEG-m-THPC

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    Interstitial photodynamic therapy (PDT) using the pegylated photosensitizer PEG-m-THPC was evaluated as a minimally-invasive procedure to selectively debulk unrespectable pelvic ovarian cancer (NuTu-19) in immunocompetent rats. To assess tumour selectivity, PEG-m-THPC at dosages of 0.3, 3.0 and 30 mg kg−1 body weight was administered intravenously to 30 rats 4 weeks following tumour induction. Eight days later laser light at 652 nm and optical doses ranging from 100 to 900 J cm−1 diffuser-length was delivered by an interstitial cylindrical diffusing fibre inserted blindly into the pelvis. Three days following light application, the volume of necrosis was measured and the damage to pelvic organs was assessed histologically on cross sections. For analysis of survival, 20 tumour-bearing rats received PDT using drug doses of 3 or 9 mg kg−1 body weight and an optical dose of 900 J cm−1 diffuser-length, whereas ten untreated tumour-bearing rats served as controls. The histological assessment of PDT induced necrosis showed a non-linear dose–response for both the photosensitizer dose and the optical dose. The lowest drug dose activated with the highest optical dose did not induce more necrosis than seen in tumour-bearing control animals. The same optical dose induced necrosis of 17 mm in diameter using 30 mg kg−1 and 11 mm using 3 mg kg−1 photosensitizer. The optical threshold for induction of significant necrosis was between 100 and 300 J cm−1 diffuser-length for 30 mg kg−1 and between 300 and 500 J cm−1 for 3 mg kg−1 PEG-m-THPC. Significant damage to normal pelvic organs was only seen if 30 mg kg−1 photosensitizer was activated with optical doses of 700 J cm−1 or more. In the survival study, all treated animals survived PDT for at least 2 weeks and the intestinal and urinary tract remained functional. No clinical signs of blood vessel or nerve injury were observed. Mean overall survival of untreated tumour-bearing rats was 25.0 ± 4.5 days compared to 38.4 ± 3.8 days and 40.0 ± 3.6 days for rats treated with 3 mg kg−1 or 9 mg kg−1 PEG-m-THPC mediated PDT respectively (P < 0.05). We conclude that PEG-m-THPC mediated PDT has a favourable therapeutic window and that this minimally-invasive procedure can reduce pelvic cancer bulks effectively and selectively. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Laser trapping in cell biology

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