76 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Lipid Data in the Body Composition of Cadets from NVNA

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    The lipid content in the body is particularly im-portant for maritime professions, and it can be a key factor when it comes down to incidents and individual survival at sea. Lipid content directly affects body heat exchange, floating, etc. A lipid content of 20% is con-sidered the norm for men, while for women it is 18.5%. In this study, a total of 113 cadets from various spe-cialisations at the Military Naval Academy were test-ed between 2021 and 2023. The analysis of the results was conducted based on gender and age groups. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in the index figures among cadets. The research meth-odology involved standardised interviews, scale-based tests, and data processing techniques

    The Lower Estimate for Bernstein Operator

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    MSC 2010: 41A10, 41A15, 41A25, 41A36For functions belonging to the classes C2[0; 1] and C3[0; 1], we establish the lower estimate with an explicit constant in approximation by Bernstein polynomials in terms of the second order Ditzian-Totik modulus of smoothness. Several applications to some concrete examples of functions are presented

    X-ray micro-tomography examination of specimens of deciduous teeth

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    Увод: Утвърдените класически методи на диагностика и лечение на кариеса на временните зъби изискват преосмисляне и промени, налагани от подхода за лечение в медицината. До скоро зъбният кариес се приемаше като ,,инфекциозно` заболяване. От конгреса на FDI, 2012 г., зъбният кариес се приема като ,,поведенческо заболяване с бактериален компонент`. Това поставя на преден план възможността за установяване и коригиране на поведението, което е достатъчно, за да се избегне бактериалното участие.Цел: Да се изработи in vitro модел на де- и реминерализация с ецващ гел (i-Gel) и с минерализиращ лак - Clinpro™ White Varnish with TCP (TriCalcium phosphate) (3M).Материал и методи: Използваният материал е от 20 временни интактни зъби, екстрахирани поради физиологична смяна с постоянните зъби, с напълно запазена структура и анатомия на коронките и напълно резорбирани корени по физиологичен път. Апликационно се изготвят първо на гладките емайлови временни повърхности 30-секундна деминерализация с 37% фосфорна киселина (i-Gel - ецващ гел). След което мострите се измиват и подсушават с водна и въздушна струя. Деминерализираните повърхности на временните зъби се реминерализират с апликация на лак - Clinpro™ White Varnish with TCP (TriCalcium phosphate) (3M). Засъхването на лака в in vitro условия продължава един час. Измерването се направи с настолен рентгенов микротомограф SkyScan 1272, произведен от фирма „Брукер`.Резултати: Слой с приблизителна дебелина 1014 μm се е очертал при срязването на образците. Размерът 10-14 μm е много близък до височината на неравностите, наблюдавани по повърхността на зъба. Тези структури могат да бъдат флуорапатитни кристали.Изводи: 1. Компютърната томография има наблюдения, които водят в такава посока, че повърхността на зъба е неравна, като има области с различна степен на неравност. В неравните области височината на неравностите, потенциално на кристалите на реминерализирало покритие, е между 6 и 14 μm, с хоризонтален размер 14-40 μm. 2. В зъбния емайл се наблюдава зона, която е „запечатана` със слой с плътност, близка до тази на здравия зъбен емайл, и дебелина 10-14 μm. При срязването на пробата такъв слой се е очертал и на повърхността й. Това води към хипотеза за наличие на покриващ емайла слой, чиято плътност е много близка до тази на емайла.Introduction: Established classical methods of diagnostics and treatment of caries of deciduous teeth require rethinking and changes imposed by the approach of treatment in medicine. Until recently caries was perceived as an `infectious` disease. Since the Congress of FDI, 2012 caries is regarded as a ,,behavioral condition with a bacterial component`. This brings to the fore the possibility of detecting and correcting behavior, which is enough to prevent any bacterial involvement.Objective: To develop an in vitro model of de- and re-mineralization with an etching gel (i-Gel) and with a mineralization varnish - Clinproâ„¢ White Varnish with TCP (Tri-Calcium phosphate) (3M).Material and methods: The material used is from 20 temporary intact teeth, extracted due to physiological change with permanent teeth, with a completely preserved structure and anatomy of crowns and fully physiologically resorbed roots. They are first applied throughe preparation of the smooth temporary enamel surfaces with a 30 second demineralization with 37% phosphoric acid (i - gel - etching gel). Then the samples are washed and dried with water and airflow. Demineralized surfaces of the temporary teeth go through a remineralization with application of varnish - Clinpro â„¢ White Varnish with TCP (Tri-Calcium phosphate) (3M). Drying of the varnish in in vitro conditions lasts for one hour. The measurement was done with a desktop X-ray microtomography scanner Sky- Scan 1272 produced by the company Bruker.Results: A layer of approximately the same thickness 10-14 μm has emerged upon incision of the sam ples. The size of 10-14 μm is very close to the height of the irregularities observed on the surface of the tooth. These structures can be fluorapatite crystals.Conclusions: 1. CT has observations that result in such a direction that the tooth surface is uneven as there are areas with varying degrees of unevenness. In the uneven areas, their height, potentially that of the crystals from remineralizing coverage, is between 6 and 14 μm, with a horizontal size 14-40 μm. 2. In the tooth enamel monitor an area is observed that is `sealed` with a layer of a density close to that of healthy dental enamel and a thickness of 10-14 μm. In cutting of a sample such layer has also emerged on its surface. This leads to the hypothesis of the presence of the enamel coating layer whose density is very similar to that of the enamel

    A new estimate for Hölder approximation by Bernstein operators

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    Abstract In this work we discuss the rate of simultaneous approximation of Hölder continuous functions by Bernstein operators, measured by Hölder norms with different exponents. We extend the known results on this topic

    Principle of work in the process of digitization and reconstruction of model of belt buckle by photogrammetry and 3D computer design

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    Българската женска народна носия е богата на множество символи, елементи и детайли. Един от най-характерните са пафтите – елемент от колана. Освен като символика със специално преднаначение, пафтите със своята уникална идентичност принадлежат към национално – историческото наследство на България. В настоящото изследване е дигитализиран и реконструиран модел на пафта, притежаващ изящество и красота. Реализацията на завършения тримерен компютърен модел преминава през етапи на фотограметрия и компютърен дизайн със специални скулптуриращи инструменти.Bulgarian female folk costume is rich in multiple characters, elements and details. One of the most characteristic is the belt buckles. As well as specially designed symbolism, the belt buckle - with their unique identity belong to the national - historical heritage of Bulgaria. In the present study a model of a belt buckle is digitized and reconstructed, and possessing grace and beauty. The realization of the completed three-dimensional computer model goes through stages of photogrammetry and computer design with special sculpting tools

    Application of modern technological means in the process of digitization of models of national and historical value

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    България е известна с богатата си история още от древни времена. В рамките на сегашната си територия, страната обхваща най-различни култури, които носят своята характерна специфика и идентичност. Настоящото изследване  цели дигитализацията на модели с национална и историческа стойност, като се прилагат съвременни технологични средства. За осъществяване на целта се използва методичен процес, оптимизиращ взаимодействието на различните работни етапи.Bulgaria has been known for its rich history since ancient times. Within its current territory, the country encompasses a variety of cultures that bear their specific specificity and identity. The present study aims at the digitization of models of national and historical value, applying modern technological means. To achieve the goal, a methodical process is used to optimize the interaction of the different working steps

    The Second Ditzian-Totik modulus revisited: refined estimates for positive linear operators

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    Direct theorems for approximation by positive linear operators in terms of the second order Ditzian-Totik modulus of smoothness are proved. Special emphasis is on the magnitude of the absolute constants. New results are obtained for Bernstein operators, for piecewise linear interpolation, for general Bernstein-Stancu operators and for those of Gavrea

    Heat stress during seed development leads to impaired physiological function and plasticity in seed oil accumulation in Camelina sativa

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    Camelina sativa, a member of the Brassicaceae, is a low-cost, renewable oilseed crop that produces seeds up to 40% oil by weight with high potential for use in food, feed, and biofuel applications. Camelina seeds contain high levels of the fatty acids α-linolenic acid (C18:3), linoleic acid (C18:2), oleic acid (C18:1), and gondoic acid (C20:1), which have high nutritional and industrial value. The impact of climate change, especially increased frequency and amplitude of heat waves, poses a serious threat to crop productivity. In this study, we evaluated the effect of elevated temperatures post-anthesis on the developing seeds of C. sativa and performed physiological, morphological, and chemical characterizations at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days post-anthesis (DPA), as well as at maturity. While the seed oil accumulation peaked at 21 DPA under control conditions, reaching 406mg/g dry weight, under heat stress it was only 186mg/g. Physiologically, transpiration rate (E) and internal CO2 concentration (Ci) increased between 2 to 9 days post-stress imposition and overall net photosynthesis was impaired. Seed yield, seed weight, and oil content reduced by 84.5%, 38.5% and 54.1% respectively. We demonstrate that post-anthesis heat stress causes severe yield losses and developmental plasticity in fatty acid accumulation in oilseeds

    Pointwise Approximation by Bernstein Polynomials

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    We improve the degree of pointwise approximation of continuous function f(x) by Bernstein operator, when x is close to the endpoints of [0, 1]. We apply the new estimate to establish upper and lower pointwise estimates for logarithmic function. At the end we prove general statement for pointwise approximation by Bernstein operator. 10.1017/S000497271100283