42 research outputs found


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    Online Health Communities have become an increasingly popular information resource. Participants use them to seek health information, to seek support and to source advice regarding health challenges. The resulting lack of dependency on traditional health information channels has not only changed the way in which people source health information, but more importantly, the health information that they choose to trust and consequently act upon. Despite this fact, the factors that predict or inhibit users’ trust in online health communities remain unclear. This study seeks to contribute to our understanding of the factors that influence individuals trust in such communities. Data were collected from 410 Brazilian participants of several online health communities on Facebook. The research model was tested using partial least squares, and the results show support for two new predictors of trust in online health communities: Online Community Responsiveness and Community Support. Also, we found that Information Credibility and Propensity to Trust positively influence individual’s trust responses. These findings contribute both to the trust literature and to social media research knowledge. From a practitioner perspective, these findings can also serve as a guide for moderators and managers who wish to improve participants’ trust in their online health communities

    Los focos de atención en las webs de turismo y su implicación en el seguimiento ocular

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    This study provides a review of the focus of attention on travel websites, accommodations and restaurants based on eye tracking, to measure the level of rootedness, density, and co-occurrence of these categories on tourism websites. Based on the grounded theory, the constant comparison method, and the use of the Atlas.ti software as a qualitative analytical practice were applied. After the review, it is defined that the categorical structures that most attract attention in visitors are the images, the search function, and the text, while the price, is the most sensitive data and the least observed.Este estudio proporciona una revisión de los focos de atención en las webs de viajes, alojamientos y restaurantes sobre la base del seguimiento ocular para medir el nivel de enraizamiento, densidad y coocurrencia de las categorías en las webs de turismo. Con base en la teoría fundamentada, se aplicó el método de comparación constante y el uso del software Atlas.ti como práctica analítica cualitativa. Tras la revisión, se define que las estructuras categóricas que más llaman la atención en los visitantes son las imágenes, la función de búsqueda y el texto; por su parte, el precio es el dato más sensible y el menos observado

    Los focos de atención en las webs de turismo y su implicación en el seguimiento ocular

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    Este estudio proporciona una revisión de los focos de atención en las webs de viajes, alojamientos y restaurantes sobre la base del seguimiento ocular para medir el nivel de enraizamiento, densidad y coocurrencia de las categorías en las webs de turismo. Con base en la teoría fundamentada, se aplicó el método de comparación constante y el uso del software Atlas.ti como práctica analítica cualitativa. Tras la revisión, se define que las estructuras categóricas que más llaman la atención en los visitantes son las imágenes, la función de búsqueda y el texto; por su parte, el precio es el dato más sensible y el menos observado

    Construção de um website para a cooperselecta no bairro montanhão: a adoção de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC’s) em um empreendimento de economia solidária

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    O objetivo do artigo é apresentar o processo de adoção de tecnologias de informação e comunicação, especificamente da construção de um website, bem como descrever a experiência e desafios vivenciados pelos empreendedores da cooperativa e pesquisadores, por uma cooperativa de reciclagem de óleo e fabricação artesanal de sabão ecológico: Cooperselecta que é um empreendimento incubado na Associação Padre Léo Comissari, localizada no bairro do Montanhão no município de São Bernardo do Campo e fundamentada aos conceitos de Economia Solidária. Os pesquisadores envolvidos fazem parte de um Projeto de Extensão da Faculdade de Gestão e Serviços da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo denominado: “Gestão e Serviços para uma Comunidade Solidária”, e adotam como estratégia de pesquisa, a pesquisa-ação, de natureza participativa, que contempla processos de pesquisa e intervenção com efetiva participação dos atores envolvidos e do investigador. Por meio da estratégia de pesquisa-ação foi possível indicar a construção de um website com o propósito de divulgação do trabalho realizado pela cooperativa, decorrente dos produtos, serviços e eventos em que a cooperativa se faz presente, bem como angariar possíveis investimentos de outras instituições em sua ação social e empreendedora. Como resultado, evidencia-se a construção do website gratuito que divulga e esclarece a proposta do negócio enquanto um dos empreendimentos incubados na Associação Padre Léo Comissari. O estudo apresenta relevância, pois contextualiza a adoção de TIC´S em uma cooperativa que não possuía tecnologias mais sofisticadas para divulgação do negócio, bem como ao fortalecimento da rede de economia solidária, neste último aspecto relacionada a possibilidade de divulgação de seus produtos e serviços à comunidade e demais empreendimentos, de forma geral

    HDM Model to Select Marketing Analyst Job Offer

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    Times have changed and we no longer pick a career in terms of climbing the corporate ladder or to continue with a “family profession tradition” that will make our parents happy. We now select an occupation based on the satisfaction and fulfillment it will bring to our lives. Nowadays, people spend significantly more time on the job than in any other single activity, making this a crucial decision that will influence their lifestyles. Recent graduates and entry-level professionals are not only interested in receiving a fair remuneration at the end of each month, they are also seeking for companies that will offer them challenges, opportunities to make a difference, and learning experiences that will add to their personal and professional development. The question is how do graduates or professionals entering the job market find employers that are a good fit with their interests and values? The purpose of this paper is to examine which criteria represent a higher significance for decision makers when they have the task of selecting an organization to work for that will allow them to apply all their skills while being aligned with their personal and professional values

    Nanocompositi a base di polipropilene isotattico e idrotalcite sintetica: struttura e morfologia

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    Valutazione della morfologia e struttura dei nanocompositi di polipropilene e idrotalcite, valutazione delle fasi polimorfe del dolipropilene e valutazione della dispersione ed interazione dell'idrotalicite tramite tecniche SAXS e WAXS. Determinazione della cinetica di cristallizzazione tramite analisi DSC; stabilità alla degradazione termica tramite TGA . Valutazione morfologica dei nanocompositi tramite SEM a microscopio ottico in luce polarizzata

    Online Managment - Pro Courses: Provide Online Training Services for Working Professionals to Achieve Their Career Goals

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    The organization works on software projects that develops application software, website portals for private and government institutions, including its own projects related to website development. The latest project of this organization is called the Online Management-Pro Courses to provide online training services for working professionals to achieve their career goals. The purpose of this project is to develop an online training portal with courses for students and professionals aspiring to excel in management. This web portal will create a knowledge network that is expected to catalyze solutions for management challenges. This will be achieved by disseminating courses in order to help professionals who are growing in both private and government bodies

    Implications in Implementing Self-Managed Teams in Organizations

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    Over the past few decades, organizations have developed workplace teams that are multi-faceted, diverse and classified or divided by objective. These teams are essentially turning out to be instrumental in innovation and change in organizations. One such work team that has evoked interest in the recent past is the self-managed team. The design, structure and performance of self-managed teams varies from the other teams significantly. Nevertheless, these teams like the other workplace teams share common benefits such as increased knowledge and skills, synergy and commitment. The main difference lies in the way these teams work. The objective of this research paper is to study the way the self-managed teams are formed and assess their performance and finally derive the implications in implementing them in today’s modern organizations


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    REA is an American company that plans to enter the beauty and skincare industry. It wants to enter the skincare industry with a range of innovative products. However, we will focus on analyzing its moisturizing cream and creating a strategic plan for the product. In our research we were able to understand how the firm studied the current conditions in the skincare and beauty industry to identify a potential business opportunity. We believe that the firm has been successful in recognizing the opportunity and developing a product that would be able to exploit the opportunity they identified. We studied the general, industry and competitor segments to determine the vision, mission and goals for the firm. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats presented by the segment were analyzed to shape our strategic decisions. Many opportunities for product development and promotion were envisioned. It was also determined that some of the threats and weaknesses can be mitigated by patenting the technology, trademarking the products and marketing it to the right customers with the right medium at the right time. We determined that creating a MVP, generating capital and launch of the MVP are appropriate goals for the stage and size of the firm. We detailed the strategies to achieve individual goals and were able to identify opportunities for expansion of the business strategy for future growth. Based on our analysis of the internal environment, we were able to identify the value proposition for the firm along with the core competencies for short-term as well as long term above-average returns for the firm. The reputation, reach and knowledge of the founder along with the differentiated product are the core competencies for this firm. We suggest investing in the development of the differentiated product as the competencies to develop for future to maintain the competitive advantage for the firm. We have also identified the customer for the initial offering for the firm. We created and conducted a survey to establish the market need, medium of promotion as well as a lucrative price point for the offerings. We were able to validate the customer persona as a potential target customer segment for the product. The data from the survey formed the basis of some of the strategic decisions we made and the directions we decided to take for the firm. From the initial assumptions and survey results, the Marketing Mix 4P for the product was developed. Most of the initial assumptions were supported by the survey results. The amulet and truffles will be sold separately. However, these cannot be used separately and the sale of both products are highly correlated. The acceptable price ranges were found to be 8080 - 120 per box of truffles that last for a month and 150150 - 200 for an amulet. It was also determined that a combination of the 2 offerings should be sold as a starter kit to the customers. The selling place was determined to be beauty product outlets, salons, and spas in upscale locations. Online sales and subscription-based sales should also be available for continued sales to the targeted customer segment. For promotion, the most cost-effective way was found to be digital marketing through social media and product website. These would also be used to engage the customers with education and product videos. The visual differentiation of the product was also determined to be a key driver for continued customer engagement. Social media influencers were identified as a key player in expanding the reach and acceptability of the product. A high-level financial analysis was done to check the financial viability. According to the set assumptions, the breakeven would be achieved in the 4th year of market launch. However, this is subject to change based on product development and market response. We have also determined that based on the response to the initial offering, we should revise the goals, strategies and tactics applied to fully exploit the identified customer segment while formulating goals and strategies for expanding the customer segments with extended line of products if needed. The Lean Startup model is applicable to the product strategy as the product needs to start with minimum production, incorporate customer feedback, and continuously improve the operations