24 research outputs found


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    La validazione dei dati illustrata in questa nota concerne due bande di frequenza distinte, separate dalla frequenza di ripetizione delle misure assolute ƒm. Questa frequenza definisce due regioni spettrali: ƒ > ƒm e ƒ < ƒm. Nella prima regione spettrale il rumore complessivo non viene discriminato dalle misure assolute perché si colloca al di fuori della banda delle misure assolute stesse, nella seconda regione spettrale le misure assolute consentono di eliminare, entro certi limiti, le varie derive introdotte dalla catena strumentale. Un terzo segmento spettrale, di grande interesse dal punto di vista del rumore, si colloca nella banda delle pulsazioni magnetosferiche (0.001 Hz – 1 Hz). In questa banda giace il ginocchio che separa il rumore bianco da quello colorato. In questa nota si pongono in evidenza soprattutto le componenti del rumore che non vengono discriminate dalle misure assolute

    Che cosa ci faccio con l' s 13?

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    Sono illustrati i risultati ottenuti applicando il metodo di Lippmann (brevetto utilizzato da Lennartz Electronic) ad un sensore s13. E' mostrato un metodo per il confronto di sensori sismici utilizzante un filtro adattativ

    Un anno di Comitato Unico di Garanzia: riflessioni all'INGV

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    L’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV ha istituito il Comitato Unico di Garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni – CUG nel luglio 2011, ai sensi della L.183/2010. Il CUG ha assunto, estendendoli, i compiti del precedente Comitato Pari Opportunità, ossia, come da delibera CD n. del 28/6/2011: • focalizzare i problemi relativi alle pari opportunità; • contribuire a migliorare la qualità della vita negli ambienti di lavoro e a valorizzare le risorse umane; • verificare gli equilibri tra i sessi nelle posizioni funzionali a parità di requisiti professionali; • formulare proposte per: la gestione flessibile delle risorse umane e le attività di formazione professionale; è inoltre chiamato a perseguire gli obiettivi della direttiva dei dipartimenti della Funzione Pubblica e per le Pari Opportunità del 4 marzo 2011, per esercitare compiti propositivi, consultivi e di verifica. I compiti affidati dall’Amministrazione da un lato e le sollecitazioni ricevute dal personale dall’altro hanno portato ad una serie di azioni, tra le principali: • la redazione di un Codice per la tutela della dignità delle persone e per la prevenzione delle molestie sessuali e morali dell’INGV, l’individuazione della Consigliera di Fiducia e l’avvio di un ciclo di seminari sull’argomento, nell’ambito della prevenzione delle discriminazioni; • una lettura di genere delle bozze dei nuovi regolamenti dell’ente, con proposte di modifiche ispirate alla Carta Europea dei Ricercatori – CdR (e.g. principi di Non discriminazione, Equilibrio di genere) e alla normativa in tema di pari opportunità e tutela della maternità, parte delle quali recepite nel Regolamento del Personale e nel Disciplinare in materia di orario di servizio; un’azione, questa, legata all’adesione in via sperimentale alla Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, iniziativa della Comunità Europea per l’effettiva implementazione della CdR; • nell’ambito del processo di valutazione della ricerca dell’ANVUR, l’evidenziazione di alcune criticità presenti nel bando, in relazione alla valutazione della maternità, risultate in una interrogazione parlamentare e in una lettera aperta, grazie al contributo dell’Associazione Donne e Scienza e dei CUG dell’INFN e del CNR. Le esperienze fatte confermano l’opportunità di dare voce a tutte le donne dell’Istituto e di fare rete tra i Comitati degli enti di ricerca.UnpublishedCertosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italyope

    Thermomodulation Experiment at the Cubic-to-Tetragonal Phase Transition in SrTiO3

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    The very-broad-band long-base tiltmeters of Grotta Gigante (Trieste,Italy): Secular term tilting and the great Sumatra-Andaman islands earthquake of December 26, 2004

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    The horizontal pendulums of the Grotta Gigante (Giant Cave) in the Trieste Karst, are long-base tiltmeters with Z¨ollner type suspension. The instruments have been continuously recording tilt and shear in the Grotta Gigante since the date of their installation by Prof. Antonio Marussi in 1966. Their setup has been completely overhauled several times since installation, restricting the interruptions of the measurements though to a minimum. The continuous recordings, apart from some interruptions, cover thus almost 40 years of measurements, producing a very noticeable long-term tiltmeter record of crustal deformation. The original recording system, still in function, was photographic with a mechanical timing and paper-advancing system, which has never given any problems at all, as it is very stable and not vulnerable by external factors as high humidity, problems in power supply, lightning or similar. In December 2003 a new recording system was installed, based on a solid-state acquisition system intercepting a laser light reflected from a mirror mounted on the horizontal pendulum beam. The sampling rate is 30 Hz, which turns the longbase instrument to a very-broad-band tiltmeter, apt to record the tilt signal on a broad-band of frequencies, ranging from secular deformation rate through the earth tides to seismic waves. Here we describe the acquisition system and present two endline members of the instrumental observation, the up to date long-term recording, and the observation of the great Sumatra-Andaman Islands earthquake of December 26, 2004, seismic moment magnitude Mw = 9.1–9.3 [Lay, T., Kanamori, H., Ammon, C.J., Nettles, M., Ward, S.N., Aster, R.C., Beck, S.L., Bilek, S.L., Brudzinski, M.L., Butler, R., DeShon, H.R., Ekstr¨om, G., Satake, K., Sipkin, S., 2005. The Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake of 26 December 2004. Science. 308, 1127–1133.]. The secular-term observations indicate an average tilting over the last four decades towards NW of 23.4 nrad/year. We find evidences that this tilting is regional and has been going on since at least 125 ka. The recent earthquake of December 26, 2004 was well recorded by the pendulums.We show that the free oscillation modes were activated, including the lowest modes as e.g. 0T2, 0T3, 0T4, 0T5 and 2S1, 0S3, 0S4, 1S2

    The very-broad-band long-base tiltmeters of Grotta Gigante (Trieste,Italy): Secular term tilting and the great Sumatra-Andaman islands earthquake of December 26, 2004

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    The horizontal pendulums of the Grotta Gigante (Giant Cave) in the Trieste Karst, are long-base tiltmeters with Z¨ollner type suspension. The instruments have been continuously recording tilt and shear in the Grotta Gigante since the date of their installation by Prof. Antonio Marussi in 1966. Their setup has been completely overhauled several times since installation, restricting the interruptions of the measurements though to a minimum. The continuous recordings, apart from some interruptions, cover thus almost 40 years of measurements, producing a very noticeable long-term tiltmeter record of crustal deformation. The original recording system, still in function, was photographic with a mechanical timing and paper-advancing system, which has never given any problems at all, as it is very stable and not vulnerable by external factors as high humidity, problems in power supply, lightning or similar. In December 2003 a new recording system was installed, based on a solid-state acquisition system intercepting a laser light reflected from a mirror mounted on the horizontal pendulum beam. The sampling rate is 30 Hz, which turns the longbase instrument to a very-broad-band tiltmeter, apt to record the tilt signal on a broad-band of frequencies, ranging from secular deformation rate through the earth tides to seismic waves. Here we describe the acquisition system and present two endline members of the instrumental observation, the up to date long-term recording, and the observation of the great Sumatra-Andaman Islands earthquake of December 26, 2004, seismic moment magnitude Mw = 9.1–9.3 [Lay, T., Kanamori, H., Ammon, C.J., Nettles, M., Ward, S.N., Aster, R.C., Beck, S.L., Bilek, S.L., Brudzinski, M.L., Butler, R., DeShon, H.R., Ekstr¨om, G., Satake, K., Sipkin, S., 2005. The Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake of 26 December 2004. Science. 308, 1127–1133.]. The secular-term observations indicate an average tilting over the last four decades towards NW of 23.4 nrad/year. We find evidences that this tilting is regional and has been going on since at least 125 ka. The recent earthquake of December 26, 2004 was well recorded by the pendulums.We show that the free oscillation modes were activated, including the lowest modes as e.g. 0T2, 0T3, 0T4, 0T5 and 2S1, 0S3, 0S4, 1S2.Published164-174JCR Journalreserve

    Un sistema automatico per la misura di tre componenti del campo geomagnetico utilizzante un magnetometro a precessione nucleare

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    Recording in digital form from the start is almost a necessary step inGeomagnetic Observatories; we propose in this paper a simple methodbased on the use of a proton precession magnetometer equipped with twoHelmholtz coils. A small microprocessor has been used to transformthe signal frequency measured by the electronic counter to obtain thecomponents absolute values and to automatize the set of measures.A sophisticated equipment for the current generation and control wasnecessary to maintain the current flowing in the Helmoholtz coils within2 [iA for successive measurements. To maximize the signal coming fromthe sensor inside the coils, for the different components, a simple arrangementof two ortogonal small coils in only one sensor has been made.The system proposed can furnish a very good stability and accuracy(~ 1.5 riT) in the measured components (H, D, Z) and could avoid theabsolute measurements.The time sampling for the complete set of components is ~ 20 sec;the instrument can be used then to obtain informations of the geomagneticvariations with period T > 1 min. The Observatory use issuggested for an automatic hourly means computation

    Che cosa ci faccio con l' s 13?

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    Sono illustrati i risultati ottenuti applicando il metodo di Lippmann (brevetto utilizzato da Lennartz Electronic) ad un sensore s13. E' mostrato un metodo per il confronto di sensori sismici utilizzante un filtro adattativoUnpublishedStromboli1.1. TTC - Monitoraggio sismico del territorio nazionaleope

    Seismometrical observations: elaboration ad preliminary interpretation of the Norcia earthquake, 1979

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    In the present paper seismometrical data have been worked&lt;br /&gt;out regarding the Norcia earthquake during the 19 September - 31 December&lt;br /&gt;1979 period. 479 seismic events have been identified, with a good&lt;br /&gt;analytical resolvance for the majority of same. With reference to main&lt;br /&gt;shock, as well as for 30 other after shocks the focal mechanisms were&lt;br /&gt;defined using different data assemblies. A contemporary inversion of&lt;br /&gt;hypocentral parameters of the velocity model was made on a data selected&lt;br /&gt;sample. The temporal variation of after shocks was also studied during&lt;br /&gt;the considered period