573 research outputs found


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    Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach to Assess Factors Leading to Navigational Equipment Defect

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    The increasing attention to the improvement and continuous enhancement of navigational safety has led to a high standard of navigation systems and the introduction of new technologies. Although several conventions, recommendations, guidelines, and performance standards for navigational equipment are set out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), unexpected defects on this equipment may still occur on board. Any defect on this equipment may cause both accidents and commercial loss. This paper presented A fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to assess factors that may cause navigational equipment defects, considering the academic and industrial gaps. Five homogeneous experts were asked to evaluate the relationship among the factors with respect to the linguistic scale. After the factors were ascertained and evaluated, preventive measures for most important factors were recommended in the view of experts’ opinions in order to minimize and avoid their effect. The findings of the study will contribute to understanding the causes of navigational equipment defects and provide a basis for the continuous safety process of the ship’s bridge operations in a comprehensive aspect

    Prediction of Emergency Preparedness Level On-Board Ships Using Discrete Event Simulation: the Case of Firefighting Drill

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    This paper proposes a hybrid approach, including Fuzzy Dematel (FD) integrated with Discrete Event Simulation (DES), to predict emergency preparedness levels on-board ships. The FD used critical factors that affect emergency preparedness to conduct a DES based on real firefighting drill records collected from 45 merchant ships. The simulation results showed the average duration of on-board drills in ideal conditions (27.47 min.), in the worst-case scenario (51.49 min.), for Ship A (29.99 min.), and Ship B (28.12 min.). Based on the findings, recovery actions linked to the factors have been recommended to promote on-board implementation. The proposed model is of great importance to shore-based managers, allowing them to monitor the emergency preparedness level of the fleet continuously, even during pandemics. Further studies are planned to develop a remote monitoring system that would digitalize the existing response procedures in emergency situations


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    The analyzed results of the characteristics of sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity in South Central Vietnamese waters based on MODIS and VOS data sources have revealed the variation of sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity in high ranges. Study results show that the average value of sea surface salinity ranges from 30 psu to 34 psu and is relatively stable. However, the weather is very harsh: Deviation between the highest and lowest values of sea surface temperature is 13.9°C in the seasons and that in months is 11.14°C. This is a very high amplitude, indicating the large variation of daily, monthly and seasonal temperature. The study results will help scientists and aqua-farmers take rational decisions in the selection of suitable species for aquaculture, biodiversity and environmental protection in South Central Vietnamese waters.Kết quả phân tích các đặc trưng của yếu tố nhiệt độ và độ muối tầng mặt vùng biển Nam Trung Bộ Việt Nam dựa trên nguồn số liệu MODIS và VOS đã cho thấy đây là vùng biển có nhiệt độ và độ muối tầng mặt nằm ở dải rất cao. Độ muối phổ biến dao động trong khoảng từ 30‰ đến 34‰ và khá ổn định. Tuy nhiên, thời tiết ở đây rất khắc nghiệt: Biên độ dao động nhiệt độ (khoảng chênh giữa nhiệt độ cao nhất và thấp nhất) trong mùa là 13,91°C và trong tháng là 11,14°C. Đây là biên độ dao động rất cao, biểu thị sự biến động của nhiệt độ trong ngày, trong tháng và trong mùa rất lớn. Kết quả nghiên cứ trên sẽ hỗ trợ các nhà quản lý và người nuôi trồng thủy sản có những quyết định hợp lý hơn trong việc chọn lựa giống loài thích hợp trong nuôi trồng thủy sản, bảo vệ đa dạng sinh học, bảo vệ môi trường tại vùng biển Nam Trung Bộ

    Immunomodulators in COVID-19: Two Sides to Every Coin

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    Development of the parental needs scale for rare diseases : a tool for measuring the supportive care needs of parents caring for a child with a rare disease

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    Background: Children and families affected by rare diseases have received scant consideration from the medical, scientific, and political communities, with parents’ needs especially having received little attention. Affected parents often have limited access to information and support and appropriate health care services. While scales to measure the needs of parents of children with chronic illnesses have been developed, there have been no previous attempts to develop a scale to assess the needs of parents of children with rare diseases. Objective: To develop a scale for measuring the supportive care needs of parents of children with rare diseases. Method: A total of 301 responses to our Parental Needs Survey were randomly divided into two halves, one for exploratory factor analysis and the other for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). After removing unsuitable items, exploratory factor analysis was undertaken to determine the factor structure of the data. CFA using structural equation modeling was then undertaken to confirm the factor structure. Results: Seventy-two items were entered into the CFA, with a scree plot showing a likely four-factor solution. The results provided four independent subscales of parental needs: Understanding the disease (four items); Working with health professionals (four items); Emotional issues (three items); and Financial needs (three items). The structural equation modeling confirmed the suitability of the four-factor solution and demonstrated that the four subscales could be added to provide an overall scale of parental need. Conclusion: This is the first scale developed to measure the supportive care needs of parents of children with rare diseases. The scale is suitable for use in surveys to develop policy, in individual clinical assessments, and, potentially, for evaluating new programs. Measuring the supportive care needs of parents caring for a child with a rare disease will hopefully lead to better physical and psychological health outcomes for parents and their affected children

    Plano de ação educativo para a promoção do aleitamento materno

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    É necessário melhorar as taxas de aleitamento materno da cidade e do país, a proposta atual é a de concentrar-se em atividades específicas, redirecionar o trabalho para melhorar o atendimento humano para crianças menores de 6 meses e aplicar as Unidades Básicas de Amigos da Amamentação do 2007 para melhor apoiar o aleitamento materno, incentivando as mulheres grávidas e famílias e, assim, evitar o desmame precoce em bebês de zero a seis meses na Equipe Básica de Saúde da Família Salgadinho, São Jose da Tapera, Alagoas. O problema de saúde priorizado foi desmame precoce, suas consequências na morbidade e mortalidade. Tendo como objetivo a elaboração de um plano de ação educativo para a promoção do aleitamento materno. Neste sentido realizou-se uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre o tema. A partir do diagnóstico situacional, ficou estabelecida uma priorização dos problemas encontrados pela estimativa rápida e do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional/PES conforme Campos, Faria, Santos (2010). Os descritores exatos selecionados foram: Aleitamento materno, desmame precoce. Utilizou-se base de dados da LILACS e SciELO. Com essa proposta de estratégia educativa e sua implementação espera-se aumentar o conhecimento sobre aleitamento materno, diminuindo a morbidade e mortalidade das doenças nas crianças, trabalhando com a educação em saúde e conhecimento adequado. A construção do plano de ação são etapas fundamentais no processo de planejamento e demandam algum trabalho da equipe de saúde. É fundamental que a equipe esteja capacitada, acompanhando cada passo e os resultados das ações implementadas, para fazer as correções de rumo necessárias para garantir a qualidade do seu trabalh

    Studies on phytoplankton pigments: chlorophyll, total carotenoids and degradation products in Vietnamese waters

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    Distribution of phytoplankton pigments was investigated in the relation to Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and light intensity in Vietnamese waters located at longitude 102E - 112W, latitute 23N - 7N. Over 200 samples collected at 58 stations were analyzed for pigments (Chlorophyll a, b, c and carotenoids) and degradation products (Phaeophytill). Chlorophyll a was measured by fluorescence. Results show that average values in the seawater were 0.18 ± 0.04 mg.m-3 for Chl-a; 0.05 ± 0.01 mg.m-3 for Chl-b; 0.062 mg.m-3 for Phaeophytill. Higher value of Chl-a occurred at the thermocline but maxima were found at 75 or 50m depths. Average value of Carotenoids concentration was very low about 0.052 ± 0.12 mg.m-3. The report used a model for the relationship between Chlorophyll a content and light intensity to estimate the primary production. Average value of primary production was about 9.04 mgC.m3.day-1 at the surface and 2.63 mgC.m3.day-1 at the bottom. The relationship between Chlorophyll and some environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity was examined. The effects of thermocline and halocline to the primary production were analyzed

    The linear invariants (dn ) and (Ω) for spaces of germs of holomorphic functions on compact subsets of Cn

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    For a compact subset K of Cn, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for [H(K)]0 to have the property (DN), and similarly for the property (Ω). We also show that H(D) is isomorphic to H(∆ n), where ∆n is the unit polydisc in Cn and D is any bounded Reinhardt domain in Cn. This last result requires a generalization of the classical Hartogs phenomenon