1,476 research outputs found

    Accuracy of Trace Formulas

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    Using quantum maps we study the accuracy of semiclassical trace formulas. The role of chaos in improving the semiclassical accuracy, in some systems, is demonstrated quantitatively. However, our study of the standard map cautions that this may not be most general. While studying a sawtooth map we demonstrate the rather remarkable fact that at the level of the time one trace even in the presence of fixed points on singularities the trace formula may be exact, and in any case has no logarithmic divergences observed for the quantum bakers map. As a byproduct we introduce fantastic periodic curves akin to curlicues.Comment: 20 pages, uuencoded and gzipped, 1 LaTex text file and 9 PS files for figure

    Cosmological Effects of Powerful AGN Outbursts in Galaxy Clusters: Insights from an XMM-Newton Observation of MS0735+7421

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    We report on the results of an analysis of XMM-Newton observations of MS0735+7421, the galaxy cluster which hosts the most energetic AGN outburst currently known. The previous Chandra image shows twin giant X-ray cavities (~200 kpc diameter) filled with radio emission and surrounded by a weak shock front. XMM data are consistent with these findings. The total energy in cavities and shock (~6 \times 10^{61} erg) is enough to quench the cooling flow and, since most of the energy is deposited outside the cooling region (~100 kpc), to heat the gas within 1 Mpc by ~1/4 keV per particle. The cluster exhibits an upward departure (factor ~2) from the mean L-T relation. The boost in emissivity produced by the ICM compression in the bright shells due to the cavity expansion may contribute to explain the high luminosity and high central gas mass fraction that we measure. The scaled temperature and metallicity profiles are in general agreement with those observed in relaxed clusters. Also, the quantities we measure are consistent with the observed M-T relation. We conclude that violent outbursts such as the one in MS0735+7421 do not cause dramatic instantaneous departures from cluster scaling relations (other than the L-T relation). However, if they are relatively common they may play a role in creating the global cluster properties.Comment: 69 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Main Journa

    Matter-field theory of the Casimir force

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    A matter-field theory of the Casimir force is formulated in which the electromagnetic field and collective modes of dielectric media are treated on an equal footing. In our theory, the Casimir force is attributed to zero-point energies of the combined matter-field modes. We analyze why some of the existing theories favor the interpretation of the Casimir force as originating from zero-point energies of the electromagnetic field and others from those of the matter.Comment: 12pages, 1 Postscript figur

    Nonequilibrium Cooper pairing in the nonadiabatic regime

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    We obtain a complete solution for the mean-field dynamics of the BCS paired state with a large, but finite number of Cooper pairs in the non-adiabatic regime. We show that the problem reduces to a classical integrable Hamiltonian system and derive a complete set of its integrals of motion. The condensate exhibits irregular multi-frequency oscillations ergodically exploring the part of the phase-space allowed by the conservation laws. In the thermodynamic limit however the system can asymptotically reach a steady state.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Functional Approach to Quantum Decoherence and the Classical Final Limit

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    For a wide set of quantum systems it is demonstrated that the quantum regime can be considered as the transient phase while the final classical statistical regime is a permanent state. A basis where exact matrix decoherence appears for these final states is found. The relation with the decoherence of histories formalism is studied. A set of final intrinsically consistent histories is found.Comment: 20 pages. Phys. Rev A in press 200

    Improved Precision Measurement of the Casimir Force

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    We report an improved precision measurement of the Casimir force. The force is measured between a large Al coated sphere and flat plate using an Atomic Force Microscope. The primary experimental improvements include the use of smoother metal coatings, reduced noise, lower systematic errors and independent measurement of surface separations. Also the complete dielectric spectrum of the metal is used in the theory. The average statistical precision remains at the same 1% of the forces measured at the closest separation

    Psi-Series Solution of Fractional Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    One-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equations with derivatives of noninteger order are considered. Using psi-series with fractional powers, the solution of the fractional Ginzburg-Landau (FGL) equation is derived. The leading-order behaviours of solutions about an arbitrary singularity, as well as their resonance structures, have been obtained. It was proved that fractional equations of order alphaalpha with polynomial nonlinearity of order ss have the noninteger power-like behavior of order α/(1s)\alpha/(1-s) near the singularity.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 2 figure

    On elliptic solutions of the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The Conte-Musette method has been modified for the search of only elliptic solutions to systems of differential equations. A key idea of this a priory restriction is to simplify calculations by means of the use of a few Laurent series solutions instead of one and the use of the residue theorem. The application of our approach to the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE5) allows to find elliptic solutions in the wave form. We also find restrictions on coefficients, which are necessary conditions for the existence of elliptic solutions for the CGLE5. Using the investigation of the CGLE5 as an example, we demonstrate that to find elliptic solutions the analysis of a system of differential equations is more preferable than the analysis of the equivalent single differential equation.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    Constraints for hypothetical interactions from a recent demonstration of the Casimir force and some possible improvements

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    The Casimir force is calculated in the configuration of a spherical lens and a disc of finite radius covered by CuCu and AuAu thin layers which was used in a recent experiment. The correction to the Casimir force due to finiteness of the disc radius is shown to be negligible. Also the corrections are discussed due to the finite conductivity, large-scale and short-scale deviations from the perfect shape of the bounding surfaces and the temperature correction. They were found to be essential when confronting the theoretical results with experimental data. Both Yukawa-type and power-law hypothetical forces are computed which may act in the configuration under consideration due to the exchange of light and/or massless elementary particles between the atoms of the lens and the disc. New constraints on the constants of these forces are determined which follow from the fact that they were not observed within the limits of experimental errors. For Yukawa-type forces the new constraints are up to 30 times stronger than the best ones known up today. A possible improvement of experimental parameters is proposed which gives the possibility to strengthen constraints on Yukawa-type interactions up to 10410^4 times and on power-law interactions up to several hundred times.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, subm. to Phys. Rev.

    Radiative Efficiency and Content of Extragalactic Radio Sources: Toward a Universal Scaling Relation Between Jet Power and Radio Power

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    We present an analysis of the energetics and particle content of the lobes of 24 radio galaxies at the cores of cooling clusters. The radio lobes in these systems have created visible cavities in the surrounding hot, X-ray-emitting gas, which allow direct measurement of the mechanical jet power of radio sources over six decades of radio luminosity, independently of the radio properties themselves. Using these measurements, we examine the ratio between radio power and total jet power (the radiative efficiency). We find that jet (cavity) power increases with radio synchrotron power approximately as P_jet ~ (L_radio)^beta, where 0.35 < beta < 0.70 depending on the bandpass of measurement and state of the source. However, the scatter about these relations caused by variations in radiative efficiency spans more than four orders of magnitude. After accounting for variations in synchrotron break frequency (age), the scatter is reduced by ~ 50%, yielding the most accurate scaling relation available between the lobe bolometric radio power and the jet (cavity) power. We place limits on the magnetic field strengths and particle content of the radio lobes using a variety of X-ray constraints. We find that the lobe magnetic field strengths vary between a few to several tens of microgauss depending on the age and dynamical state of the lobes. If the cavities are maintained in pressure balance with their surroundings and are supported by internal fields and particles in equipartition, the ratio of energy in electrons to heavy particles (k) must vary widely from approximately unity to 4000, consistent with heavy (hadronic) jets.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap