174 research outputs found

    Identification of a mutation in the para-sodium channel gene of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus associated with resistance to synthetic pyrethroid acaricides

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    Resistance against synthetic pyrethroid (SP) products for the control of cattle ticks in Australia was detected in the field in 1984, within a very short time of commercial introduction. We have identified a mutation in the domain II S4-5 linker of the para-sodium channel that is associated with resistance to SPs in the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus from Australia. The cytosine to adenine mutation at position 190 in the R. microplus sequence AF134216, results in an amino acid substitution from leucine in the susceptible strain to isoleucine in the resistant strain. A similar mutation has been shown to confer SP resistance in the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, but has not been described previously in ticks. A diagnostic quantitative PCR assay has been developed using allele-specific Taqman® minor groove-binding (MGB) probes. Using the assay to screen field and laboratory populations of ticks showed that homozygote allelic frequencies correlated highly with the survival percentage at the discriminating concentration of cypermethrin

    Rhipicephalus microplus serine protease inhibitor family: annotation, expression and functional characterisation assessment

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    Background: Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus evades the host's haemostatic system through a complex protein array secreted into tick saliva. Serine protease inhibitors (serpins) conform an important component of saliva which are represented by a large protease inhibitor family in Ixodidae. These secreted and non-secreted inhibitors modulate diverse and essential proteases involved in different physiological processes. Methods: The identification of R. microplus serpin sequences was performed through a web-based bioinformatics environment called Yabi. The database search was conducted on BmiGi V1, BmiGi V2.1, five SSH libraries, Australian tick transcriptome libraries and RmiTR V1 using bioinformatics methods. Semi quantitative PCR was carried out using different adult tissues and tick development stages. The cDNA of four identified R. microplus serpins were cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris in order to determine biological targets of these serpins utilising protease inhibition assays. Results: A total of four out of twenty-two serpins identified in our analysis are new R. microplus serpins which were named as RmS-19 to RmS-22. The analyses of DNA and predicted amino acid sequences showed high conservation of the R. microplus serpin sequences. The expression data suggested ubiquitous expression of RmS except for RmS-6 and RmS-14 that were expressed only in nymphs and adult female ovaries, respectively. RmS-19, and -20 were expressed in all tissues samples analysed showing their important role in both parasitic and non-parasitic stages of R. microplus development. RmS-21 was not detected in ovaries and RmS-22 was not identified in ovary and nymph samples but were expressed in the rest of the samples analysed. A total of four expressed recombinant serpins showed protease specific inhibition for Chymotrypsin (RmS-1 and RmS-6), Chymotrypsin / Elastase (RmS-3) and Thrombin (RmS-15). Conclusion: This study constitutes an important contribution and improvement to the knowledge about the physiologic role of R. microplus serpins during the host-tick interaction

    Exploring the transcriptomic data of the Australian paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus

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    Ixodes holocyclus is the paralysis tick commonly found in Australia. I. holocyclus does not cause paralysis in the primary host – bandicoots, but markedly affects secondary hosts such as companion animals, livestock and humans. Holocyclotoxins are the neurotoxin molecules in I. holocyclus responsible for paralysis symptoms. There is a limited understanding of holocyclotoxins due to the difficulties in purifying and expressing these toxins in vitro. Next-generation sequencing technologies were utilised for the first time to generate transcriptome data from two cDNA samples –salivary glands samples collected from female adult ticks engorged on paralysed companion animals and on bandicoots. Contigencoded proteins in each library were annotated according to their best BLAST match against several databases and functionally assigned into six protein categories: housekeeping, transposable elements, pathogen-related, hypothetical, secreted and novel. The “secreted protein” category is comprised of ten protein families: enzymes, protease inhibitors, antigens, mucins, immunity-related, lipocalins, glycinerich, putative secreted, salivary and toxin-like. Comparisons of contig representation between the two libraries reveal the differential expression of tick proteins collected from different hosts. This study provides a preliminary description of the I. holocyclus tick salivary gland transcriptome

    Exploring the transcriptomic data of the Australian paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus

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    Ixodes holocyclus is the paralysis tick commonly found in Australia. I. holocyclus does not cause paralysis in the primary host – bandicoots, but markedly affects secondary hosts such as companion animals, livestock and humans. Holocyclotoxins are the neurotoxin molecules in I. holocyclus responsible for paralysis symptoms. There is a limited understanding of holocyclotoxins due to the difficulties in purifying and expressing these toxins in vitro. Next-generation sequencing technologies were utilised for the first time to generate transcriptome data from two cDNA samples –salivary glands samples collected from female adult ticks engorged on paralysed companion animals and on bandicoots. Contigencoded proteins in each library were annotated according to their best BLAST match against several databases and functionally assigned into six protein categories: housekeeping, transposable elements, pathogen-related, hypothetical, secreted and novel. The “secreted protein” category is comprised of ten protein families: enzymes, protease inhibitors, antigens, mucins, immunity-related, lipocalins, glycinerich, putative secreted, salivary and toxin-like. Comparisons of contig representation between the two libraries reveal the differential expression of tick proteins collected from different hosts. This study provides a preliminary description of the I. holocyclus tick salivary gland transcriptome

    Purification of biotinylated cell surface proteins from Rhipicephalus microplus epithelial gut cells

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    Rhipicephalus microplus - the cattle tick - is the most significant ectoparasite in terms of economic impact on livestock as a vector of several pathogens. Efforts have been dedicated to the cattle tick control to diminish its deleterious effects, with focus on the discovery of vaccine candidates, such as BM86, located on the surface of the tick gut epithelial cells. Current research focuses upon the utilization of cDNA and genomic libraries, to screen for other vaccine candidates. The isolation of tick gut cells constitutes an important advantage in investigating the composition of surface proteins upon the tick gut cells membrane. This paper constitutes a novel and feasible method for the isolation of epithelial cells, from the tick gut contents of semi-engorged R. microplus. This protocol utilizes TCEP and EDTA to release the epithelial cells from the subepithelial support tissues and a discontinuous density centrifugation gradient to separate epithelial cells from other cell types. Cell surface proteins were biotinylated and isolated from the tick gut epithelial cells, using streptavidin-linked magnetic beads allowing for downstream applications in FACS or LC-MS/MS-analysis

    Exploring the Transcriptomic Data of the Australian Paralysis Tick, Ixodes Holocyclus

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    Ixodes holocyclus is the paralysis tickcommonly found in Australia. I. holocyclus does notcause paralysis in the primary host – bandicoots, butmarkedly affects secondary hosts such as companionanimals, livestock and humans. Holocyclotoxins are theneurotoxin molecules in I. holocyclus responsible forparalysis symptoms. There is a limited understanding ofholocyclotoxins due to the difficulties in purifying andexpressing these toxins in vitro. Next-generationsequencing technologies were utilised for the first time togenerate transcriptome data from two cDNA samples –salivary glands samples collected from female adult ticksengorged on paralysed companion animals and onbandicoots. Contig-encoded proteins in each librarywere annotated according to their best BLAST matchagainst several databases and functionally assigned intosix protein categories: housekeeping, transposableelements, pathogen-related, hypothetical, secreted andnovel. The “secreted protein” category is comprised often protein families: enzymes, protease inhibitors,antigens, mucins, immunity-related, lipocalins, glycinerich,putative secreted, salivary and toxin-like.Comparisons of contig representation between the twolibraries reveal the differential expression of tickproteins collected from different hosts. This studyprovides a preliminary description of the I. holocyclustick salivary gland transcriptome

    Comparative microarray analysis of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus expression profiles of larvae pre-attachment and feeding adult female stages on Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle

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    Background: Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an obligate blood feeder which is host specific to cattle. Existing knowledge pertaining to the host or host breed effects on tick transcript expression profiles during the tick - host interaction is poor. Results: Global analysis of gene expression changes in whole R. microplus ticks during larval, pre-attachment and early adult stages feeding on Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle were compared using gene expression microarray analysis. Among the 13,601 R. microplus transcripts from BmiGI Version 2 we identified 297 high and 17 low expressed transcripts that were significantly differentially expressed between R. microplus feeding on tick resistant cattle [Bos indicus (Brahman)] compared to R. microplus feeding on tick susceptible cattle [Bos taurus (Holstein-Friesian)] (p <= 0.001). These include genes encoding enzymes involved in primary metabolism, and genes related to stress, defence, cell wall modification, cellular signaling, receptor, and cuticle formation. Microarrays were validated by qRT-PCR analysis of selected transcripts using three housekeeping genes as normalization controls. Conclusion: The analysis of all tick stages under survey suggested a coordinated regulation of defence proteins, proteases and protease inhibitors to achieve successful attachment and survival of R. microplus on different host breeds, particularly Bos indicus cattle. R. microplus ticks demonstrate different transcript expression patterns when they encounter tick resistant and susceptible breeds of cattle. In this study we provide the first transcriptome evidence demonstrating the influence of tick resistant and susceptible cattle breeds on transcript expression patterns and the molecular physiology of ticks during host attachment and feeding

    Tick holocyclotoxins trigger host paralysis by presynaptic inhibition

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    Ticks are important vectors of pathogens and secreted neurotoxins with approximately 69 out of 692 tick species having the ability to induce severe toxicoses in their hosts. The Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) is known to be one of the most virulent tick species producing a flaccid paralysis and fatalities caused by a family of neurotoxins known as holocyclotoxins (HTs). The paralysis mechanism of these toxins is temperature dependent and is thought to involve inhibition of acetylcholine levels at the neuromuscular junction. However, the target and mechanism of this inhibition remain uncharacterised. Here, we report that three members of the holocyclotoxin family; HT-1 (GenBank AY766147), HT-3 (GenBank KP096303) and HT-12 (GenBank KP963967) induce muscle paralysis by inhibiting the dependence of transmitter release on extracellular calcium. Previous study was conducted using extracts from tick salivary glands, while the present study is the first to use pure toxins from I. holocyclus. Our findings provide greater insight into the mechanisms by which these toxins act to induce paralysis