111 research outputs found

    Differential requirement for cathepsin D for processing of the full length and C-terminal fragment of the malaria antigen MSP1.

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    Merozoite Surface Protein 1 is expressed on the surface of malaria merozoites and is important for invasion of the malaria parasite into erythrocytes. MSP1-specific CD4 T cell responses and antibody can confer protective immunity in experimental models of malaria. In this study we explore the contributions of cathepsins D and E, two aspartic proteinases previously implicated in antigen processing, to generating MSP1 CD4 T-cell epitopes for presentation. The absence of cathepsin D, a late endosome/lysosomal enzyme, is associated with a reduced presentation of MSP1 both following in vitro processing of the epitope MSP1 from infected erythrocytes by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, and following in vivo processing by splenic CD11c+ dendritic cells. By contrast, processing and presentation of the soluble recombinant protein fragment of MSP1 is unaffected by the absence of cathepsin D, but is inhibited when both cathepsin D and E are absent. The role of different proteinases in generating the CD4 T cell repertoire, therefore, depends on the context in which an antigen is introduced to the immune system

    The application of design of experiments (DoE) reaction optimisation and solvent selection in the development of new synthetic chemistry

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    This article outlines the benefits of using 'Design of Experiments' (DoE) optimisation during the development of new synthetic methodology. A particularly important factor in the development of new chemical reactions is the choice of solvent which can often drastically alter the efficiency and selectivity of a process. Whilst solvent optimisation is usually done in a non-systematic way based upon a chemist's intuition and previous laboratory experience, we illustrate how optimisation of the solvent for a reaction can be carried out by using a 'map of solvent space' in a DoE optimisation. A new solvent map has been developed specifically for optimisation of new chemical reactions using principle component analysis (PCA) incorporating 136 solvents with a wide range of properties. The new solvent map has been used to identify safer alternatives to toxic/hazardous solvents, and also in the optimisation of an SNAr reaction

    On the Ability of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer to Enhance Luminescent Solar Concentrator Efficiency

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    Developing means to reduce the cost of solar energy is vital to curb our carbon footprint over the upcoming decades. A luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) is a potential solution as it provides light concentration without any tracking device and can be readily integrated into the built environment. In this study we report on an advanced LSC design that employs quantum dots as absorption fluorophores and organic dye molecules as emission fluorophores. By linking the two types of fluorophores to each other, energy is transferred efficiently via Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) from the quantum dot to the dye molecule. This novel method makes use of the quantum dot's spectrally wide absorption profile and the higher quantum yield of the dye. We show that our design can overcome the losses normally incurred due to a low quantum yield emitter by transferring the absorbed energy to a linked fluorophore with a higher quantum yield. Our experimental measurements show FRET can enhance the optical efficiency of a LSC by at least 24.7%. The maximum theoretical efficiency has been investigated by ray-tracing and has been found to be 75.1%; this represents a relative improvement of even 215.5% compared to a LSC doped with quantum dots only (23.8%), showing the great potential of our concept. Our design will initiate interest in fluorophores which have not been considered for LSC applications thus far because of their low quantum yield or small Stokes shift

    Design, synthesis, and evaluation of peptide-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine bioconjugates as potential bivalent inhibitors of the VirB11 ATPase HP0525

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections have been implicated in the development of gastric ulcers and various cancers: however, the success of current therapies is compromised by rising antibiotic resistance. The virulence and pathogenicity of H. pylori is mediated by the type IV secretion system (T4SS), a multiprotein macromolecular nanomachine that transfers toxic bacterial factors and plasmid DNA between bacterial cells, thus contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance. A key component of the T4SS is the VirB11 ATPase HP0525, which is a hexameric protein assembly. We have previously reported the design and synthesis of a series of novel 8-amino imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine derivatives as inhibitors of HP0525. In order to improve their selectivity, and potentially develop these compounds as tools for probing the assembly of the HP0525 hexamer, we have explored the design and synthesis of potential bivalent inhibitors. We used the structural details of the subunit-subunit interactions within the HP0525 hexamer to design peptide recognition moieties of the subunit interface. Different methods (cross metathesis, click chemistry, and cysteine-malemide) for bioconjugation to selected 8-amino imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazines were explored, as well as peptides spanning larger or smaller regions of the interface. The IC50 values of the resulting linker-8-amino imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine derivatives, and the bivalent inhibitors, were related to docking studies with the HP0525 crystal structure and to molecular dynamics simulations of the peptide recognition moieties

    Molecular Docking with Open Access Software: Development of an Online Laboratory Handbook and Remote Workflow for Chemistry and Pharmacy Master's Students to Undertake Computer-Aided Drug Design

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    In response to the closure of many university laboratories due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, a handbook and remote webinar approach designed to support students in the use of software tools for computer-aided drug design has been developed. Specifically, the course has been designed for chemistry and pharmacy students who have little or no experience of computational techniques and can use open-source software on their own machines. In this way a flexible and relevant course, giving a rigorous academic experience, could be delivered even in the most challenging of circumstances. We believe that this laboratory protocol will help to "democratize"the scientific process in this field

    Simplified lipid II-binding antimicrobial peptides: Design, synthesis and antimicrobial activity of bioconjugates of nisin rings A and B with pore-forming peptides

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    New designs of antimicrobial peptides are urgently needed in order to combat the threat posed by the recent increase of resistance to antibiotics. In this paper, we present a new series of antimicrobial peptides, based on the key structural features of the lantibiotic nisin. We have simplified the structure of nisin by conjugating the lipid II-binding motif at the N-terminus of nisin to a series of cationic peptides and peptoids with known antibacterial action and pore-forming properties. Hybrid peptides, where a hydrophilic PEG4 linker was used, showed good antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus

    An expedient synthesis of orthogonally protected lysinoalanine from Aloc-protected Garner's aldehyde

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    An expedient synthesis of orthogonally protected lysinoalanine has been developed. We have prepared a novel Garner's aldehyde derivative bearing an Aloc group; reductive amination of this aldehyde with Fmoc-Lys-OPMB gave the lysinoalanine skeleton. This was then transformed into an orthogonally protected lysinoalanine derivative suitable for the synthesis of side-chain bridged cyclic peptides by solid phase peptide synthesis methods. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effect of Liposomal Encapsulation on the Chemical Exchange Properties of Diamagnetic CEST Agents

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    Exogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) contrast agents such as glucose or 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) have shown high sensitivities and significant potential for monitoring glucose uptake in tumors with MRI. Here, we show that liposome encapsulation of such agents can be exploited to enhance the CEST signal by reducing the overall apparent exchange rate. We have developed a concise analytical model to describe the liposomal contrast dependence on several parameters such as pH, temperature, irradiation amplitude, and intraliposomal water content. This is the first study in which a model has been constructed to measure the exchange properties of diamagnetic CEST agents encapsulated inside liposomes. Experimentally measured exchange rates of glucose and 2-DG in the liposomal system were found to be reduced due to the intermembrane exchange between the intra- and extraliposomal compartments because of restrictions in water transfer imposed by the lipid membrane. These new theoretical and experimental findings will benefit applications of diamagnetic liposomes to image biological processes. In addition, combining this analytical model with measurements of the CEST signal enhancement using liposomes as a model membrane system is an important new general technique for studying membrane permeabilit

    Drug delivery, biodistribution and anti-EGFR activity: theragnostic nanoparticles for simultaneous in vivo delivery of tyrosine kinase inhibitors and kinase activity biosensors

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    In vivo delivery of small molecule therapeutics to cancer cells, assessment of the selectivity of administration, and measuring the efficacity of the drug in question at the molecule level, are important ongoing challenges in developing new classes of cancer chemotherapeutics. One approach that has the potential to provide targeted delivery, tracking of biodistribution and readout of efficacy, is to use multimodal theragnostic nanoparticles to deliver the small molecule therapeutic. In this paper, we report the development of targeted theragnostic lipid/peptide/DNA lipopolyplexes. These simultaneously deliver an inhibitor of the EGFR tyrosine kinase, and plasmid DNA coding for a Crk-based biosensor, Picchu-X, which when expressed in the target cells can be used to quantify the inhibition of EGFR in vivo in a mouse colorectal cancer xenograft model. Reversible bioconjugation of a known analogue of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor Mo-IPQA to a cationic peptide, and co-formulation with peptides containing both EGFR-binding and cationic sequences, allowed for good levels of inhibitor encapsulation with targeted delivery to LIM1215 colon cancer cells. Furthermore, high levels of expression of the Picchu-X biosensor in the LIM1215 cells in vivo allowed us to demonstrate, using fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM)-based biosensing, that EGFR activity can be successfully suppressed by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, released from the lipopolyplexes. Finally, we measured the biodistribution of lipopolyplexes containing 125I-labelled inhibitors and were able to demonstrate that the lipopolyplexes gave significantly higher drug delivery to the tumors compared with free drug

    Multi-modal imaging probe for assessing the efficiency of stem cell delivery to orthotopic breast tumours

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    Stem cells have been utilised as anti-cancer agents due to their ability to home to and integrate within tumours. Methods to augment stem cell homing to tumours are being investigated with the goal of enhancing treatment efficacy. However, it is currently not possible to evaluate both cell localisation and cell viability after engraftment, hindering optimisation of therapy. In this study, luciferase-expressing human adipocyte-derived stem cells (ADSCs) were incubated with Indium-111 radiolabelled iron oxide nanoparticles to produce cells with tri-modal imaging capabilities. ADSCs were administered intravenously (IV) or intracardially (IC) to mice bearing orthotopic breast tumours. Cell fate was monitored using bioluminescence imaging (BLI) as a measure of cell viability, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for cell localisation and single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) for cell quantification. Serial monitoring with multi-modal imaging showed the presence of viable ADSCs within tumours as early as 1-hour post IC injection and the percentage of ADSCs within tumours to be 2-fold higher after IC than IV. Finally, histological analysis was used to validate engraftment of ADSC within tumour tissue. These findings demonstrate that multi-modal imaging can be used to evaluate the efficiency of stem cell delivery to tumours and that IC cell administration is more effective for tumour targeting
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