433 research outputs found

    L-arti sagra

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    L-awtur jitkellem dwar l-arti sagra li tirreferi għal dik is-sengħa li tmiss mal-ħwejjeġ imqaddsa.peer-reviewe

    San Franġisk t'Assisi u l-għasafar

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    F’waħda mit-taħditiet tiegħu l-awtur kien tkellem dwar il-Fjuretti ta’ San Franġisk u qal li dawn huma siltiet meħudin minn ġrajjiet il-ħajja tal-qaddis San Franġisk t’Assisi. Fost il-ħlejjaq li jsemmi fil-Fjuretti u li tant kien iħobb kienu l-għasafar.N/

    The Varying Views of Sexual Assault from Cal Poly\u27s Campus Community

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    This paper examines the various opinions of members of Cal Poly’s community about sexual assault. Sexual assault has increasingly become a topic of discussion not only in the media, but on Cal Poly’s campus. This project shall focus on the views of students in varying grade levels and those associated with Greek Life, along with various members of the administration, including campus resource providers. A review of the literature suggests that while previous studies have gathered an abundance of data, more research studies need to be conducted to become fully aware of the scope of problems concerning sexual assaults. Through reviewing previous literature and the use of interviews with participants, this study found that while many members of the Cal Poly campus community have different opinions about sexual assault, they also share similar opinions regarding the stereotypes and stigma surrounding different aspects of sexual assault. By putting these opinions together, my paper suggests that Cal Poly’s campus community has ideas which could lead to increased awareness and discussion of sexual assault on Cal Poly’s campus

    Il-qtil ta' Ferdinandu, l-Arċiduka ta' l-Awstrja

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    Dan l-artiklu jagħti tagħrif storiku dwar il-qtil ta’ Ferdinandu, l-Arċiduka tal-Awstrija, u martu Sofia.peer-reviewe

    Dr. Vervoerd

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    Dan l-artiklu jittratta dwar Il-Prim Ministru tal-Afrika t’Isfel Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd.peer-reviewe

    Directly tracing the vertical stratification of molecules in protoplanetary disks

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    We aim to directly trace the vertical location of the emitting surface of multiple molecular tracers in protoplanetary disks. Our sample of disks includes Elias 2-27, WaOph 6 and the sources targeted by the MAPS ALMA Large Program. The set of molecules studied include CO isotopologues in various transitions, HCN, CN, H2CO, HCO+, C2H and c-C3H2. The vertical emitting region is determined directly from the channel maps, implementing accurate masking of the channel emission to recover the vertical location of the emission surface even at large radial distances from the star and for low-SNR lines. The vertical location of the emitting layer is obtained for 4-10 lines in each disk. IM Lup, HD163296 and MWC 480 12CO and 13CO show vertical modulations, which are coincident with dust gaps and kinematical perturbations. We also present estimates of the gas pressure scale height in the disks from the MAPS sample. Compared to physical-chemical models we find good agreement with the vertical location of CO isotopologues. In HD 163296 CN and HCN trace a similar intermediate layer, for the other disks, the UV flux tracers and the vertical profiles of HCN and C2H are lower than predicted in theoretical models. HCN and H2CO show a highly structured vertical profile, possibly indicative of different formation pathways. It is possible to trace the vertical locations of multiple molecular species that trace a wide variety of physical and chemical disk properties. The distribution of CO isotopologues are found at a wide range of vertical heights z/r=z/r = 0.5-0.05. Other molecular lines are mostly found at z/r≤z/r \leq 0.15. The vertical layering of molecules is in agreement with theory in some systems, but not in all, therefore dedicated chemical-physical models are needed to further study and understand the emission surfaces.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 29 pages, 28 figure

    Impact of millennial-scale oceanic variability on the Greenland ice-sheet evolution throughout the last glacial period

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    Temperature reconstructions from Greenland ice-sheet (GrIS) ice cores indicate the occurrence of more than 20 abrupt warmings during the last glacial period (LGP) known as Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events. Although their ultimate cause is still debated, evidence from both proxy data and modelling studies robustly links these to reorganisations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). During the LGP, the GrIS expanded as far as the continental shelf break and was thus more directly exposed to oceanic changes than in the present. Therefore oceanic temperature fluctuations on millennial timescales could have had a non-negligible impact on the GrIS. Here we assess the effect of millennial-scale oceanic variability on the GrIS evolution from the last interglacial to the present day. To do so, we use a three-dimensional hybrid ice-sheet–shelf model forced by subsurface oceanic temperature fluctuations, assumed to increase during D-O stadials and decrease during D-O interstadials. Since in our model the atmospheric forcing follows orbital variations only, the increase in total melting at millennial timescales is a direct result of an increase in basal melting. We show that the GrIS evolution during the LGP could have been strongly influenced by oceanic changes on millennial timescales, leading to oceanically induced ice-volume contributions above 1&thinsp;m sea level equivalent (SLE). Also, our results suggest that the increased flux of GrIS icebergs as inferred from North Atlantic proxy records could have been triggered, or intensified, by peaks in melting at the base of the ice shelves resulting from increasing subsurface oceanic temperatures during D-O stadials. Several regions across the GrIS could thus have been responsible for ice mass discharge during D-O events, opening the possibility of a non-negligible role of the GrIS in oceanic reorganisations throughout the LGP.</p


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    Ġabra ta’ poeżiji u proża li tinkludi: Sursum Corda! ta’ R. M. B. – Tal-Qali ta’ Ġużè Ellul – Tfajla ta’ Dun Karm – Meta mort Għawdex bid-dawra ta’ Ġ. Cassar-Pullicino – Il-Maqdes tal-Mulej ta’ A. Buttigieg – Il-Barrakka ta’ Katrin ta’ P. Pawl Tabone – Ġlieġel ta’ Mary Meylak – Is-Suldat ta’ Ġużè Chetcuti.N/

    The Antarctic Ice Sheet response to glacial millennial-scale variability

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    The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is the largest ice sheet on Earth and hence a major potential contributor to future global sea-level rise. A wealth of studies suggest that increasing oceanic temperatures could cause a collapse of its marine-based western sector, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, through the mechanism of marine ice-sheet instability, leading to a sea-level increase of 3–5&thinsp;m. Thus, it is crucial to constrain the sensitivity of the AIS to rapid climate changes. The last glacial period is an ideal benchmark period for this purpose as it was punctuated by abrupt Dansgaard–Oeschger events at millennial timescales. Because their center of action was in the North Atlantic, where their climate impacts were largest, modeling studies have mainly focused on the millennial-scale evolution of Northern Hemisphere (NH) paleo ice sheets. Sea-level reconstructions attribute the origin of millennial-scale sea-level variations mainly to NH paleo ice sheets, with a minor but not negligible role of the AIS. Here we investigate the AIS response to millennial-scale climate variability for the first time. To this end we use a three-dimensional, thermomechanical hybrid, ice sheet–shelf model. Different oceanic sensitivities are tested and the sea-level equivalent (SLE) contributions computed. We find that whereas atmospheric variability has no appreciable effect on the AIS, changes in submarine melting rates can have a strong impact on it. We show that in contrast to the widespread assumption that the AIS is a slow reactive and static ice sheet that responds at orbital timescales only, it can lead to ice discharges of around 6&thinsp;m SLE, involving substantial grounding line migrations at millennial timescales.</p

    Comparing different methods to retrieve cloud top height from Meteosat satellite data

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    Cloud parameters such as the Cloud Top Height (CTH), Cloud Top Temperature (CTT), emissivity, particle size and optical depth have always been matter of interest for the atmospheric community. Particularly the CTH provides information leading to better understand the cloud radiative effects. Although there are many meteorological satellites providing the CTH, there are other sensors, not devoted to this purpose, that give some information from which this crucial parameter can be estimated. In this contribution we will describe three different methodologies to retrieve the CTH. The first technique is based on stereo-vision algorithms and requires two different views of the same scene and does not need of extra atmospheric information. In the second one, brightness temperatures in two IR spectral bands are converted to real cloud temperature by means of the proposed algorithms. From the CTT, the CTH is estimated using temperature vertical profiles (measured or modeled). The third technique retrieves the CTH from the output parameters of post event simulations performed by a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model that in this work will be the mesoscale model WRF (Weather Research Forecast). This article presents a preliminary work, in which the heights retrieved by the three methodologies applied to the geostationary satellite Meteosat 10 are compared with the heights given by MODIS sensor installed on the polar satellite AQUA. This promising results show that valuable information about CTH can be retrieved from Meteosat which provide high frequency and large scale data useful for weather and climate research
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