9 research outputs found

    Les plaies des canalicules lacrymaux (A propos de 72 cas)

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    Les plaies canaliculaires sont l’apanage du sujet jeune, de sexe masculin compliquant souvent les plaies palpĂ©brales. Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de 72 patients, colligĂ©s au service d’ophtalmologie « B » entre 2009 et 2012. L’ñge moyen de nos malades est de 28 ans, avec des extrĂȘmes allant de 5 ans et 52 ans. Les hommes sont plus atteints que les femmes (46 hommes pour 26 femmes).Un examen ophtalmologique complet pour tous nos malades Ă  l’admission, Ă  la recherche d’autres lĂ©sions associĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©, couplĂ© au bilan radiologique standard de la face. Le canalicule infĂ©rieur est atteint dans 62% des cas, les segments externe et moyen sont atteints dans 72% des cas. D’autres lĂ©sions ont Ă©tĂ© notĂ©es : 4 arrachements de paupiĂšres infĂ©rieures, 2 plaies de conjonctive et 2 plaies de cornĂ©e.Les Ă©tiologies sont multiples, dominĂ©es par les rixes 32 cas (44%), suivie par les AVP 26 cas (36%) et divers dans 14 cas (19 %). Le traitement a Ă©tĂ© Ă  base d’antibiotique (antistaphylococcique), une vaccination selon le statut vaccinal du patient, et chirurgical. Le cathĂ©tĂ©risme rĂ©trograde est pratiquĂ© dans 42 cas, les sutures termino-terminales dans 22 cas, les intubations bicanaliculo-nasales dans 4 cas et la mise en place d’une sonde avec sutures termino-terminales dans 4 cas.AprĂšs un recul de 18 mois en moyenne, les rĂ©sultats sont satisfaisants dans plus de 58 % des cas (pas de larmoiement), larmoiement occasionnel dans 6 cas soit 8% et permanent dans 6 cas soit 8% et 18 cas perdus de vue soit 25%. Nous insistons Ă  travers cette Ă©tude sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt de prendre en charge prĂ©cocement les plaies canaliculaires, avec une prĂ©fĂ©rence pour les sutures termino-terminales quand l’état de la plaie le permet, afin d’éviter les stĂ©noses post-opĂ©ratoires

    A molecular analysis of the patterns of genetic diversity in local chickens from western Algeria in comparison with commercial lines and wild jungle fowls

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    The objectives of this study were to characterize the genetic variability of village chickens from three agro-ecological regions of western Algeria: coastal (CT), inland plains (IP) and highlands (HL), to reveal any underlying population structure, and to evaluate potential genetic introgression from commercial lines into local populations. A set of 233 chickens was genotyped with a panel of 23 microsatellite markers. Geographical coordinates were individually recorded. Eight reference populations were included in the study to investigate potential gene flow: four highly selected commercial pure lines and four lines of French slow-growing chickens. Two populations of wild red jungle fowls were also genotyped to compare the range of diversity between domestic and wild fowls. A genetic diversity analysis was conducted both within and between populations. Multivariate redundancy analyses were performed to assess the relative influence of geographical location among Algerian ecotypes. The results showed a high genetic variability within the Algerian population, with 184 alleles and a mean number of 8.09 alleles per locus. The values of heterozygosity (He and Ho) ranged from 0.55 to 0.62 in Algerian ecotypes and were smaller than values found in Jungle fowl populations and higher than values found in commercial populations. Although the structuring analysis of genotypes did not reveal clear subpopulations within Algerian ecotypes, the supervised approach using geographical data showed a significant (p < 0.01) differentiation between the three ecotypes which was mainly due to altitude. Thus, the genetic diversity of Algerian ecotypes may be under the influence of two factors with contradictory effects: the geographical location and climatic conditions may induce some differentiation, whereas the high level of exchanges and gene flow may suppress it. Evidence of gene flow between commercial and Algerian local populations was observed, which may be due to unrecorded crossing with commercial chickens. Chicken ecotypes from western Algeria are characterized by a high genetic diversity and must be safeguarded as an important reservoir of genetic diversity